"A :! . . - it, ISbbody , Spared. 'viiney Troubles Attack Heppner iUen and Women, Old and Young Kidnry ills seize young and old. Often come with little warning. L'hfldren uflVr in tneir early years Oin't control kidney secretions. Ditlt are languid, nervous, 8 offer I tin. 'Women worry, can't do daily work. .Yen have lame aud aching backs. If you have any form of Kidney ills Tou must reach tlio cause the kid v '.-ry s. Doan's Kidney fills are for -. ivsak kidneys Save brouht relief to Heppner poe-a- .lepDner testimony craves it. Zirg. M. E. Barton, HepDiier, Ore . a says : "1 do not Know of a bet- fcidney medicine than Doan's Kid .irrr Fills. '.Ye have ued this remedy vie our family for the past two years zaaA ct has proven so effective in re- 'i:-ius kidney complaint that I con- .sntJ-er it tnv duty to give this public rft ttcoient. " .For sale by all dealres. Price 50 -eecta. FosterM-ilburn Co, Bnafflo, "S.s York, sole agents for the United . O MtOS. ;:3 emember the name Doan's and tai.e no other. .iXed Front Livery & Feed Stables . "Willis Stewart, Prop "fIRST-CLASS UV LIVERY RIGS TTcpt constantly on hand j1;:' ; irA can he furnished on ', -.--short- notice to parties vrishing to drive into the interior. Firt class : : Hacks and Buggies 'CALL AROUND AND ..-Ki: U.S. WE CATER "JO THE : : : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS MD CAN FURNISH .RIGS AND DRIVER ON v-SUOKT NOTICE : : EPPNER,- OREGON I A? Grea! 'ijcissbbing Offer 3f Weekly oreeon Jour nal, one year Sl.su Jf, iietle-Times, one year SI. SO tlstm S3.oo ''l&ath Papers One Tear - - $2.00 MZur Oregon Journa, -'t'ulislies the latest anl most complete l Xtyrepliic news of the world ; gives ruli J market eports, hs It is published it .'frtUii'l, where the maik.jt news can be T5 is eorreeK-'l to date tor enr-h issue. It rl-A? .jis a page of ppeH tl me Iter for the i'.7-j aud home, an Fiitertitir.iiij story pae j&C h pagf or mjre of comk' each week, tfit? it f'K-s to t tie subscriber tuce every f i times a year. TST2 Gazette-Tames S' '.-.$ eil the local news a d happenings - i Lioultf be iu every home 111 this VI- The two I xt. mate a sVeri'lM rom'i.i- 1 yoo -ive fl hy S'-n-iintr your ... R..rj. ration to tf.e ;AZETTE-TIME. V-.' . au lo gt'. e -our subscribers a good -.:ib;ni? offer for the Daily and Sundny, . j v :;-j.idey ,'uu ( ui.I. in conn c'iou with the I n 1 1 ft a-J H You cannot buv a reaov- n .... ' , . ie suit one that was -;s ia: for a model" man and -'rro reproduced by the dozen t' tit ill look right on you. riave your garments made ..t measure to ft and of -- 'jsb material that will give "ji srrv.ee. i)TMER'S WOOLENS, I i 1 ( ! t; - material handled bv the ', &f -st merchant tailors for over 'o years, are mace in a a ide range of styles for your , n Orderyour next suit here I RIEDRICH The Cst Tailor rrrw- m.m i :,wrnrra PLAYING CARDS. Kn Interesting Study From Historio and Pictorial Viewpoint!. Quite apart from their use 1q vari ous games, playing cards are an Inter esting study from historic and pic :orlal points of view. Take first their numerical arrangement--52 cards, 305 pips or dots and 13 tricks, representing :he weeks and days in, the year and the lunar months. There are four suits, representing bur classes of people as they were di vided at the time the pack of cards ive now use was devised by the French. The "spades" stood tor pikemen or sol diers, the clubs for clover, typifying dinners; the diamonds for building lies, representing artisans, and the hearts for choirmcn or ecclesiastics. The "kings" aud "queens" at that time were more or less correct likeness 3f certain royal and noble personages. Even in our modern packs it Is said :hat one of the queens is n convention alized portrait of Elizabeth of York, who was engaged to the dauphin of Trance. i The "knaves" were then the klnc's jesters, and even these cards may be portraits. All the court cards, in fact. retain their sixteenth century charac teristics. Cards are among the few things that have not changed with the centuries. Brooklyn Eagle. NAPOLEON'S DESTINY. Summed Up In Four Mottoes Eona parte Learned at School. In 17S4 Bonaparte, then fifteen years old. arrived at the military school of Paris from Brienne. being one of four under the conduct of a minim priest. He mounted 173 steps, carrying his small valise, and reached, in the attic, the barrack chamber he was to occupy. This chamber had two beds and a small window opening on the great yard of the school. The young prede cessors of Bonaparte had bescrawled the whitewashed walls with charcoal, and the newcomer could read in this little cell these four inscriptions, which we ourselves read there years ago: An epaulet is very long to win. De Montgivray. The finest day in life is that of a bat tle. Vicomte