Ciegou jiuiurioal fcooiet city nail y MM jy. it VOL. 29. NO. 14, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1912 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR Heppner, Oregon Flag Far Every Hy and & BJssEEcSr I2--; Ye MEALS.'. The family table will be set at the PALACE HOTEL family style with plenty of well cooked meats and garden vegetables, in fact all the market affords. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUS!- To the Ladies: The parlor will be furnished with plenty of rocking chairs and loun ges for you when tired, and ice water when you are thirsty. D' BUCIiS FOR SALE Pure Bred Lincolns, Cotswold and Shrop Rams from the best flocks in the country. All orders promptly filled and delivered at Heppner. If you have anything to sell in the Sheep line send your list to me; I will find a buyer. T. F. BOYLEN, Pendleton, Or. Hot Lake- Sanatorium u www .wwir.!.rwA y. w imMwm.' FIU ?M-5' 5 v f,-' -.- 'tr.: ;:,:-su ". f ;,-', mm -A NATURAL-HEALTHiRE-3T0RATIVE CARRIES BYBIG VOTE Bond Issue of Authorized. Cast, 243. $40,000 is Total Vote Fur I ho past throe weekq Hepriner has been somewhat agitated over the propesitoin to bond School District No 1 in the sum of 140,000 to con struct a new school honsa. There wore many who opposed the bond issue and they out up a prettr strong fight in snpport of their side of the qnestion, and for this they are not to be censured as tliev were no doubt animated by honest convictions. On the o(her hand those favoring a new building were jnst i.s earnest in suo- port of their tida of the question, and a livelv little battle was carried on. The election came off on Tuesday afternoon, a large vote being' cast. The quersticn was divided into two propositions for the voters to decide. One authorizing the dirt-dors to pur chase the nedssary building site and the other providing funds uecesfarv to purchase site and erect a schrcl house by bonding the district in the im of $40,000. I The election passed off very quiet-1 ly. One of the noticeable features be- j inc. (he interest manifested fcy the womn of the district who turned out in large numbers to register their voets in faor of the proposition, and was no doubt Inrgelv due tn their in terest that the election went su strongly in favor of the new school house. The vote stood on purchase of site: Yes, 190: No, 52. On bonding the district, Yes. 188; No, 5,". This Is an endorsement of the new school house that is very gra tifj-ing-. indeed nnd it gives us pleasure to announce to the outs'de world that Heppner is stil on the map and is ready to take a sctp in the line of progression that will mean much for the future of oor city. There is tiling that could add more to credit than tliij move. IONE'S TOURNAMENT NOT A SUCCESS. Slow Games and small At tendance are the Three Days Features. OG3G1EZ 0 not our Hot I. ;ike Sanatorium oilers lunch to liculili .-mil rest seekers. The great boiling: nunernl spriiiji provides nntunilly medicated water and mini contnininir niedii innl properties of value. The three hundred ropin J Intel Sana tonum affords iunple aei'oinmoilal ion. 1'se of the water i I the week (iH'M l Mifii (HUM iiiii ill uit' iifi't's mi tin" iuil('lll, 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ' i J 1 1 1 1 It I I i.V rhlllml diagnosis. The result in. the Hot Lake Sanatorium is really a cure place. Thousands who ha ve suffered from l liemna l ism. blood, skin, stomach nnd kidney disorders have found relief and permanent cure there. The rates nre made to conform to the requirements of all classes. Open the year round. t Hot Lake Sanatorium is located in I'liion County, Eastern Oregon, in the heart of the Blue Mountains, directly on the main line of the Oreg'on WesHington Railroad (EL Navigation Co., and can be conveniently reached from any railroad point in the Northwest. Special reduced round trip fares an; made from all points on the ).-V. I!. & N. Write for free booklet to Hail Injures Crops. Abfltit 2500 acres of fine plain were destroyed Wednesday afternoon by hail, Comparatively sneaking the storm covered only a small area but where it did strike it was extremely severe. Hailstones the size of eggs were numerous and many were larger while the wind made the damaes much more than it would have been otherwise. Where the storm struck in full force the erain was battered into the ground, chickens were billed and much stook severely injnred. It is esMmatea. tnat rarman tiros, are tlio heaviflst. losers, having had ?")0 acres of fine grin totally destroyed. Other heavy los' rs nre Phil Stnrr, W N. Brown. Exrl Fromon. , W. O, Echols, Claud Edwards, S. B. Barker, and pos ib'v several othir. Hana West and Wm. -Gross lost a few acres. Pnrman Bros, expect to cava about 700 tons of hay from the palh of the storm aud it is probable that tha others will also be ablo to get scrao hav al- inongn in some instances the grain was heaten too badly to even moke gnoi hay. In the remembrance of the old-timers this is the second hail storm of auy consequence. Condon Glob. EIGlif MILE. Martin Johnson is a frequent visib r in Eight Mile thes nice summer davs. C. D. and Ed Huston bought from M. Hnninhrey a few work horses last week. Frank and Howard Anderson or dered a ncWjBest Combine the first of the week. Miss Ililma Bergotrom was sowing for Miss Addie Anderson the first of The bast-ball tournament held at lone on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day of last week waa not, a success. l ins is due to trie ran tnat the man agement was disappointed at th last minute