The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 11, 1912, Image 1

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    Oiegou Uiatoriual fciodet
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VOL. 21). NO. 15.
Celebration at Heppner
The Management of the
Palace Hotel wishes to thank
one and all for their liberal
We Want 'our Business
For Sale at a Barg'ain
In Good Condition.
Inquire at Gazette-Times Office.
H-ff- 0-2l.S3IE3
Pure Bred Lincolns, Cotswold and Shrop Rams from the best
flocks in the country. All ocders promptly filled and delivered
at Heppner. If you have anything to sell in the Sheep line
send your list to me; I will find a buyer.
T. F. BOYLEN, Pendleton, Or.
2 Are Vou Boosting Mor- 8
row County I
Are Vou Patronizing U
IKlome Industry I
superior to any imported article. , If you
are not using our products -call at our
office on Main Street and get a testing sample.
Our flour is made exclusively from selected
Morrow County Bluestem Wheat.
Seed Grain, Rolled Feed,
Alfalfa Seed.
We Solicit the Storage of your Wool
mii i iwr: rn o
Two Days of Fine Weather-
A Large Crowd and a Jolly
Heppner's two daya of celebration
passed off quietly, pleasantly and very
satisfactorily. There was a. lame
orowd in town, alt bent on having
good time bnt without any disposition
to rowdyism or excess. Each day
was provided with amusement suf
ficient to keep the visitors interested
and a Beason oi real enjoyment was
experienced by all Who attendrd.
Much inttest was taken in the races
on the 3rd. The horse races were ran
at the depot with plenty of entries fox
each schedule. .
The 1-4 free for all race was won
by J. S. Matoon ; parse $20.00
The 1-4 mile race for horses that
never run for public money ; won by
Dave MoAtee: purse 115.00.
Pony race, 1-4 mile, won by Jess
Hall) purse 110.00.
The foot races and novelty races
were ran on Main street and created
a lot of interest and excitement.
The results of the first day's contests
were as follows:
100 yard dash, free for all won bv
Haroll Smith: prize $7.50.
Girls race, 50 yard dash, won by
Gladys Wattenborger; prize $5.00.
Bovs race, 100 yards won by Char
lev Wattenburser: prize $5.00.
Barrel race, 100 yards, won by Leon
Lnndell: prize $5.00.,
Fst man's race, 100 yards, won by
Harry Dlnges: prize 15.00.
Ladies' race, 60 yards, won by Mrs
Frank Nash, 1st prize $0.00: Mrs. J.
E. Templeton, 2nd prize, $4 00.
In the hose race the B. P. Stone
company got first monev $25.00, and
the Jess Hale company, second money,
$15.00. Ihese races were not as
spirited as they should have been, the
contestants showing a lack of practice
A big dance at the platform, occu
pied the balance of the time for the
3rd. The morning of the 4th brought
many more people to town and the
streets were thronged by o'clock,
be hoar set for the parade. This
was one of the moat attractive fea
tures of the day, and indeed very
creditable for the number engaged in
it. It is certainly to be reeietted
that more of the business houses of
the town did not participate with
floats bat those who did are to be
commended for the ood showing
made. The parade w led by the
lone band in their white uniforms
and then the Liberty car, drawn by
W. P Scrivner's big Oil Pull tractor,
the G. A. R. , K. of P. and Maccabee
orders, floats by the Ladies' Library
Association, K. of P., A. M. Phelps,
Case Furniture Oo. , decorated auto
mobiles, carriages, and many riders
on horseback.' all under the direction
of Marshal Matlock. When strung
out on the line of march the parade
presented a splendid appearance.
Mary and her little lamb were there,
also, as well as "Long Hongry" and
"Shorty," two erstwhile boarders at
the Palace hotel.
. Geo. Washington appeared as a part
of the arrangement of the float of the
Library Association. O. A. Minor
represented the ' 'Fattier of Oar Coun
try" riding a beautiful iron gray
stallion behind a large arch through
which he passed in triumph at the end
of the parade. Accompaning him was
a retinae of young ladies all dressed
in white and carrying garlands of
flowers whicli were strewn ail along
the path, making a striking and im
pressive scene that created a great
deal of arplause from the people
gathered on the sidewalk. This float
took the first prize "of $15.00. Tho
float of A. M. Phelps, the grocer,
took second prize, $10 00, and Andrew
and Baird Patterson, the tall and
short gentlemen in the parade, carried
off the ping ugly prize of $10.00.
At the stadium the program was
carried nnt according to schedule, the
maiin feature being the splendid ad
dress by Hon. Rosooe K. Johnson,
of Pendleton, the orator of the day.
