t water hauling; save team pulling separator; it will save fireman; one span of horses one trip per week to the depot will furnish fuel. When done harvesting it can be utilized in plowing all your best ground, thereby saving about one-half expense over horses. Also agent for the Rumely Oil Turn from 3 to 15 horsepower stationary or portable M. S. CORRIGALL, President J. H. McHALEY, T MAHONEY, Cashier J. B. NATTER, Vice Pres. Vice Pres. CLYDE BROCK. Ami. Cashier We offer to the Public the services of a strong and well equipped Bank, with the experience of twenty-five years in this community. Accommodations extended to cus tomers consistent with safety, and balances carried with us. I Liberty Meat Market B. F. MATLOCK, Prop. The Best Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, J I Sausage and Home Cured Meats. 1 A STRICnMCASr 1 GILLIAM & BISBEE Leading Hardware Dealers I THE PASTIME HENDRIGSON & Seasonable Soft Drinks, Fruits, Delicious Ice Cream "We miha our own Ice Cream. It is a Morrow County 9 production. i Confectioner, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Notions ?... ................. Wanted. A Rood, sober, reliable blacksmith; must be a good horsesboer and gen eral itnith. Write or call on J. H. WILT, lone, Oregon. Why Not Economize? Before placing your orders for harvest machinery, consult with W. P. SCRIVNER, Agent Heppner, Oregon This engine will save all GUBDANB, Props Domestic'and Tropical t FOR SALE to make room for young stock, two pens of choice ain sle comb Rhode Island Reds. Cock and seven hens, $15. 00. Worth double the price. L. W. Brlggs Heppner, Oregon. Delinquent Tax List 1910. Notice is hereby given that the last half of the taxes for the year 1910, on the property hereinafter described, which was assessed to the respective persons herein named, have been de linquent since the inrsi Monday in October 1911: that if said taxes are not paid within six months from said date, a Tax Certificate of delinquency will issue thereon, as provided by law. A penalty of ten per cent, interest at one per cent per month and the cost of this notice will be added to the respective amounts as herein given. Gladys Akers, lone Halvor.sena Add; Lots 7-8 Blk 2 3 06 E. T. Allen. Irrigon Low 1-15-17-18 Blk 16 44 Matilda 0. Ayers, SWi NWJ, 82, 1-N 28. SEK. SE 20. 1-S, 28 5 82 Wm. Ayers Est, EH NWM. EJ SWi, 4, 1-S, 28. SE1 10. 1-S 28 ll 20 Fred W. Balsiger, SWi 31, 1-N, 24. N.l NWJ beg llchs of SE cor of the NEJ Sec 5. West 11 chsN,20 chs, East che. SE terly, 21 ohs to beg, Sec 4, 1-S, Range 24. NEJ, N SEJ, 5, 1-S, 24 51 75 Melvina Brenner, NW. NEJ, NEJ NWJ, 12, 6-S 25. SEi. 1. 6-S 25 16 54 E. S. Cox, lone. Lot 6, Bkl 1. . .9 18" Joshana Doan. NWJ, 8 1-N, 25. .14 01 M. O. Fuqua. SEJ, 32, 3-S, 24. NWJ. 83, 3-S, 24 36 22 Grace G. Gill, SJ SEJ, 10, 4-S, 29. SEJ, 15. 4-S. 29 4 96 E. A. Hammer, NEJ-i NEJ, 10, 1-S, 24. W, 32 Acres of the NWM NWJi 11, 1-S, 24 38 11 O. Henkle, Lot 4, Blk 9, West Irrigon, Sec, 24 fi-N 26. Lota 3-4 Sh NWli Sec 2. 4-N. 26. .15 24 Hollie Leathers, SJ 9W, W, 30 Acres NWJ SW4', Sec 35, 4-S, 25 9 13 Shelby E. Lee, Lexington, Lot 3, Blk 15 U 55 Littlehales & Roberts, WJ NEJ, EJ NWJ, 17 1-N 23. EJ El, 17, -1-N, 23. Lots 8-4, 19. 1-N 23 13 45 C. A. Lovegreen, S1SWJ, 17, 3-S. 23. NEJ4. El NWJ, 18, 3 S 23. NEJ NE, 19, 3-S 23. El SE, 18, 3-S. 23. Nl NWJ, 20, 3-S, 23 55 20 Lincoln Maedor, Lot 2, Blk 15 West Irrison, 1 65 George Miller, Lot 12, Blk L, Looneys Add 16 10 Thaden Moore Heppner. Mt Ver non Add, Lot 1, Blk 20 I.l 71 Artie Morgon, Heppner. Ayers 5th Add; Lot 4, Blk 2. Tract No. 57 8 59 D. P. Kessler, Lot 1 Blk 20 West . Irrigon 1 77 W. T. McNutt SEJ 84, 1-N, 24, .36 17 Lena Owens, Tract in SWJ SWJ, 35, 4-S, 25 8 70 Frank W. Roberts, Heppner SI Lot 5, Bkl 2. 83 X 42 ft off W. end of Lot 5 Blk 2 244 75 W. A. Thomas, NWJ, 2, 1-N. 23. NEJ, 6, 1-N, 24. EH SWJ, 34, 2-N, 23 32 77 C. D. Turner, Est, Lexington, Lot 2, Blk 6 41 K. G. Watren, SWJ NEJ. W SEJ, 13, 1-S 29 4 20 S. O. Watkins, WNEJNSEJ -19, 1-S, 25 . .9 60 R. O. Wills Est, Heppner, Part Lot 1, Blk 9. 16 X 40 ft Lot" 2, Blk 9. E. 30 ft, Lots 7-8, Blk 9 12 69 A. F. Young, SH SEJ, 8.2-S.23. EH NE)j , 17, 2-S 23 3 57 Cecil Young, EH SWJ, 29. 