WEEK'S NEWS. Local and Personal Happenings. All kinds of good ice cold sodas at The Palm. Delicious sodas and ice cream sodas BtThe l'elm. Red lemonade for the kids on July 3rd and 4tli. H, & G. bread your G.) to the Bakery for 26 loaves for 1.00. Yon need not pay bo much for in surance. Talk .to M. E. Suiead. Highest cash prices Raid for hides, pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse Milling Co. T. H. Williams was In from Eight Mile on TuHedav getting shaped np for his l)i a harvest Dr. Winnard has taken a oeoial course on eve jiseanes and is prepare rl to fit classes properly. R. F. Hvnd was np from Portalnd a few days (his week. He will re turn home on SaturdHy. The neatest thing in the refrieeatur Jine is the "White Frost." Sold by the Case Furniture Company. It my ba to your interest to get my prices before buying watches, clonks or jewelery. C. R. Johnson, Jeweler. The Pastime will open Ice cream parotrs for the ladies on the 3id and 4th. Don't forget we keep the best. H. & O. ' A good pano to sell , or trade for horses. This is a good instrument, in first class condition. Inquire at this office. tf. Impure blood runs you down makes yon an easv victim for disease. For pare blood and sound digestion Burdock Blood Fitters. At all drua tores. Price, 81.00. Indians from every tribe are carried with the Kit Cnrson's Buffalo Ranch Wild West. This will be a good chance to see the red man as he exists on Uncle Sam's reservation. Chicken and Ice cream will make anyone smile on a hot Sunday. TRY THE PALACE HOTEL Teacher s examination was com pleted at the court house on Saturday evening, under the direction of Supt Notsnn. Eleven applicant were present, writing for different classes of papers. Those writing weie: Winoifred Osten for five year paper: Mabel Fuller for life certifictte : Beulah Barker for lifo certificate: Nettie V Davis, one year Dupr : Mrs Blnnehe Gay, one year: Maraaret Osten, one year; Edun P. McNabb one year; Nellie G. Clasliman, one year; Opal D. BrigRS, one year and Mrs. Carrie W. Burnhsm, one year for credit on ilfe certificate. Jerseys to oell I have some choice voutiK Jersey milch cows for sale at ranch one mile below Rhea Siding. Address O. L Lundell, Arlington, Oro. , for further particu lars, tf, J. R. Nunamaker name ud by auto from Hood River on Saturday, beating the train into Heppner. He has a reputation for aoing some when he is at the wheel of his machine and only hits the hijh places as he flies along. Mrs. W. R. Irwin and two sons, accomoaaied by Mrs. E. Minor, de parted on Tuesday morning for Port land. After a week spent in the city, they will go on to Tillamook where they will spend the summer at the sea shore. B. R. Patterson and wife returned on Friday evening from a trip by auto to Portland. The weather was very pleasant fur the trip but thev found the roads nretty badiv cut up, espec ially coming up Willow creek in this county. Jew Hicks, formerly of this office, is now located at Kalama Wash. , where, he has accepter! a position on the Bulletin of thit city. It is the intontion of A. J. Hicks to remove to that section of Washington as soon as he closes cut his mercantile business at Cohurg. It is now well known that not more than one case of rheumatim in ten requires any iuternal treatment what ever. AH that is needed is a free ap plication of Chamberlain's Liniment and maasaaring the parts at each Doli cation. Try it and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. Sold by Patterson & Son. Jude Patterson desires to call the attention of the visitors to Ileppner on tb3 erd and 4th to the beautiful grove at the couit house, and to ex tend an invitation to the people to come and enjoy the shade thereof al thier leisure. It is a good place to spread your dinners. There will be plenty of good water handv, also seats provided so that all may be accomoda ted. jT A wtter spout struck with a heavy downpour at the ftrm of M. J. Devin in Sand Hollow yesterday afternoon. Chicken houses, pig pens and a portion of the barn was washed away and con siderable damage done to grain. The spoat had the effect of raising Hinton creek and a large quantity nf water passed by Heppner as a result. Daro ag to