The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 23, 1912, Image 3

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    C. E. WOODSON.
Off tea In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oreoon
Sam E. VanVactor.
Office on wait end of May Street
Heppner Oregon.
S. E. Notson
Ofllceln Court House,
Heppner, Oregon,
lone, - - - Oregon
Only oomplete set
in Morrow county.
ot abstract oookt
Justice of the Peace.
- Office with S. E. Van Vactor
Permanently looated in Heppner. Office
in the new Fair building. Gas ad
Dr. Martha S. Arledge. D. 0.
Dr. J. P- Conder, M -T- D-
Treatment of all diseases
99 per cent, of cases successfully treated
wmioul operation
lMlVMt'lAN ic
M. D.
Graduate of:
Lenox Cliefire. 1885.
Chicago Homeopatbic Med College
1 8yo
Rusk Medical College, 189L'.
F. E. Boyden, JH. D.
Physician & Si' kg eon
Office in rear of Patterson & Son's
Drug Store.
Three Doora South of Postoffice.
Shaving 25c Haircutting 35i
Bathroom in Connection.
2 Do"r North
Palace Hotel
Fink Baths - - - Shaving 25c
Merchant Tailor
lone, Oregon.
Real Estate
Farms and City Property for Sale. Farms
to rent. Correspondence solicited.
(lleg::!erti and graduate Yet
erinaria::. Oflce at tJ:c Evans
(' AV'.uWr.'i' Livery Stable.
Dr. Murray will locate here permanently.
I have for sale at niv place on Eight
Mile. Brown Leghorn egg for hatch
ing at SI. 00 per setting of 15. A good
strain of fplendid egg producers.
mlG. Alfred E Anderson.
: A News Budget' From Writers From :
all Over the County. :
Mra. Breshears and little daughter
attended church services at Heppner
on Sunday.
Karl Beach had the misfortune to
lose one of his driving horses on Sat
urday night.
Art Finley was iu town on Satur
day. Art Buys the grain down on the
sands looks fine.
Mrs. L. W. Hill visited in Lexing
ton on Friday. Mrs. Hill left for Hood
River on Saturday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Lawrence Reaney and
little son went to Redmond, Ore. for
a month's visit with Mrs. Reaney's
mother, Mrs. Fell.
Quite a few attended the entertain
ment given for the benefit the Sisteis
at Heppner, Saturday bight. All
teport a splendid time.
A rousing game of baseball was
plaved here ou Sunday afternoon
between Heppner and Lexington. The
score was 9 to 6 in favor of Lexing
ton. A large crowd gathered in the Ar
tisan hall Friday evening to witness
the closing exercises of tho Lexington
school. Much praise is due both
scholars and teachers for the fine en
tertainment that was given.
Miss Edna Carmichael who ia teach
ing school in the mountains, came
down to Lexington on Friday evening
and attended the school entertainment
here. Misi Edna returned to her
fdiool on Sunday evening.
Mrs. Harry McCormick and family
went to Heppner on Saturday. Mrs.
McCormick will have her eldest girl,
Oneita, operated on for a growth on
hi i jaw while there. We hope the
little one will get along all right.
Miss Wilma Burrows aud sister
Ruth departed for their new home
on Monday morning. Miss Wilms has
been a Lexington teacher for a conple
of years and will be missed by the
pupils and many friends. We wish
the Burrows success in their new
Wit at Texan. A ami re
is hearty, vigorous life, according to
Hush Tallman. of San Antonio. " V7e
findU" he writes, "that Dr. Kings
New Life Pills surelv put new life
and energy into a person. Wife and
believe they are the best made."
Excellent for stomach, liver or kid
ney troubles. 25 cents at Slocum
Drug Co.
Mr. Cummings lost a fine milk cow
last week.
W. G. Palmateer finished plowing
last week.
J. A. Tropdsnn left Tuesday for
Pendleton where he goes as a delegate
from the Morgan I. O. O. F.
Most of the farmers on the east side
cf Moraan have been bosv the last
few days, planting corn.
Quite a lot of the farmers are thro
plowing and are taking their horses
to the Sand to get fat for hurvets.
John Miller went over to Eight
Mile to see his sister, Mrs. John
Montagus, who is reported to be on
the sick list lasr. week.
Alfred Swenson, who has bet-n in
Sweden all winter visiting with bis
mother, returned to Morgan Thursday
evening. Alfred said he had a fine
ti ne while he was gone, but Oregon
looks good to him. 1
Quite a few formers- around here
have aoit making butter and are send
ing the cream to Portland. It will
be a nice thing when more get to do
ing the same, for we lelieve there is
more than one way to make money
besiile raising wheat.
Sarah Doherty eent
last week
Al Zink was in EIackkors9
week, felling books.
Sootts finished smmerfallowing
the Lacy place this week.
Misses Gtace and Luella Stamp
were in Heppner last week.
Harvey Scott and family were Sun
day visitors at J. II. Frads.
