C. E. WOODSON. A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W Office In Palace Motel Heppner. Oreoon Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on wait eud of Mar Street Heppuer Oregon. S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlceln Court Home, Heppuer, Oregon. F. H. ROBINSON, LAWYER, lone, - - - Oregon W. H. DOBYNS. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW JOBSON ON THE FOURTH lone. Oregon. W. L. SMITH. ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of abstract book in Morrow county. Obbooh Hkfpneb, J. P. WILLIAMS Justice of the Peace. Office with S. E. Van Vactor DR. M. A. LEACH rICJVTIT Permanently located in Heppner. Offlc Id the new Fair building. Gaa ad-ministered. OSTEOPATHY AND MECHANOTHERAPY Dr. Martha S. Arledge, D. 0. Dr. J. P- Conder, M -T. D. Treatment of all diseases D9 per cent, of cute successfully treated without operation II are we coins away any where over the Fourth V" timidly ventured. Mra. Job- sou at tho breakfast table. "Going away for what?" Inquired Mr. Jobson, glowering at her over the rambler roses lu the middle of the table. "Why," said Mrs. Jobson, "to escape the noise and" "Escape nothing!" cut In Mr. Jobson gloomily. "How you going to escape It? Illre a balloon and escape to Spits bergen? nike to the Mohave desert? I'd be considerably obliged to you If you would suggest how anybody can get away from this durnphool Fourth of July nonsense, madam, but you can't do it. It's not to be done." "Well, then." Interposed Mrs. Job son, "It Is settled that we are not to go away over the Fourth and that" "It is pretty near settled, Mrs. Job son, If I say bo," replied Mr. Jobson grandly. "We are not only not going away, but we are going to remain closely bottled op in this fortress from the beginning of the day to the end there of. I'm going to take all of the screens out of the windows and pull the win dows down tight, so as to exclude as much of the racket as possible, and then I'm going to retire to the attic, where I want my meals served to me t throughout the day." Mr. Jobson was In a pretty chipper and cheerful frame of mind when he woke up on Fourth of July morning. He ate a whopping breakfast, and aft er breakfast he sat In the front room at the window, reading the paper and smoking his cigar and gazing out at the youngsters firing their crackers and torpedoes. "Those youngsters don't get the good out of their firecrackers that us fel lers used to when I was a kid," he observed to Mrs. Jobson. "They don't get enough noise out of 'em. And they don't know bow to nurse and hoard their firecrackers. Why, I'll bet those kids never heard of shooting 'em off under a dish pan, and" That suggested something to Mr. Jobson. He sneaked out the basement way, went around the corner to a fire works shop and presently returned with an armful of firecrackers. Then he slunk In the basement way and copped out Mrs. Jobson's second best dishpan. Then he went out again and beckoned a bunch of the firecracker shooting youngsters In a vacant lot. "Hey, you fellers." he called to the delighted boys, "come on along here and I'll show you some shootln' of firecrackers as is what you might call shootln'." When Mrs. Jobson went over there an hour or so later to summon Mr. Job son to lunch he was firing off the final Ml. in .; : ;,-, . B fr, tL ;lf KH , ro! iv warns a Wtad: HCIii ADff a ERaimcBB DDdD Von Wai arid tfets mcKer it- ' N. E. WINNARD FHVMICIAN A M. D. SUKUCON Graduate of: Lenox College, 1885. Chicago Homeopathic Med College 1890. Kuuk Medical Colleue, 1S92. F. E. Boyden, M. D. PUYSSCIAN A SUKQKOM Office in rear of Patterson & Son's Drag Store. HEPPNER OREGON WELLS & CLARK. 8HAVINO PARLORS Three Doom South of Postoflice. Bbaving 25c Hnirouttlng 35( Bathroom in Connection. PATTERSON & ELDER 2 Door North Palace Hotel TONSOIIIAL ARTISTS Fine Baths - - - - Shaving 25c J. H. BODE " - -l-IMM I t ON THE FOURTH OF JULY. poet you should read should go should read should to eat Tho Burns. The place you Fire island. The author you Bang. Ths food you Crackers. The artist you should admire Gunn. The actress you ahould sea Starr, The humorist you ahould read Shuts. The politician you should hear Cannon. The kind of tyne thi skit should fbe set in to make it appropriate CAPS. X J F P. Pitzer in Judge. J JULY FOURTH. Same old