3 S, 23. NWJ NEJ, NEJ NWJ, 3a 3-S, 23 5 09 J. C. HAYES, Sheriff and Tax Collector. lummons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. The Western & Hawaiian Investment Company Limit ed, a corporation, Plaintiff vs Benjamin F. Estes and Ada Estes, his wife, J. Cy Smith and Millie R. Smith bia wife, Eliza J. Webb and I. S. Townsend Creamery Company, a corporation. Defendant!. To Eliza J. Webb: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yoo in the above entitled suit within six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. If you fail so to do for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed fot in the complaint, to-wit, for a decree that plaintiff have judgment against the defendants Benjamin F. E-tes and Ada Estes for Two Hundred Dollars ($200.) with interest from December 1, 1909 at the rata of 8 per cent per (1100.00) with interest from December 1, 1910, at the rate ef 8 per cent per' annum, and Two Hundred Dollars (1200.00) with interest from Deoember 1 , 1911 at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, Twenty-four Dollars ($24 00) with interest from December 1, 1910, at 10 per oent per annum, and Sixteen Dollars (S16.00) with interest from Deoember 1, 19ll, at 10 per cent per annum, and Forty-seven and 78-100 Dollars (f47.7S) with interest from January 20, 1912 at 10 per cent per annum, and Seventy-five Dollars (75.00) as attorney's fee, all in Unit ed States Gold Coin, together with the costs and disbursements of this suit, and that the plaintiff have deoree for the foreclosure of the mort gage described in. the ootuplaiut, which is recorded at page 148 of Book "R" of Records of Moitcaaea of Mor row County State of Oregon, and for the sale of the mortgaged premises situated iu said County and State to satisfy such judgment as plaintiff may recover, said premises being par tioularlv described as follows, to-wit: All of the Northeast quarter (J) of Seotion Twenty-three (23) in Town ship One (1) North of Range Twenty five East of the Willamette Meridian containing one hundred sitxy (160) acres, more or lees and that plaintiff have such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equit able. This summons is published pur suant to an Order of the Honorable G. W. Phelps, Judge of said Court, mado and entered upon the 8 day of May, 1912, and the date of the first publica tion thereof is May 16, 1912. EARL C. BRONAUGH, Attorney for Plaintiff. M 16-J 27. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 10th, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Ernest K. Wyland, of Hardman, Oregon, who on Deoember I8tb, 1906, made Homestead Serial No. 04058, No. 15442, for NEJ, Sec tion 7 Township 5 South, Range 25 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before O. C. Patterson, U. S. Commissioner at his office, at Heppner. Oregon, on the 18th day of June, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: William T. Reynolds, George McDon ald, George T. Harrison, Richard H. Steers, all of Hardman, Oregon. C. W. MOORE, M 16-J 13 Register. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 10th, 1912. Notice is hereby given that James H. McDaniel of Hardman, Oregon, who, on December 6th 1906 made Homestead, No. 15426, Serial No. 04049. for NEJ NEJ, Wl NEJ, and NWJ SEJ, Section 12,Town ship 5 South Range 24 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before O. O. Patterson, U. S. Commissioner at his office, at Hepo ner, Oregon, on the 18th day of June, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: Wiltlam T. Reynolds, George McDon ald, George T. Harrison, Richard H. Steers, all of Hardman, Oregon. O. W. MOORE, M 16-J 13 Register. Notice tor Publication. Department of the interior, U. S Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 24tn 1912. Notice is hereby given that James W. Waid, heir at law of Joseph E. Waid. (deceased), of Lexington Oregon, who, on Novem ber 26th 1906, made Homestead, No 15416, Serial, No. 04043, for SEJ. Sec tion 8, Township 1 North, Range 26 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before O. U. fatter son, U. S. Commissioner at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 1st day of July, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses: A. A. Finley, W. B. Finley, J. W, Sibley, all of Lexington, Oregon, P, B. Doherty, of Heppner, Oregon. m30-j27 C. W. MOORE, Register. Summons for Publication in Foreclosure of Tax Lien. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. W. R. Walpole, Jr., Plaintiff vs. P. W.' Price Defendant To P. W. Price the above named defendant In the Name of the State of Oregon: you lira hereby notified that W. R. Walpole, Jr., th holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 27 issued on the 8th day of October 1908 by the Tax Collector of the Couuty of Mor row, State of Oregon, for the amount of 75-10C Dollars, the same being the amount tht-n due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1907 together with penatly, interest and costs there on upon the real property assessed to yoo, of which ynu are the owner as appears of record, situated in said County and State, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: Lota One (l) and Two (2) in Block Thirty-six (36) ot the Town of Irrigon, Morrow County, State of Oregon. You are further notified that said W. 11. Walpole, Jr., has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subse quent years, with the rate cf interest on said amounts as follows: Year.s Date Tax Re- Am- Rate of Tax Paid ceipt No. ount Interest. 1908 Feb 23.1909 287 $ .33 15 percent. 1909 Marl0;i910 708 .29 15 percent. 1910 Feb 27, 1911 199 .22 15 percent. 1911 Mar 12, 1912 687 .17 15 percent. Said P. W. Price as the owner of the legal title of the above deBuribed property as the same appears of record, and each of the other persons above named are hereby farther notified that W. R. Walpole, Jr., will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore closing the lien against the property above described, and mentioned in said certificate. And you are heieby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown, together with costs and accrued interest, and in case of your failuro to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by order of the Honorable C. C. Patterson. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and said order was made and dated this 15th day of April 1912 and the date , of the first publication of this summons is the ISth dav of April 1912. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the adlrees hereafter mentioned. S. E. NOTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Address Heppner, Oregon. Notice To Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oreogn administrator of the estate of George W. Goff, deceased and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby notified to present same to me duly verified as by law re quired at the office of O. E. Woodson in the City of Heppner .Oregon within six months from the date of first pub lication hereof. Dated and published first time this 6th day of June, 1912. S. T. GOFF, Administrator. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, dated the 15th day of May, 1912, in a certain suit in the Circuit Court for said County and State, wherein T. J. Mahoney, plaintiff, recovered judg ment against Jamea Hamilton and Harriet E. Hamilton , defendants, for the sum of Three Hundred Fifteen and 53-100 Dollars, ($315.53) with interest thereon from said 15th dav of May, 1912, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and the sum of Thirty and no-100 Dollats ($30.00) Attorneys fee and, for the further sum of Thirty-one and 94-100 Dollars. ($31.94) , with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 15th day of May, 1912, and the sum of Ten and no-100 Dol lars. Attorney's fees and for further sum of Fifty-four and 60-100 Dollars, ($54 50) costs and disbursements. Notice is hereby given that I will on Tuesdny. the 16th day of July. 1912, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Morrow County. Oregon, sell at publio auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the following described real property, to-wit: The Norh-west Quarter (NWJ) of the South-east QuartreS (St) the North Half (Nl) of the Southwest Quarter (SWJ) and the South-west Quarter (SWJ) cf the South-west Quarter (SWJ) ot Section Twenty-six (26) in Township One (1), North of Range Twenty-five (25) East of the Willam ette Meridian, in Morrow County , Ore gon. Taken and levied upon as the prop el ty of the said Jamea Hamilton and Harriet E. Hamilton or eo much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said judgment in favor of T. J. Mahoney and against said James Hamilton and Harriet E. Hamilton, together with all costs and disburse ments that have or may accrue. J. C. HAYES, Sheriff. By J. O. RASMUS, Deputy. Date 1 at Heppner, Oregon, June 12th, 1912. 