The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 11, 1912, Image 6

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    inU . .(MMm .... ,
tl- D.;inti U-M-C Cub
choose shi shot Rjfit Accuracy Safety Low Price
TL. D.;,ntilI-ri-C LUbl 11
M.nv crack marksmen, now
of eye and hand to one ot tnese single anoi, anwown nun.
We have made the price for the No. 4 and No. 6 rifles low
enough to permit everyone to become acquainted with the
Rimington-UMC qualities of accuracy and safety.
Both rifle have caae-hardencd frames, walnut Mock and fort
arm and rifle butt plate.
The No. 6 (.22 or 32 calfcre) has Rmington-VMC
tied barrel, i accurately rifled and chambered for cap,
thortt or long, and ha new deaign open front, rear and
tang peep tight. Price $4.00.
The No. 4 (22. .25-10 and J2 callre.) ha an ocUgoa
barrel of Remington-UMC steel, automatic ejector and
sporting rear light. Liat price, 6.00
KmminMion-UMC the perfect ahootlns; combination.
Reminjflon Arms-Union
ll iss BroaewiT
M. S. CORR1GALL. President
Vice Pre.
J. B. NATTER. Vice Pre.
We offer to the Public the services
of a strong and well equipped Bank,
with the experience of twenty-five
years in this community.
Accommodations extended to cus
tomers consistent with safety, and
balances carried with us.
For chapped hands, face, sunburn, tan, etc.,
use 7
Guaranteed by
vaTttl and
i Horn
General Hard
ware and Imple
ment Store.
9 .-.
1. -mwi I s 7 ?- V '
Leading Hardware Dealers
world famous, Ow their training
Metallic Cartridge Co.
, m. v l ri-
T. J. MAHONEY, Cuhier
CLYDE BROCK, Auk Cashier
7aiof7re , mT- J
Countv Court.
The regular July session of the
County court of Morrow county con
vened at the court House in HeDDner on
Wednesday July IS 1912 .with all mem
bers present, and the following pro
ceedings were had to-wit:
Claims and bills against the county
were presened and paid as follows:
C C Patterson, judge $150
W 0 Hill, clerk 333 33
A M Mallory, dep. clerk 150
J C Hayes, sheriff 333 33
J 0 Rasmus, dep. sheriff 150
S" E Notson, supt 200
J J Wells, assessor 200
Sylvia Wells, dep. assessor 70
Frank Gilliam, treas 83 33
Dr F E Boyden co. phy. 66 66
Wm Avers, janitor 120
Hermiston Herald fruit ins 13 90
E T Perkins, election
J H Pearson, " .
C A Repass, "
M V Logan
J P Williams, coroners ac
E-E Miller, poor ac ....
J F Ayers road ac...
Martin Reid,
John E Johnson,
R Hogeland
Walter Drum,
A D Hogeland,
H B Mc Donell
W T McDanell
Mr Bates,
Aron Peterson,
Henry Peterson,
"94 25
5 25
36 25
Carl Peterson,
Oscar Peterson,
4 00
Ture Peterson,
8 00
7 50
21 00
Frank Fraters
Fred Griffin
M E Cotter
Fred Esteb
Emil Lundell
Glenn Farrens
Edgar Ball
C J Anderson
W J McCraw
RF Frasure claim 70.15 aid 59 40
Andv Stevenson " 24 00
John Stevenson " 4 00
FMBayless 10 00
Ellis Hendricson " .... 34 00
Walter Yeager " .... 28 00
Cleve Adkins " 4 00
Raymond Thornton " . . . . 12 00
Peck Thornton " 10 00
Cecil Hale " 10 00
Charley Ayers " .... 16 00
John Elder " 14 00
W J McCraw " .... 7 50
Dave Wilson " .... . 14 00
George Groshens 4 00
JOHager " 9100
C E Jone claim 80 allowed 73 00
T W Morgan ' 12 50
WHHerren " 57 CO
Jake Dexter " .... 6 00
OSBurch " 15 00
Harper Stewart " .... 16 00
Vernon Jones " .... 22 00
Vane Jones " 29 00
Billy Oxley " .... 2 50
J L Kirk " 88 20
JohnSprowls " .... 16 50
J H Gentry " .... 15 00
CJHendrix " .... 1U uu
Clifford Hendrix" .... 42 00
J Ambler " 18 00
MR Morgan " .... 4100
A Rice " .... 1 75
Albert Petteys " 3 50
Perry Hopkins " .... 6 00
J H Ritchie " .... 100
LonBooher " .... 17 50
Jerry Phillips " .... 9 00
WE Pointer " .... 38 UU
Morrow Whse Mill Co. . . . 32 05
Turn A Lum Lumber Co 12 50
J E Musgrave " 95 50
J M Hastings " ' .... 18 00
CM Hastings " .... 57 75
Dave Miller " .... 27 00
Charles Davey " .... 52 25
Turn A Lum Lumber co 31 70
Will Bechdolt "
Lote Robison " ....