roads is reported bat no serious loss cao ba chronicled at this time. It is reported that the water was at least 13 feet deep in the gully where it passed tha Devin place. Bv aocidontly getting hull of a bot tle of raibolic acid on Friday and swallowing its contents, James Carty came near passing to the bevond. The prompt application of the right, antidote in the shape of an abundance of raw eegs administered immediately by Mrs. Oary no doubt snved the life of her husband. Dr. Bovden was immediately called from town and brouaht Mr. Cartv to the hospital where he was treated for a few days and returned home on Monday. It was a close tnlPand Mr. Cartv has no desire to repeat tha experience. All those who will participate in the exercises on the Fourth in connec tion with the Libertv Car are request ed to be at the Commercial Club j building promptly at 9 o'clock the j morning of the 4th to prepare for the j narade. It is necessary that you be j niompt so that there will be no delay in getting ready for the parade that starts at 9 :30. . Each acre of our lives has its joys. ! Old peoule should be happy, and they j will be if Camberlain's Tablets are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the bowels regular. These tab-1 lets are mild and gentle in their net- j on and especially suitable for people of middle age and older. For sale by Patterson & Son. The gionnds for the celebration aro being nut in shape on Chase street. A big platform has been constructed under the trees where the exercises of the 4th will be held, snd other featrnes taken care of. For the 3rd ami 4th this platform will be need for dancing in the afternoon nd evening. The sum of f 150 in pursoB is hung for the ranes on tho 3rd and 4th at Heponet. There is to be horse and oonv races) root races ana cucKing i contests: plenty of good sport alone this line. Bring in vcur runninc; stock and join in with the merry makers. Dr. Vaugfyn, editor of tha Paoific Christian Advocate of San Francisco, addressed the union services at the Christian church on Sunday evening. It was a splendid sermon delivered in a masterly manner, the editor fully demonstrating his ability as a puipt orator. Tnesday was a very bnsr day for the Hetpner merchants: in fact every day of the week is getiine to be a vast improvement over past seasons and it looks like the good old times were returning bond crop prospects make a big dnTeronce. Prettv warm the pist week and har vest is coming on rapidly, lhe most of onr farmers will be cutting thier grain shrrtly after the 4th; in faot, heading is on in many localities at present and will be genersl by the 15th of Jnly. J, P. Stockard was in town on Sat urday. Ho has returned to Morrow county from liermiston where he snnet the past few months at work on the irrigation project, to prepare to harvest his big crop of wheat. Mrs. Jennie McCaitor and two sons denarted on Friday for Portland on thi-r return to thiir homo in Oakland Calif., after n visit of several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Noble in Heppner. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brosnan, of Butter creek, was brought to town last hridny with a broken M. . . Hi. t t J II arm. lhe li'tie iohow naa iauen off the fence with sufficient force to cause the fracture. Mrs. F. D. Cox departed on day for a visit of two or three weeks with relatives at Indepenrtense, New berg and other valley points. Why does evrevbody want our ice cream? Because it is made f'om pn I. I Jersev cream, always fresh and sweete H. & G. Attorney C. E. Woodson is in Pert land this week on legal business. The Big Show. On Jnlv 1 Kit Carson's Buffalo Ranch Wild West Shows will exhibit at Heppner afternoon and night. This is the largest amusement of its char acter in the world. Solid trains of their own, doublo length cars are re quired for the transportation of this colossal attiaction. Nfver before have so many features been corubined under one management. The Aero ulane for instance is bat one of the strange sights to be seen with this exhibition. Not a model hut a Cur-tis-Farnum Aeroplane furnished by the Chiosgo Areoplane Manufacturing Co., and eunranteed to give flights daily. It will circle the