Joe Movers aud Mack Missildine
spent last Sunday in Lexington.
Dave Brown is going to help Scotts
with their plowirg this week.
Mr. Powell
of Milton held church j
services in Blackhorse last Sunday
The storm on Sunday put two or
three telephones out of commission
along the Blackhorse line.
' Mr. Paul Webb has made go.d time
with his spring work.
Mr. Billie Mikesell took a load of
spuds into Heppner for Mr. Webh.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Watrenburger
were in Heppner Saturday, on busi
ness. Mr. Nat Webb, from Walla Walla,
is ependng a few duys here with his
son Paul.
Mr. Walter Matteson was down by
Dovore to see if the Indians were
fishing but it turned out that he want
ed to see a little panoose, and also to
tell them about a new cake reciept.
Lester Hurst, of Pendleton is here
visiting with C. J. Pennington and
Bill Ganger and Miss Southwell left
Ions lats Wednesday for their home
at Pendleton.
Mrs. Olaus Johnson spent last week
visiting with her Bister Mrs. L. P.
Davidson, and family.
Fraok Ingleman went no to
ner Monday night of' last
returning the following day.
Mr. Cronan, of lone, was a
net visitor one evening last
week, Hepo
week, returning Tuesday morning.
Henry Smouse aud his wife were
in and attended the eighth grade ex
ercises, Wednesday night of last week.
Joseph Knappenberg returned from
Portland Monday night of last week,
having spent a few days in that local
ity. We all wonder if that was not J.
and W. who stood in the hall so long
the other evening conversing in such
low tones.
Pope Judy, our baseball merry
maker, took the train for Weston Mon
day morning to visit with his mother
for a while.
Mrs. Hurt, of Oiex, is here visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Nea!.
Sjie.sayg that she rather likes lone
and vicinity.
Mrs A. T. King letf last Saturday
morijing for Denver, Colorado, where
she will attend a family reunion to be
held theie.
Jack Hynd, one of our prosperous
sheep men from Cecil, spent a day in
lone renewing old acquaintances.
Come again Jack.
R. F. Hynd, of Portland, spent
Thursday in lone. Bob does not come
to see us very often, and we aie
always pleased to see him.
"You must not talk all the time
Ethel," said the mother, who had
been interrupted. "When will I be
old enough to mamma?" asked the
little girl.
Willard Blake shipped several oar
loads of sheep to Portland Tuesday oi
last week. There is lots of stock
changing hands lately, which livens
things up a good deal.
lone and Olex crossed bats on the
Oix diamond last Sundav. The boys
played good ball on both sides, the
score being 5 to 4 in favor of Olex at
the close of the game.
W. H. Cronk, E. T. Perkins, Chss.
Shaver and Mrs. L. P. Davidson were
passengers on Monday's train for Pen
dleton as delegates for the Odd Fel
lows and Rebecca lodge?.
Long "Wot's
Knutt "He's a mm wot kills a
German.- Your blnmed ign'rance
makes me tired. ' '
Mr. Ralph Hymer htis installed a
fine new bath tub in his tonsoiisl par
lors. Ralph has a quite uu-to-3ate
shop now. His sigu reads painless
extraction of whiskers, and hair
grown ou bald pates.
Born at the home of Mrs. Alice
Keller to Mr. aud Mrs. Austin, an
eight ponnd boy. Mother and child
setting along flue, while Fritz is in
a bad condition, although ho is sill
able to get around.
What about celebrating this yaer?
Who's going to celebrate and where
are we all going to celebrate? Some
of onr sister towns better be getting
busy, as the time is n jt a great way
Our four School Mums left for their
respective homes on Monday's train.
Two of them going to Willi ot, South
Dakota, the other two going to Alber-
ta, Canada,
and one remaining in
We overlooked mentioning in last.
weeks news the birth of a son to Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Buschke. Mother and
child d( ing nioely. Ed. with proper
caie, will be all right soon as he is
recovering as last can be expected.
Joe Mason, of Lyle, was up to lens
for a few days last week, renewing
old acquaintances. He was out to the
ranch on Rhea creek while he was
here, to see his mother and sister',
und to sea If the ranch was atil all
Bora at Jordan Hospital, Thursday
morning, May lcth, to Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Ritchie, a seven pound boy.
Mother and child getting along fine.
The nutse says. that Fred is in a pre
carious condition and that his recovery
is not probable. We all hope he will
soon be around again.
The play given by.the High School
Tuesday night of last week was first
class in every respect. There was
a large crowd io attendanoe and every
one seemed to enjoy the performance.
There were three Aunt Janes taking
nart in the performance but I guess
we will have to give Aunt Jane, the
high kicker, the medal, as she was
certainly there with the goods. - We
must, give credit where credit is due,
and we wish to give th Professor and
hia students credit for the able way
in which the play was presented.
The Grammar Department held
their graduation exeioisea Wednesday
nieht of last week. A very nice
program was rendered, and a pleasant
evening was well spent by all prusent.
