The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 16, 1912, Image 5

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Local and . Personal
All kinds of good ice cold sodas at
The Palm.
A few more of these warm days
and then hay harvest
Ray Huddleston wag
Lone Bock on Monday.
over from
Yon need not pay so much for in
surance. Talk to M. E. Smead.
Mr. ana Mrs. a. h. Ay erg were
down from Parker's Mill the first of
the wee.
Highest cash prices paid for hides,
pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse
Milling Oo.
Nels Johnson was in from Goose'
berry on Saturday to attend to busi
ness matters.
J. S. Buseick, the Grant oonnty
sheepman, was a Heppner visitor the
first of the week.
Dr. Winnard has taken a .pedal
course on eye jisoaiesand is prepared
to fit glasses properly.
Cream F utis at the Bakery every
Saturday. All kinds of cookies and
pastry at the Bakery.
The neatest thing iu the refrigeator
line is the "White Frost." Sold by
the Case Furniture Company.
It miy be to your interest to get
my prices before buying watches,
clocks or jewelery. C. B. Johnson,
"Mr. iJoo next Wednesday eve
ning. Given by the Senior olasg of
the Heppner High School. Don't
overlook it.
H. V. Gates is ud from Portland
this wees: on business connected with
the Heppner Light & Water Co., of
which he is president.
Now is the time to set rid of your
rheumatism. You can do this by
applying Oiiamberaln's Linimen and
massaging the parts at each applica
tion. For sale by Patterson & Son
A handsome dinner sot will be given
free with every range sold by us in
the next sixty days. Call and see
both. Case Furniture Co.
Wasco county M to build a new
court house. The contract has been
let in the sum of 1150,000, the build
ing to be of reinforoed concrete and
work to start at once.
J. H. Blake was in Heppner a few
days this week. John Is at present
engaged in the cattle buying business
forRty Fairchild and was looking
up business in this section.
In last issue in reporting the oounty
court proceedings, we stated that
Judge Patterson received as salary
4300.00. This should have been 1150,
as his salary is $75 per month.
The shearing crew at the Whetstone
plant went oo a strike Monday for
higher pay. They have been working
for 8)b cents, aid struck for 9, and an
a matter of course got it, otherwise
the plant would have been tied up
The at hire u,en beloi g to the u.-.ion,
and when the Whets o -6 crew struck
for higher pay, the Watteoburger ere
at work at the Minor plant, also made
demands for the fame rais, nnd got
it at once. The shearers claim that
they were to receive 9 cents when
they agreed to go to work hern. They
claim that this is about equal to
what the hand shearers are getting,
as they rpceive 8 cents per bead and
board, while the machiue operators
have to pay their board. There is a
vast difference, however in the num
ber of sheep that can be sheared bv
machinery than by the old method,
and this would seem to work in favor
of the machine men.
E. G. Noble is sending out by
every mail cop e; of his newly printed
catalogue, and the best part of it is,
he is beginning to receive nioe orders
for saddles and his force in the shoD
is now busy as bees. Some mighty
nioe compliments have been passed
upon that catalogue and the printer
is coming in for his share of the
praise it is a goon job ; it was an
done by the borne print shop, and the
Gazette-Times is proud of it. We are
not too modest to aay that it compares
well with any work of a similar na
ture turned out in the city shops,
and we are right on the job for more
Too hot to cook on Sunday
Roast chicken
Ice cream
Yes at the PA LACK HOTKL
Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner?
Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Com
plexion sallow? Liver needs wak
ing up. Doan's Regulets cure bilious
attacks. 25 cents at any drug store.
Wool is beginning to come in lively
from the nearby shearing plants. The
clip of Morrow county Is exceptionally
fine and clean this season, and it
should bring the very highest price
the market can offer.
L. P. Davidson was in from Lower
Eight Mile on Saturday returning
home on Sunday. While here he
"cashed up" a bunch of baby ooyote
aotlps, the principal sonrse of revenue
to our many ranchers these days.
I. R. Esteb came near parting with
the end of bis thumb ou the Itft hand
one dav this week. The accident
hsoDened to him while be was
attempting to o'l his gasoline engine
when the same was in motion. The
next time he does a job of this kind,
he won't do it.
