The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 18, 1912, Image 6

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    I v. , i v rv .1 'ii.-'".. ve J- ' 'J. v-
TK ftmrntncrrnn Ctih
hti un ft nM hominF record
More Their Uso Guarantees the Life
rnnh'nned Accuracy of your Arm.
96 years of gun-making-50
have taught us
To make cartridges noted tor ttraignc
shooting-hard-hitting sure-fire. To attain
ammunition accuracy without impairing gun oo
t i. ...nh Lind nl arm the
curacy. iv - . , .
cartridge it requires to shoot its and to
keep shooting its
There is a Remington- UMC cartridge specially made
for your tide-your pistol. Every Remington-UML
cartridge is testea in ino ira ir -v.. .-.
Our Guarantee is behind these cartndges-and behind
any standard arm, to the full extent of the maker s
own guarantee, when these cartridges are used.
Shoot the cartridges that shoot straight. Shoot the
cartridges that keep your gun shooting straight, bhoot
Remington-UMC cartridges.
Remington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
. , " tfW.MHSU.IOUM-'.NMjMii - New York Cilj
299 Bro.l..aj
tX if .-n .n ii ii
M S. CORRIGALL. President
Vice Prei.
J. B. NATTER. Vice Pre..
We offer to the Public the services
of a strong and well equipped Bank,
with the experience of twenty-five
years in this community.
Accommodations extended to cus
tomers consistent with safety, and
balances carried with us.
For chapped hands, face, sunburn, tan, etc.,
Guaranteed by
Cil 111
M ' F lyTTM
General Hard-;
ware and
ment Store
Leading Hardware Dealers
Shoot to nit
years of cartridge-makin
iin.v iiib" " n.
T. J. MAHONEY, Ca.hier
lid H
11 KA
Alex Lindsay and family fpent
last Sunday in lone. They were the
Kueets of W. J. Blake.
E R. Lundell received a new Gilbert-Hunt
Superator this week and ii
rigging up for a big run.
Walt I'uvenr was a Portland pas
senger last week, going down on bus
iness as well aa a pleasure trip.
Mr.'RalDh Hymer and wife are out
at Ed Engleraan's helping Ed take
care of his fine crop of wheat.
Hie 0. T. Walker Esate received a
bunch of nice new vehicles last week.
Step in Bnd have a look at tliera.
Mrs. Hooper, also Miss Cassie and
Mr. Roland Wado. of Walla Walla,
are visiting with relatives in lone.
The farmers of the vicinity of lone
have bought the Ketr Gifford ware
house and take possession of same next
Rusty Cochran went ont to the
Walt Smith ranch to ride the water
wagon during the busy season of har
vesting. J. H. Bryson and Bill Cronk went
up to Hecpner one day last week Bnd
broneht back a seven passengor White
Mrs. Frank Engleman went down
to Portland last week to join her hus
band, who has been down there for
some time,
We understand that Bennie Morgan
bought about 50,000 sacks of wheat
one day last week, the figure being
70 cents per bushel
Mr. J. A. Waters and family also
Mrs. C. T. Walker and Miss Bewley
made a trip out to' the wheat fields
last Sunday evening. 1
J. A. Troedson received a new en
cine last Monday night. It looks line
old times to see so much machinery
coming into the country,
Opal Cochran and Muiiel Cason,
who have been ud at White Swan for
eome time, surprised their folks by
coming home unawares last Tuesday
Some few of the farmers are bring
ing in a little wheat to the warehouse
but it is coming in so slowly that ve
are unable to get an estimate of about
what the yield is.
Born At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Cap Richardson Saturday, July 13, a
dughter. Mother and child getting
along nicely. You h&d ough to see
Cap go some these days,
Leonard Carlson was in town last
Tuesday gettting a new gas engine to
use for pumping water out of their
deep well. Mr. Carlson has plenty
of good water out there now
The weather is so hot these days
that people have no ambition to get
up and stir around enough to create
any excitment, so that will account
for the shortage of news this week.
John Wilt met with a painful acci
dent one day last week. He was
taking a heavy wagon tire out of the
forge when he stumbled or made a
misstep, the tire falling on his great
toe and mashing it. While John is
slightly disfigured he is still in the
E. M. Shutt was in town last Tues
day giving everybody the glad hand.
