The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 11, 1912, Image 5

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big 1 ent ohow, Une INight Unly
" t
All Star Cast
Special Cars
The Great Western Comedy Drama
' 1 that is not all Western
Large Water Proof Can
vas. Theater
Seats for 1,2000 People
tVSiss Clara George
and Mr, C. A. Curtis
(Eminent Comediane
Cowboy Quartette
On? Ticket
Admits to En
tire Performance
No WiJd West
No Bunco
Games Tolerated
1 L U!i Jr! f)
n r n mf P
J UULz VJ QlZ3 Kill
Mill ' liM iy :
Singing and Dancing
Between the Acts
Big Noonday Parade. Free Half
hour Band Concert at Show Grounds
7:00 p. m- Doors Open 7:30 Curtain 8:00
Cuponties' Celebrated
Band and
Hungarian Orchestra
opiilar irfrices
Clean, Moral, and Endorsed by Press and
Clergy. Read the Press Notice.
Local and Personal
All kinds of good ice cold sodas at
ho Palm.
Delicious sodas and ice cream sodas
at The Palm.
J. C. Owen was down from Hard
man on Monday.
Gj to the Bakery for your broad.
iS loaves for SI. 00.
Highest cash prices paid for hides,
pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse
Hilling Co.
J. A. Patterson was a passenger for
Portland an Monday to - take in the
Elita doings.
Dr. Winnard has taken a peoial
coarse on eve Jiseawsand is prepare !
to fit alitsaes properly.
W. E. Pruvn and . wife went to
Portland on Monday to take in the
city during too Elks convention.
W. B. Potter came over from Spray
oo Saturday and departed on Monday
for Portland t join the Elks htrd.
R. J. Carener, of Soray, was among
tbo Elk that left Heopner Monday to
Join in die festivities down at Port
land J Rev. W, A. Pratt exchanged pulpits
with Rev. Hargreavas at M osier on
Snoday preaching for the federated
church at that point.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Van Vactor and
Mr. and Kra T. J. Mahoney departed
Saturday for Portland to be in the
city during Elks' week
W. H. Cecil, of Ontario, Oregon,
spent the Fourth with old-time friends I
at Heopner Mr. Cecil is a native of
i i , i i I
murruw cuuniy, naving uchii uuiii on
the old farm at (jecu. tie is now
running a big alfalfa ranch near On-
tnrio. He says that the first 4th of
July he spent ia Heppner was at the
time of the Bannock war in 1878. He
left this section a good many years
ago, and notes that many changes
have taken place during his absence.
Dan Rice was in f om his ranch
near Hardman on Saturday. He ex
hibited BOine samples of bluestem
wheat that reveal the fact that his
crop will not be up to expectations by
about half. The straw is fine bnt
the heads have not filled anil the grain
seems to be badly blighted. Mr. Rice
thinks the blight is the effect of frost
that struck their section, all other
conditions for finely developed whea
have been ideal.
Many Cifes departed from Heppner
ott Saturday and Monday to take in
the big Convention down at Portland.
Tb town is pretty much deserted.
Jerseys to Sell- I have some
choiea jwin Jersey milch cowl for
ale at raash one mile below Rnea
Siding. Address O. L. Lunilnll,
Arlington, Oft., for farther particu
lars tf.
Bill Handrix was in town on Mon
day tacking for bets on .tlie presiden
tial etaritoa. Like a good republi
can. Bill ia cotog to support Wilson
and free soap, havinfg forgotten tbe
good old Cleveland days.
learn Kirk U quite seriously ill at
the UVpfKfetr sanatorium suffer in from
tad mm of appendicitis. His life
vm dispaired ef for several -days but
at taia time be is greatly improved
If you are a housewife you cannot
reasonably hope to be healthy or beau
tifal by washing dishes, sweeping and
doing housework all day , and crawling
into bed deal tired at night. You
must get out into the open air and sun
light. If yon do this every day and
keep your stomach and bowels in good
order by taking Chamberlain's Tablet
when needed, yen should become both
healthv and beautiful. For sale by
Patterson & Son.
W. H. Dutton and friend, Victor
R. Finch left for Portland on Monday
after having spent a week of vacation
in Heppner. Mr. Finch is one nf the
chief clerks in the Portland pQstoffioe
while W. H. is a tart of the O.-W.
K. & N. machinery and holds a posi
tion in the office of J. W. Morrow,
Ed Huston was a visitor from Eight
Mije on Monday, and stttes that it
will be some days yet before heading
begins in his locality. The cool, wet
weather ha kept grain back but it is
filling well arid a few days of warm
weather will cause it' to ripen fast
Rev. Hargreavps, of Hood River,
addressed a mass meeting of the
churches in Heppner on Sunday after
noon in the interests of federation.
He Is pastor of the federated church
at M osier, is an intelligent speaker,
and his address was well received.
Buy it now. Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is
almost certain to be needed before the
summer is over. Bay it now and be
prepared for such an emergency. For
sale bv Patterson & Son.
It may be to your interest to get
my prices before buying watches,
clocks or jewelery. C. K. Johnson,
Miss Lulu Osiuers, who has been
visiting for the past month at the
home of Mrs. Arthur Smith in Hepp
ner. departed Ou MoniavforLewiatnn.
For dyspepsia . our national ailment,
use Burdock Bitters. Recommended
for strengthening digestion. Durifving
the blood. At all drug stores. $1.00
a bottle.
Miss Bessie Sutton returned to her
home at Walla Walla on Monday of te
a visit of several dayB at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Franoes J. Gordon
in Heppner.
Ellis Hendricson departed for Walla
Walla on Saturday where he will
remain for the next couple of months
working in the factory of tbe Gilbert-
Hunt company.
AT THE BAKERY Get away from
1 U a U-t -M L IT i
mo neat, ui uBKing py ooying your
oread. Cream loaf, plain loaf, whole
wheat and rye. Nothing better than
oar cream loaf.
Evangelist G. E. Williams and wife
departed on Monday morning for their
home in Portland after holding
vices at the Chrisian church in
city the past week.
S. W. Spencer and wife were
sengers to Portland on Saturday.
bpencer is the delegate of Heppner
Lodge No. 858, B.. P. O. E. to the
national convention of the order.
L,evt Hansford wag in from the
Minor range on Monday, resting up.
He has beep pretty badly knocked out
by a severe attack of rhenmatism
lately but thinka if we can only get
some summer wether he will rapidly
Oscar Borg and wife were among
those who departed for Portland on
Saturday morning, and will spend the
week in the metropolis. There will
be a family reunion at the Peter Borg
home and all members of the family
will be present.
Isaac Large of Monument, was in
town over night Thursday. Mr
Large was bound for Lonerock and !
Condon sheep districts, contracting the
sale of thoroughbred Delainn hni..
from the famous Cochran bands
Spray Conrier.
Minor & Co.
Special Sale
Your Choice
Tor Infants and Children.
Tha Kind Yea Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
See Window