JTAters " I ...
David Wilson " ....
Bushong & Co cur ex act
HeppnerLdry courthouse ex 2 90
Oscar Borg " 12 50
Patterson & Son
house & poor
F M Bayless poor
Elmer Beaman "
J C Hayes jail
Fred Kelly sheriffs office
Sam Hughes poor act
Halverson & Mason "
Heppner Sanitorium "
Heppner Light & Water ;
Co! ct house expense 75 30
Slocum Drug Co ct house 13 25
TJHumpherys " 19 55
C E Jones assessor's act 56'
M A Bates 36 00
W H Herren 28
W J Blake assessor act 100
D V S Reid road act 53
A R Turner ' 4 20
Mike Healey " 3
J S Young " 70 80
Ray Young " 6
W J McCraw " 5
Gilliam &Bisbeeroad cthse20 40
M A Bates Justice ct 2 25
Gazette- Times cur ex
& tax col. 60 30
D V S Reid surveyors act 15
Hermiston Herald fruit ins 4 25
Harry Cummings " 42 30
Henry Ashbaugh roads 10 50
Ben Moore " 75 45
LMcMurray " 29 j
Robt Young " 6.1
E L Kirk " 87 75
Jeff Jones ' 41 25
3 80
4 20
5 80
11 ,
9 s
J G Doherty
R F Wiglesworth
C O Burchell
J T Ayers
R E Allstott ....
E'R Lundell . .
J H Deardorff
Walter Becket
Peter Susbauer . 20
F D Cox 5
John Byland .. 3
E Grotkopp 7
W E Wiglesworth ., 9
W M Avers ' 12
J P Williams Justice ct 16
A M Mallory cur ex ... . 2
Bushong & Co ... . 75
Irwin Hodson Co 34
Vaughn & Son ' 1
Mrs R B Rice supt act 7
Mabelle Cameron " 12
Kate Bobblit ........ 6
J B Huddleston cir ct .... 2
Mack Smith 2
Geo Moore 4
Mack Gentry 2
Ralph Cecil 3
Harrv Orendurff... 26
Geo Chapin
J W Cradick
J M Hayes
Jack Hynd 9 40
Frank Ward ..." 7
E G Noble 3
Clive Huston 7
V L Carlson 7
A A McCabe 7
Lotus Robinson. .9
G Makers 8
M E Devore 8 20
A B Grover 7
CE Carlson 7
A G Devore 5
Claud Coats 4
ASBurch 3 20
D S Barlow 6 20
S Wakefield 3 70
McRoberts & Evann roads 3 00
J H Bellenbrock 72 00
D V S Reid county court 200 00
M J Devin 6 00
JS Young .... .... 10 00
Warehouse license was issued to Eerr,
Gilford & Co. , to conduct warehouse
for the handling of wheat at Lexing
ton, lone, Morgan and Cecil.
Joseph Burgoyne was granted li-
jense to conduct warehouse at Lexing
ton. The county treasurer is ordered to
pay to the several school clerks of the
county who have lost duplicate
vouchers for special taxes, the sum
coveted by euoh vouchers upon proper
affidavit of the school clerk.
The name of Dry Folk precinct,
u' oi petition or T. w. morgan ana
othtr.i, was changed to Gooseberry
The petition of Jen Jones n1
other? , praying vacation of part of
the Wavne Howard road, was denied.
The county treasurer was ordered to
transfer J 2000 from the general fund
to the road fund of the county.
Tlie A. M. Slocum road grader was
purchased by the county for the sum
of 1300.00.
The Farmers' Warehouse Company
was granted a license to conduct a
grain warehouse at lone.
D. V. S. Reid disposed of his sur
veying outfit to the county, taking in
pay therefor the old outfit owned bv
the county and a cash payment of 200. 1
The petition of Pat Doherty for a
refund of taxes paid on sheeD both in
Morrow and Umatilla oounties, was
denied, it being ascertained that Mor
row county was entitled to the taxes.
. On account of a lack of funds, the!
opening of Road No. 3l9, is postponed
for a time. In connection with the
establishing of this road, olaiuis for
damage have been allowed as follows:
Stacy Roberts 25
Hugh Roberts 50
W. W. Bechdolt 88 88
J. E. and O. E. Stephenson. 76 93
Mrs. M. L. Hadley 42 20
The said W. W. Bechdolt and J. E.
and O. E. Stephens being reauired to
build and maintain perpetually vany
and all necessary stock run ways, or
culverts for stook passing under said
road, and that they be maintained and
kept in good repair by said parties or
their assigns.
mail Carrier Will Fly
This is an age of great discoveries.
Progress rides on the air. Soon we
may se Uncle Sam's mail carriers
flying in all directions transporting
mail. People take a wonderful inter
est in a. discovery that benefits' them.
That's why Dr. King's New Discov
rey for coughs, Colds and other throat
and long diseases is the most popular
medicine in America. "It cured me
of a dreadful cough," writes Mrs. J,
F. Davis. Sllokney tJorner, Me.,
"after doctor's treatment and all
other remedies had failel. " Excell
ent for coughs, colds or any bronchial
effection. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottle free at Slocum Drug Co.
The Rev W. A. Pratt made a trip
down the Columbia last Saturday,
preaching for the Federated church at
Mosier Sunday morning, and for the
Eaptist church of Hood River Sunday
night, in exchange with the Rev.
Hargreaves who preached here. He
also officiated at tbe funeral of a boy
who was drowned at Mosier, on Mon
day, returning on Tuesday. He ex
presses himself as much taken with
the operation of the Federated church
at Mosier.
W E Brown cir ct
In the Circuit Court of the Sstate cf
Oregon , for the County ft Morrow
In the matter of the application ot
1. W. Schultz to register the title to
the West half (J) of the
Southeast quarter (I) and
the Northeast quarter of
the Southeast quarter (1)
of Seotion Fourteen (14) Application
and the Northwest quar- No. 9.
ter of th Southwest qoar
(1) of Seotion Thirteen
(13), Township One (l)
North, Range Twenty
six (26) E W. M.
Vetsos t
Olive P. Brown, Hattie
A. Henderson, A.Q. Hen
derson, A. H. Pracht,
and Jesse Brooks and
all whom it may con
cern : Defendants.
To all whom it may concern :
Take notice that on the 22nd day of
May A. D. 1912 an application was
filed by said I. W. Schultz in the Cir
cuit Court of Morrow County for in
itial registration of the title to the
land above described. Now unless
you appear on or before tbe 9th day
of August A. D. 1912 and show cause
why such application shall not be
granted, the same will be taken, as
confessed and a decree will be entered
aooording to the prayer of the appli
cation and you will be forever barred
(rom disputing the same.
W. O. HILL, Clerk.
By A. M. MALLORY, Deputy.
(Seal) S. E. Notson and O. E.
Woodson, Applicant s At
f rank Engleman was a passenger on
Monday's train of last week for Ore
gon City.
Mr. Morris was a Portland visitor
last week where he had some business
matters to attend to.
Miss Audrey Woolery went down
to Portland last week where she will
r main Indefinitely.
Mrs. Neai, with her children, took
a trip witii ut. w adkins last week
She reports a pleasant hip.
Albert King returned to lone Tlmrs
day evening. Albert has been down
about Hood River for some time.
Mrs. Wilmot went up to Lexington
last week to spend tbe 4th with her
daughter, Mrs. William McMillan.
J. H. Wilt and faxily went up to
Ben Buschke's place and spent the
4th. They report a jolly good time.
Delia Davidson went out to the
ranch Wednesday morning where she
will spend the summer having a good
Quite a large number of Ioneites
attended the celebration at Heppner
Everybody seemed to have a good
Dr. Chick went down to Portland
Wednesday of last week on a business
crip, returning Monday evening of
this week.
Eben Andrews, one of our old Rhea
creek savages, has traded his ranch
for some Portland property. We wish
him success.
Tilman Hogue and Fred Esteb have
bought a 25 norse kerosene Enign?:
It was delivered at the ranch last
Ralph Akers has installed a. new
pumping plant out on bis ranch near
Gooseberry. Ralph says it works
fine and dandy.
Lester Doughty and mother returned
to lone Tuesday of last week. They
have been up in the Lexington country
for some time.
Quite a laige number attended the
circus held at Heppner last week and
seem to think that thev did not get
their money's worth.
w. li. urontc and lamuy went up
to French Burroughs on the 4th and
celebrated in the cherry trees picking
tha lucious beauties.
Mrs. Carr, our new barber's wife,
came up from Tbe Dalles Tuesday
evening to join her husband who has
been up here for some little time.
J. A. Waters, Little Dock, E.
Higgs and Mr. Samuels went up to
Heppner last week to see the exoit
ment, returning the same evening.
Some of our farmer friends have
started to harvest this week but the
majority of them holding off till next
week as the grain is hardly ready yet.
Mrs. S. E. Mooro has gone up to
tbe Wm. Padberg ranch to have a vis
it with Mrs. Padberg. also to gather
some of those fine raspberries to be
had up there.
Born at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Stange. last week, a daughter.
Mother and child doing nicely. Mr.
Stange with careful nurseing will
soon be around again.
Doi Benedict was in town this
week and he reports their combine
running fine. He says they are run
ning out about 300 sacks a day and
have some of it in the warehouse al
ready. What they have already cot
Is averaging about 23 bushels to tbe
acre. ,
Registration of
Sale of Bond.
Notice is hereby gvien that I will
receive sealed bids in my office in
Heppner, Oregon up to 10 o'olookv A.
M. on Saturday the 20th day of July,
A. D. , 1912, for the purchase of $1,800
school site bonds and $38,200 school
building bonds for School District No.
1 of Morrow County, Oregon. Said
bonds will be dated Julv 1, 1913, due
in 20 years and redeemable at; the
pleasure of the District in 10 years.
Bonds to bear interest not exceeding
6 per pent per annum, Interest payable
semi-annuslly. Said bonds will be
sold ac tbe best' price obtainable, and
said bonds or no part thereof will be
sold for leHi than par. Bidders will
be required to. deposit an uncondition
al certified check upon a national
bank, amounting to ten per cent of
the face value of the bonds, with
each bid. and no conditional b'ds will
be considered. Bidders, required to
take uo and pay for the bonds within
ten davi from date of sale or check
will be forfeited.
Right to reject anv and all bids ia
hereby reserved.
County Treasurer.
Notice, of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned Executor of the Estate of
Eliza Beaman, deceased, has tiled bis
final account as such executor, and
that the County Court ot the State of
Oregon for Morrow County has fixed
Monday, the 6th day of August, 1912,
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, as the time and the
County Court Room in the Court
House at Heppner, as the place, for
the hearing and settlement of said
final account. Objections to said final
account should be filed on or before1
said date.
E. E. BEAMAN. Executor.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed by
the County Court of Morrow County,
Oreogn administrator of tbe estate of
George W. Ooff, deceased and has
qualified as such. All persons having
claims against the estate of said de
ceased are hereby notified to present
same to me duly verified as by law re
quired at the office of O. E. Woodson
in the City of Heppner .Oregon within
six months from the date of first pub
lication hereof.
Dated and published first time this
6th day of June, 1913.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Percy Hughes, has been
duly appointed administrator of the
estate of U. O. Townsend, deceased,
by the County Court of Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, and has duly qualified for
such trust. All persons having;
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same to me
duly verified, at the office of my
attorney, Sam E. Van Vector, in
Heppner, Morrow, County, Oregon,
on or before six months from the data
of fhst publication hereof.
Dated and first published thia 13th
day of June, A. D. 1912.
Administrator of the Estate of O.
C. Townsend, deceased.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office The Dailes, Oregon, July
6th 19l2. Notice is hereby given
Robert E. Qreen, of Lexington, Ore
gon, who, on July 6th, 1906, made
Homestead, No. 15254 Serial, x No.
03954, for El NEJ, and EJ SEJ, Sec
tion 21, township 2 Sooth, Range 25
East, Willamatte Meridian, has filed
notion of intention to make five year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before O. O. Patter
son, u. b. CommiN8ioner at bis otfice.
at Hnopner, Oregon, on the 24th day
of Augunt, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses: -Nathaniel
L. Shaw, William H.
Padbnrg, Lewis E. Fridley, Clifford
E. Fridley, all of Lexington, Oiegon.
- C. W. MOORE, R-gister.
j 11-a 15.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, June
2lst 1913. Notice is hereby given
that Joseph Doherty, of Heppner, Ore
gon, who, on April 1st, VJQS made
Homestead Entry, No. 15909, Serial,
No. 05344 for Wl NWi, W 8Wt Seo
tion 8, Township 2 South, Range 2$
East. Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final com
mutation Proof, to establish claim to
the-land above described, before 0.0.
Patterson, United States Commissioner
at bis office at Heppner, Oregon, on
tbe 10th day of August, 1912.
Clalment names as witnesses:
Phil Hirl, Arthur P. Hughes, Frank
McCabe, and Charles A. Hinton, all
of Heppner Oregon.
i S7-a 1. F. C. BRAMWELL,
Designated Act February IS, 1909.