The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, July 04, 1912, Image 6

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To Attend The
PORTLAND, JULY 8 TO 13, 1912
Six days of fun and recreation. Slart right and get your ticket via
O.-W. R. N. "Ths Easy Way"
Final Return Limit, July 22. Dates of Sale, Jule 7, 8, 9, 10
HEPPNER to PORTLAND and return $7.80.
Train leaves Heppner 9 a. m. arriving Union Depot, Portland
5:30 p. m. ' For further particulars apply to
I. B. HUDDLESTON, Agent, Heppner, Oregon.
im in nm ii ifin IJIIWHIU !
yMiw-T--vy'-jyW - tU U iT"
...... t i-i t i w a urwcv r,,i,;a
M. S. CORRIGALL, President J. H. IvcHALtl , i; A,-' a . r .H-
J. B. NATTER, Vice Pres. Vice Pre.. CL Dt BROCK., Asst. Cashier
We offer to the Public the services
' of a strong and well equipped Bank,
with the experience of twenty-five
years in this community.
Accommodations extended to cus
tomers consistent with safety, and
balances carried with us.
Get Your
r LA
For the 4th of July decorations at
for y f y t
Leading Hardware Dealers
. Summons.
The Western & Huwaiian
Investment Company Limit
ed, a corporation,
Benjamin P. Eaten and '
Ada Estus. It is wife, J. Cy
Smith and Millie R. Smith
his wife, Eliza J. Webb and
T. S. Townseud Creamery
Company, a corporation,
To Eliza J. Webb:
of Oregon. You are hereby required
to apnear and answer tho complaint
filed against yon in the above entitled
sait within six (6) weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
summons. If you fail so to do for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed. foi
in the cotuplnint, to-wit, for a decree
that plaintiff have judament. against
the defendants Benjamin F. Estes and
Ada Estes for Two Hundred Dollars
(200.) with interest from December
1, l!)09 at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, and for One Hundred Dollars
(f 100. 00) with interest from December
1. 1910, at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, and Two Hundred Dollars
(1200.00) with interest from December
1, 1911 at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, Twenty-four Dollars (S24.00)
with interest from December 1, 1910,
at 10 per cent per annum, and Sixteen
Dollars ($16.00) with interest from
December I, 19U, at 10 per cent per
annum, and Forty-seven and 78-100
Dollars (47.78) with interest from
January 20, 1912 at 10 per cent per
annum, and Seventy-five Dollars
(75.00) as attorney's fee, all in Unit
ed States Gold Coin, together with
the costs and disbursements of this
suit, and that the plaintiff have
deoree for the foreclosure of the mort
gage described in the complaint,
which is recorded at page 148 of Book
"R" of Records of Mortgages of Mor
row County State of Oregon, and for
the sale of the mortgaged premisf-s
situated in said County and State to
satisfy such judgment as plaintiff
mav recover, ssid premises being par
ticularly described as follows, to-wit:
All of the Northeast quarter (1) of
Section Twenty-three (23) in Town
ship One (1) North of Range Twenty-
five East of the Willamette Meridian
containing one hundred sitxy (160)
acres, more or less and that plaintiff
have such other and further relief as
to the Court may seem meet and equit
This summons is pubilshed pur
suant to an Order of the Honorable G.
VV. Phelps, Judge of said Court, m
and entered upon the 8 day of May,
1912, and tho date of the firBt publica
tion thereof is May 16, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
M lfi-J 27.
For Sale at a Bargain
' In Good Condition.
Inquire at Gazette-Times Office.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution and order
of sale duly issued tiy the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon
(or th County of Morrow, dated the
15th day of May, 1912, in a certain
suit in the Circuit Court for said
County and State, wherein T. J.
Mahoney, plaintiff, recovered judg
ment against James Hamilton and
Harriet E. Hamilton, defendants, for
the sum of Three Hundred Fifteen
and 53-100 Dollars, ($315.53) with
interest thereon from said 15th day of
May, 1912, at the rate of eight per
cent per annum, aud the sum of
Thirty and no-100 Dollars ($30.00)
Attorneys fee and, for the further sum
of Thirty-one and 94-100 Dollars,
($31.94), with interest thereon at the
rate of ten per cent per annum from
the 15th day of May, 1912, end
the sum of Ten and no-100 Dol
lars. Attorney's fees and for further
sum of Fifty-four and 50-100 Dollars,
(54 50) costs and disbursements.
