The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, June 06, 1912, Image 6

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    Why Not
Before placing your
orders for harvest
machinery, consult
I A A.
WfmOO Hcppner, Oregon
''Y This engine will save all
water haulinsr: save team uullinsr separator: it will save fireman;
one span of horses one trip per week to the depot will furnish
fuel. When done' harvesting it can be utilized in plowing all
your best ground, thereby saving about one-half expense over
8 Also agent for the Rumely Oil Turn from 3 to 15
horsepower-istationary or portable
M. S. CORRIC.ALL, President
J. B. NATTER. Vice Pres.
Vice Pres.
T. J. MAHONEY. Cashier
CLYDE BROCK, Asst. Cashier
first nateonal sank
We offer to the Public the services
of a strong and well equipped Bank,
with the experience of twenty-five
y ears in this community.
Accommodations extended to cus
tomers consistent with safety, and
balances carried with us.
! Liberty Meat Market j
B. F. MATLOCK, Prop. t
I The Best Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal,
O I O n 5 Tilt
sausage ami noffie vureu iviucis.5. t
i for $yt
CEL. paint
Leading Hardware Deale
Delinquent Tax List 1910.
j Notice is hereby given that the Inst
' half of the taxes for the year 1910, on
j the property hereinafter described,
I which whs assessed to the respective
! persons herein named, have been le
llinquent since the First Monday in
j October 1911 : that if said taxes are
j not paid within nix months from mi id
j date, n Tax Certificate of delinquency
will issue thereon, as provided by
! law.
A penalty of ten per cent,
interest at one per cent per
month and the cost of this
notice will be added to the
respective amounts as herein
Gladys Akers, lone Ilalvorens
Add; Lois 7-S Blk 2. 3 06
E. T. Allen, lrrigon Lots 1-15-17-18
Blk 10 44
Matilda 0. Ayers, SWJ NWI, 32.
1-N 28. S SEX, SE -20.
1-S, 28". 5 82
Wm. Ayers Est, EX NWJi, EJ
SVsH, 4, 1-S, 28. SEi 10, 1-S
28 11 20
Fred W. Balsiger, SWJ 31, 1-N,
24. N NVi beg llchs of SE
cor of the NE1 Sec. 5. West 11
cl'.s N, 20 chs, East 4'a' chs.'
SE terly, 21 ohs to beat, Sec 4,
1-S, Range 24. NEJ, SEI,
5, 1-S, 24 51 75
Melvina Brenner, NV4', NE1,
NEi NW1, 12, 6-S 85. S2'
