HIT THE KIDNEYS 00 Wtalr I Mmlnf Work Keedsj I'a Strong and Healthy. Ail the blood in the body passes Uwwsh the kidneys once every three mvikte. The kidneys filter the Hl They work night and day. HJdan healthy they remove about 500 tsraioe of impure matter daily, when WR&ralthy some part of this impure sailer is left in the blood. This Ij8 on many dieases and symp toss pain in the back, headache, Mtusne83, hot, dry skin, rheumatic pains, gout, gravel, disorders of the Mt'lit and hearing, dizziness irreg mixr beart. debility, drowsiness, ftftjey, deposits in the urine, etc. fid if you keep the filters riht you i31 fcave no trouble with your k id ee . E. L. Berry, Main St. Heppner Wfpon, says: "You are welcome to m tnj name as one who has been of Kidney complaint by Doan's Kklrey Pills. Mv kidneys were weak jSil hit back was so nainful that I was ebliged to walk all stooped over "Hie contents of one box of Doan'i , Kidney Pills effected a cure ar,d dur ing the pas two years there lias been ma lecurrence of the trouble." Fui sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Fester-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Tori, sole agents for the United Siaies. Remember the name Doan's and bo other. Red Front Livery & Feed Stables Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS LIYERY RIGS Kept constantly on hand and can be furnished on short notice to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Buggies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATEli TO THE : ; : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH JUGS AND DRIVER ON 'SHORT NOTICE : : HEPPNER, - OREGON I left me with a frightful cough and very WKtk. I had spells when I could hm-riiv i.rfath or sneak for 10 to 20 minutes. My doctor could not help me, but 1 was completely cuieu DR. KINC'S flew Discovery Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, 111. 50c hHO 51.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. A Great Cbib&ing Offer Semi-Weekly Oregon Jour nal, one year 5I.SO Gazette-Times, one year Si .50 Total , S3.00 Both Papers One Year - - $2.00 ewTir Oregon Journal Pulili-be the latest ana most complete tel. g-Mpliic. uowe of the world; gives reli able mmket epoits, as it is published tt Port land, where the market news ca.l be and H corrected to date Jot each ;m It also Un a page of speri-il mftter for the larm and ume, an entertaining tc: pege ..nd a page or more of comic, each week, and it go- to the subscriber tw ee every week lot time a j-ar. Tile Gazctte-Tintes Give.sH the lor:il news a d liMi'Tiings and kLo-iU be in every home in th's vi einiiy. The t wo pspvrs make a snlcndid combi nation en i you save ! by seniing your labvr pMmi to the AZETTE-TiiL.J. tttn lso give our subscribers a gxi'l tlub,ine offer for the I!ly and .-un .'.ay, or S in lay Juu inal, in conn ction wi'.b the GazeUe-Times Firmer, mechanirs; railroader, laborers rely on Dr. Thomas' Emetic Oil. Take the sting out of est- Imms or braises at once. Pain can lirii lieu MUM not stay where it is used. FRENCH AND GERMAN COLORS Supposed Origin of the Tricolor and the Teuton Flag, For Ave ceuturles bluek and white have been the Hohenzollern colors, and the first verse of the German war song, "Ich blu ein Preusse," Is: I am a Prussian! Know ye not my ban ner? Before me floats my flag of black and white! My fathers died for freedom; 'twas their manner So sny these colors floating In your sight. The mercantile marine tricolor of black, white and red is emblematic of the Joining of the Hohenzollern black and white with the red and white. which was the ensign of the Ilanseatic league. This flag came into being when the North German Confederacy was established, Nov. 25, 1807. at the close of the Austro-Prussian war. The red and white represent the commer cial prosperity of the nation, while the black and white symbolize the stroug arm of the state prepared to protest and foster it. Nowhere have historical events caus ed so much change in the standards and national ensigns of a country as in France. The oriflamme and the chape de St. Martin were succeeded at the end of the sixteenth century, when Henry III., the last of the house of Valois, came to the throne, by the white standard powdered fleur-de-lis. That in turn gave place to the famous tricolor which was introduced at the time of the revolution, but the origin of that flag and its colors is a disputed question. Some maintain that the in tention was to combine in the flag the blue of the chape de St Martin, the red of the oriflamme and the white flag of the Bourbous. By others the colors are said to be those of the city of Paris. Yet again other authorities assert that the flag is co7ied from the shield of the Orleaus family as it appeared after Philippe Egalite had knocked off the fleur-de-lis. Kansas City Star. That Easy Three Hundred. Soon after Senator John Sharp Wil liams arrived in Washington some years ago as u member of the house of representatives a man on the staff of a magazine approached him with a re quest for an interview of a