There was ten graduates, and they
all wore smiles. Prof. Warren's
orchestra was in attendance and they
played us some fine selections. Harry
is there with the goods when it comes
to making music. Give him a chance
and he will make a musician out of
any of yon who feel so inclined.
The Twlfth grade Commencement
exercises were held Thursday night,
May 16th. A large crowd was in
attendance and some fine orations
were preeened by the different mem
bers of the class. Prof. JVarren was
there with hia able army of musicians,
and gave some selections that were
well worth while. .Mr. E. L. Ped
berg presented the diplomas, as Mr.
KnufmBn was somewhat under the
weather and unable to attend. We
wish all the -graduates every success
as each one branches out in his or
her own wora.
- The Commencement Exercises ot
the lone Schools closed on Friday eve
ning of last week with a monster ban
quet to which everyone in the district,
and even from the surrounding coun
try, had been invited. Mrs. Willard
Blake was the chiarman of the general
committee, of arrangements; Mrs.
Chick chairman of the committee on
solicitation; and Mrs. 0. J. Perning
ton chairman of the committee on
tables and decorations. The splendid
ability of these ladies, and the able
manner in which they were assisted
by the committees, aud othoi ladies
of he town was plainly in evidence by
the admirable manner in which the
banquet was conducted. That was
( ert n'nly some ft e '. About 450 plates
were laid at tables groaning under
I hi load cf tempting edibles of such
variety and quattity as to satisfy the
most exacting epicure oi the most
voracious gourmand. And the crowd
that came was fully up to expectations
it being estimated at 5l0 persons.
The graduates of both the 8th and
12th grades were seated at a table
tastily decorated with their respective
class colors, and the rapidity with
which the fond disappeared from the
table proved that th gastronomical
side of ilfe had also received some
training. On the whole it was the
most successful function aud on the
largest scale of any ever attempted in
lone. It Involved lots of wora to
spread such a feast in Walker's big
rink, but it was the sight of a life
time to see those splendidly arranged
tables: a feast royal in the fullest
sense of the word. The applause ac
corded the women on the evening of
the spread was well merited, but
mention should also be made of the
help rendeied by the High School
boys in prepaiing the rink for the
event and in clearing away the remains
after it was all over. Surely the
work of preparation wna well worth
while, and since this first attempt was
suHi an unqualified success why not
make this an annual event here in
lone. Such occasions as this, where
all the community can meet on a com
mon ground, are all too few and far
between. Let's appreciate a gcod
thing when wa have seen (and tasted)
it and declare for more such get-together
banquets. We must nut forget
one of the main spokes in the wheel
of this happy event. Professor
Kaufman who has been with us for
the past two years, shouldered his part
of the load and did it good naturedly
and willingly. We wish him every
success in his new field of labor atj
Blaine, Wash. , where he goes in a
few days.
"Generally debiliated for years.!
Had sick headaches larked ambition,
was worn-out and all run-down. Bur
dock Blood Bitters made me a well
woman." Mrs. Chas. Frietoy, Moo-
sap, Conn.
Wta KM
If. a Hsioiiciii
GD m WamB
Arc you interested in getting
hold of land for a home?
Do you want a place suited
to diversified farming?
We have bargains to offer
in the three tracts listed
No. 1.
Consists of 1100 acres, divided into
250 acres of wheat land, 30 acres now
set to alfalfa, with 20 acres more that can
be put in, and all under good ditch; 800
acres grass land. This is an ideal dairy
and heg ranch, lying on the creek, with
plenty of water the year around. One of
Eastern Oregon's Best Propositions.
$14 per acre; $8000 cash; good
terms on balance.
" No. 2.
Is a creek farm of 950 acres; 500
acres of good wheat land; 25 acnes now
growing alfalfa, and as much more can
easily be put in as it comes under ditch.
Small orchard, small house with water
piped in from good spring on place; barns
and other buildings.
$11 per acre; half cash; terms on
No. 3.
A BIG BARGAIN. 3800 acres,
on which is now growing 65 or 70 acres
of alfalfa, and 25 acres more can be put
in, making nearly 100 acres that come
under ditch. On this ranch three good
crops of alfalfa are grown each year and
but one irrigation is required; it is sub
irrigated by from 15 to 20 springs on the
place. There is a
choice bearing fruit trees; 9-room resi
dence with water piped in from spring;
large sheep shed and other outbuildings.
About 1000 acres of this farm is good
wheat land with 600 acres now in cultiva
tion. 1 1 miles from Heppner.
Price $11 per acre; half cash; easy
terms on balance.
This is one of the best rural homes in all
Eastern Oregon and is certainly a snap at
the figure offered.
To the homeseeker or the investor there are no better
propositions offered than these; nowhere in the North
west can such land be had at anything like such fig
These farms join and can
separately as desired.
For further particulars, call cr address
The Gazette-Times
Real Estate Office
good orchard of 150
be had all in one deal or