The eighth grade examinations
were held at the court house last
Thursday and Friday. Many pupils
were in attendance from different
parts of the county. We should have
a large increase in the high school
next year. Miss Mabel Cameron con
ducted the examinations for the state
Unole Nat Webb came in from
Walla Walla on Thuisday evening
last and will be here for ten days or
two weeks looking after eheep inter
eats. Ha is quite extensively engag
ed in the farming business these times
on his big wheat ranch noith of Walla
Walla. Crop propects are very ex
cellent up his way and big harvests of
grain, fruit and vegetables will be
gathered this season. I
work of the same kind. In fact
should be apparent that it is not nec
essary to send to Portlaud for any
kind of pr'nting as it can be done at
home just as good and the prices' are
right. Try us and see. And don t
forget in the meantime that Gene
Noble builds the best saddles made.
George Bleakman, of Hardman.
came in from The Dalles on Friday
evening where he had been to consult
with the traveling salesmau of Mur
phy Grant & Co.. of San Francisco.
George is looking for good times in
his locality this Fall as the promise
of good crops out that way will put
people on their feet again. He
suffered the misfortune of loosing
three of bib best stage horses recently
but is learning not te complain as be
realizes that only those that have can
loose and the mail connect has been a
good investment during the year.
O. A. Hales came in from Waits-
burg, Wash. , on Saturday to receive
a bunch of sheep at this point. He
is gathering up about 14.000 head
which he has purchased about Hepp
ner and Echo and will drive a part
of them to Waitsburg and a part of
them to the mountains beyon Spokane
where they will be summered on the
natioual reserve. Charles is an old
Morrow county boy, and he says
things look mighty good to him here
this season.
Peter Susbaoer, of Irrigon, was
in Hrppoer the latter part of the
week, returning to his home Monday.
Ho was here as a member of the
grand jury to help wind up the busi
ness cf that body left over from the
November term He states that some
of the fruit crop of Irrigon will be
short this season, especially is this
true of peaches. The melon orop
should be heavy.
W. G. Scott, of Lexington was in
attendance at circuit court a couple
of days this week. He returned on
Monday from a visit of a few days
over in Umatilla county, taking in
Pendb ton, Stanfield and Echo. He
made close observation of crop condi
tions while over that way, and Mor
row county need not suffer any by
comparison this season.
J. S. Beckwith, court repoter came
over from Pendleton on Monday to
attend the May teiai of court in his
official capacity. He found but little
to do, however, as Judge Phelps had
dismissed the jury for the term, so he
returned home this morning.
W. B. Finley was up from the sand
country on Monday and is greatly
rejoiced over the good outlook for
bumper crops down his way. He has
in a big acreage of wheat this year
and the present indications point to
an abundaut harvest.
Generally debiliated for years.
Had sick headaches lacked ambition,
was worn-out and all run-down. Bur
dock Blood Bitters made me a well
oman." Mrs. Chaa. Frietny, Moo-
sop, Conn.
Dr. N. E Winnard returned from
Portland on Tuesday evening after an
absence of a week on business con
nected with the State Medical Asso
ciation, of which he is an officer.
Mr. Bob" will be the attraction
st the Star theater on next Wednesday
evening. This is the play given by
the Senior tlasi of the nigh School.
You will not miss it.
J E. Cronan and Paul Reitman
were in Heppner on Tuesday aa wit
nesses in the equity suit of Keihn vs.
Bay Fairchild and John H. Blake
made a shipment of beef cattle to
Portland from the Heppner yards on
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature ef
Summer Range To Lease.
25,000 acres of range for lease in
the Blue Mountains in the vicinity of
Whitney and Baker, Oregon, at 8
cents per acre if taken immediately.
It is first class sheep range. Write
or wire the undersigned for all or
any of this land.
Good Pasture.
506 acres of fine bunch grass. Will
pasture horses. Grow horses for 11. 50
pre month. Cattle reasonable. Given
good attention. Write or phone to
R. G. Jones. Lone Rock, Ore.
Delicious soda and ice cream sodas
at The Palm
Muse Ah aigh was in from Eight
Mile on Monday.