thousand words on the outlook for the Demo cratie party. Reflecting that at that time the outlook was anything but bright, Williams said: "I'll dictate It to my stenographer and mail it to you." A month later the magazine man stepped up to Williams and handed him a check for $300. "Is that for me?" asked Williams quizzically. "Yes, sir." "What for?" "For that article you wrote for ua on the outlook for Democracy." "And this Is authorship!" mused the lawmaker, smiling. "Well. It's the only easy money I ever made. What's the use of being a patriot anyhow?" Popular Magazine. Peacocks' Feathers. Peacocks' feathers bave been handed down to us from the ancient days of mythology as emblematical of treach ery, evil and misfortune. The origin of this strange superstition is fotmded upon the following classical story: Osiris, king of Egypt, upon starting on his Indian expedition left his queen. Isis, regent, with Argus, his minister, as her chief adviser. Argus, with his hundred eyes, or, rather, his spies, soon made himself so formidable and power ful that he seized the queen regent, shut her up In a strong castle and pro claimed himself king of Egypt. Mer cury was sent against him with a strong army, took him captive and cut off his head, whereupon Juno meta morphosed him into n peacock and set bis spies in his tail. From this legend and the various additions made to it from time to time the belief has arisen that it is unlucky to have peacocks' feathers inside a house. Fire Insurance Folks. A young Englishwoman Introduced a new phrase to a New Yorker the otn er day. She had been telling of her home town, of its extraordinary sanc timoniousness, until her hearer asked, "Why, what sort of folks live there?" "Oh," she said, "they're all tire in surance folks." It didn't seem that any one oommu nity could be made up of people iu one line of business, and the hearer asked for an explanation. "Why," came the answer, "Or in surance folks are returned colonials who lived abroad and have committed every crime In the calendar. Then when they get old they come and try to square up by living six years of the most painful piety. That's why we call 'em fire Insurance folks." New York Sun. The Seychelles Islands. The Seychelles islands form an arch ipelago of 114 islands and are situated about 1.400 miles east of Aden and l.OXJ miles from Zanzibar. They rise steeply out of the sea. culminating in the isle of Ma he. which is about 3,000 feet above the level of the ocean and is nearly the center of the group. All the islands are of coral growth. The houses are built of a species of mas sive coral hewn Into square blocks which glisten like white marble. Wanted Something Elaborate. Mr. Coopah Could you leuirue look ia yo' dictionary a minute, kuhnel? Jest want f find a couple of words to add to inah lodge office title what Ah was elected to last night They dun chose me grand high most worthy ex alted imperial plenipotentiary, but It strikes me dat Bounds Jes" a little bit cheap. ruck. Children Cry Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signature of and has been made under his per--S7--Z- ' sonal supervision since its infancy. ' V&ajtyxTcitcute Allow no one to deceive you in this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jfarcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Feverishncss. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troxiblcs and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Howels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the w The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THC CfNTU COMPANY. TT MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. FUNERAL DIRECTOR and PRACTICAL EMBALMER fHAHTIN JOHiNSON Contracting and Building, Painting and Paperhanging Am prepared to do all lines of repairing and job work at my shop in old Gazette Building on Main street, Heppner. See me for any kind of work in these lines. Stallion Registration Board, State of Oregon. License Certificate 01 PURE BRED Stallion or.lHkNo941. Dated at orvallis, Oregon, February 21, 1!12. The pedigree of the Jack JilU JAt'K, -So. 8647, American reeitered in the studbook of Amer ican Breeders' Association of Jacks and Jen nets. Owned by John N. Helms, Lexington, Mo'row Co., Oregon. Bred by Lewis King, Clever, Mo. Described as follows: Black; white points. Pedigree; Old Bart, sire; Gen eral, sire of sire; Jt-nie Jinkens, dam of sire. Ikll.dnm; Warrior, sire of dam; Lucy, dam of dam. Breed Jack. Foaled in the yar Aug. 10, I'MT, has been examined by the Stallion Regis tration Board of Oregon and it is hereby cer tified that the said jack is ot f'ure Breeding, is registered in the studbook that is recognized by the associations named in "-ection nine of an Act of the Legislative Assembly of theHtateof Oiegon providing for the licensing of stallions, etc., tiled in the office of the Secretary of State. February 2:i, lull, and that the above named jack h,is been examined by the vetrlnarian appointed by the Stallion Heistration Board and is hereby reported free from infections, contagious or trnnsmissible diseases or un soundness and is hereby licensed to stand ; or public service iu the Hlate of Oregon. KB. MINK L. 1'OTTK (Seal) Sec'y Stallion Registration Roard. Stallion Registration Board. 