Oregon Historical Societ l ily null y VOL. 21). NO. 1(5. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1912 .SUBSCRIPTION, 1.50 PER YEAR. Palace Hotel Palace Hote Palace Hot Palace Ho Palace Palac Pala Pa P Palace Hotel alace Hotel lace Hotel ace Hotel ce Hotel e Hqtel Hotel otel el V F x mmmmmmmym v V V p Pa Pal Pala Palac Palace H Palace Ho Palace Hote Palace Hotel 1 el tel otel Hotel e Hotel ace Hotel lace Hotel alace Hotel Palace Hotel ELK'S BOHVENTIOH I Portland Decleaed Grandest Entertainer; Open House Kept by Heppner Lodge Many Visitors Received. For Sale at a Barg'ain HOLT COMBINED HARVESTER In Good Condition. ALSO GOOD HEADER Inquire at Gazette-Times Office. . FUNERAL DIRECTOR and PRACTICAL EMBALMER BUCI1SFOR SALE Pure Bred Lincolns, Cotswold and Shrop Rams from the best flocks in the country. All orders promptly filled and delivered at Heppner. If you have anything to sell in the Sheep line send your list to me; I will find a buyer. T. F. BOYLEN, Pendleton, Or. 3E 30 J" 2 Are Vou Boosting Mor- 2 row County I . Are You Patronizing Home industry 1 E ARE MANUFACTURING Flour and Feed superior to any imported article. If you .are not usin our products call at our office on Main Street and get a testing sample. Our flour is made exclusively from selected Morrow County Bluestem Wheat. Seed Grain, Rolled Feed, Alfalfa Seed. We Solicit the Storage of your Wool MORROW WAREHOUSE mii i iMr: rn iVlll-L.il 1VJ frf XoJ o -losli Portland new has another pennant to wavo before the eyes of the world Not a baseball pennant, but a "con vention city" pennant labelled B. P. O. E. , meaning "Best Place On Eatth " To the eyes of the iutside world this statement may annegr fomewhat' preumplucus, but to the 100,000 or more visitors at the metrop olis last week there is no doubt of Portland's position at the head of the column. Ptrhaos at no other conven tion wtie such elaborate preparations made for the entertainment of visitors and perhaps at no other convention were these preparations so fully and completely enjoyed. From the open ing to the closlDg the spirit of jollity was rife and if there was a visitor present who did not enjoy himself it was because there was something utterly wrong with his makeup. Money, especially that of visiting brothers was ereatly depreciated in value.. No. 142 had made such exten sive preparations for the entertainment of deleeates and visitors that it was hardly necessary for th? brothers to tpend their hard earned- dollars. In this the Portland lodge established a new precedent and the city has set a new pace for future convention hosts. The unselfish loyalty of the business men and citizens eenerally contrived to make the convention the greatest ever and has placed the great nation al gathering in a new light. To aid in the eeneral scheme of en tertainment ar.d likewise to place their respective lodges on the rasp manv delegation? established head quarters in the principal hotels and to these places hundreds of visitors flocked daily to enjoy the hospitality. of the generous hosts. The, most no ted of these parlors were perhaps the Calfornia delegations who held forth at the Portland. They entertained in a lavish manner, dispensing oranges, wines, and other products of their state in generous quantities. Medford also set a rapid pace and im pressed the visitors with the fact that southern Oregon is on the map. Sa lem save away many cherries. Pen dleton had an elaborate display ofj Indian blankets and succeeded in dis posing of a considerable quantity of ronnd-up spirit before the convention was over. Baker, The Dalles, Al bany, Roseburg, Eugene were all there and last bat not least. Heppner. No 358 had headaunrters in the new Per kins, room 100, and here an open house was maintained tluoughout the week. The entertainment was not so lavish as some of those mentioned, but the welcome was ever as warm and the friends made were just as many. With no idea of boosting Heppner or trying in any way to make a bis rep utation, the local lodge unselfishly devoted its time and energy to loosing after visitors. The Quarters, though small, furnished rest for many tired sightseers, and many old Heppnerites spent pleasant hours with former neighbors aud made the acquaintance of new arrivals. The punch table, presided over by a liveried youth, was ever ready to meet the demands of the thirsty, and had a complete record of visitors been kept it no doubt would include every state in the un ion as the recipients of Heppner'a hos pitality. As it was a roster was sept in which can be found many names. but this does not give a definite idea of the number of visitors. Heppner entered Thursday's parade with about 80 members. Owing to the scattered membership it was dif ficult to draw out a complete attend ance, but considering the size of the lodge the showing was very oredi table The costume, depicting the shepherd of old, was typical of one of theeubstan- tial industries of the Heppner coun try, and the colors of the order were dominant in the robes. Pendleton