Notice is hereby given that I will
on Tuesday, the IGth day of July. 1912,
at 2:30 o'clock P. M. of said day, at
the front door of the Court House in
Heppner, Morrow County. Oregon,
sell at public auction to the highest
bidder fcr cash in hand, the following
described real property, to-wit: The
Nurh-west Quarter (NWJ) of the
South-enst QuartreS (SfcJi) the North
Half (NJ) of the Southwest Quarter
(SVV1) and the South-west Quarter
(SWi) cf the South-west Quarter
(SW1) of Section Twenty-six (26) in
Townhip Une (1), North of Range
Tweutv-five (25) East of the Willam
ette Meridian, in Morrow County, Oregon.
J Taken and levied upon as the prcp
jeity of the said James Hamilton and
j Harriet E. Hamilton or so much
thereof as may be necessary to satisfy
; the said judgment in favor of T. J.
! Mahoney and against said James
I Hamilton and Harriet E. Hamilton,
' together with all costs and disburse
ments that have or may accrue.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, June 12tb,
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, Jane
Slat 1913. Notice is hereby given
that Joseph Doherty, of Heppner, Ore
iron, who, on April 1st, 1908 mnde
Homestead Entry. No. 15909, Serial,
No. 0C344 for WJ NWJ, WJ SWi Sec
tion 8, Township 2 South, Range 29
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make final com
mutation Proof, to establish claim to
the land above described, before O.O.
Patterson , United States Count isbioner
at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on
the J.0th day of August, 1912.
Clament names as witnesses:
Phil Hirl, Arthur P. Hughes. Frank
McCabe, anil Chnrles A. Hiutou, all
of Heppner Oregon.
j 27-nl. F. C. BRAMWELL,
Designated-Act February ID, 1909.
Notice is hi reby given that the un
dersigned, Percy Hughes, has been
duly appointed administrator of the
estate of O. O Townsend, deceased,
by the County Court of Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, aud has duly quailfisd for
such trust. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified to present the same to me
duly verified, at the office of my
attorney, Sam E. Van Vactor, in
Heonner, Morrow County, Oregon,
on or before six months from the dato
of fiist oublication hereof.
Datpd and first 'published this 13th
day of June, A. D. 1912.
Administrator of the Estate of O.
C. Townsend, deceased.
Notice Jo Creditors.
Notice is hereby givn that the
undersigned has bven appointed by
the County Court of Mcrrow County,
Oreogn administrator of the estate of
George W. Goff, decensed and has
aualified as such. All persons having
claims against the estate of said de
cesaed are hereby notified to prespnt
same to me dnlv verified as by law re
quired at the office of O. E. Woodson
in the City of Heppner, Oregon within
six months from the date of first pub
lication hereof.
Dated and published first time this
6th day of June, 1312.
Notice, of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
unriersigned(Executor of the Estate of
Eliza Eeaman, deceased, has tiled his
final account as such executor, and
that tho County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County has fixed
Monday, the 15th day of August, 1912.
at the hour of 10 o'clock in the foro
noon of said day, as the time and the
County Court Room in the Court
House at Heponer, as the place, for
the hearing and sett'f-meut of said
final account. Objections to said final
account should be filed on or beforo
said date.
E. E. BEAM AN. Executor.
Registration of Land Title.
In the Circuit Court of the Sstate cf
Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
In the mutter of the application of
1. W. Schultz to register the title to
the West half () of the
Southeast quarter (i) and
tho Northeast quattsrof
the Southeast quarter (1)
of Section Fourteen (14) Application
and the Northwest quar- No. 9.
ter of th Southwest quar
(1) ot Section Thirteen
(13), Township One (l)
North, Range Twenty
six (26) E W. 1.
Olive P. Brown, HaUie
A. Hndersor, A. G. Hen
derson, A. H. Pracht,
and Jtsse Brooks and
all whom it may con
cern; Defendants.
To all whom it mav concern:
Take notice that on the 22nd day of
May A. D. 1912 an application was
filed bv said I. W. Schultz in the Cir
cuit Court of Morrow County for in
itial registration of the title to the
land above described. Now unless
you eppear on or bfora the 9th day
of August A. D. 1912 and show cause
why such application shall not be
granted, tho same will he taken as
confessnd and a decree will be entered
according to the prayer of the appli
cation and yon will he forever barred
from' disputing the eame.
