The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 09, 1912, Image 6

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    Your Financial
is very apt to be about what you make it.
We would suggest that you begin your
plans for the future by starting a savings
account with us.
Each depositor is given a pass book
and interest is credited every six months
at four per cent, per annum.
Capital Stock - - - $100,000
Chartered by Government, August 15th, 1887
t Seasonable Soft Drinks, Domestic and Tropical
Fruits, Delicious Ice Cream
We make our own Ice Cream. It is a Morrow County
Confectioner, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes,
. a a o a s--a--o-
Liberty Meat Market
B. F. MATLOCK, Prop.
The Best Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, J
Sausage and Home Lured Meats.
Ttiorouglilired Drc Jerseys
I now have for sale a few head of boar pigs,
at 1113' ranch 4 miles west of Lexington.
Call or write me for terms.
L. J. Padberg
Watch out for
He is coming soon
AL. G.
Visits Heppner on Monday
and Draws Big Crowd A
Fine Wild Animal Show.
Al. .G Barnes has a good show of
the kind. It ia a stilendid demonstra
tion of what can be done in the way
of training animals ; man's pwerover
that of the brute creation is mighty
well illustrated in the big performance
that goe9 on in the three rings of his
wild animal show.
His circus trian of two sections
and twentv-eight cars reached Hepp
ner early Sunday morning from Oou
dou. The big tents went ud at once
and the circus grounds where the
cages of wild animals were lefs out
side to be cleansed, aired up and dis
infected in the warm sunshine, were
the center of attraction to Hernner
people, both old and young. In faot,
iho ohnuj was free on Sunday, what
V" J Ul.W-T 1.
could be seen of it, and the townspeo
ple took advantage of the opportunity.
We verilv bel!eve there were Deepie
down there on Sunday looking at the
animals and watching the men work
who would scorn the idea of going to
the circus, for various reasons that
they might ba able to advance.
However, this is only a stray thought
and has nothing to do witn tne siory.
It was interesting to view the work
of taking care of the Urge number of
animals aud the small army of people
carried with this show.
A laree number of people came in
from the countiy on Monday, and cir-
ens dav in rieppntr wiuicmcu
about as large a crowd as ever gather
ed here for such an occasion. itie
afternoon performance was largely
attended, as was also the evening
Business was good in town on Mon
day. There may be some complaint
because of the money that the show
carried off, but it was worth tne price
to have the people in town- and the
money will not be missed a thousand
A J t-l tl,;nlr
years from now. u ""
what a good time the kids nao, as
well as gome of the older ' 'children "
Rampa parripa a fine lot of trained
ponies and horses and their part on
the prugram was superb. The big
den of lions is also a sight worth go
ing miles to see. Some seven or
eight of these are cobs just coming
under control of the trainer, and are
none too obedient, and Borne of the
older ones exhibit bad dispositions
and look as though they would enjoy
devouring a few head, more or less,
of the human family. This is also
true of the tigers and leopards. Bat
they all show that their trainers are
on to the job and the performance
passed off without mishap. As to
this circus, it is all that Barnes
claims for it, and it shows some im
provement over what it was last year.
The side issues, however, are not
of very high order, and are a soecies
of craft that does not add any too
much to the reputation of the circus.
Someof the "features" should be blot
ted out. This would help the moral
At the evening performance it is
ri ported there was some disturbance
on the cart of some youna fellows
who were pretty roughly handled by
people there for that purpose. Aside
from this, the crowd was very orderly
and the day passed off as one of much
enjoyment for both old and young. '
Lame back is usually caused by
rheumatism of the mnscles of the back
for which you will find nothing better
than Chamberlain's Liniment For
sale by Patterson & Son.
FOR SALE to make room for
young stock, two pens of choice sin
gle comb Rhode Island Reds. Cock
and seven hens, $15.00. Worth double
the price.
L. W. Briggs Heppner, Oregon.
Lagal Custom From the Church.
Wheo one lawyer refers to uuotber
s "brother attorney" he employs nu
nut-lent phrnse peculiar to religious
und legal fraternities and suggests the
close historical relation between the
callings. In England for two and a
half centuries after the Nornmu con
quest all high legal offices were filled
by churchmen. Laymen could not hope
for advancement or for clients, und In
deed the only path to the acquirement
Df a professional education lay through
loly orders. The frutcruul form of
address common to the church passed
naturally Into legal plinfcseology.