This was one of the beet ever" list
ened to in Heppner and was greatly
appreciated by all of those fornnate
enough to hear it.
The balance of the day was taken
op with ball games and other sports,
the raoss resulting as follows:
The fisrt race, 1-4 mile free for all
won by Dave McA tee; purse $50.00.
2nd race, 1-4 mile dasb, won by Joe
Moyer; purse $10.00.
Pony race won by Ad Moore; purge
110.00. I
4th race 1-4 mile, won by Ed
Adkins: parse, $25.00.
The backing horse contest was ex
citing. Fred Crump took the prize
of $20 for best rider and Ad Moore got
second money, $10. W. H. Padberg
presented the hardest burcker and
received tbe prize of $10.00.
The fat mans race was won by E.
R Lundell, prize $7 60. The barrel
race by F. J. Hiatt, $5. The boys
race bv Harold Mason $5. Girls race
by Edith Reaney, $5. In a special
race for boys, Gared Aiken got fint
money, $2 5C and Jap Crawford, 2nd,
$1.00. A special race was run for
girls, also, Edith Reaney winning the
prize of $1.50. while Vier Hale got
first money in another special race
for boys, $1.00.
Thus the dav came to a close and
the celebration of 1912 passed into his
tory as one of the best ever enjoyed
by Heppner.
Presents His Reasons for not
Suppressing Shell
Mr. Editor Gazette-Times;
Dear Sir:-
If you will allow me a little space
in your paper, I would like to reply
to an editorial of Jnly 4th conoern'iDg
the so-called nut shell game. I hear
of some critioism on my part for al
lowing the game to ran. Now the
facts are I took my family, as hun
dreds of others did and went directly
into the main oircoa tent and was in
no other during the dav or night.
After it was all over and the outfit
gone I began to bear of the game.
Those that were buncoed or the peo
ple that saw the game whv did they
not make complaint at the proper
time, then the fakirs could have been
taken in. If they should see a thief
stealing their neighbor's horse they
would apprise the neighbor at once of
the fact and that would be proper.
If this course had been pursued in
this case, tbe people would have lust
no money and the game would have
been nipped in the bud.
I have made inquiry and the amount
that was reported lost I think greatly
exceeds the amont really lost. Again
I say that I did not hear of anything
of the kind until it was too late and
no one seemed disposed to make com
plaint. We have to live to learn ;
tbe next time we will be wiser.
Very truly yours.
Hermiston is Victor
In the series of ball games plaved
at Heppner on July 3 and 4, the Her
ts is ton team carried off all the honors,
and all the prize money as well.
The first game was pi a yd on tie
afternoon of the 8rd between lone and
Herrolston, and was won by the latter
on a score of 18 to 1. For some rea
son lone failed to play its usual good
game of ball, owing perhaps to the
absence of several of their best players,
and the game was one-sided and unin
teresting. Two games on the Fourth were
played between Hermiston and Hepp
ner, Hermiston winning 14 to 8 in
the forenoon, and 13 to 6 in the after
noon. In both these games Heppner
was outclassed, chiefly because of
lai k of team practice. They were
short on proper staying qualities but
in the main put up just as good ball
as tbe visitors.
Hermiston has a good team and
show that they have ben well coach
ed. They were part of the Umatilla
county league this season and stood at
second place at the clone of the sea
son. This gave them the advantage
f good team work and staying qual
ities. In both games with Heppner the
home team took the lead in the first
half of the game, but weakened in
the latter part, whereas Hermiston
played as good ball the last inning as
in the first. Tbe visitors bad to play
for what they got and their heaviest
scoring was because of costly errors
on the part of Heppner.
Hermiston carried off all the prize
money. $150. However it is our can
did opinion that Heppner can "do"
this bunch of ball tossers from the
irrigation district, and hope they may
again have the opportaniy in order
to verify this statement.
lntrcl Kile Cl l.rg.
A Boston man lost his leg from the
bite of an insect two rears before. To
avert such calamities from stings and
bites of insects ose Bucklins' Arnica
Salve promptly to kill the poisou and
prevent Inflamation, swelling and pain.
Heals burns, boils, nlcres. piles, eel
ma cats, bruse. Only 25c at Slocum ,
Drug Co. I
EvoirytodDdOy 9
wbaaaMMri aiar
U Going to THOMSON BROS, for their II
Pick a day and spend it at the pick
of stores, picking out your supplies
for harvest. We Keep the best
and ous regular customers say its
good enough.
Our Prices
are as low as any and lower than r
Come in and let us Fig
ure with you. YOU
Thomson Bros.
1 1
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oocmo c::ili:i:iz:d o ..njoo
Ao Mo
Is still doing business