He said that he was not running for
office but from force of habit he could
not helo shaking hands. E. M. says
he is trying to make an honest living
and finds more enjoyment in life than
Quite a large number went down to
Portland last week to attend the Elk
doings held down there. Some of
them have returned and they all say
that they had the time of their lives.
Uncle Tee says that a week like he
spent with the Elks makes a fellow
about ten years younger.
Iimcl Bile CmU Lrir.
A Boston man lost his leg from the
bite of an insect two years before. To
avert such calamities from stings and
bites of insects use Bucklins' Arnica
Salve promptly to kill the poiiou and
prevent inflamation , swelling and pain.
Heals burns, boils, ulcres, piles, ecz
ma cuts, bruses. Only 25c at S locum
Drug Co.
Awful hot weather at Lexington.
Mrs. Joe Sibley is quite sick at her
' Miss Edith Barton is visiting her
cousin Etoile Pointer.
There seems to be a lot of hired
help wanted, especially cooks.
Mr. Epb Eskelson and Gladys went
to Hood River to visit a few days
with friends.
Mrs. Maude Pointer came in from
the ranch to visit a week in town
with friends.
Grandma Booher Bays she sold over
400 lbs. of chrerries off one tree. It
pays to have trees yield like that.
The ball game bsld Sunday between
the Scrubs sod the Binds gave a score
of 11 to 3 in favor of the Scrubs. A
couple were struck with the ball
during the game but we guess that
goes with ball gam -as.
' Mr. Burgoyne is building quite an
extensive addition to his warehouse
Carpenters commenced work on Mon
day morning.
A number of the headers were ob
liged to lay off on Saturday owing to
high winds. Some of them made up
for lost time by woraing on Sunday.
There is quite a lot of new machin
ery being brought into Lexington for
te farmers. Almost every train
brings in some implement. Last
Thursday Joe Moyer hnd a new separ
ator and Mr. Gould a new combine
What Maker a Woman?
One hundred and twenty pounds,
more or less, of bone and muscle don't
make a woman. It is a good founda
tion. Put into it health aud strength
and she may rule a kingdom But
that's just what Electric Bitters give
her. Thousands bless them for over
coming fainting and dizzy sDells and
for dispelling weakness, nervousness,
backache and tired listless, worn out
feeling. "Electiic Bitters have done
me a world of good," writes Eliza
Pool.Depew, Okla.. "and I thana
you with all my heart for making such
a good mndicine. " Only 50c. Guaran
teed by Sloouni Drug Co.
Scott Brothers began heading last
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moyers spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hanshew.
Miss Lucile McQuinn, cf Portland,
is visiting her Bister, Mrs. Roy Mis
sildine. Bert Miesildine lias returned from
Hamilton aud is working for Shelly
Chris Brown has left Blackhorse
and has moved to his place near Wil
low creek.
Rev. and Mrs. Bert Powell, of Lex
ington visited through Blackhorse
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Millspraul, of Glencoe,
Oregon, are spending the summer
with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hanshew.
Mrs. E. L. Reaney and familv, of
Granger, Washington, are visiting
Mrs. Reaney's 6ister, Mrs. Shelly
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Doherty, Miss
Mary Doherty and Miss Josephine
McDevitt were visitors at J. G.
Doherty's heme during the past week.
Reports from Portland indicate that
the condition of Barney Doherty's
e'yse is much worse than at first
thought, and he will remain in Port
land a month or more.
If you are a housewife you cannot
reasonably hope to be healthy or beau
tiful by washing dishes, sweening and
doing housework all day , and crawling
into bed dead tired at night. You
must get out into the open air and sun
light. If vou do this every day. and
keep your stomach and bowels in good
order by taking Chamberlain's Tablets
when needed, yen should become both
healthy and beautiful. For sale by
Patterson & Son.
If you purchase tho NEW HOME you will
have a life asset at the price yon pay, and will
not have an endless chain of repairs.
If yoa want a sewing machine, write fo
onr latest catalogue before you purchase.
ThB New Home Sewing Machine Co, Orange, Mass.
tUM,4 4 OVER 65 YEARS'
. iV DraiGN
"M)" Copvtiioht Ac
JlTlToni1ln ffcel-i unil description WT
qnlcklf rertlii our opinion fr whether an
Indention ! prohnblf palentfiMe. Cnminnnlrft.
tlnntMrtctlrcmilMenllal. HANDBOOK on Patents
ent fre. OMetit utrenrf for crurlns patent.
fatenta taken tiroueh Munn A Co. racslra
tptriai notUt, without chants. In ths
Scientific Jlincrican.