SEJ, 1. 6-S 25 .16 54
E. S. Cox, lone, Lot 6, bkl 1 . . .9 18
Joshana Doan. NW1. 8 1-N, 25.14 01
M. O. Fuqua. SEJ, 32, 3-S, 24.
NWi. S3, 3-S, s)4 36
Grace G. Gill, SEJ, 10, 4-S,
29. NJ SEI, 15. 4-S. 29 ... .4 90
E. A. Hammer, NEl4 NEi, 10,
1-S, 24. W. 32 Acres 6f the
NW3i NWJ4 11. 1-S, 24 38 11
0. 0. Henkle, Lot 4, Blk 9, West
Irrison, Sec, 24 fi-N 26. Lots
3-4 S'., NWii Sec . 4-N. 26. .15 24
Hollie Leathers, SJ SW, W, 30
Acres NWJ SW, Sec 35, 4-S,
25 9 13
Shelby E. Lc, Lexington, Lot 3,
Blk 15 11 55
Littlehales & Roberts, VJ NEJ4',
EJ NWJ, 17 1-N 23. EJ EJ, 17,
1-N, 23. Lots 3-4, 19. 1-N
23 .13 45
G. A. Lovegreen, NW. SJSWJ,
17, 3-S, 23. NE4'. EJ NWJ,
1 8 , 3 S 23. NEi N EJ-i , 19 , 3-S
23. EJ SEX, 18, 3-S. 23. NJ
NWJ. 20. 3-S, 23 55 20
Lincola Maedor, Lot 2, Blk 15
Wet IiTicon 1 (55
George Miller, Lot 12, Blk L,
Loonev3 Add .16 10
Thadcn Moore HepDner. Mt ver-
nen Add, Lot 1, Blk 20 1 71
Artie Morgon. Henpner. Ayers
5th Add: Lot 4, Blk 2. Tract
No. 57 8 59
D. F. Kessler, Lot 1 Blk 20 West
irrigon l ;i
W. T. McNutt SEi 84, 1-N, 24, .36 17
Lena Owen, Tract in SW'i SWi,
35, 4-S, 25. , 8 70
Frank V". Roberts, Heppner SJ
Lot 5, Bid 2. 33 X 42 ft off
W. end of Lot 5 Blk 2 244 75
W. A. Thomas, NWJ., 2, 1-N. 23.
NEi. 6. 1-N, 24'. E,'i SWi,
34, 2-N, 23 32 77
C. D. Turner, Est, Lexington, '
Lot 2. Blk 6. .' 41
K. G. Wairen, SWi NEi. Vi X
SEI, 13, 1-S 29 4 20
S. O. Watkins, W'.; NEi N; SEi
19, 1-S, 25.. 9 60
R. O. Wills Est, Hepnner, Part
Lot 1, Blk 9. 16 X 40 ft Lot
2. Blk 9. E. 30 ft, Lots 7-8,
Blk 9 12 61)
A. F. Your.g, SX SEI, 8.2-S.23.
EX NEj, 17, 2-S 23 3 57
Cecil Ycunir, EX SWi, 29. 3 S,
23. NWi NEi, NEi NWi, 32
3-S, 23 5 C9
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
dny of February 1912, and the further
Hum of Eighty Dollars Attorney's
fee, and fonts and iliHluiixinrnts tax
ed at Nineteen and 50-1110 Dollars, on
the 21st ilny of Felniary 1912.
Not lee Jn hereby given tha t 1 will
on Frldav the 7tli day of June
1912. at 2.30 o'eloek 1'. M., of wild
day. at the front door ol'ilie (loiirt
House in Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, sell at public auction to rite
highest bidder for cash in hand, Hie
following described property, to wit:
The East half of the North-east
Quarter, and the South-west quar
ter of the Nort h-east quarter, and
the North-west quarter of the South
east, quarter, of .Section Twelve (12)
Township Six South (ti-SI of Range
Twenty Six (26), K. W. M. Contain
ing bill Acres more or less according"
to L'. S (ioverinent survey. Taken
and levied upon as the property of
the said I'eter '. White and Mary
L. White or so much thereof as may
be necessary to sat isfy the said Judg
ment In favor of The First National
Bank of Heppner Oregon, ami
against said I'eter W. White and
Mary 1. White together with all
costs and disbursements that liaveor
may accrue.
.T. C. HAYES, Sheriff.
By J. O. RASMUS, Deputy
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, April
Sth 112
NEi, and NWJ SEi, Section 12 .Town
ship 5 SouthHsnge, 24 East Willamette
Meridian, has Hied notine of intention
to mako Final five year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above des
cribed, before 0. O. fattorEon, U. S.
Commissioner at his cfHoe, at Uepn
ner, Oregon! on the 18th day of June,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Wiltlam T. Reynolds, George McDon.
aid, Ueorge T. Harrison, Richard IT.
Steers, all of Hardman, Oregon.
M 16-J 13 Register.
Seasonable Soft Drinks, Domestic and Tropical
Fruits, Delicious Ice Cream
"NVe maKc our own Ice Cream. It is a Morrow County
Confectionery, Cigars, ToLacco, Pipes, Notions
Notice tor Publication.
Deoartmerit of th interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
May 24to 1912. Notice is hereby
given that James W. Waid, heir at
law of JoseDh E. Waid. (deceased),
of Lexington Oregon, who, on Novem
ber 20th 1906, made Homestead, No.
