The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 25, 1912, Image 1

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    Oregon Jliniuiical tiuuie t
city uM y .
VOL. 21). NO. 17.
"e 3 P
Black Horse ' tfh gjU J Hardman
v - A
A? a vA
All Roads Lead to the Palace Hotel,
Heppner, Oregon.
TMK 2Ln. C5-XSH5E3
Pure Bred Lincolns, Cotswold and Shrop Rams from the best
flocks in the country. All orders promptly filled and delivered
at Heppner. If you have anything to sell in the Sheep line
send your list to me; I will find a buyer.
T. F. BOYLEN, Pendleton, Or.
2 Are You Boosting (bor
row County ?
Are You Patronizing
Home Qndustry I
superior to any imported article. If'you
are not using; our products call at our
office on Main Street and get a testing sample.
Our flouc is made exclusively from
Morrow County Bluestem Wheat.
Seed Grain, Rolled Feed,
Alfalfa Seed.
We Solicit the Storage of .your Wool
nil mo
r nv uim
The Wheat Belt Suffers From
Storms of Saturday and
Sunday Big Spouts Over
on Butter Creek.
Quite severe storms of hail and
waterspouts visited different sections
of Morrow county on Saturday and
Sunday afternoon. In the Eight Mile
section hail oame down quite heavy.
and some Might damage to rineuiug
irrain is repored. . tho cot nearly so
bad as was first thought. The neigh
borhood about Kight Mile center and
to the esat of there was visited, the
hail striking different farmers more
or less severely. Beyond that we
understand that gome damage was
done to the crop on the J. S. Young
place and possibly a few others in
that vicinity, while over at Ed Hus
ton's and at the F. P. Vaughn place
and at C. E. Jones' the damage was
perhaps the most severe. Coon the
latest reports we are able to get, we
can safely say that the real loss suf
fered by any of these parties was
light and the hail was limited to a
very small strip of country.
Over on Big Butter creek a water-
snout did considerable damage on Sat
urday evening, and first reports re
ceived at Heppner reported loss of
life. The spout struck on the place
of F. F. Hufford and washed away
his house and other buildings and did
damage to the property that Mr
Hufford savs could not be covered by
5000. It was reported that Mr.
Hufford perished in the water, but
this Droved to be untrue He and the
other members of his famlv were in
the hay field at work at the time the
water came down and never got into
it at all. A lot of damage was done
ro the Jesse French place below Mr.
Huffords, much hay being destroyed.
Joe Hayes also suffered the loss of a
large amount of hay; a lot of his
wheat hay being washed away and his
alfalfa being covered with mud. He
thinks he has lost about 200 tons.
The house and bam on the Chapman
olace was also taken off and much
damage done there. Perhaps $20,000
to $26,000 worth of damage was done
in this vicinity by the hail and water.
The water came down verv heavy
on upper tiinton creek in the vicinitv
of the Justus ranch, but the damage
dune was slight.
A heavy electric storm visited
Heppner on Sunday afternoon but it
did not last long. Lightning is re
ported to have strnck on the Dutton
hill just west of town and there was
much jingling of telephones while the
storm was on. No damage resulted.
The rain and hail of the past week
have had the effect of delaying har
vest but the most of the farmers are
now very busy in the fields and great
ly appreciate the eool weather it be
ing much better for meu end horses.
Represents some leading; Fire Inmirnnce Companies, inoluilinn
The Home of New York, The Hartford, and The Phut'iiix of
London, also American Bonding Co. of Baltimore.
Office: Gazette, Heppner, Oregon
From later reports received con
cerning the storm of Sunday after
noon, it is learned that a great deal
of damage was done to crops and
heavy losses sustained by farmers of
the Lower Eight Mile section on
account of the heavy hail storm.
The storm struck about 4 in the
afternoon at the head of Dry Fork and
on the Albert Lovgren place, and
taking a northeasterly course it cover
ed a space of from one to four miles
and spent its force at the French Bur
roughs place on Rhea creek.
The following people were the
heavy looscrs: Albert Lovgren, Fied
Akers, Frank Barlow. Louis Brown,
Glen Farrens. Newt King, Ralph
Akers, H. R Smith, R. McEUigott,
Fred Griffin. Mary A. Ball, Henry
S uouse, laxton McMnrray and Mat
Of course it is hard to estimate the
exact loss, but in the territory cov
ered by thb course of the storm there
will be a Iofs all the way from 50,000
to 100,000 bushels, and it may easily
reach the latter figure.
