The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, June 06, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. 20. NO. In,
says a wise philosopher
About 900,000 Pounds Were
YES. And he is also how he eats, and
when, and' WHERE.
He is a better man in several ways for
well-ordered table.
The Palace Hotel solicits your business:!
Heppner Garage
Bert Bowker, Prop.
Automobile for hire. Repair work of all kinds
clone. Gasoline and oil for sale. Machines housed,
cleaned and oiled.
Agent for the 1912 Cadillac
For Sale at a Bargain
In Good Condition. " "
Inquire at Gazette-Times Office.
Hoi Lake $z
Kl'l'klTtl. 'l'lk'
Hot. Ijiiku Siitiiitoriuni ollrn much to lic.'i'.tli anil rest
frri'at boiling' mineral f prlnu provides naturally nu'dicateil water ami nun
containing inedieinal properties of great value. Tin lliree hundred room
Hotel Sanatoriiiin affords iimple aeeoinniodition. Use of the water is
jireseribeil jicconiinjr to the neeijs of the patient, determined ly .skillful
iliaKtiosis. The result Is. the Hot J.ake Sanatorium is reallv ft eure )laee.
Thousands who have suffered from rheumatism, blood, skin, stomach and
kidney disorders ha ve found relief and permanent cure there. The rates
are made to conform to the requirements of all classes. Open th? year
round. '
Hot Lake Sanatorium is located in Union County. Eastern Oregon, in
the heart of the I'd tie Mountains,, directly on the niahl line of the' Oregon
Washington Railroad CO. Navigation Co.. and can lie conveniently
reached from any railroad point in the Northwest. Special reduced round
trip fares are made from all points on the U.-W. Jt. & N. Write for free
booklet to
WALTER M. PIERCE, Pres. a:ili IM2r.
Monthly Meeting, Aside
From Allowing of Bills, of
Small Importance.
There was not a full attendance of
the city council on Monday evening:
our rfporter noting the presence of
Mayor Van Vactor. Couocilnien Kirk,
Barratt, Cutrin and Cornet.
The committee oh streets and pub
lic nrorerty submitted a partial re
port on the new well operations show
ing that they had suspended dicing
after getting a rise of six feet of
water which ia considered sufficient
supply for sprinkling t'urnoses. The
rerort also submitted the plan figured
on for condnctiua the water to the
reservoir which will be by the siphon
svstem. This committee will con
tinue its work of layine piDes and
constructing reservoirs as heretofore
outlined,, the storage reservoir to be
built at a point on the west side of
the street about opposite the residence
of 0. E. Farnswotth, and the smaller
reservoir for filling the water wason
will be erected on Main street near
the brewery.
A delegation'from the 4th nf .fuly
committee waited upon the council
and secured an arpropraition of $10.00
to be oTered as prizes to the local
fire companies for hose contests during
the celebration,
The following is the list of claims
against the citv audited and allowed:
Heppner Licht & Water Co. , cur
rent, etc. , $101. 00. Tims. Brennan,
black-smithing, 2.50. Hank Vance,
special officer 5.00. W. A. Richard
son, snecial officer, 5 00. Fred Knaus.
labor, 2.75. II. H Price constructing
crossing. 100.00. J. O. Haper, one
day's labor with team 4 00. D. V. S.
Roid, two day's surveying, 10 00
Minor & Co.. nails. .50. Hepnner
Transfer Co. , hanlitig, 25. Tb. Orve
Brown. 10 tlays work on well, 40 00.
Geo. Coob, 10 dav's work on well, 30.
00. Artie Brown, 9l4 day's work
with team, JiS 00. Fread Krng, labor
2 50. E. E. Stanton, laVor, .25.
Chas Williams, labor. 8.r,0. J. J.
Gallagher, 1. 00. F. H. Stephenson,
laboi, 9.00 Alonzo Wright, labor,
5.00. Herry Botlow, self sod team,
20 00, Cox & Bt-amei, hauling. 1.50.
Martin Hied, lumber 3.76. II. Cum
mincs. labor fit well, 25.50. Gee.
SchempD, labor at well, 50.2.).
Mack Smith, salary, 75.00. J. P.