11 A r . ,l,H.liM mrA DMntint Th best remedy for Kidneys, Liver and Bowel. Eradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorders of the Skin. Purifies the Blood and Rive Tone, Strength and Vigor to the entire system. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, Percy Hughes, has been duly appointed administrator of the estate of O. O. Townsend, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, and has duly qualified for such trust. All persons having; claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified, at the office of my attorney, Sam E. Van Vector, in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of fiist publication hereof. Dated and first published this 13th day of June, A. D. 1912. PERCY HUGHES, Administrator of the Estate of O. C. Townsend, deceased. Teacher's Examinations. Notine Is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Morrow County will hold the regular examin ation for applicants for State and oonnty papers at Heppner as follows: For State Papers. Commencing Wednesday, June 19 at 9 o'clock a. m. , and continuing until Saturday, June 22, at 4 p. m. Wednesday forenoon U. S. History, Physiology, Writing. Wednesday afternoon Physical Geo graphy, Reading, Composition, Mtehods in Reading, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday forenoon Arithmetic, His tory of . Eduoation, Psyohology, Methods in Geography. Thursday afternoon Grammar, Geog raphy, American Literature, Phy sics. Methods in Language. Thesis for Primary Certificate. Friday afternoon Theory and Prac tice, Orthography, English Litera ture Friday afternoon School Law, Bot any, Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday forenoon Geometry, Geol- OgT. Saturday afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. Yours truly. S. E. NOTSOiN . Co. Supt. CASTLE ROCK. Mrs. Marshall was in town Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons drove to town Tuesday evening looking for freight. Mr. Peterson, his son John and thier hired man were in town Sunday last. Mr. Weston has been helping S. H B yardman in haying the last few days. Mr. Crooks la spending a few days in Portland visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. McDaid.of lone came in on the local and went to Mr. Marshall's on a visit. Father O'Rourke took dinner here Thursday last. He spent the eight at Mr. Marshalls. Tom Robbins and Orval Shred quit the section and have gone to haying for George Bennett. Quite a musical entertainment was enjoyed by a small crowd last Sunday. Music ians were Ed Mulrona, violin: Orval Sterd, pianist. L. M. Davis and Jack Murlona crossed the river to inspect some horses, which resulted in Davia buy ing a well bred horse. The Stanfield Bros, abipped thier last sheep Junne 1st. R. N. and Gerald were both roesent the last two days. C. W Polk, the buyer, was here to superintend the loading. Mr. Wasley, the section foreman, received a phone message that his mother died very suddenly and he took the afternoon train for Portland on Tuesday. He expects to bring his brother's two boys home with him. i.-.. 1 j ft 1 1 ... u t iT You cannot buy a "reaoy made" suit one that was made for a "model" man and then reproduced by the dozen that will look rizht on you. Have your garments made to measure t fit and of stylish material that will give you tervict. DETMER'S WOOLENS, the material handled by the best merchant tailors for over 25 years, are made in a wide range of styles for your choosing. Ordcryour next suit here FRIEDRICH The Best Tailor, Destroys Sage Kats, Squirrels. Gophers and rraine Kequirrs BttniiiiiNui piriwi- Uon Always ready for use. Iesdiet of alt. Your money back if not as claimed. CiAk&B, Woouwajlo Dkuq Co., Portland, Ore. w ;