A handaotnelr llltiatrated weeklf. I arpeat cir
culation of an j artenllBc Journal. 7, erma. 93
fefir : f'-ur nionibs, (1. Sold bjsJI nswafleoiera.
ilUNNCo."'B New York
Branch omee, S3ST9U Wuhlcsion, D. C.
h ' III jl ?
j II UJ II II II its
His1 I i 1
Wit is the
in the end
to buy.
1 t .
State of Oregon for the County of
In the matter of the Eatnte of E
M. Woolery, Deceased. '
To Ernest Colvin, Frank Oolvin,
Birdie McNabb, Mlra Hale, Emma
Howard, Theodore Weber, Kate Har
rah, Miuta Valentine, Henry Howard
Jesse Warfinld. May Weber, Wilber
of Oregon :
You and each and all of you ara
hereby cited and required to apoear
in the Count? Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Morrow, at
the Court room thereof, , at Heppner
in the County of Morrow on Tuesday
the 3d day of September. A. D. 1912
at 9 o'olock in the forenoon of that
day, then and there to Bhow cause, if
any there be, why the petition of Ad
minigrrator, for an order of sale of
the real estate of the - said estate
to-wit: Lot. numbered Two (2) of
Block numbered Three (3) of Cluff 'a
Eighth (8th) Addition to the City of
lone, in said county and state, should
not be granted ag prayed for ; the
said property sold at private sale, not
less than fifty per cent, cf the pur
chase price to be paid in cash, bal
ance in not exceeding one year, de
ferred payments to be secured bv note
and mortgage of usual commercial
form, bearing interest at 8 oer cent.
per annum, all as provided by law
and subject to confirmation by the
WITNESS, The Honorable C. C,
Patterson, Judge of the Oonnty Court
of the State of Oregon, for the County
of Morrow, vlb the seal of said
Court affixed this 10th day of July,
A. D. 1912
. Attest: W. O. HILL,
(Seal) Clerk.
Seed Wheat For Sale.
I have for sale at my rancli near
Lexington, for seed, a quantity of the
wheat known as No. 128, a cross of
Turkey Red and red chaff club. Will
book orders for this wheat at 80c per
bushel. Wheat is not threshed yet
and can be seen growing on my place
at this time. I also have red ohaff
clnb, shipped from Adams, Oregon.
Call on or address
F. E. MASON, Lexington, Oregon.
Looal agents in everv county in Ore
gon to handle a popular-pried line of
automobiles; good name and reputa
tion for integrity counts more with us
than money or experience; if you have
1175 and can furnish bond, you can
procure the agency for our high-grade
car and we will furnish yon with
demonstrator. For full particulars
aldress E. E. Ger hger, Sales Mana
ger, 688 Washington St., Portland,
FOR SALE Two mares, an organ
and a carpet. For further particulars,
call or address this office.
Reid Brothers are running their
planer this week ; they sawed some
last week.
Paul Webb and Albert Matteson ara
going to thresh some of their fine crop
thi-i season.
The girls say the dance at Heppner
on the Fourth was fine but rather
hard on corns.
Blank Butte was well represented
at Heppner on the Fourth and every
body reports a good time.
The Butte neighborhood. regrets the
loss of one of its neighbors, the Moore
family. They are working for Reid
Bros. We hone they will return soon.
The home of Billie McFerrin was
visited by some one while the family
were absent on the Fourth. The
party or parties were evidently very
hungry as they helped themselves to
the provisions liberally and ate all the
bresd tSat Mrs. MoFerrin had left on
the table to be fed to the dog.
nail Carriers Will ly.
This is an age of great discoveries.
Progrees ridea on the air. Soon we
may se Uncle Sam's mail carriers
flying in all directions transporting
mail. People take a wonderful inter
est in a discovery that benefits them,
lhat'a why Dr. King's New Discov
rey for cooghs, Colds and other throat
and Inng diseases is the most popular
medicine in America. "It cured me
of a dreadful cnogh," writes Mrs. J,
F. Davis. Stlckney Corner, Me.,
"after doctor's treatment and all
other remedies hal faile5." Excell
ent for coughs, colds or any bronchial
efTection. Price 50c and SI. 00. Trial
bottle free at Slocum Drog Co.
A car load of new automobiles have
have been sold to Lexington parties
for September delivery. These peo
ple are for the most part farmers of
that section who are well able to
afforl the pleasure of automobiles,
and we rejoioe that they are getting
in position that they can buy them.
Registration of Land Title.
In the Circuit Court of the Sstate cf
Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
In the matter of the application of
1. W. Shultz to register the title to
the West half (i) of the
Southeast quarter (1) and
the Northeast quarter of
the Southeast quarter (1)
of Section Fourteen (14) Application
and the Northwest quar- Mo. 9.
ter of th South west quar
(1) ot Section Thirteen
(13), Township One (l)
North, Range Twenty
six (26) E W. M.
Versus '
Olive P. Brown, Hattie
A. Henderson, A.G Hen
derson, A. H. Pracht, ' ,
and Jesse Brooks and
all whom it may con
cern: Defendants.
To all whom it may concern:
Take notice that on the 22nd day of
May A,. D. 1912 an application was
filed by said I. W. 3hultz in the Cir
cuit Conrt of Morrow County for in
itial registration of the title to the
land above described. Now unless
you apDear on or before the 9th day
of August A. D. 1912 and show cause
why such application shall not be
granted, the same will be taken as
confessed and a decree will be entered
according to the prayer of the appli
cation and you will be forever barred
from disputing the same.
W. O. HILL, Clerk.
By A. M. MALLORY, Deputy.
(Seal) S. E. Notson and C. E.
Woodson, Applicant's At
torneys. Sale of Bonds.
Notice is heroby gvien that I will
receive sealed bids in my office in
Heppner, Oregon np to 10 o'clock A.
M. on Friday the 2nd day of August,
A. D. , 1912, for the purchase of $1 ,80O
school site bonds and $38,200 school
building bonds for School District No.
1 of Morrow County, Oregon. Said
bonds will be dated July , 1913, due
in 20 years aud redeemable at the
pleasure of the District in , 10 years.
Bonis to bear interest not exceeding
6 per cent per annnm, interest payable
semi-annuslly. Said bonds will be
sold ac the best price obtainable, and
said bonds or no part thereof will be
sold for less than par. Bidders will
he required to deposit an uncondition
al certified check upon a national
bank, amounting to ten per cent of
the face value of the bonds, with-
each bid. and no conditional bds will
be considered. Bidders, required to
take up and pay -for the bonds within
ten days from date of sala or check
will be forfeited.
Right to reject any and all bids is
hereby reserved.
County Treasurer.
Notice, of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned Executor of the Estate of
Eliza Beaman, deceased, has tiled his
final account as such executor, and
that the County Court of the State of
Oregon tor Morrow County has fixed
Monday, the Btb day of August, 1912.
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, as the time and the
County Court Room in the Court
House at Heppner, as the place, for
the hearing and settlement of said
final account. Objections to said final
account shonld be filed on or before
said date.
E. E. BEAMAN. Executor.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office The Dalles, Oregon, July
6th 1912. Notice is hereby given
Robert E. Green, of Lexington, Ore
eon, who, on July fith, 1906, made
Homestead, No. 15254 Serial, No.
03954, for Ei NEJ, and EJ SEJ, Sec
tion 21, township 2 South, Range 25
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notion of intention to make five year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before O. C. Patter
son, U. S. Commissioner at his office,
at Heppner, Oregon, on the 24th day
of August, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:'
Nathanial L. Shaw, William 17.
Padborg, Lev, is E. Fridley, Clifford
E. Fridley, all of Lexington, Oregon.
O. W. MOORE, Rpgister.
j 11-a 15.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at LaGrande .Oregon, June
Slst 1912. Notice is hereby given
that Joseph Doherty, of Heppner, Ore
gon, who, on April 1st, 1908 made
Homestead Entry. No. 15909, Serial,
No. 05344 for WJ NW1, WJ SW Sec
tion 8, Township 3 South, Range 29
East. Willamette Meridian, has filed
sotice of intention to make final com
mutation Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before C.C.
Patterson, United States Commissioner
at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on
the 10th day of August, 1912.
Clalment names as witnesses:
mil Hirl, Arthur P. Hughes, Frank
McCabe, and Charles A. Hinton, all
of Heppner Oregon.
J S7-a 1. F. C. BRAMWELL,
Designated Act February 19, 1909.