From advices received, it is also
evident that we of this end of the
county do not realize what a severe
.calamity has befallen the residents of
upper Big Butter creek and some of
its tribntiries. Many of the ranchers
on this stream have lost all they had
in houses, barns, stock and hay and
the places are Varren and destitute.
It is thought by many who saw the
water go down, that there waa more
water than visited Heppner at the
time of the calamity of June 14, 1903.
That there was no loss of life is
really remarkable, as the water was
upon many of the ranchers before they
were aware of what was coming. By
rapid use of the telephone by those
ud the creek, the people below were
warned and had time to get out of the
way before the water reached them
It has left many of these people in
really destitute circumstances.
Seriously Injured.
Robert Young, oldest son of Com
missioner J. S. Young, of Heopner.
was quite seriously injured on last
Saturday evening. He was riding in
off the hill out at the Hugh Currin
place where lie was working. While
going at a pretty lively gait, his
horse stumbled and fell, rolling over
on liim. He was struck in the breast
with the horn of the saddle and two or
three ribs broken loose besijes serious
injury to his lungs which caused
severe hemorrhage. His shoulder
was also badlv bruised and it was
feared for a time that the injuries
might prove fatal. A phvsinian was
hurried out to attend him but he could
not be removed to town before Mon
day. He is now on the road to re
covery at his home in Heppner.
j Insect Bite Cost l-cjr.
A Boston man lost his leg from the
bite uf an insect two years before. To
avert such calamities from stings and
bites of insects use Buck I ins' Arnica
Salve promptly to kill the poisou and
urevent inflasiation, swelling and pain,
Heal burns, boils, nlcres, piles, ecz
ma cuts, bruses. Only 25c at Slocum
Drug Co.
Ordered to Move.
The ladies of the tenderloin district
of Heppner took thier departure on
Tuesday morning for points hence up
on invitation of the city authorities
This ia a good move and has the in
dorsetnent ot all good citizens but it
occurs to us that the job is not yet
completed. We are rot of tho "wise
ones but mere are a number or. very
worthy citizens of this community
that can no doubt testify to the fact
that there are others who should be
invited to depart as well as the women
cond'ictlng a public house, and the
woik oi cleansing should continue
until these either go or mend their
ways. Let us have a little thorough
cleaning while on the job.
What Slaker a. Woman?
One hundred and twenty pounds.
more or less, of bone and muscle don't
make a woman. It is a good founda
tion. Put into it health and strength
and she may rule a kingdom But
that's just what Electric Bitters give
her. Thousands bless them for over
coming fainting and dizzy spells and
for dispelling weakness, nervousness,
backache and tired listless,' worn out
feeling. "Electric Bitters have done
me a world of good," writes Eliza
Pool, Depew, Okla. , "and I thana
you witn an my neartior mamngsucn
good medicine. " Only 50c. Guaran
teed by Slooum Drug Co.
Going to THOMSON BROS, for their
Pick a day and spend it at the pick
of stores, picking out your supplies
for harvest. We Keep the best
and ous regular customers say its
good enough.
Our Prices
are as low as any and lower than
Come in aud Eet us Fig
ure with you. YOUJ
Thomson Bros.
.3 CD C
Dirty Piece of Business.
Some dirty skalowag tacked up a
umber of indecently worded posters
at various places about Main street on
Sunday night for tne gaze of the pub
ic when they should arise on Monday
morning. It is barely possible that
the party doing this is known and may
be apprehended. Hope that lie is,
and it might not be out of the way to
treat him to a coat of tar and feathers
and ride him out of town on a rail.
He should at least receive the full
penalty of the law for his offense.
If you are a housewife you cannot
reasonably hope to be healthy or beau
tiful by washing dishes, sweeping and
doing housework all day , and crawling
into bed dead tired at night. You
must get out into the open air and sun
light If you do thia every day and
keep your stomach and bowels in good
order by taking Chamberlain's Tablets
when needed, yen should become both
healthy and beautiful. For sale by
Patterson & Son.
McCleran Chosen Architect
The contract for furnishing the
plan for Heppner'a new school build
ing haa been awarded to C. C. Mc
Claran, an architect of Portland. Mr.
McClaran has the reputation of being
well op on modern school buildings,
is a good superintendent of work while
under construction and the School
Board have the promise of getting
all the money will possibly buy in the!
way of a good building under hia di- j
rection. We shall be glad to give j
full details of the building and a pic-1
ture of sa me just as toon as we can
get bold of them.
Mrs. Mollie Johnson departed this
morning for her home at Walla Walla.
Is still doing business