Brother So-and-so of the monastic or
tier was "brother" also at the bar. So
strong was popular prejudice against
admitting the competency of mere lay
men nt law when this class began to
practice, about 1300, that lay barristers
adopted a black velvet skullcap or coif
to conceal their lack of tousure. the
distinguishing mark of the priestly
clerk. Down to our day both the form
it address aud the peculiar headgear
jave remained, although we haveceas
?d to associate the two professions
whose early Intimacy was the original
reason for their existence. Green Bag.
ed at NMneteon and 50-100 Dollars, on
the Slut day of IVbuary 11)12.
Notice in hereby given that I will
on Friday the itli day of Jun
1112. a t 2.;I0 o'clock P. M., of Haid
day. at the front door of the Court
House la Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, fcell at. public auction to the
hhiliOKt bidder for cash in hand, the
following dewribed property, to wit:
Tho East half of the North-cant
Quarter, and the South-west quar
ter of the North-cant quarter, and
the North-west quarter of the South
east quarter, of Section Twelve (12)
Township Six South (-S) of Range
Twenty Six (20), K. W. M. Contain
ing; lOo'Aeres more or lens according
to U. S (iovei inent mirvey. Taken
and levied upon as the property of
the said Peter W. White and Mary
L. White or so much thereof as may
be necessary to Ratiwfy the nald Judg
ment in favor of The First National
Bank of Heppner Oregon, and
against said Peter W. White and
Mary L, White together with all
coKts and disbursements tha' have or
may accrue.
J. C. HAYES. Sheriff.
By J. O. RASMUS, Deputy
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, April
8th 1912.
Tho Swastika.
The origin and history of the curious
charm kuown as the swastika have
beeu exhaustively described by Dr. T.
Carr, an English antiquarian. He
claims that the origin of the swastika
dates back to pre-Christian days. In
vestigation has led him to believe that
It was originally the symbol of polar
star worship and that It was the most
ancient and widely distributed symbol
that had ever existed. It has been
found In Chaldea. among the ruins of
the earlier cities of Troy, In Egypt, on
the prehistoric relics of Greece, on Illt
tlte remains, on prehistoric American
Indian mounds, in South America, on
Buddlst remains In India, on Roman
altars, on Runic crosses In Great Brit
ain, In Coptic churches of the tenth
fputury and on English brasses of the
thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
It Is still used In India. Tibet. China.
Korea and Japan as a sign of long life,
good wishes and good fortune; it Is
also used by the Lapps und the Finns.
"Cutting of tho Khalig."
One of the most interesting of Egyp
tian customs is that knowu as the
"cutting of the Khalig." which is cole
brated on the occasion of the opening
of tho dams of the Khalig canal, there
by causing the flooding of the land for
cultivation purposes. The ceremony
takes place in August when the Nile
reaches its highest level, and Is really
a thanksgiving service. According to
tradition, the old time Egyptians had a
custom of casting n young virgin gayly
dressed into the river as a sacrifice to
the gods, hut at the present time the
offering- takes the more humane form
at a uummy. a procession or aeco-
rated boats and barges passes along
the river, one special craft being used
for the ceremouy. This boat, rigged to
represent an old time warship, is towed
by a decorated tug and Is well provid
ed with musicians, who play Arab
tunes, while minute guns are fired at
Intervals In honor of the occasion.
Wide World Magazine.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land office at LoGrande, Oregon .April
2nd, 1912. Notice is hereby given
that Charles A. Hinton, of Heppner.
Oregon, who, ou August 17th, 1905,
matin Homestead Entrr No. 14549,
Serial, No. 045r6, for SEJ4 NWJ, S
NEK. NEJ SEi, Sec. -20. and Add'l
H. E. 0(5896 on Oct. 22, 1909, for E
S W, NW4 SEJ4, Sec. 20 and NEJ
NWi, Sac 29. Township 2 South.
Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention, to make
Final five-year Proof, to estnbluh
claim to the land above described,
before C C. Patterson. United States
Commissioner, at his office, at Hepp
ner, Oregon, on the 28th day of May,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Phil Hirl, Wililam H. Clark, Jerry
Brosnan and John Brosnan, all of
Hepcner. Oregon. a4-m2.
F. C. BRAMWELL, Register.
A Luxury.
Jim, who worked In a gnrnge. had
Just declined Mr. Smith's Invitation to
ride In bis new cur.
"Whafs the matter, Jim?" asked Mr.
Smith. "Are you sick?"
"No, sab," he replied. "Taln't that;
I done los' $5. sah. an' I jes' natcherly
pot tub sit an- grieve." Success Mag-izino.
Mixed on the Phone.
Irritable Man (at other end of phone
linel Bello. hello! Whafs the matter
with yon? Are you forty-seven? An
pry Spinster tat this endi-No; I'm not
Who said I was? I'm only thirty-three.