E. F. Dy is up from P rtland
looking after business interests here.
George McDuffe. of Hardman, was
in HeDpntr Sunday, returning home
Oscar Borg departed for Portland
on Tuesday morning to be absent a
few days on business.
Miss Amy Wilkins, of Portland, sis
ter of J. L Wilkins, is here on a
visit with her relatives.
Mrs. Rov Gray croes to Pendle
ton, Saturday to join her husband,
who has a position there.
George W. Chapin was down from
his Rock creek ranch on Monday,
having been called to town as a jury
The concrete foundation of the Dr.
Condor residence is about completed
It is an elegant and substantial piece
of work.
Jack Deardorff was up from Lower
Sand Hollow a couple of days the
last of the week attending to his
duties as a grand juror.
For rent a three room house, op
posite the Gazette-Times, suitable
for housekeeping or for an office.
Inquire of Mrs. J. B. Natter.
Mr." George Yoakum, a real estate
dealer of Spokane, was in Heppner
several days this week as a witness
in the case of Jamieson vs. Kien.
Lotus Robison came down from his
mountain ranch on . Monday. He is
rejoicing over the warm weather we
are having it is just what is needed
out his way.
N. D. Walling and C. F. Ellis are
two attorneys here this week from
Spokane attending court. The for
mer is attorney for C. G. Jamieson
and the latter for John A. Eein.
J. A. Adams was down from Hard
man on Monday, having brought his
wife to town to take the train for
their home in Corvallis. Mrs. Adams
came up to attend the funeral of her
father, the late W. R. Ward.
Mr. Fleix Amort, of Corvallis, was
in Heppner on Monday. He is an
old acquaintance of Mr. J. E Cronan
of lone, and has come to Morrow
oounty with the view of locating
here if he finds something to suit
A little daughter was born to the
wife of E. G. Sutton at the home of
W. O. Hill in Heppner on Sunday.
Its life was of short duration, how
ever, as it died on Monday and was
laid to rest in the Heppner cemetery
that afternoon.
Mr. Tom jack, of Nebraska, is here
looking1 over the real estate situation
with a view of looating. He is a
man of family and desires to get
land for a borne, tie was interested
in this section through the efforts of
J. E. Crcnan, of lone.
The Wattnburger shearing orew
arrived from Echo on last Thursday
evening and are now busy at the
Minor Bros, plant where they are
clipping wool off the sheep at a lively
rate. This clip is coming in to the
warehouse every day now and it is a
fine one.
Dr. M. A. Leach departed for Port
land, Monday, to be absent during
the week attending a meeting of the
State Dental Association. He ex
pects to visit the coast while gone
and breathe in a little of the breeze
from the salt seas, realizing the good
effeot this hag on those who are of
feeble constitution.
The big four-horse team used by
Guy Boyer to haul wool to town took
a little soin on their own account
Friday morning, starting from the
Palace corner and stnpping suddenly
in front of the store of Vaughn & Sons
and spilling a small load of groceries
and supplies in the street by the up
turning of the rack. The team frigh
tened at an automobile, and one of
the horses was somewhat injured by
being dragged. No other damage
was done and the auto went on its
way rejoicing.
1-4 off
Minor & . Go.
Summer Dresses
14 off
Embroidered Lawn dresses in blue and white
Black and white stripes - - $3.75
Striped Lawn dresses made in surplice style
with embroidered collars, and trimmed
with Ball trimming - - 6.50 & 6.75
Allover embroidery dresses trimmed with linen
lace and insertion, .crochet buttons - 7.00
White Voile, trimmed with silk fringe and
crochet buttons - - -
Cotton Corduroy with lace collar and black
velvet tie - -
White Voile dress trimmed with Cluny lace,
Irish crochet yoke, Ball trimming - 18.00
Light percale dresses made in surplice style,
and Gingham dresses in tan, pink and
lavender, trimmed with embroidery
and lace - - - 2.50 to 5.00
1-4 off
Shirtwaists at half price
1-4 off
The Senior Class
of the
announce for
Class Night
Wednesday evening, May 22nd
the high class comedy
in two acts
Reserved seats - 50c