f-peeches. Same old Hags, Same old rockets. Same old Jags. Same old music. Same old noise. Same old crackers. Same old boys. Same old picnics, Same old dread, Same temptation. Same old head. Same old fires. Same old lights. Same old crowds and Same old lights. Same old cannons. Same old thrills, Same old cheers and Doctor's bills. Same old brightness, Same display. Same old gladsome Natal day. Philadelphia Ledger. Arc you interested in getting hold of land for a home? Do you want a place suited to diversified farming? We have bargains to offer in the three tracts listed below. No. 1. Consists of 1100 acres, divided into 250 acres of wheat land, 30 acres now set to alfalfa, with 20 acres more that can be put in,- and all under good ditch; 800 acres grass land. This is an ideal dairy and heg ranch, lying on the creek, with plenty of water the year around. One of Eastern Oregon's Best Propositions. $14 per acre; $8000 cash; good terms on balance. Safe and Sane? i Merchant Tailor IIEPPNHR F- H ROBINSON W. S. SMITH lone, Oregon. COMB ON, rELLEltS, tVE LI BATE SOUS ItE.VL KOlyiL" package of his stock of crackers un derneath the dishpan. and the noise he was making was something terrific. (h.uu. "liaveu t had so much fun sinrp Hector was u pup," he panted delight edly to Mrs. Johson as he cobbled his lunch. "Didn't know there was so dlirmd mil,h fllll f-r, ha h.,,1 rt,,t tt ost. KlIKIIM.MJW A V H simple things as firecrackers, We're - Wli ,. ,, ,, . . , . ... uuja aim Kills fll UUillL. OIU IUUV. and It s only these gloomy muttonheuds that allow 'einselves to grow old." Well. It hasn't been such a noisy Fourth after nil, has it?" ventured Mrs. Jobson after It was all over. Mr. Jobson darted a suspicious look at her. "Oh, yon can Just put those sneers of yours in a tin and seal 'em up, mad am." growled Mr. Jobson. "I know ivhat your crack means that I've con tributed a little to what you call the noise. Well, If I have I'll stand for It, madam, and I've got no apologies to make. This Is a free count rr. vou'll be pleased to remember, and we're cele brating the day that made it free, and if I ever become so blamed atrophied in my sentiments and balled up in my patriotism that I resent a little extra outbreaking of praiseworthy and coin nieudatory noise on the Fourth of July. like some alTected and alleged nicey I niccy folks that I could mention, I want to be run inlo the Potomac river Real Estate Farms and City Property for Sale. Farms to rent. Correspondence solicited. ectrsc IWado A PJow f-an Of Hi.T "I was EufTcrinr from rain in mv C stomach, head and tack,"1 writes II. V T. AJRton, Ka! ih. 2J C,"ard n yS liver and kid;-.f 5 s did not work riiht. g but fonr Lott! a of J-Jcctrie Uitursf made rce fetl like a new man." S noire nnrr-i at am nRi'R pt.tpf': k by a pack of ferocious rabbits, madam. and that's about nil the reply I need to make to you." Washington Star. ' iy J j j "M J mm No. 2. Is a creek farm of 950 acres; 500 acres of good wheat land; 25 acres now growing alfalfa, and as much more can easily be put in as it comes under ditch. Small orchard, small house with water piped in from good spring on place; barns and other buildings. $11 per acre; half cash; terms on balance. A GENERAL PURPOSE FARM. No. 3. A BIG BARGAIN. 3800 acres, on wnicii is now growing do or U acres of alfalfa, and 25 acres more can be put in, making nearly 100 acres that come under ditch. ' On this ranch three eood crops of alfalfa are grown each year and but one irrigation is required; it is sub irrigated by from 15 to 20 springs on the place. There is a good orchard of 150 choice bearing fruit trees; 9-room resi dence with water piped in from spring; large sheep shed and other outbuildings. About 1000 acres of this farm is good wheat land with 600 acres now in cultiva tion. 1 1 miles from Heppner. Price $11 per acre; half cash; easy terms on balance. This is one of the best rural homes in all Eastern Oregon and is certainly a snap at the figure offered. To the homeseeker or the investor there are no better propositions offered than these; nowhere in the North west can such land be had at anything like such figures. These farms join and can be had all in one deal separately as desired. or For further particulars, call or address Hie azef-Ioiss Reai Es!ae Office KEFPNEK .... OKEGON I Skldmore In nutrias Life. 1