The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, June 13, 1912, Image 2

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    At Hie Tlieaier Tonight
The Diamond S Ranch.
Showing what a good time the cowboys
have when they have the money. A com
panion picture to "Ranch Life in the Great
Gimmie on Guard. Kosmik.
The famous boy actor in a feature drama.
Friday and Saturday
Pathe's Weekly.
Showing, in motion pictures, recent events
of importance all oveJ the world.
Suite For
The celebrated Harde
man Hats, Beautiful
Ties, Sox, Arm Bands,
Suspenders, Boston and
Paris Garters.
Dress Shoes.
In fact everything
to dress a man
from head to foot.
Cosne in
tlx you
4Kb of 1
Funeral Work a Specialty
500 Ciay St.
Long Distance
Black 2721
the PAirvi
I Heppner's Leading Confection-1
, tan sen t' yuu nuw wiui mte, iesu iicimi. iiunc ,
better to be had in the citv. Fine line of fresh Candies.
:i L.ccc!in Brands Giors and Tobacco I
Try the New Drink
Cherry Phosphate
5 cents a glass
The Dalles, Oregon
-f u T o T
The Heppner Gazette, Eitabliihed March 30, 1883
1 he Heppner I imo, tslabh.hed Nov. IB, IBS
Consolidated rebruary 15, It'll.
VAWTER CRAWFORD, . Editor and Proprietor
Issued every Thursday morning, and entered at
the Poatomce at Heppner, Oregon, a aecond'
class matter.
One Year $1.50
Six Months 75
Throe Months 50
Single Copies, 05
Display, transient, running Irss than one month,
first insertion, per inch, 25c; subsequent in
sertions, 12 l-2c; display, regular, 12 l-2c;
locals, first insertion, per line, 10c; subsequent
insertions, per line. Sc.; lodge resolutions, per
line, 5c; church socials and all advertising ol
entertainments conducted for pay, regular rates.
Thursday, June 13 1912
Monday. June 17th, is the date of
the annual school meeting aud there
should be a large attendance. One
director to serve for a period of three
years and clerk to serve for one yar
are to be elected, besides other im
Durtsnt business to be looked after.
We have heard no one mentioned for
the office of director, neither have we
learned of anyone asking for the place,
but the retiring director. Mr. M. D.
Clark, has made sood and we should
like to see him re-elected. He is
greatly interested in making the Hepp
ner s hool econd to none in the state
and is a prorgeesive along this line.
Not knowing anything to the contrary,
we presume that Mr. Clark will ac
cept another term, and we hope that
he will.
Interest is crowing in favor of a
new school house for this district. In
fact there is little or no ooposition to
it. The argument is all in favor of
a new and up-to-date structure that
will meet the requirements of a grow
ing co nmonity. In fact, when von
come to think of it, what ia there
that stands ahead of the publio school
svsteni of our country? It is surely
the creat American institution, and it
calls for our liberal support. No
step our people can take will do more
for the community than the building ot
a modern structure in which to educate
our children, and this is going to
come. All our people need to under
stand is that it is needed and the
requirement will be met.
Impressions of a Recent Vis
itor to the Hardman I
Having business that reauired him
to make a trip to the Hardman sec
tion on bst Thursday, a sood friend
of ours, who, by the way, has been a
resident of this county for the past
twenty years and more, daring which
time he has resided in various parts
of the courtv and now thinks he is
located in the midst of the very gar
den soot of the earth on a splendid
rancli bordering the banks of Willow
creek, was for the first time permitted
to set his foot upon that portion of
the conntry surroundirg our neighbor
ing little city. And likewise the den
izers of that burg were for the first
time premitted togaze nDn oneaf those
cheerful ar.d optimi,tio fellows that
have come to us from the north end of
the little isle where now sits and rules
the stood King George.
Our friend was greatly impressed
with what he eaw aid rculd onlv
give expression ti his fieling ty say
ing that the people ud that way we're
certainly livina in a section fiitinglv
described in Milton's" Paradise Lost;"
and pchaps the only rrason they did
not recognise this blissful exiatancu
was because thev did not get no early
eneufh in the rnrrniug. Our friend
is a very r a ly rise'.