'tate of Oregon. I.i.'rnxe Certilk'atc ot GRADE Stallion or Jack No917. Iated at CorvaDi, Oregon, Kebrnar y , I'.ilJ The pcUgree of grade jm k DTK IS. sired by i he pure bred jack Old Inike No. Owned by John N. Helm. I.ex'neton, Morrow o, Oregon, and described as follows: Color Hlaf-k; white points Foaled in the yesr lytH, lias been examined by he Hiallion Registration Board of Jregon. and it is found that Ihe said tack is iree from infectu-ius. contagion or transmissible diseases or unsoundness. He is not of pure breeding, and is, therefore, not eligible for registratio-i in my studbook re cognized by the assoei .liont. named in section nil).1 of nr. Act of the I.cgilatixe Assembly of the .Stale of Oregon providing fo- the licensing of siallinns. etc , tiled in th1 n.hce of tiie Secre tary uf State, February 2s, litll. The said jack is hereby licensed to slam, for public servit e in the State of Oregon. EHVfNE L. POTTER. Sec'y Stallion Registration Board. Care taken to prevent accidents but will be responsible for none. If interested in raising mules, you should see these two splendid animals. J. N. HELMS, Owner, Lexington, Oregon. Lost. A yearling bav cnJt,Nith one white hind font, branded :P on right shoulder. This animal was minced from the ADtirew Xeal pastors at Lone Rock the early ptrt of October 1911. A reward of $0 00 will be caid for in formation leading to its recovery. AARON PETERSON, 1 mo. Eight Miile Oregon. For Sale. Stperaor and et,gine, at a bargain. Ptide of Washington aeperator, prac tically new baring been run only 30 days, wind stacker and self feeder. Advance engine. For further infor mation write Cooke Bros., Condon Oregon. A handsome dinner set will be given free w ith every range sold by ua in the next sixry days. Call and eee both. Case Furniture Co. for Fletcher's Signature of The Mammoth Missouri Jack, BIG MUG, Imported this winter direct from the state of Missouri, and will stand the season at the BEYMER BARN, Lexington, Oregon. Terms : $15.00 to insure living colt; $10 for the season and $6 for single leap. The Mammoth Missouri Jack, DUIiE, Was also imyorted to Morrow County the past winter and will stand the season of 1912 at the Livery Stable of McRoberts & Evans, HEPPNER; and terms of service will be the same as for Big King. Let the AKERS PATENT FASTEN ER reduce your draper troubles to a minimum this season. The faptener, which In IllintrntP'l here, 1 MHmped from sheet Plocl, h ivinir iwn br'l tru k up from each Jw whit h re driven into the Hick when t..e jaw are tet up. Thi holds the nl'ck as if In a Ylw. There are no rlveU (roing throueh the stick to weaken or fpli' It, We use the best No. 6 duck, straight grained asb (ticks and first quality leather belt. We guarantee the quality and we guarantee the workmanship. These drapers w ill cost you no more than other makes and they will save you much time and annoyance. Don' tail to use one on your Haivtstcr or Header this season. 3 Si Notice! Call and look over the new line of SPRING & SUMMER SAMPLES Just Received. LOUIS PEARSON, Tailor. HE VAWTER CRAWFORD Notary Public Insurance Agent Represents some Leading Fire Insurance Companies, Including The Home of New York, The Hartford, and The Phuenix of Loudon, also American Bonding Co. of Baltimore. Office: Gazette, Heppner, Oregon Oc 3 Cm The Plowing Season And VAUGHN & SONS have on a new supply of Canton and Syracuse Plows Gangs, Sulkeys, and Walking. Call before buying and look at the new Two Way Sulkey with all the good features the other makes have, and some special features that no others have. VAUGHN & SONS, Heppner U o 0 CI ELMER BEAMAN Fuel DeaSer Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company nd they will receive prompt attention. MIKE HEAL Y , Proprietor Telephone Livery Stable - TELEPHONE 201 COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. 1 WE I PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOP RIGS. . THE CITY MEAT MARKET KINSMAN & HALL,Props. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sugar cured Ham and Bacon and Home-rendered Lard. Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts. FRESH FISH THURSDAYS. IT WILL DO IT mowing anu at ne same time presses the soil tirmlyaronndthe grain thus insuring iinintd iaiegermiuation. Splendid results are obtained from tlielr use. Manufactured by Pendleton Iron Works, Pendleton, Oregon. 30 ID Cmm DO n U O n n u DO cm THE HOME OF THE SPOTTED HORSES A NEW INSTRUMENT An ttachment for hoe drills ss illustrated here has two very val uable and iiupor snt features which eve-y frofcrcssive farmer will appreciate tonce. They are mado to tit any hoe, arc easily ad jiiMed and ariswur the double uurpote of regulating the depth of We have an up-to-date machine shop and found ry and employ skilled workmen in every depart ment. We solicit your patronage.