in securing outside teams to participate. Heppner did not intend to send a team to the "Chicken city" but upon being made a liberal , offer Manager Maddnck scrapid together a bunch of pick-ups and went down to carry away the prize morey. The first jay resulted in a close and interesting gamo. The score was I to o in lone s tavor. This game was one bin surprise to the Hfponer fans, for they bftd no other idea than that lone would win easily, for they had be?n putting in some hard prac tice. Hiatt and Halo, of Heppner did the feature hitting in this came On the second day much slower hall was play?d, the arore being 9 to 10 in favor of lone. The game on the third day was called off in the firh inning with the score of 1 to 0 for lone. There is very little doubt that Eleppncr would have won the series lis d it hten possible io have sent all nf the regular teem down. Rhea and Rncd "came back" on the second day and made a gnod battery f r Heppner Sperry and Cushaw was Ione's bat tery. Olin Hayes of this citv oeffiia ted as umpire and gavo satisfaction. Was Bm$& Wliatmakera Woman? One hundred and twenty pounds, more or less, of bone and muscle don't make a woman. It ig a good founda tion. Put, into it health and strength and ehe may rule a kingdom But that's just what Electric Bitters give hir. Thousands bles: them for over coming fainting and dizzy spells and fcr dispelling weakness, nervousness, backache nnd tired listless, worn out feeling.; "Electric Bittr have done me a world of good," writes Eliza Pod.Dcpew, Okla. . "and I thanit you with all my heart for making such a sood iifJotcine. " Only 50c. Guaran teed by Slocum Drug Co. In looking over our Spring stock which has just been received, we believe we have the best assortment of n-0ods that has ever been shown here. A Splendid Line of Ladies' Waists, Collars, jab ots, etc. They are snappy just the style you want. FROM DIST NO.SI. Good Time Enjoyed at An nual School Meeting. HOT LAKE SANATORIUM, WALTER M. PIFRCE, Pres. and Mer. VAWTER CRAWFORD Xotauy Public IxsriiAxcE Agent Bejiresetiti some fading Fire Insurance Companies. Including1 The Home of .New York, The Hartford, and The I'liieuix of London, also America u Bonding Co. of Baltimore. Office: Gazette, Ileppner, Oregon The summerfallow wheat in Eight Mile will yield rom 35 to CO bushels per acre. C. E. Jones and M. Ashhauh atten ded the farmers meeting at Heppner last Saturday. Claud Keithley ig building a fine house on his wheat ranch on the head of Eight Mile, A fine raiu we hod last Sunday, al though it hindered C. E. Jones from heading his early oats. Ben Anlursno left last week for a few weeks visit with his brother, Ed, In Wallowa. But we suppose he will call at Hood River also. Ilardman, Ore , July 2, 1912. To the Gazaitn-Ti-iies : At the anriij-1 s"hon1 meeting, held June 27, Si me of the people of Dis trict No. 51, actio? on th suggestion given by Fupt. Noisin, Lrni ght their dinners and had a vtry tree lit' le pic nic. Still ethers came after noon and all enjoyed themselves visiting. Dorini the me t ng it was suggest ed that we have a box social to raise money to pai it the i is da of the school louse, vh h is ctrtiinly teedd, and any money which might he left over when this was areornrlished to go a fund which is being collected to purchase an orgnn. All were agreeably surprised at the result; t'e snciil beinc on the evening of the 29th, giving short time forpre- naration, but nearly everybody in the i district cpnin which shows that an in-1 t'Fest is tiunn in the school. SoO.lOi was cleared from the saie of the bas-1 kets and a fishing po"id, the children, I epecial'y, erjaving the latter, as did also a few of the erevvn-uos. j If any one wants pins, needles or buttons , ask K. Mo. or G. C. fori them. I Mr. Severance hrrught his nhono-' graph which lurnishod entertainment. J All Feemed to enjoy themselves. It is ! rumored there is to he mother social j later on, and here's hoping. j This school is sometimes known as; the Burton Volley school. X. Here are a few of our standbys: Banner Brand Waists, Underskirts & Dresses; . Nemo and 11. & G. Corsets: Simpson's: Prints. Amoskeag A. F. C. Ginghams. Bipplettes and Galateas. lied Goose Shoes for Children. "Pa cific and Swell Shoes for Ladies. Atlantic and Senate Shoes for Men and Boys, Hansen Gloves, Conqueror Hats, Standard SI i i its , Collegian Clothes, Boss-of-the-Boad Overalls, ,Ilo3al Club Canned Goods, M. J. B. Coiiee Crystal White Soap, Fuller's Sheep Mark ing Paint, Crisco, Easy Jell. etc. '. - n nod Bros. Leave Your Orders Today. C! o A IT 1? m f; .t i.-11 i 13 s-v We have made an M. E. riU HCH, SOtTH. Sunday achool 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. The pastor will preach for Rev. Powell at Methodist church in Lexington at S p. m. Christian Church. State Evangelist, G. E. Williams! began a series of services last Sunday morning and will continue till next Sunday night. Mr. Williams bas been in the field for three yaers and is well and f3vorbly known throughout Oregon. Ha has his stt rioptirnn with him snd at eai h evening service hsows many helpful end b-autifol pic tures. You will be helped and blessed to attend these services. Come and bring a friend. Any fkin itchina is a temper tester. The more vou scratch the more it itehes. Dean's Ointment is for piles, eczema any skin itching. 50o at all , drug stores. ments with Jas. Nunzmalizr, Hood River to handle his fa mous Royal Ann cherries. The season is now at its highth. Dont delay if you want the best. A. M. Phelps, THE GROCER n I: