The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 16, 1912, Image 6

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    water hauling; save team pulling separator; it will save fireman;
one span of horses one trip per week to the depot will furnish
fuel When done harvesting it can be utilized in plowing all
your best ground, thereby saving about one-half expense over
Also agent for the Rumely
horsepower stationary or porta pie
We offer to the Public the services
of a strong and well equipped Bank,
with the experience of twenty-five
years in this community.
Accommodations extended to cus
tomers consistent with safety, and
balances carried with us.
Liberty Meat Market
B. F. MATLOCK, Prop.
The Best Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal,
t Sonca ere an A Hnmfi Cured Meats.
( tMMOU - i
Arsenate of Lead
A general insecticide for leaf -biting insects. Gives
the greatest possible poisoning efficiency without
foliage injury. An effective spray for the Codling
Moth, Slugs, Beetles and the Plum and Apple
Curculio. Twenty-five cents per bottle.
A Tonic. Alterative and Reaohrent. The
brat remedy for Kidneys. Lier and Bowels.
Krndirates Pimolefi, Eruptions and Disorders
of the bkin. frurtfiea the Dtood snd Rives
Tone, Strength aud Vigor to tbe entire system.
Why Not
Before placing your
orders for harvest
machinery, consult
Heppner, Oregon
This engine will save all
Oil Turn from 3 to 15
1 1 For Sale.
Mules don't have the
disease." Why not raise some? Buy
a jack from J. T. Knapppenburg,
lone, Or. Can show three crops of
colts at the ranch. Or will trade for
The Good Roads Campaign.
EvenlDg Telegram.
We are fairly in tlio swing or the
nna roads campaign, which promises
1 to amount to BomethinK. It is a cam
paign that deserves a boost rrom every
ooroe, because the things 'to be
achieved are fairly well agreed upon,
and they represent advanoe in this
state in the sood roads movement.
Advance is what we want. There is
nothing gained by standing still.
There is ne state in the Union
wherein the need for a practical and
efficient gtod roads propaganda is
greater than it is in OreBon. We are
concentrating our energies, as it were,
on those plans which will help most
effectually toward the development
of the aericultural resources of the
state; and more especially along the
lines of the small farm, intensively
handled. This is a policy of exploi
tation and state development that
makes the demand for good roads all
the gieater. As a matter of fact its
success depends In large met9ure upon
the progress we shall make toward
the betterment of the state and coun
ty highways.
Upon the general need of good roads
there has been much education in the
stale. There can be but few people
in Oregon who do not appreciate the
value of well-built highways to the
comunities they serve. The present
campaign does not touch this funda
mental so muuh as does the question of
method the practical manner in which
we siiall proceed to realize the thing
that we are after, and the necessity
that exists for oitizens every where
to inform themselves concerning the
merits of the plan proposed, so that
it may be not only placed on the bal
lot for adoption by the people of the
state, but that it may be fully and
clearly understood
' Tho nonnld nf flrpfon are at last in
l ' o-
a fairway to join the head of the
column in the good roads movement.
It is all resolved to a question of earn
est consideration on the part of the
Tlie Demons f tbe Swamp
are mosauitoes. As they stiug they
put deadly malaria germs in the blood.
Then follow the icy chills and the
fires of fever. The appetite flies and
the sreneth fails: also malaria paves
the way for deadly typhoid. But
Electric Bitters kill and cast out the
malaria germs from the blood; give
you a fine appetite and renew your
strength. "After long .suffering,
wrote Wm. Fretwell, of Lucama, N.
0., "three bottles drove all the mal
aria from my system, and I've had
good health ever since." Best for
all stomach , liver and kidney ills. 50
cts. at Slocum Drag Oo.
As the time for the annual school
meeting is approaching, I would sug
gest that in the rural districts the
day be made one of more interest
than in the past. I would suggest
that the honr of meeting be fixed at Si
o'clock in the afternoon, but that the
people meet at the school house at
10 o'clock. Make it a sort of a holi
day. The good women will provide
something for the inner man. At
noon the feast may be spread, and
all 'enjoy the hour together. Some
cf the young people may prepare
something of a program to enliven the
occasion. Talks and paners discuss
ing ways and mean of improving the
school may be given and discussion
follow. There are many topics of
vital interest which might be consul
ered with profit. If some suggestion
as to topics is desired, let me know.
We meet to discuss the best meth
ods of raising chickens, hogs, grain
and other products of the farm; why
not for one day lay aside other things
in the interest of our most valuable
pioduct the children?
S. E. NOTSON, Co. Sunt.
Poor appetite is sign of impaired
digestion. A few doses 'of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will
strengthen your digestion and improve
your appetite. Thousands have been
benetfied by taking these Tablets.
Sold by Patterson & Son.
Grade Completed.
Work has bctn completed on the
Rood Canyon grade, and people who
have gone over the road from one end
to the other say that it is the best
piece of road work in Morrow county.
The commissioners have spent about
$1400 00 in the completion of this
work, much of the expenditure going
to cover the heavy rock work on the
grade. This grade covers about six
miles with no bard julls from tbe top
to Buttermilk canyon and is a piece
of work to be r.foud of.
Lame back is usually caused by
rheumatism of the mnscles of the back
for which yon will find nothinir better
than Chamberlain's Liniment For
sale by Patterson & Son.
Ie.troys Sage Kats. Squirrels. Gophers and
Prairie Tos. Requires no mixin? or prepara
tion Always ready for -e. Ixra'ilie.t cf ail.
Your money bfck if i.r.t as claimed.
Clakkk, Vt ouuwakd LiRto Co., Portland, Ore.
The' Western & Hawaiian
Investment Company Limit
ed, a corporation, "
Benjamin F. Estes and
Ada Eetes, his wife, J. Cy
Smith and Millie R. Smith
his wife, Eliza J. Wehband
T. S. Townsend Creamery
Company, a corporation,
To El'za J. Webb:
of Oregon. You are hereby required
to appear and answer the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
suit within six (6) weeks from the
date of the first publication of this
summons. If you fail so to do for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
in the complaint, to-wit, for a decree
that plaintiff have judgment against
the defendants Benjamin F. Estes and
Ada Estes for Two Hundred Dollars
(200.) with interest from December
1, 1909 at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, aud for One Hundred Dollars
(f 1C0. 00) with interest from Deoember
1, 1910, at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, and Two Hundred Dollars
(f200.00) with interest from December
1 , 1911 at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum, Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00)
with interest from December 1, 1S)10,
at 10 per cent per annum, and Sixteen
Dollars ($16.00) with interest from
Deoember 1, 1911, at 10 per cent per
annum, and Forty-seven and 78-100
Dollars (47.78) with interest from
January 30, 1912 at 10 per cent per
annum, and Seventy-five Dollars
(75.00) as attorney's fee, all in Unit
ed States Gold Coin, together with
the coats and disbursements of this
suit, and that the plaintiff have
decree for the foreclosure of the mort
gage described in the complaint,
which is recorded at page 148 of Book
"R" of Records of Mortgages of Mor
row County State of Oregon, and for
the sale of the mortgaged premises
situated in said County aud State to
satisfy such judgment as plaintiff
may recover, s id premises being par
ticularly described as follows, to-wit:
All of the Northeast quarter (1) of
Seotion Twenty-three (23) in Town
ship One (1) North of Range Twnnty-
flve East of the Willamette Meridian
containing one hundred sitxy (160)
acres, more or less and that plaintiff
have such other and further relief as
to the Court may eeem meet and equit
able. This summons is published pur
suant to an Order of the Honorable O.
W. Phelps, Judce of siid Court, made
and entered uonn the 8 day of May,
1912, and the date of the first publica
tion thereof is Mav 16, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
M 16-J 27.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
May 10th, 1912. Notice is hereby
given that Ernest K. Wyland, of
Hardman, Oregon, who on Deoember
18th, 1906, made Homestead Serial
No 04058, No. 15442, for NEi, Seo
tion 7 Township 5 South, Range 25
East Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Final five
year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above desoribed, before C. C.
Patterson, U. S. Commissioner at his
office, at Heppner. Oregou, on the
18th day of June, 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William T. Reynolds, George McDon
ald, George T. Harrison, Richard H
Steers, all of Hardman, Oregon.
M 16 J 13 Register.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
May 10th, 1912. Nolice is hereby
given that James H. McDaniel of
Hardman, Oregon, who, on December
6tli 1900 made Homestead, No. 15426,
Serial No. 04049, for NEJ NEi, WJ
NEi, and NSVi SEi, Section .Town
ship 5 South Range 24 East Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make Final five year Proof, to
establish claim to the land above des
cribed, before O. C. Patterson, U. S.
Commissioner at his office, at Hepn-
ner, Oregou, on the 18th day of June,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Wililam T. Reynolds, George McDon
aid, George T. Harrison, Richard II
Steers, all of Hardman, Oregon.
M 16-J 13 Register.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
Hy virtue of a foreclosure execu
tion nml order of nal duly issued by
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
Countv of Morrow, State of Oregon,
dated' the Mil day of Mny 1912,
i.. .. .... n In unir lit the Circuit,
III li v.i i. - -
. . . . . .. i ..... .
Court lor pamtimiiiv mm niine,
win rein The First National Hank of
-Heppner. Oregon, a corporation
Plaintiff, recovered Judgment nsrainst
Peter W. White and Mary . White
efenlnnts,for the until of Kisrlit liun
dreil.Thirty Five and MI-UK) Dollars,
with interest thereon nt the rate of
8 per cent. ier annum from the -1st
day of February 1912, and the further
Bum of Eighty Dollars Attorney's
fee, ami costs and (lisbursinente tax
ed at Nineteen and 50-100 Dollars, on
the 21st day of Febuary 1912.
Notice Is hereby K'iven that I will
on Friday the 7th day of June
1912, at 2.;I0 o'clock P. M., of mild
day. at the front door of tho Court
House In Ht'PimtT, Morrow County,
Oregon, sell at public miction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, the
following described property, to wit:
The East half of the North-east
Quarter, and tho South-west quar
ter of the North-east quarter, and
the North-west quarter of the South
east quarter, of Section Twelve (12)
Township STx South (ti-S) of Range
Twenty Six (20), E. W. M. Contain
ing Kio'Acres more or less according
to U. S Goverment survey. Taken
and levied upon as the property of
the said Peter W. White and Mary
L. White or so much thereof as may
be necessary to satisfy the said Judg
ment in favor of The First National
Bank of Heppner Oregon, and
against said Peter W. White and
Mary L. White together with all
costs and disbursements that haveor
may accrue.
J. C. HAYES. Sheriff.
By J. O. RASMUS, Deputy
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, April
8th 1912
Summons for Publication
in Foreclosure of Tax
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Morrow County.
W. R. Walpolo, Jr.,
P W. Price
To P. W. Price the above named
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
you are hereby notified that W. R.
Walpole, Jr. , th) holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 27 issued
on the 8th day of October 1908 by the
Tax Collector of the Couuty of Mor
row, State of Oregon, for the amount
of 75-lOC Dollars, the same beinsc
the amount then dne and delinquent
for taxes for the year 1907 together
with peuatlv, interest and costs there
on upon the real property assessed to
yon, of which ynu are tbe owner as
appears of record, situated in said
County and State, and particularly
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Lots One (l) and Two (2) in
Block Thirty-six (36) of the Town of
Irrigon, Moirow County, State of
You are furiher notified that said
W. R. Walools, Jr., has paid taxes
on snid premises for prior or subse
quent years, with the rate cf interest
on said amounts as follows:
Year,s Date Tax Re- Am- Rate of
Tax Paid ceipt No. ount Interest.
1908 Feb23, 1909 287 $ .33 15 percent.
1909 MarlO, 1910 708 .29 15 percent.
1910 Feb 27, 1911 199 .22 15 percent.
1911 Mar 12, 1912 687 .17 IS percent.
Said P. W. Price as .the own of
the legal title of the above desoribed
property as the same apDears of record,
and each of the other persons above
named are hereby further notified
that W. R. Walpole, Jr. , will apply
to the Circuit Court of the County
and State aforesaid for a decree fore
closing, the lien against the property
above described, and mentioned in
said certificate. And yon are heieby
summoned to arpear within sixty
days after the first publication of
this summons, exclusive of the day of
said first publication, and defend
this action or pay the amount due as
above shown, together with costs
and ac3ruei interest, and in case of
your failure to do so, a decree will
be rendered foreclosing the lien of
said taxes and costs against the land
and premises above named.
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable C. C. Patterson.
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Morr.iw and said order was made
and dated this 15th day of Anril 1912
and the date of the first publicaton
of this summons is the 18th day of
April 1912.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the
undersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the adlrees hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Addresa Hepnner, Oregon.
Notice tor Publication.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon March 22, 1912.
Notice is hereby given that Michcal
C. Marshall, of Willows. Oregon,
who. on March 18, 1905 made Homo
stad Entry No. 14293, Serial No.
0X519, for SWi SWJ. Sec 24. EJ
SEJi, SEi NEJ, Section . 23. Town
ship 4 North, Range 23 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
Intention to make Final five-vear
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before C. C. Patter-
sun, United States Commissioner at
his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on
the 20th day of May 1912.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jesse F. Deos, of Willows, Oregon
and Harold H. Weston, of Coyote,
a!8-ml6 C. W. MOORE, Register
FOR SALE to make room for
young stock, two pens of choice sin
gle comb Rhode Island Reds. Cock
and seven hens, $15.00. Worth donble
tbe price.
L. W. Briggs Heppner, Oregon,
Portland Bids You
to her .
June 1 0-1 5
Tickets will be on sale
from all Stations' on
O-W. R. & N.
June 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
One and One-Third Fare
For The Round Trip
A Program has been arranged which
surpass any former. Arrange
to spend a week in Portland, and a
week at North Beach on the Pacif
ic. REDUCED FARES will bo In
effect from Port hind and the O-W.
R.. CO. N'a Excundon Steamers will
be making dully runs.
You cannot buy a "reaoy
made" suit one that was
made for a "model" man and
then reproduced by the dozen
that will look right on you.
Have your garments made
to measure 1 fit and of
stylish material that will give
you service.
the material handled by the
best merchant tailors for over
2S years, are made in a
wide range of styles for your
Order your next suithere--
The Best Tailor
Vr.i r.i
iudd. freuuiou UotrV
tic. Ui recuf niiot
quo!) of II Mwtnt "our botna.
use it continually wuim
pflvinjr 92 a month, nl en
tov vmrv Dclol prle
ilirrct to yon or from our nvmrnat
Wfiiry. A rrn mine r.i
stufWodons onct.
We Will Take Your
Old Machine L'n,fi
liberal allowance oo a af.)nriid n
Domestic. And you can atitl Uke ai
vaiit.goof tha pociaJ prtc and aj
fhe perfect Hewing machine that has always led all other
makea and ia today bettor than var. Two machlnao
In mlock ateh and chain stitch. Straight drop
Kead hi arm. ball baarinc A complete nnt ! atUchmj-nta-.,
Wary one practical. lc., mar!e.or vrry-RT u- Tn iwnwiMca
npltion of modern iwwin ma. hiria prtwreaj. rmd out about iu
SEND rOR BOOK, FREE Thn Truth About Sewing
Uaohinea," telHnfr yoa how jmi can have the flnetit ewn n''n.
maae a a opecim r win -i. w,..., ... -
CilMHANTEH, Get tfctt fata before yoi buy anr mw hina. Xtua
free) Literature will -ava you money. 8nd for it N( W.
ViitC Smuhi MattMi Ca.. 41 JkIum BhraBtat, CMtaft-
ti J;t -rk. wa i.n.n avanl anil aW m a zn I KAK
.V.M OVER 65
vy? : v W Vex per
Trade Marks.
CopmiCHTS Ac.
a aanritnw a abut Mi n1 HofM"lrtl Ion mif
quickly ascartniti our opinion fre whether an
Invention ( prohnbly pnienf nhto. Cnnimtinlcn
tlmie strictly contWonUul. HANDBOOK on lalt
eut free. Oldest HiToney for aecunng patent a
I'm cum maun iiirouun iuuii ot
tpecitit notice, without chnrge. Ill the
Scientific Jlsmricatt.
A hanrtnomolf lllnatraln) wooklf. I, arrest flr
rtilution of any poiontlllo Jmiriml. Terms, W a
your: four niontba, (1. BulU by all newailenlers.
IVIUNN & Co.36,B'oada"- New York
lirnucb umce, 6'lb V PL. WaablDiituu, V. C.
If yon purr-base the SEW HOME you will
have a life asset at the price you pay, and will
not Uuve an end lesa cluil u of repairs.
it is the
in the end
to buy.
Jf you want a aowlng machine, write tot
oar lateat catalogue before you purchase.
Ha New Heme Sewing Machine Co, Prangs, Mass.