Williams., salary. 16.65. L. W.
Brigirs, salary, 8.33. Ed Campbell,
labor, .50. J. W. Eaird, labor, 10.0't.
Christian Union.
At the Union services at tha Metho
dist church next S;inr!av night the pas
tor. ". A. Frat, will deliver an d
di'pfs on '' Christian Union." Ther
will be ppecial inusic, as also at the
morning service, the same place.
The churches of Heppner have agreed
upon a plan of union services during
the three summer months, wlier by
onlv one church is expected to hold
meeting on the same night, the other
churches uniting. The services at
the M. E. church are as follows: San
day school at 9 :45 a. m. Morning
worship at 11:00 a. m. Union young
people's njeeting at 7:00 p. m. Eve
ning service at 8:00 p. m. The mon
thly Official Board meeting on Mon
day night; and the third QuarUily
Conference on the fame niaht.
W. A. PRATT, Pastor.
Sold at Prices Ranging
From 11c to 18c.
At the wuol sales held in this city
last Tuesday nearly 900,000 pounds of
wool were sold. However, this ia a
very small portion of the wool which
will go throueh tha local market this
spring. The interior wool is only
just beginning to arrive. There will
remain much wool to be sold at the
next sales day ci at private sales.
Very cood pricos prevailed and
many of the woclgrowers leceived as
good prices at the sales es they were
offered privately.
The following clips were sold at
the M. W. M. Co's. wareboust,:
Lafe Penland, 163e. to The Dalles
Scouting Mills: A. E Wright, 52,728
lbs at 171c, to Angell: Dennison and
Cannon, 15ic, to Kuhn: A. B. Chap
man, 11, 000 lbs, at. lOJc, to Dufur;
R.F. Wiglesworth and Son. t!3,30l lbs
at 17Jc, to Burke ; Emmett Cochran,
11.587 lbs at 15$c, to Kuhn: Webb
Erog., 16,000 lbs, at YlJ-ifi to Angell:
Ed Keill. 12,000 lbs at 161c, to The
Dalles Mills: Rourke Eros'., 8851 lbs
at 151c, to Dufur; A. Lindsay, 751
lbs, H.'-aO, to Kuhn.; Kelly Estate,
17Jc, to Curomingsv A.. G Devore,
14.000 lbs at 1 7c, to Angell: A. G.
Devore, 14 sks buck wool at 12fjc, to
Dufur; Minor Brcs. , 110.000 lbs at 16
c: H. Soherzinger, 15,514 lbj, 16gc,
lo Ancell; C. H. Bartholomew, 5,610
lbs at 16Jc. to Dufur; E. K. W viand.
15,000 lbs at 171c to Dufur: Nuna
maker Sheep end Land Co. , lfilc, to
At the Ilecpnar & Co. warehouse
the following clips were sold:
Healey and Farlev, 52.000 lbs at
121c, Dufur; Pat Carty, 18.000 lbs at
I7c, Angell: D. O. Justus, 18.544 lbs,
161c Ccinmines; M. &. P. Doherty,
ll.W) lbs, 16c. Dufur; Haves & Son,
50, Cull Ibe, iojc, Dufur: J. H.Wyland,
15.000 lbs, lfijc, Dufur: -W. E.
Straight 21! ,456 lbs. lie, Franken
stein; Mike Kenny, 34.521, 152c,
Dufur; J. Farley 21,000 lbs, 151c
SinchimHr; H;gins &, 13,600
lbs, 15c, Kuhn: Pat Curtan, 30,000
lbs, lllc, Frankenstien.
Pegsi Sell
Thoroisglibred Barce lerscys
I now have for sale a fi'W head of boar piirs,
at niv ranch 4JL; miles west of Lexington.
Call or write me fcr terms.
L. J. PaCbcra
A Tonic, AHentire nl KMolrrnt. 1 ne
brrt remedy for Kidneys. Liw and BoweL.
rdirtr rimple. truption and Disorder
ih. siin 1'iirifira Ihe Blood and cive
Tone, SUtnglh and Vifor to the entire system. J
A. L. Ayerg is down from tha mill
this week. Al has some trouble of
his own these days as he is the owner
of nn automobile which has beeu in
the "hospital" for some time receiv
ing attention, bat it will soon be io
shape to take the read again.