de Tinteniac. Life is but a prolonged lie. Le Che valier Adolphe Delmas. The end of all is sis feet of earth. Le Comte de la Villette. With the trifling substitution of the word "empire" for "epaulet" these four sentences contain the whole destiny of Bonaparte and formed a kind of "Mene, Tekel, TJpbnrsin," written iu advance upon that wall. Victor Hugo. Dangers In Paint. "Turpentine and benzine," says a de partment of agriculture bulletin, "are very iuflammable, and special precau tions should be taken not to bring paint containing these substances near any light or open fire. Many pig ments are poisonous, and the work man should be particularly careful to remove all paint stains from the sklu and not under any circumstances al low any of it to get Into his mouth. A man should not eat in the same clothes in which he has been painting and before eating should not only change his clothes, but wash all paint stains from his skin. It is not advis able to use turpentine or benzine in removing paint stains from the hands, but by oiling thoroughly with linseed oil or in fact with any fatty oil aud then thoroughly washing with soap the paint may be removed, provided it has not been allowed to dry too thoroughly on the hands." Handicapping the burglar. I Burglaries in private houses la VI i enna are rare, because the doors are locked from 10 o'clock at uight to G In ; the morning by order of the police. Ad j mission aud exit between those hours : are given by the house porter, who re I ceives a fee for unlocking the door and is bound to report to the police ! the doings and mode of life of all the Inhabitants of the house. This system of lock money is tiresome, but in VI ; enna, as at Naples, where it also ex ; ists. it obliges burglars and other crim ! inals to operate during the daylight ; and diminishes their chances of sue ! cess. The landlords tried a few years j ago the system of giving the key of the house dour to tenants, but the ma I Jority of the keys have been with ; drawn. Wonders of Modern Drama. The heroine of the play had just re ceived the telegram from her fnithlesa lover. Then she fainted, and the cur-' tain went dowu. Loud applause followed, particularly ia the gallery. Instantly the curtain went up. The heroine, having miraculously re covered, was on her feet, bowing and smiling. More wonderful still, the faithless lover Btood by her side, also bowing and smiling, having traveled a distance of -S7 miles In tea seconds ia order to jle on h:ind to acknowledge the ap- lause. Chicago Tribune. A Gocd Goer. "That's a Cue watch you're go there. Calhoun," said a friend. "Is it a good Foer?" "A good goer?" said Calhoun Clay. "Well, you bet your life it's a good socr. Why, It can do un hour in half the timel" Exchange. I H Can't. ' "Before you were married you Bald i tLat you couldn't do enough for toe." j "Well. I guess that time has proved that I was right" Detroit Free PreS. The motto of chivalry Is also the n.otto of wisdom to serve ail, but lov only cue. Uaizac, CARE FREE CONVICTS. Jail Life In Montenegro a Cheerful Sort of Existence. Cettinje, the capital of Montenegro, possesses the most remarkable prison system in the world. The Jail pre sents little to indicate that it is a place of coniinemeiit. There are no outer prison walls, and In the cells the men about ten In each are as con tentedly and comfortably housed as their own personal domestic belong ings can make them. Moreover, they are generously fed. and cigarettes without stint, wine occasionally and no work at all combine to cheek any desire to escape more effectually than would strong walls, iron bars and au army of warders. When V. J. Still man was in that country in the seven ties all the free men were away fight ing, and he observed how when a mes senger was wanted the olllclal took a man out of the prison and sent him off. having no fear that he would not return. One such messenger was sent to Caftaro, in Austrian territory, with 3,000 florins for the bank and duly I came back. Another asked n Russian at Caftaro to intercede with Prince Nicholas for his release from prison. "Dut you are not in prison," said the Russian. "Oh." said the man. "I have only come down for a load of skins for So-acd-so. but I must go into prison again when I get back to Cettinje." One guard watched all the prisoners when they sunned themselves out of doors, and if he were called away a prisoner would take his rifle and do duty for the time. London Mail. GRISTLE BREAD. A Favorita In Norway and In Parts of Germany. "What is gristle bread? Why. that," said a baker, "is a kind of bread that is peculiar to Norway and to some parts of Germany. In Norway it has been made for many years, and hero there are bakeries in which it is made for Norwegian