15416, Serial. No. 04043,for SEi. Sec
tion 8, Township 1 North, Ranee' 26
East, Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make five year
froof, to establish claim to the lsnd
above described, before O. 0. Patter
son, U. S. Commissioner at his office,
at Hepnner, Oregon, on the 1st day of
July, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
A. A. FinWy, W. B. Finley, J. W.
Sibley, all of Lexir.gton, Oregon, P.
I B. Doherly, of Hepnner, Oregon.
m30-j27 C. W. MOORE, Kegittr.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
The -Western & Hawaiian
Investment Cemnany Limit
ed, a corporation,
Benjamin F. Estes and
Ada Estes, his wife, J. Cy
Smith and Millie R. Smith
his wife, Eliza J. Webb and
T. S. Townsend Creamery
Company, a corporation,
To Eliza J. Webb:
of Oregon. You are hereby
to apnear and answer the complaint
filed against yon in the above entitled
soit within six (6) weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
summons. If you fail so to do for
want thereof, the MaintifT will BDply
to the Com t lor the relief prayed foi
in the complaint, to-wit, for a decree
that plaintiff have judgment against
the defendants Benjamin F. Estes nnd
Ada Estes for Two Hundred Dollars
($200.) with interest from December
1. 11)09 at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, and for One Hundrpd Dollars
($1(10 00) with interest from December
1. 1910, at the rate rf 8 per cent per
annum, and Two Hundred Dollars
('20100) with interest from December
1 , 1911 at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, Dollars ($24.00)
with interest from December 1, 1910,
at 10 per cfnt per annum, and Sixteen
Dullars ($16.00) with interest from
December I, 19ll, at 10 per cent per
annum, and Forty-seven and 78-100
Dollars (S47.78) with interest from
Januarv 20, 1912 at 10 per cent, per
annum, and Seventy-five Dollars
(75.00) as attorney's fee. U in Unit
ed States Gold Coin, together with
the costs and disbursements of this
suit, and that the plaintiff have
dcoree for the foroclosuro of the mort
gage described in the complaint,
which is recorded at nasa 148 of Book
"R" of Records ot Mortgages of Mor
row Cnuntv Stato of Oregon, and for
the sale of the mortgaged premist-s
situated in said Copnty and State to
satisfy such judgment p.i plaintiff
may recover, siid premises being par
ticularly described as follows, to-wit:
All of the Northeast quarter (J) of
Section Twentv-thre (23) in Town
ship One (1) North of Range Twenty-
five East of the Willamette Meridian
containing one hncdred sitxy (100)
acres, more or less and that plaintiff
have such other and further relief as
to the Couit may seem meet and equitable.
This summons is puhilshed pur
suant to an Order of the Honorable G.
W. Phelps, Judge of snid Court, made
and entered unnn the 8 day of May,
1912, and the date of the first publica
tion thereof is May 10, liil2
Attorney for Plaintiff.
M 10-J 27.
Summons for Publication
in Foreclosure of Tax
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Morrow County.
W. R. Walpole, Jr.,
P W. Price
To P. W. Price the above named
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
you are hereby notified that W. R.
Walpole, Jr. , th holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 27 issued
on the 8th day of October 1908 by the
Tax Collector of the County of Mor
row, State of Oregon, for the amount
of 75-10C Dollars, the same being
the amount then due and delinaaent
for taxes foi the year 1907 together
with peuatlv, interest Hni costs there-.
on upon the real property assessed to
you, of which ynu are the owner as
appears of record, situated in said
County and State, and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Lots One (l) and Two (2) in
Block Thirty-six (36) of the Town of
Irrigon, Morrow County, State of
You are further notified -that said
W. R. Waluole, Jr. . has paid taxes
on said premises for prior or subse
quent years, with the rate cf iaterest
on said amounts as follows:
Year.s Data Tax Re- ' Am- Rate of
Said r. W. Price as the owner ot
tha legal title of the abye described
property as the same appears of record,
and each of the other persons above
named are hereby further notified
that W. R. Walpole, Jr., will apply
to the Circuit Court of the County
and State aforesaid for a decree fore-
cjrsina the lien against the property
above rieseribed, and mentioned irr
said certificate. And yon are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty-
days after the first publication of
;his snmmons, exclusive of the day of
said first publication, and defend
this action or pay the amount doe as
above shown, together with costs
and accrued interest, and in case of
your lailoro to do so, a decree will
be rendered foreclosing the lien of
said taxes and costs cgainst the land
and premises above named.