But such luxuriant growth of grain
and grass; mch fine deep soil and
delicious water. It is just a little
ahead of anything our friend had ever
came in contact with. He was en
thusiastic, and does not hesitate to say
that the pfoole of Hatdnmn do not
fullv realize what a spleiidid country
they live in. Ihey will some day
That country this year is one vast
v. heat field. Most of the town is
engaged In farming and they sre now
very bnsy. Our friend noted that
Liu-? grass is growing very abundent-
ly in all the yatds about town and he
tikes the liberty to surest that the
use of lawn mowers would assist much
in adding to the beauty of the sur
rounuiinsjs. Bunch fcfa'g on the
ranges anil in many cf the pastures is
thick and tall and could well be cut
and put up for hay. Samples of
grass and grain exhibited by our
friend give ore the impression that
t lie Hardman taction is greatly fvcred
this sea-on and very abundant har
vests will be garnered by the good
people up that way.
Between Ilerpter and my place, ill
open-faced Elgin watch; crystal j
fliahtlv cracked. Finder leave at
thii office.
Mr. Jere McDaid returned last Fri
duy from a short visit with friends
down I he line.
Bobby SDerry and Gus Reld came
dd from the Valley last Friday 'eve
ning. You know Bob.
Willard Blake went down to Port
land last Saturday with three cars of
sheep aud one car of cattle.
Mr. L. P. Davidson and his daugh
ters, Delli and Elratia, were passen
gers to Portland last Friday.
Walter Dolyns and Frank Hopkins
have been slinging mud lor the past
few days. Fine recrtation"boys
Mrs. Joe Cronan went down to
Portland last Friday to visit with her
parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. V. L. Mallory.
W. H. Cronk, our Tum-a-Lura man
aud his family went down to Poitland
last Saturday to have a good time
among the roses.
Dr. Chick and familv went down
to Portland InBt week where they will
attend the Rosa show as well as visit
with friends and relatives. .
E. T. Perkins, our genial postmas
ter was a Portlaud passenger last Sat
urday morning. Mrs. Page is stamp
ing the letters while he is gone.
lone and Lexington crossed bats on
the Ioue diamond last Sunday. The
game was somewhat ont sided, tne
score being 18 to 4 in loue's favor.
Mr. Howard, Sr. who has been vis
iting with friends and relatives for
some time past returned to his home
at Portland last Saturday morning.
Don't forget the Farmers' Union
meeting, held at the Gooseberry school
house, Saturday, Jane loth, to elect
officers for the warehouse company.
R. F. Wilmot an! wife were pass
engers for Portland last Saturday
where they will visit friends ani rel
atives as well as enjoy the Rose show.
Hank Filk'ns left last Saturday
morning lor Valley points where ne
will visit with friends and rest ud to
be ready for the big harvest already
in sight.
Letser Baker went down to Port
land last Monday. Lester, like other
boys, wants to see his father now and
again so he will have a nice visit
as well as enjoy the flowers.
Bill Palmateer lost a valuable mare
the other day. . It was the best ani
mal on the ranch. It is awful bad
that so many of our farmers are hav
ing so much bad luck loosing the
cream of their stock.
It begins to look like the good old
harvest time sgian. We had three
combines come Into town last week,
John Williams getting one, Erik
B' rgstrom getting one and L. L. Mc
Murray getting the other one.
C. B. Shaver gave the people of
lone and vicinity a dance last Friday
in Walker's hall. It was well attend
ed and the music was first clasp. The
young as well as the old enjoyed
themselves till they were all tired of
dancing and then weut home, saying
"good for you, Shorty."
Lonis Padberg returned from Port
land last Friday with his new car.
Louis bought Michigan and came un
by boat as fur as The Dalles, driving
the machine from there up to his home
on Rhea crefk. Mr. and Mrs. J. H
Bryson, who have been , sight seeing
in Portland foi some time past and
visiting with frieuds accompanied
Louis back home.