Mr. W. J. Beymer and Miss Clara
Reid were quietly married at the
home of the bride's parents in Hepp
ner at 7 :30 yesterday morning. 'The
ceremony was performed by Rev. J.
V. Crawford in the presence of the
family and a few invited guests.
The happy voung couple departed by
the morning train for Portland
where they will spend their honey
moon. Mr. Beymer is one of the pro
prietors of the Heppner Delivrey and
is n fine young man and well thought
of in this community. Miss Reid is
the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Reid. has grown up in this ooiu
munity'where she has been following
ihe occupation of school teaching for
the past year. Upon their return to
Henpuer they will be at home to
their friends in the W. F. Hill resi
dence. The G.-T. wishes these young
people a prosperous and happy future.
Often the hunt fcr a tich wife end
when the man meets a woman that
uses Electric Titters. Her strong
nerves tell in a brisht braiu and even
temper. Her peach-bloom complexk.n
and ruby lias mult from pure blood;
her brgiht tyes f'om restful sleep: her
clastic Ptep from free musclep, all
tellirg of the hta:Ih ani strength
Klectric Bitters gite a wrrnan, and
the freedem from indfgestion, back
ache, headache, faintness and dizzy
spells they promote. Everywhere
they are woman's favorite remedy. If
weak cr ailing try them. 50c at Slo
cum Drug Co.
A pprained ankle mav as rule be
cured in from thre to four days by
applying Chamberlain's Liniment aud
observing the directions with each
bottle. For sale by Patterson & Son.
The weddine bells will be ringing
acain leap year has its charms.
W. K. Wapoie, Jr., and family
gppnt tsvo days in Pendleton last
Grandma Doblo from Kelso, Wash. ,
arrived in Irrigon last Saturday. She
intends to stay here this summer.
Rev. Robins, pastor at Umatilla,
was down one day last week to see
it he could arrange for preaching ser
vices here some time during the week.
A. N. Dutton from across the river
at Coolidge was a vistcr in town last I
Wednesday. He says the big pump- j
ingplaut at King's will be done away j
with and water wheels put in place:
of it. j
The strawberry season is now over ;
with here, but we are in the market:
with cherries. Apricots and dew-,
berries will follow close after, and i
these will show up about the 15th of ;
this mouth.
nakrt The ft a I ion l.aap.
The awful list of injuries on a
Fourth of July staggers humanity. ;
Stt over against it, however, is the
wonderful healing, by Bucklin's Arni-.
ca Salve, ti thousands who suffered
from burns, bruises, cuts, bullet
wounds or explosions. Its the quick ;
healer cf boils, ulcers, eczema, sore
lips or piles.
25 cts at Slocum Drut:
The Rev. W. A. Pratt made a trip
to Hardman Saturday, returning Mon-j
day. He held services at that place
Sunday, morning and night. '
111 looking over our Spring stock which
has just been received, we believe we
have the best assortment of croocls that
has ever been shown here.
A Splendid Line
of Ladies' Waists, Collars, jab
ots, etc. They are snappy
just the style you want.
Here are a few of cur standbys:
Banner Brand Waists, Underskirts & Dress
Nemo and It. & G. Corsets; Simpson's Prints
Amoskeajr A. F. C. Ginghams. Ripplettes and
Galateas. Bed Goose Shoes for Children, Pa
cific and Swell Shoes for Ladies, Atlantic and
Senate Shoes for Men and Baa, 3 'Mi
Gloves. Conqueror II?,ts; '-:i::-yife?cji Sliiltej
Collegian Clothe j. )i3-ct-tbi It red Qwzv'u,
Boyal Club Canned Goods, M. J. B. C o rfe
Crystal White Soap, -Fullers Sheep, Mork
inrr Paint, Crisco, Easy Jdl, etc.
1 llfJllIMJil O
Are You Intending
to can
or Pie Cherries
If so, you had better be plac
ing your orders now, as next
week they will be in their
prime and at the lowest price
A Word to the Wise is
The Grocer