Irritable Man Oh. ring off ! Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
The Natural Method.
"Do yon believe In the rod In edn
rational methods?"
"Why not? Isn't the use of the rod
the natural way to make children
mart?" Exchange.
all thieve fooln are the worst;
rob you of time and temper
A Revised Opinion.
A well known after dinner speaker
of New York was going home from a
banquet on a surface car. At Ills cor
ner he signaled the conductor to stop;
but, as he swung off the platform, the
car started up again, und lie plowed
the asphalt for ten feet with his face
und figure. He struggled to his feet to
ee the car fading away aud a large,
tired looking policeman contemplating
him from the sidewalk.
"Did you see that?" demanded the
victim as he limped toward the pave
"I did," said the policeman, "an" it
was your own fault."
"I didn't nsk you whose fault it
was!" snapped back the after dinner
speaker. "I asked you Did you see
"I did not!" said the policeman.
Saturday Evening Post
Cromwell's Spurs.
It Is generally acknowledged that
the most brilliant light cavalry officer
Great Britain has ever produced was
Oliver Cromwell. It is therefore pe
cullary unfortunate, but It Is never
theless a fact, that on the statue of
the Protector which stands outside
Westminster hall the spurs are repre
sented as attached to the boots upside
down. Further, the left spur is on the
right foot, and the right Is on the left,
while it Is insisted by the best experts
that the spurs are not of the period.
"The Bargain Book."
ma i aienc
Conceited. Actor-Yes, I Inherited my
talent. Candid Friend I see. And yon
flsslpated your Inheritance, Boston
Happiness." said a philosopher, "Is
to precious to some of us that when
It 19 broken we stoop and gather ap
the pieces."
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of a foreclosure execu
tion and order of sale duly issued by
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
Couritv of Morrow, State of Oregon,
dated the Sth day of May 1912,
in a certain suit in the Circuit
Court for snid County nnd State,
wherein The First National Bank of
Heppner, Oregon, a corporation
Plaintiff, recovered judgment against
Peter W. White and Mary L. White
Defendants, for the mini of Eight hun
dred Thirty Five and SO-MO Dollars,
with Interest thereon nt the rate of
K per cent, per annum from the 2lst
day of February 1912, nnd the further
sum of Eighty Dollars Attorney's
Summons for Publication
in Foreclosure of Tax
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Morrow County.
W. R. Walpole, Jr.,
P W. Price
To P. W. Prioo tiie above named
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
yon are hereby notified that W. R.
Walpole, Jr., thq holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 27 issued
on the 8ih day of October 1908 by the
Tax Collector of the County of Mor
row, State of Oregon, for the amount
of I5-10C Dollars, the same being
the amount then due aud delinanent
for taxes for the year 1907 together
with penary, interest and costs there
on upon the real property assessed to
you, of which ynu are the owner as
arppars of record, situated in eaid
County and State, and particularly
bounded aud described as follows, to
wit: Lots One (l) and Two (2) in
Block Thirty-six (30) of the Town of
Irrigon, Morrow County, State of
You are further notified that said
W. R. WHlnoIe, Jr.. haB paid taxes
on said premises for prior or subse
quent years, with the rate cf interest
on said amounts as follows:
Year. Date Tax Re- Am- Rate ol
Tax Paid eeipt No
1908 Feb 23, 1909 287
1909 MarlO, 1910 708
1910 Keb27, 1911 199
1911 Mar 12, 1912 687
Said P. W. Price as
the legal title of the above described
property as the same appears of record,
and each of the other persons above
named are hereby further notified
that W. R. Walpole, Jr., will apply
to the Circuit Court of the County
and State aforesaid for a decree fore
closing the lien against the property
above described, and mentioned in
said certificate. And yon are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty
days after the first publication of
this summons, exclusive of the day of
said first publication, and defend
this action or pay the amount due as
above shown, together' with costs
and accrued interest, and in case of
your failure to do so, a decree will
be rendered foreclosing the lien of
said taxes and costs against the land
and premises above named.
This summons is published by order
of the Honorable C. C. Patterson.
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Morrow and said order was made
and dated this loth day of April 1912
and the data of the first publicator.
of this summons is the 18th day of
April 1912.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the
undersigned residing within the State
of Oregon, at the ad IrtFs hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address Heponer, Oreeon.
ount Interest.
$ .33 1 5 percent.
.29 15 percent.
.22 15 percent.
.17 15 percent.
the owner of
j fee, and costs and disbursiuents tax-
f w I " js 'J i cttt ,y u i Tiy '
'Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Offico at The Dalles,
Oreacn March 22. 1912.