Quite a number of our Gnosaberry
friends were pas-engen -to Portlaud
last Monday morning where thf y were
all bennd for a good time Here is a
list of them as near as we could get
it: Miss McEUigrtr, two of
Bergstrom boys, F. A. Lundell,
drew Carlson and Ernest Lundell
J. L. Kincaid was in town
week with a nice lot of rhubarb
bandls cf fine fresh eggs. J. L. says
that he had to come to town with
pome of the neighbors ns ha had lost
all his horses. Mr. Kincaid has had
a liar a siege ui uau tuin u;r bumic muc
pnst, nearly all of his fine big horses
have died and it has left him almost
afoot.. We sincerely hope that he
will lose nu more.
Iflove On o !
says a policeman to s street crowd,
and whatks head if It don't. "Move
on now," says the big, harsh mineral
pills to bowel congestion and suffer
ing follows. Dr. King's New -Life
Pills dont' bulldoze the bowels. They
gently persuade them to right at Hon,
and heatlh follows. 25c at Slocura.
Drug Co.
Mrs. Chas Johnson was a Ilerpncr
visitor Thursday night.
Mrs. Ann Picket visited over Sun
day w ith her daughter at The Dalles.
Mrs. V, G. Scott has been on the
sick list for a couple of days and is
better at this writing.
Miss Gladys Lane returned to
ITeppDer Friday evening after a
week's visit with relatives and friends.
We notice Charile Lee is able to be
in town even if it ia on crutches.
Glad to see you getting along so nice
ly Chas.
Mrs. Minnie Pointer was a Portland
visitor to the Rose Carnival. Mrs.
Pointer will also visit Seattle before
her return.
Mrs. Harry Cnmminos. of Heppner,
visited Lexington the middle of the
week. Mrs, Cummings Is agent for
toilet articles.
Automobiles are getting quite com
mon in our city. Will Campbell and
Louis Padberg are our latest buyers
of the "horseless carriage'' not drawn
by mules.
Work on the part of Burgoyne's
store that will be used for dry goods
etc. , is progressing very rapidly. Mr.
Buigoyne will soon he able to supply
vou with all kinds of dry goods, gro
ceries, etc.
Miss Cora Johnson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson was taken
violently ill on Friday. The doctor
was called and it was at first thought
that an operation for appendicitis
would be necessary, but the little girl
is better at this lime.
There will be a Sunday School Dio
nic at the grove here on next Thurs
day, June 13. By the amount of
practicing that has been done for some
time past we infer that a good time
will be assured to all who attend.
Everybody come.
Mr. Gene Gray and Miss Mabel
Davis, two of Lexington's highly re
spected people were married at Hepp
ner on Saturday, June 8th. Bnth of
these young people have a host of
friends who unite in wishing them
success and happiness all tnroogn
life's journey.
The funeral of John McMillan or
"Uncle Johnny" as he was better
known, was held at the Methodist
churoh on Suuday afternoon, inter
ment being held in Odd Fellows cem
etery. Rev. Cross had charge of tho
services. John 1. McMillan was born
near Greenville, Tenn. , iu 1851. He
was married when only 17 years of age
to Miss Margaret Dare. To this uu-!
ion nine children were born, eight of
whom, with a bereaved wife and hosts
of friends survived him The city of
Lexington where Mr McMillan made
his home for years, has lost a valued
citizen while the people mourn a sin-c-re
friend. We extend the beareved
faimly our heartfelt sympathy in this,
their hour of great sorrow.
mms ' oujflm u lid II r cults Ittb.
After a frightful coughing spell a
man in JNeenali, Wis,, left ternoie
pains in bis side aud his doctor found
two ribs broken. What agony Dr.
Kind's New Discovery would have
saved him.. A few teaspoonsful ends
a late cough, while presistant use
routs obstinate coughs, exptls etub-
born colds or heals weak, sore lungs.