W. O. HILL, Clerk.
By A. M. MALLORY. Deputy.
(Seal) S. E. Notson and O. E.
Woodson, Applicant's Attorneys.
Sale of Bonds.
Notice is hereby cvien that I will
rpoeive sealnd bids in my office in
Heppner, Oregon up to 10 o'clock A.
M. on Saturday the 20th day of July,
A. D. , 1912, for the purchase of $1 ,800
school site bonds and $38,200 school
buildine bonds for School District No.
1 of Morrow County, Oregon. Said
bonds will be dated Julv , 1912, due
in 20 years and redeemable at the
pleasure of the District in 10 years
Bonds to bear interest not exceeding
6 per cent per annum, interest payable
semi-anniiBllv. Said bonds will be
sold ac the best price obtainable, and
said bonds or no part thereof will be
sold for less than par. Bidders' will
he required to dpposit an uncondition
al certified check uncn a national
bank, amounting to ten per cent of
the face value of the bonds, with
each bid. and no conditional b'ds will
be considered. Bidders, required to
take uo and pay for tho bunds within
ten dave from dato of sale or check
will be forfeited.
County Treasurer.
For Sale A low-wheeled, nar
row tire wapron, in pood shape.
Now ready to set header box on.
Can be seen at the Samuel Lefiler
Til.Trv. Innnirc at this office. 3t.
Dysentery is always serlons and
oftena dangerous disease, but it can
be cored. Chamberlain'a Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured
it even when malignant and epedemio
For sale by Tatteraon & 3 m.
Eben Andrews was a Portland visit
or last -week spending a short time
down there.
Mr. Hnrvev Neal has moved from
the Davidson house down to the Bill
Padberg house.
Mr. II. Dean has moved from the
Emmil Svvanson house up to one of
Mrs. Young's houses.
Mrs. Joe Cronan returned from
Portland last wejit after having spent
a p'easant visit with her parents.
Messrs. Halvcrsen and Mason have
dissolved partnership, Mr. Mason
buying Mr. Hulvorseu's share in the
store. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kennedy, of
Fossil, l.ave been visiting in lone for
several days with Harvey Neal and
Mrs. Doyle, formerly of lone but
now residing at Milton spent a couple
of days in lone, renewing old friends
last week.
. Waltor Dnbvns is the cackle berry
man at the Walker store hese day
Be caieful vou do not feather out and
fly away Walter.
Art Reere and Miss Mubel Davidson
went up to Heppner lastMonday to see
the sights that Kit Carson had in store
for all his visitors.
Miss Cronan came in on Wednes
day's train from some whero near
Chicago, whero she has been attending
, -
scnooi ior some urae.
Mrs. M. Morgan, of lone has gone
down to the Valley for a vacation
We heard some on say tfiat she went
to hnr.t her a help mate, but we ore
from Missouri.
Miss McMurrsy, one ot ur young
ladies who has been teaching school
iu the vicinity of lone for some time
Dest went to The Dalles Wednesday
of last week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan
on Friday June 28 a fine big girl.
Mother snd child getting along nicely.
Wo sfe Earl bought a new vehicle to
bring li is family to town in.
Ernest Higgs rpturned from Port
land last week after having had a
good tim iu the t 'ty for several days.
He and Waxy rre very busy bince his
return with buckskin, v.axend, needle
and awl.
The ba?eba!l tournomert held in
Iona last wet k did not crente a great
dpal of excitrrient. Some of the
teams that wre billed for hero did
not arrive and it left lone and Hepp
ner for it. The beys played thten
cames three seucssive days, Iono win
ning each day. The last day they had
a few bucket's to ride, Bert Ward and
young Seal being the riders. The
boys both showed thnt they were at
home in the saddle and we only wished
that w had a few mere of them for
the bovs to tame.
The Masrn lodge, of lone, held a
banquet in lone last Snturday night.
They figured on feeding about .fifty
but when they were all seated., and
had satisfied their longing for nice
fried pirg cliirken and other delica
cies to numerous to mention it was
found that th'To wpre nearly double
the number present. Aftor sapper
there was a nice program given in the
Odd Fellows hall. You had ought to
have heard wee Alex sing that Scutch
ditty. Qnite a cumber from Heppner
were present, among whom were Vaw
ter Crawfcr.l and wife, Mr. Emerson
and wife also Dan Engleman and an
other gentleman whose name we did
not learn. Everybody had a fine time
and wb beard several gay that they
would like to have their name in the
pie at the text gatherincr of this kind.