city and alight at show grounds for the pub lic's inspaotion. A Menagerie of trained wild ani- muls h also an innovation with a wild west show. Elephants Camels, Buff alo and on down to the smaller soecies of bipeds and quadrupeds. A two mile street pageant glutoring with gold and silver, will delight the eye and exquistie music of the three big bauds will please the lovers of har mony. Corning as we do from the largest ranch in the world, we carry nothing but the very best of riders and ropers and guarantee to ride any horse or mule frte of charge if brought to the show grounds and off?r a reward if we fail. The Cossacks with the show were selected from the Czar's caval ary in Russia and are without donbt the fluent horseman in the world. Then there are the Rough Riders from the plains of Siuth America, Vauqures from Old Mexico, champion lady riders of the world, imported Euro pean Novelty acts of every descripton, bands of Sioux, Cheyenne and Com anche Indians with their picturesque squaws and papooses. A dozen comic clowns in fun and foolishness. . In fact two hours will be required to present the prorgam and you will lave the show grounds a true friend and earnest advocate of Kit Carson's Buffalo Rauch Wild West. But don't forget the date. Two performances only on July 1 at Heppner. Good Goods M inor & Go. Good Goods Special Sale OF IMF' a CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Th3 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ef We will be next to the dance plat form where you can get all kinds of cool drinks and the best of ice cream in town. Heudricson & Gurdane. Your CKoice See Window Good Goods MINOR & GO. Good Goods 3ig OFFICIAL EESI Gileppaiers JULY 3rd. 10:00 11:00 1:30 3:00 W. P. Scrivner has on exhibi tion at his shop one of the Rumley Oil Turn engines. Those engines are designed lor all purposes, . stationary and portable in sizes : from 3-horse to 15-hors3 power, lie has the agency for this class of engines as well as the Oil Pull tractor. Any one interested in! small engines should call and see j this sample. He is agent also for the Rumley line of Separa-1 tors. Any one having the Gar; Scott machinery or the Advance machinery should see Mr. Scriv ner for repairs and all extras. He can sell you any of these lines of machinery. a. m. Exercises at Stadium, consisting of music by band, address of welcome by Mayor Van Vactor, singing by Glee Club. Foot Races on Main Street. Horse Races at Depot. Ball Game, Schoolhouse Grounds. lone vs. Her- miston. 6:30 Band Concert at Stadium. RACES FOR THE 3rd OF JULY. 1st Race. Mile for horses that have never run for public money $15 00 2nd Race. Mile mule race. $10.00 :ird Race, Mile ponv race, 14 bands, 1 inch or under, $10.00 4th Race, ft Mile free'for all, $20. IK) 1st Knee. yK Mile free for nil, $50.90 2nd Race Mile Dash, $10.00 :Srd Race Mile for ponies, winner of first day barred, $10 00 4th Race Mile free for nil. winner of $50.00 race barred, f 25 t0 No entrance fees will be charged for any of these races. 100 yd Dash free for all. $7.50 (iirls Race 50 yd Dash. $5.uO Roys Race 100 yd, $5.00 Rarrel Knee 100 yd, not less than 4 to start, $5.00 Fat inau's race 100 yds, $5.00 Iudin race. 1st mid 2nd money 1st. $rt.00. 2nd $4.00. Hose Race, 1st money f 25 00, Second money $15.10 50 yds 9:00 9:30 10:30 1:00 2:00 3:00 5:00 7:00 JULY 4Ul. a. m. Parade to Start from Commercial Club Building. Exercises at Stadium as follows: America by Band and Chorus Invocation by Rev. E. P. Warren Male Quartet "Your Flag and Mine." Band "Hail Columbia" Reading of Declaration of Independence Song "On to Victory" bv Chorus Male Quartet "Flag of the Free" Oration by Roscoe R. Johnson "Star Spangled Banner" by Band and Chorus Ball Game, Schoolhouse flat, Hermiston vs. Heppner Horse Races at Depot Bucking Contest Ball Game, Schoolhouse grounds, Hermiston vs. Heppner Hose Races on Main Street Foot Races on Main Street BUCKING HORSE CONTESTS. T.est Rider $20. Second Best Rider, $10.H) A prize of $10.(K) will 1m Riven to the owner of the hardest biicUny; hrtrse. r.riiijr on your bucking horses and have them rode free. For information about races and bucking con test seel'uve Me.Uee and Orve Kasmus. i