portrayed the Ronnd-up; The Dalles presented her wheat and woolen in dustry; Heppner, without the aid of brass bands, the shouts of buckaroo and imitation Indian, marched quietly through the gazing multitude, a fit ting representation of the commercial and induerial life of the community which they represented. In the par lance of the street , they were ' there, ' ' and it is a source of pride to the lodge and to the community in general that Heppner ahould be so ably represent ed at such a notable gathering. In passing, ft is only fair that the ladies of Heppner should come in for their share of the honors for if it had not been for them the headquarters would havo been without a great deal of the cheer and warmth of welcome bo essential to the success of such affairs. These good ladies were un ceasing q their eff res to assist in making the entertainment a success. The majority of the Heppner crowd returned home the first of the week, feeling none the worse for the stren uous week, but bearing pleasant thoughts ot the seemingly unlimited hospitality of Portland. WILL REVISE GAME LAWS. More Complete Protection to Fish and Game is Sought. OC3C 0 n afe m luiii "in, EveryidOy m 3 (mJ C3 0 n The State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners have undertaken a thorough revision of the present system of the game laws The ide is to present a code for adoption at the next Legislature, and correct numer ous errors in the present system of laws. The Commission desires in making up tli i a new game code to get a thor ough expression of public opinion be fore the code is presented to the Leg islature. For this reason the mem bers of the Commission ask that resi dents in different parts of tho State, especially farmers, fruit growers, as well as sportsmen send in any sugges tions so that the Commission mny act upon them. Suggestions are also sought from the granges, commercial bodies, rod and gun clubs and other organizations, in order to get a game code suitable for different parts of the state." All communications and suggestions should be sent to Mr. J. F7fsg.'p,8. Secretary of the Fish and Game CoTfl misssion, Salem, Oregon. At present there are a number of questions under discussion, that will be of interest to eporstmon in differ ent parts of the state, such as ques trji bounties rn predatory animals. The Commission is in favor of a more rigid effort to exterminate cougar and wolves. The question has been agitated in certain parts of the state to reduce the non-resident bunt ing and fishing license to the same price as the resident license. Many sportsmen are also i i favor of reduc ing the limits on deer and other game. U Going to THOMSON BROS, for their U HARVEST SUPPLIES Pick a day and spend it at the pick of stores, picking out your supplies for harvest. We Keep the best and ous regular customers say its good enough. Our Prices are as low as any and lower than many. Come in and let us Erig urwitti you. YOU To Make Loganberry Juice. Prof. C. I. Lewis of the Oregon Agricultural College, who is respon sible for much of the growth in pop ularity of the loganberry, has an ex cellent method of preparing the juice so that it will keep through the win ter. "Logan berries mike a most delightful beverage," eavs Prof. Lewis. "To prepare the juice, put the berries on the stove with just enough water to keep the fruit from scorching. Heat slovflv, mixing and crushing occasionally with a large spoon. Be sore not to allow the ber ries to boil; ISO degrees would be, probably, as much heat as necessary. After the berries have softened, put them in an ordinary cloth bag and drain out the juice. The process can be much simplified by a small fruit press. "In choosing the berries try to get those thoroughly ripe. Add one-third the amount of sugar when the juice Is put on "the stove, and stir occas ionally until it is thoroughly heated, but do not allow it to boil. If it boils the vinouj flavor is distroyed and the high aroma at well. In bottling the juice drive the cork in slig and fill the space with paraffin. "This Is a most healthful beverage. Half an inch to an inch in a glass of water will be enough. Some may wish to add more sugar, though the acid flavoi is pleasant. It is, I be-. lieve, superior to grape juice. The time will come when Oregon will be shipping out train loads uf this juice to the east and middle west It will become a popular drink in regions whete it is very warm in summer. It is extremely refreshing and cool, and children may be allowed to drink as much as they wish. "The loganberry makes one of the finest jellies known, also. Truly. our loganbeiry is coming to its own. With the great demand for cunned fruit, a similar demand for dried, and with the possibilities along the line of juices, fyrups and jellies, there is a great future for tha loganberry industry." Thomson Bros. o ooc 3QC 3QC 0 J. O. Hager got beme from Portland on Saturday evening, oomirg in with bis new Maxwell car. DON'T FORGET Ao Mo "O THE GROCER s still doing business