"I feel it was a G id-send to human
ity," writes Mrs. Edie Morton, Col
umbia, Mo. "for I believe I Would
htve consumption today, if I had not
used this great remedy." Its guar
anteed to satisfy, and you can get a
free trial bottle or 50 cent or $1.00
size at Slocum Drug Co.
Hot, dry and dusty.
C. E. and L. V. Carlson were bnsv
in the hay fields the first of the week.
Quite a bunch of the Gooseberryites
attended the 'warehocBe meeting
lone last Saturday afternoon,
of them got back tho same day.
M. J. E. Peterson is getting
a sudpIv of lumber for a new
which he intends to erect soon,
understand Floyd Fruser is to do
E. Bergstrom and Martin Lovgren
hauled out a brand new combine the
latter part of the week w ith which to
harvest the bumper crop (?), in which
they will surely share.
Mr. A. Crlson, F. Lundell. E. 1.
Lundell and family and Carl, Will
and Miss Ellen Bergstrom, all of (his
vicinity were westbound passengers
on Monday morning's train, off to the
Rose City.
Crops in the vicintiy of Gooseberry
are doing excellently well and look
ing fine, with the exception of a few
spots where the wheat was too rank.
However, a general rain is what we
need to iisure a good yield
A snrpriso birthday party was hel.l
at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lun
dell last Sunday, in honor of the hit
ter's 70th birthday, about 40 of their
friends bring present. A very good
time indeed. Thanks, ccme again.
Often the hunt for a rich wife end
when the mm meets a woman that
uses Electric Bitters. Her strong
nerves tell in a bright brain and even
temper. Iter peach-bloom complexicn
and ruby lips rei-nlt from pure blood;
her brgiht eyes from restful sleco: her
elastic etep from free muscle, all
telling of the heatlh and strength
Electric Bitters give a woman, and
tho freedem from indigestion, back
ache, headache, faintness and dizzy
gcells they promote. Everywhere
they ar woman's favorite remedy. If
weak or ailing try them. BOc at Slo
cum Drug Co.
Yes, all kinds
Comics Birthdays
Local Views
The Real Photographs
at a real post card price,
A big assortment
of all styles of
Watch our window
WATCHES not made to be
thrown and tossed about. A
watch is a delicate piece of
mechanism and jolts and jars de
stroy its time accuracy. Watches
purchased from mail order con
cerns are thrown about by Mail
Clerks as if they were so rauch junk.
I-'o matter what Hie price ia, a Mail
Order Watch, is not worth ita
j-rice when delivered. I-ion't take
chances, liuy a Waltham of usr
xic will Kuaranteo taiuiiatiiuo.
Jeweler & Optometrist
Quite a nice rain fell Saturday a.
Mr. Rodgers wont to Portland
Bennie Tomiln went to Hepuncr
Satnrday eveniug to have his eyes
doctored, comiug home Monday.
Mr. McAllister preached in our
school house Sunday at 3 p. m. We
have preaching there every two weeks.
C. W. Swanson and family of lone
and Mrs. New ton were out visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Swausuii one day last
Mr. n. Samuels and Binnie Tonilin
went over to Olex in Mr. Samuel's
auto one day last week after some
drummers and took them to Heppner.
The Morgan Sunday School elected
these officers Sundav, June 2: Mr. J.
E. Holt, Supt; Mr. Tomlin, Asst.
Supt. : Chester Holt, Socy. ; Mrs.
Alda B. Troedsou, Oragnist. v
For Infants and Children.
The Kind YcuHavs Always Bought
Bears tho
Field pick. $1.25 per crate f. o. b.
Hood River. Send money with order.
Berries guaranteed. Order today.
Supply limited. Address C. D.
Nikelson Hood River Ore.
House for Sale,
Owing to the fact thai we expect to
move into our new home soon we will
si ll the house and )of and three acres
including chicken house and cow barn.
Near site of the proposed Catholio
Impure blood runs you down
makes yon an easy victi n for disease.
For pore blood and sound digPstirn
Burdcck Blocd Litters. At all drug
1 stores. Price, tl.00.
The feyolg Store