patrons who still pre fer it wherever they may be. "In making gristle bread the loaves when first formed up from the dough are laid ou boards and put through an extra heated oven in which there is baked on them au outer crust or skin, the gristle. Then the loaves are turn ed over and put through the oven again, so that the gristle may be- baked all over them. This quick oven, makes only that outer crust ou the loaves, which are then placed in another oven for their final complete baking. "Originally in Norway gristle1 bread was made of rye flour only. Ia this country there was a demand for a handsomer and larger loaf, and wheat Cour was mixed with the rye. as has now to some; extent come to bo the cus tom in Norway also. Here the pro portions now used are about half and half,, the result being a bigger loaf of the same weight as one of all rye. Gristle oreau costs more than or- (Unary bread because or trie- greater time and labor required in making it- New York Sun. K:3 Equivocal Ancwer. The blushing girl buttonholed flushed fiance. "Weil, Egbert," she murmured, papa give his consent?" Egbert drew himself up stiHy. her "did "lie did not commit himself either way," he responded. "Then are wo or areut wo engaged EfbyV "I do not know," answered Egby, still sfiOly. "But what happened?" "This," said Egby more stiffly than ever. ' I went in and said: 'Sir. I wish to mrrry your daughter. Have I your consent?' lie turned and looked at rue a minute, then he grew red in the face, then he grabbed me, then he lift ed me up, tlxii he threw cie over the banisters. But whether he is iu favor of our engagement or uot, Etlielbrite. lie did uot say." Beginning of the Drama. The theater in the only sense that i.s worth considering was born in Athens. Both tragedy and comedy spring from feasts iu honor of Bac chus, Mid as the Jests and frolics were found to be out of place when intro duced into graver scenes a separate province the true drama was fo:njoil and comedy arose. The father of the Greek comedy was Aristophanes, who had lots of fun lampooning tic public men of Athens. The creator of Greek tragedy was Aecbylus. burn B. C. Z'Z7. In sublimity Aeschylus ha. nev r been surpassed. He is to t lie drama whnt Phld'as and Micheh tu'oio are so art. Nov,' York American. Tha Irony cf Fs.. "What Is your understanding cf the irony of fate?" asked the bashful r -.:u:ig nan. "Well." the beautiful girl replied, "if two fellows should fight over r.ie and I shouldn't get into the papers I should thii.k that was about it." Chicago r.e -or-.l IIer;:!d. The Similarity. The dor for toM little Mary shf was anaemic berar-e she was so -. hite. A few d ivs after she c::cl::i:ned: "Oh. mamma, come here and look at this anaemic horse: He's just as white a-i he can he."' Judge. Quarrelsome. Polly I never knew such rx quarrel some girl as Molly. Dolly That's right. Half the time she isn't on speaking terras with her own con science. Philadelphia LedcT. Fa:r Supposition. The I.ady-And is your father work lag. my little man? Tha Little Man I s'p'we bo. mum. The judge said 'ard lu'or.-London Telegraph. S.'- THE CUCUMBER. j&fl Ono Way to Dross It and a Royal Way to Crow It, If ever an anthology of the foods of the earth comes to be written quite au entertaining chapter could be made out of the cucumber. And some of the ex tracts would provide material for much mental exercise to decide whether they are humorous or serious. For exam ple, what did the Greek poet mean when he said of a certain woman: She was to mo More tender than a cucumber? Only one meaning would have been taken from that equivocal statement by that famous doctor who used to de clare that the only way to dress a. cu cumber is to cut it into very thin slices, sprinkle it with the finest of oil, pepper It plentifully, cover It with vin- ar and then throw it out of the window! On the other hand, Thack eray tells how he "had delicate cucum bers stuffed with forcemeat," while Dickens refers to "salmon, lamb, peas, innocent young potatoes, a cool salad, sliced cucumber, a tender duckling ail therel" Both novelists were evi dently men after the heart of the Em peror Tiberius, who was never with out cucumbers and had frames made upon wheels, by means of which the growing cucumbers could be moved about and exposed to the full heat of the sun. while iu winter they were withdrawn and placed under the pro tection of frames glazed with mirror stone. Yet two or three centuries ago the vegetable was looked at suspiciously as cold and treacherous. Loudon Standard. FEAR OF LIGHTNING. it Is Hardly Justifiid by the Number of Deaths It Causes. Why are so many people, brave un der all other circumstances, so deathly afraid of thunder and lightning? It is not because lightning is so dan gerous,, for it