This Enmmor.R is published by order
of the Honorable C. C. Patterson.
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon fur the County of
Morrnw and said order was made
and dated this loth day of .April 1912
and the date of the first publicaton
of this summons is the 18th duv of
April 1912.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding niBy be srted npon. the
undersitned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the adiress hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Addre?3 Heppner, Oreaou.
Portland Bids You
to her
June '10-1 5
Tickets will be on sale
from all Stations on
June 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
One and One-Third Fare
For The Round Trip
A Program has been nrrnnged which
will nurpnsH am- former. IfArrangv
to upend a work in Portland, and a
week at North Beach on the Pacif
ic. REDUCED FARES will be In
effect from Portland and the O-W.
R. $X N's Excursion Steamers will
lie making daily runs.
Paid ceipt No. ount Interest.
Feb 23, 1909 287 $ .33 15 percent.
MorlO, 1910 708 .29 1 5 percent.
Feb 27, 1911 199 .22 15 percent.
Mar 12, 1912 687 .17 15 percent.
fhu GmuIm p win W? v i a
y New A MONTH ,
Vr.i it Inert 111
noil I. ir..numn Hon,,
tx". trio r o c t' i a i
qt;fc"ti of M eewfr.g
;.'.-hint.-: .in rjuriionw,
r)nyinpr53! a month, and en
ley a very fpeelal pr?c
t x 'T',t to yon or fi .n wir n''tiri(
X t y i'i r'. A pi-H'niltcctit machine-
We Will Take Your
WT- liberal ailjwacce on a f l- riHi'i new
E.l v, :r"iy lii.fiKsiic. Anayitutan nun mite au-
jfvniiUtiroui'thd bptcii prict anl u
fhn perf net sewing micMno that Una alwayr led nil othct
tisiKcaari'i in today better than vr. Two machine
fn onelock end chain etUch. fcltrainnt drop
l'id, Kih nrn, Itiitl benri'iK. A cirnpk-H- of fltlfl' hm-iiLt-s
vjry oi.p jiLi'tu-:!!, tc. , nmilc f.-r evt-rv-ii-ty u.t Tin innfhtii' !
i r"vUUt)n f iiO'lfTi Few m nmchin-i pR.frrcss. Fitui uut libout it.
SEriS tfOr.'. COOfl, FRCEv Tiw Imth Svwinff
f.i:n:mn -a," tt'lhniT ytu bow vt can biivi tri llnritt vHn(r mitfh
Ine rtiiJ nt a Ki'cini l':'i-e urid at. ON'l.Y S' a m.mih. tar
why we II ilinei't wIm,' we trnve nonrrnt nr."! jfi vo you n "j YKA K
f.UAHAN'l (rt fuel bt-fure iu buy at-F mnclimB. 'iJ
fti LiUri'iiro will nve you ineiwy. t-'"Ti f"" It. Nt'VV,
VniiB Sewtrn bfachuui Ue.( fttJukus hwi.. liept, mi Cbtfte
A Rooil, Bobr, reliable blacksmith;
rr.u t be good hois threr and gen
cial emith. Write o' csll on
J. H. WI'.T, lone, Oregon.
FOR SALE to make riom for
yflung rtocV. two Dens of choice sin
sle comb Rhode Ifiand Reds. Cook
and seven bens, 115.00. Worth double
the price.
L. W. Erlggs Heppner, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dnlles, Oregon,
May 10th. 1912. Notice is hereby
given that Ernest K. Wylaud, of
Hardman, Oregon, who on December
18th, l'.)06, made Hompstead Serial
No. 04058, No. 15112, for NEI, Sec
tion 7 Township 5 South, Range 2
East Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final five
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before O. C.