During the summer months mothers
of young children should watch for
any unnatuatl looseness of the bowels.
When given prompt attention at this
time perious tronble may be avoided.
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoae Remedy can always be de
pended upon. For sale by Tatterson
& Son.
Bill Seutherland is on our streets
again visiting old friends.
Chas. Schaz, the Tum-a-Lum man
was an lone visitor Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Towns, son and
daughter are working for It. B. Rioe.
Miss Edna Carmichael was a Hepp
ner visitor Friday, returning Satur
day. Marsh White is making prepara
tions to commence heading the first
of the week.
Lexington was visited with a glor
ious raiu Sunday, which fell almost
steadily all day.
Mrs. Amelia Brunnow, of Portland,
is visiting Mrs. Burgoyne and other
friends this week.
Mrs. Harry McCormick anil family
visited several days with her sister,
Mrs. Joe Sibley.
Miss Lucy Davis is the new clerk at
Jos. Burgovna's store and Miss Nettie
at Leach Brcs. store.
Mrs. Carl Marooart and sons came
in on Saturday from Portland to as
sist in "ye golden harvest. "
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson are
here from Portland visiting their
daughter Mrs. Ed Burchnll. '
The way O S. Hodtsdon is stacking;
up harvest supplies, we infer that
he is figuriug on a EplenliU harvest.
Harvesting grain is the order of the
day around Lexington. Preparations
are being made for an abundant har
W. F. Harnett is cn the ranch these
goldon harvest d'iys and Mits Dona
is now head clerk of W. F. Harnett
& Co's. store.
Miss Nottie Davis went to Heppner
last week to take the school examin
ation. We sincerely hope Miss Nettie
will be very successful.
Mrs. Will Broadly and Mrs. George
Broadly returned to thier homes in
Idaho after an extended visit with
their mother. Mrs. McMillan.
J. W. Bransttater has been very
busy with his hay. Mr. Branstater
has such a big crop that in spite of
extra men end teams, about 75 tonsi
was caught in the rain.
Mr. Harl McCormick one of Lex
ington's former teachers is back again
io-our city renewing acquaintances.
We hone Mr. McCormick will be one
of our teachers next year.
Mr. Holmbnrg returned to our city
on Fridsiy to work in harvest for Mr.
Barnett. Mr. Barnett will have quite
a busy time as he expects to have his
grain cut and threshed at one time.
At the school meeting last Monday
afternoon Mr. Lench was elected as a
new director and as , Mr. Davis re
signed, Mr Beach was appointed to
fill that vacancy. The clerk's report
showed that there was $4926 33 on
hand during the year and as 3M661.43
was naid out, the balance on hand was
11269 32. This proves a very success
ful year for our school. In regard to
who the new principal will bo, will
sav that the mutter has not been folly
decided on as yet.
For soreness of tho muscles,
whether induced by violent exercise
or injury there is nothin better than
Chamberlains' Liniment. This lini
ment also relieves rheumatic pains.
For sale by Patterson & Son.
Geo. Ely went to Portland - to at
tend the Masonic grand lodge.
Mr. J. E. Holt and wife went to
Lexington the first of the week.
II. A. Samuels went to Rock crupfe
and from there to Heppner last Fii-day.
Tho East Side Telephone Co. were
all ont finding their line one day last,
Amio Troedson, who has been going
to school at Bellinkhnm, Wash., for
the past year came home Friday evc-
ing. i
Rev. Nysttom, of Portland preached
in Trnedson school house Friday eve
ning, and left the next day for Gooseberry.
J. E. Nelson, who has been to O.
A. C. for the past year came in last
Thursday evening. J. E. savs Mor
row county wheat fields look good to
Everybody is getting ont thier ma
chinery and old wagons and are busy
fiixng them np. Some of the farmers
have already started to heading rye
and he wheat harvest will soon begin.
Inarct Hile C'ot I. re.
A Boston man lost his leg from the
bite uf an Insect two years before. To
vert such calamities from stings and
bites of insects cse Bucklins' Arnica
Salve promptly to kill the poisou and
prevent Inflamatinn, swelling and pain.
Heals burns, boils, ulcres. pile, ecz-
ma cats, bruses. Only 25c at Slocum
Drug Co.