isu t half so dangerous as going out of the house ou an icy morning, walking dowu the cellar stairs or a hundred other things we do every day without a thought of personal harm. More people are killed each year by falling building material, more die from fright, than are killed by lightning. The census bureau shows only 109 people killed by lightning in this entire country during a given year, and only thirty of these people were killed in the cities. Heat and the sun killed 7(53 during the same i year, 203 died from cold and freezing and 4,303 were drowned. Hut you will find it quite a waste of time during a thunderstorm to try to ease the fears of a person who is afraid by telling him or her that the chances of being killed by lightning are less than two iu a million; they will remain just as frightened for all this mortuary knowledge. And after the storm hrrs passed and nerves ore steadied the woman who was so frightened a few minutes before will start getting supper on the gas stove, smiling through her tears, that the danger has all passed and wily laugh ing if you venture the remark that twice as many people are tilled by gas stoves as by lightning. Country Life In America. Learned His Own Value. A husband and wife combination in vaudeville, with the husband as the feeder aud the wife as the real at traction, worked for Lew Fields in one of his summer shows. The two were very popular and got much news paper space; also they had $1,000 a week. Cue day the husband, puffed up by what the newspapers said about the singing of his wife, went in to see Fields. "Mr. Fields." he said, "it is $1,200 a week from now on for us or wo quit right here." "Twelve hundred, eh?" Fields asked, with interest. "Yes. sir. SI, 200 a week or we quit and go out cn the big time in the Morris circuit." "Well, sonny," said Field, "I thins an awful lot of your wife's work, but I don't think she is worth $1,175 n week to me." Saturday Evening Post. Theory on-! Practice. Here 13 a good story from the collec tion of n German school Inspector. The pupils were being examined on the subject of personal hygiene. A boy was asked. "What have you to do In order to keep your teeth sound and white?" "Clean them," was the prompt reply. hen ought you to clean them?" "Morning, noon and night." What are they to he cleaned with?" With a toothbrush." "Very good. Have vou a toothbrush?" "No, sir," Has your father a toothbrush?" "No. sir. "lias your mother a toothbrush?" "No, sir." 'T,ut lew do you know ibout the use of toojhbrushes?" "We sell them, sir." Character In Handwriting. I showed a professor of cali;.raphy a letter I had received. He took a very unfavorable view of the handwriting. It was the handwriting, he told mo, of a man without learning, without gen ius, without feeling. "And, now, nir," I said, "will you look at the signa ture?" The letter was written by Lord Macaulay. Arnold's "Three Cornered Essays." A Canine Reason. She (on the beach at Atlantic City) 1 wonder why that dog tried to bite me just now. He The Intelligent ani mal heard me ail you a little witch, and he probably thought you were a sandwich. Baltimore American. The mnn who can be nothing but se rious or nothing but merry Li but half a man. lluut. ill I " 11b SSil I ' ''-ALC'OHOLSPEK CKNI ALCOHOL 3 PER c.vs-P ANcfjclaWePix'naralionforAs-simi!a!ingilicFoi)(IaijtlItei?ti(a-ling Hie Siomaclis andHowdsof PromolcsDigestionjCfcerfl ncss and Itest.Contains neistr Opiitm.Mtirphiue nor feral. Not Narcotic. Wl!l': HxyeoraMDi&Wai'nTIER. Pjmiiia Seed' jtlx.Scmiit y-JhMteSuUs-jtr.isc Sertt Ji;i;vrriiinf -JJitMpisi'Sida Worm Seed -Clwtfcd Stiipr hm'Trem t'tann to It ' .-,lua,ii c.fc.-i , Anerrccl Remedy forCtmsfljia- lion . Sour StoiuacIi.Diarrlioca Worras.Com'ulsioiis.Icvcrish ncss aiulLoss of Sleep. J.90 H Facsimile Signature of far i- .'(Vi-. i NEW YORK Exaivt Copy of Wrapper. :c--i, i i fiS I 3 L-r'-'C.' Tise Standard Machinery the WcrEd Over fl ( VAt'GlSN & sons, saepjsner ELMER BEAMAN Rock Springs Coal, Pine,' Fir and Oak Cord Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company and they will receive prompt attention. MIKEIIEALY, Proprietor Teleph one... Livery Stable TELEPHONE 201 COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. T WE PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOI RIGS LOWER MAIN STREET THE CITY MEAT MARKE Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sugar cured Ham and Bacon and Home-rendered Lard. Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts. FRESH FISH THURSDAYS. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature of Iff Use For Over Thirty Years 1 THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NCWVOHK CITY. the , . a AW AW C1S!!1CIC a vtmm, CeaSer HEPPNER, OREGON THE f OF THE I SPOTTED HORSES I