Patterson, U. S. Commissioner at his
office, at IlBDpner. Oregon, on the
8th day of Jane, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses
William T. Reynolds. George McDon
aid, George T. Harrison, Richard H
Steern, all of Hardman, Oregon.
M 16-J 13 Register.
State of OreRon in and for Morrow
In the matter of the Estate ot W. R.
Bird well, Decesae.
To A. L. Fisher. Administratis of
the estate of W. R. Biidwell, de
ceased : ,
You are htreby titrd to apnear cn
the 24 day of June, 1912, at the hour
of 10 o'clock A. M. at the courthouse
in Hopcner, Morrow County, Oregon
to show cause, if any there be, why
letters of administration issued to you
in the ahove estite, should not ba re
voked upon the ground that you are
not now a resident of the orate of Ore
Dated at Heopner Oregon,' this 18
day of May, 1912.
3t. County Judge.
1 V
r V.T.
You cannot buy a ' reaay
made" suit one that was
made for a "model" man and
then reproduced by the dozen
that w ill look right cn you.
Have your garments made
to measure to fit nnd of
stylish material that will give
you service.
the material handled by the
best merchant tailors for over
25 years, are made in a
wide range of styles for your
Or Jcryour next suit here
The Best
'1.4 OVER 65 YEAaS"
Trade Marks
Anvorn f ointifif? n r kflfli find dpcrinltni) nmr
nti!cit!y iixvnmii cur iiiimhi ireo whwilior an
liivcni Inn 1.4 irohphI- r;iti-iiitl!(. ('-niT!imilcvi-ti.niBHtrictlyfonijfk'iKlnl.
HANDBOOK on I'nimis
B-tit Irno. (tl'st iit'ncy for sncurinw paiontn.
lVf(:im takn ihroiik'h Munn & Co. recolve
$pcctalnutice, without chimio, lutbe
gcletsfifK jffciertcati.
A homoly llltitrfltpi wppUIt. I.nrirct rlr-
rtila'iou of nny c'ii;iitUlfi Joiirnitl. Terms. a
v;;r: fuiir nimitbfl, (U fculd by ll nowmiculerfl.
ft'iUKN & Go.3tt,B---Rew York-
Ui um.ll Olllco. C25 F 8U WttslilUKloli. U. C.
l'.y virtui- nf n furcclonuri' execu
tion iinl urdi-r of snlf duly ihMin liv
! the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
County of Morrow. Stntc ntdn iron.
I lntt'd tin Mil day of May Ml 1',
in a certain unit in the Circuit
(Court for naid County 11 ml .State-,
i wherein The First National Rank of
j Mepprier. Oretron. a corporationi
I Plaintiff, reeovervil judtrinent atr.ii:it ,
! I'eter V. Vhit nud Mary I,. W'hito
1 Defen.lantsfor the hiiiii of,t l.un- IIardman Oreeon, who, on December
if, ..1 1 Inpfu L 1 rn iinil Kll-llhi Iw.lln '
w ith interest thereon at theratof
S ht cent, per annum from the 21st
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, j. S.
LandOlTice at The Dalles, Oregon,
May 10th, 1912. Notice is hereby
given that James H. McDaniel of
Cth 190P. made Homestead, No. 15426
Serial No. 04049, for NEi NEi,
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby sivpn that the
undersigned has been appointed by
the County Court of Morrow County,
OreoRn administrator of the estate of
George VV. Goff, deceased and has
aualified as such. All persons having
claims against the estate of said de
cesaed are hereby notified to present
ame to me duly verified as by law re
quired at the 6ffice of O. E. Woodson
in the City of Heppner .Oregon within
six months from the date of first pub
lication liereof.
Dated and published first time this
6th dav of Jane, 1912.
If yen piiro'inso ttic NKW HOME you will
have a life assrt nt the prl" you pay, and will
nut have an cndlct-s chain of r pah-.
1 ::?jii ' 70
it is the
in the end
to buy.
If j ia want a Fr'wtnir marhlne, write tot
OUT latest catalogue before yo J purche.
Ti New Home Ulc.g Kach!ne Co, Orans, K&s.