Notice is hereby given that Micheal
C. Marshall, of Willows, Oregon,
who, on March 18, 19(5 mada Home
stead Entry No. 14293, Serial No.
03519, for SWJ SW4, Seo. 24. Ei
SE, SEINE, Section 23. Town
ship 4 North, Range 23 East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
Intention lo moke Final five-vear
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before C. C. Patter
son, United States Commissioner at
his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on
the 20th day of May 1912 '
Claimant names as witnesses:
Jesse F. Deos, of Willows, Oregon
and Harold H. Weston, of Coyote,
al8-ml6 O. W. MOORE, Register
Poor appetite is sign of impaired
digestion. A lew doses of Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will
strengthen yoor diaosfion and improve
your appetite. Thousands have been
benetfied by tailing these Tablets.
Sold by Patterson & Son
A Tonic, Alterative and Resolvent. The
best remedy for Kidneys, I,iver and Bowels.
Kradicates Pimples, Kruptions and Disorders
of the Skin. Purifies the Blood and (jives
Tone, Strength aud Vigor to the entire system.
I NI hiN'W 1
1111 1
fft' mm
If you purchase the NEW HOME you will
have a life a-ssot at the price you pny.and will
not have an endless chain of repairs.
it if the
in the end
to buy.
If you want a sowing riinrhlnn, write re
onr latest catalogue In-fore you purchase.
The New Home Sswing Machine Co., Orange, Mass.
-c d V- .i L HI
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac
Anrnne Henrilng a nlcetrh and n-pscrlntinn may
quickly AAcertithi our opmtnn froo whflthar art
Invnnti'in Ih pruhnliljr piitentiibln. Conimunloa.
tlniu hi no; HANDUOOK on l-ateiua
out fro. olilent lUM'tic- for ffecuring pntenti.
Pntnnts taken throilKll Muim & Co. receive
tpecUU notice, without charm), iutna
Scientific fltnericatn
A hand worn dr I11ntrfp1 wppktf. I,Test cir
culation of miy m'ieiiUUo I'.urnul. Terms, f.i a
your: four months, L Bold Uyull Tiewarlpiiiern.
MUNN & Co.36,B"dw"- New York
Branch Ofllce, 025 F Bt Washington, 1. C.
You cannot buy a "reaoy
made" suit one that was
made for a "model" man and
then reproduced by the dozen
that will look right on you.
Have your garments made
to measure to fit and of
stylish material that will give
you service.
the material handled by the
best merchant tailors for over
25 years, are made in a
wide range of styles for your
Orderyour next suit here
The Best Tailor
fbeGenoiM ffc Pfl C I tf
flow $ A MONTH
k J? ' itmhipI. uinuin lornw-
l N 1
pcstroyn Sae Rats, Squirrels, Gophers sod
Prairie Dog. Requires no mixing or prepara
tionAlways ready for use. Ieadliet of all.
Your money back if not as claimed.
Clarkk, Wooduakd Dkl'g Co., Portland, Ore,
,-i tt. tnachin..n vrnir bom.
-" W a ho it continually whihc
' fMviniril manth. ainri fn-
;" 3 joy a very special prlc
I u . " k r J rllrect to you or from oiir nrl
' Piupennoii oner.
ue win iajrte ioar
CM Machine EJTM?!
Iiira1 aftow-artr on pU-w)in r
lom.tie. And you ran soil tnka ad
ran'.ic of tha Bpocial pho and ma
tar ma.
riwperfprt eirinr macbfne that ha alwniTi led all othct
Kakr and fa tmtay bttr than vr. Tw macHina
i ontocH stitch and chain stitch. StraiRht drop
bad, high arm ball beartn. A enrUte at ef atUrhawiU-
frrry on prartlral. ate. . marl for vtry-lay um. TV Ihmv tilir if
iriir la t ion n f mo'l'rn iwwina- 'Tuw-Kln" prosrana. Find out alxiut it.
tCMD FOR BOOH. ritCC, The Truth About Sewirfl
Waehinaa," tMtr yos hem ymi can hav tha f1raat aavfiic fparj).
b anada at a Special Isnw Prfc-a and at ilNI.Y J a month. l
w-hy va aell dlrvrt whrt nt ha no aajrit and rtvayxi a ? TKA H
UU AKANTKK, at tha facta bfora yem buy any marhta. Ttu
rra ltratura will aaa you tnorwy. Hr.i for it NOW,
tSiUliMI MaaaaM 44 JackM IHra (Mat, Cfciuss