WEEK'S NEWS. Local and Personal Happenings. House for Rale or rent with one acre ground. Inquire 1st National Bank, tf Mason atid Bricklaver. Only one in town. Good work. H. H. CURRIER. Mrs D. V. S. Reid and Mra. Clyde Brock returned home from Salem oo Monday evening. Highest cash prices paid for hides, pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse Milling Co. The' neatest thing in the ref rigeatur line is the "White Frost." Sold by the Case Furniture Company. Cream Puffs at the Bakery every Saturday. All kinds of cookies and pastry, at the Bakery. Dr. Winqard has taken a peoial course on eve iiaeasnsand is prepared to fit glasses properly. W. Q. Scott, of Lexington, accom panied by his little daughter, was a -visitor to Heppner on Saturday. Born At Heppnre Sauitorium, Wednesday, May 1, lata, ta the wife of Aolnozo Wright a daughter. Palace Dinner Sunday Chicken It may be to your interest to get my prices before buying watches, clocks or jewelery."" C. K. " Johnson, Jeweler. R. F. Hynd came up f rum Portland on Thursday and is spending some time at Heppner looking after busi ness interests. John Her has contracted to sell his farm northwest of town and when the same it disposed of he will remov to Heppner with his family to re. aide. Wra. Beymer was over from Mon ument where he runs a big sheeo .ranch on Monday. Lots of rain, good hay prospects is the report Billy brings In. D. E. Oilman departed Tuesday morning for outside points to continne his work of interesting settlers in Morrow oonnty. He wlil be gone some time. The Matteson shearing crew finished ud their work down on the sand the first of the week and will now go to Grant county for the remainder of the season. The little baby daughter of Johnnie Hiatt, that was reoorted to be very seriously ill with typhoid pneumonia in our last issue. Is now improving and well on the road to recovery. Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Com plexion sallow? Liver needs wak ing op. Doan's Regulets cure bilious attacks. 25 cents at any drug store. Noah Olark was in town on Mon day. His crop outlook is fine, has in 1000 aores and expects at Iea3t 20 bushels to the acre. This will keep him busy getting the crop to market next fall. Dan Rice was down from the Hrd man section on Monday. It ia still very wet out his wav but crops are coming along well just the same with the brightest prospects for abundant harvest in 23 years. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Thompson, of Echo, visited Heppner Friday, return ing to their home on Saturday. They came over by auto and were enter tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Spencer while in the citv. Karl L. Beach is this week fininh ing op an excellent piece of work on the jron and wire fence sround the property of Dr. Oondur. The fence is pet in concreta and should be a sub stantial oiene of work a hundred years from now. On tomorrow (Friday) evening, the ladies of the Christian church are to serve another of their fatuous teas at the home of Mrs. E. Minor. Your presence is earnestly requested, and you will be well fed for the email sum of 35 cents. At Lexington, on the 21th -of May, the ladies of the Congregational church will give a Calico Carnival atArtissn Hill. This will be under the aus pices of the Ladies' Aid of that church, and further announcements will appear later. Martin Johnson has the contract of erecting a bungalow for the Minsea Hager on the lot atij )inir.g the M. E. church South. The house that has utood ou this lot for years is being torn down and the new structure which is to be modern in every re spect, wilil take its place. Banker Mahoney received word from A. L. Mills of Portland, on Tuesday announcing the dath, on Monday at his home in Schenectady, N. Y., of Mr. Hinsdill Parsons. Mr Parsons will be rememboied by a number of Heppner peoole as the Eastern attorney who was here for some time last summer in company with M. C Gtiswold, and is theowmr with Mr. Griswold of a large acreage of Morrow county timber lands. Mr. Parsons was out driving in bis auto mobile on Monday, when a tile ex ploded and overturned the machine, killing him instantly. He was gen eral counsel for the General Electric Co. of Schenectadr, and largely in erested with other Eastern capitalists in Oregon timber lands and mills. Clean-up day in Heppner has been going on apace during the entire week and from the amount of rubbish piled out on the streets it would seem that the order to clean np had not gone out any too soon. Ihere ia oertainly a very noticeable improvement in the streets, alleys and back yards, and the clean-up has added much to the appearance of the little city. To gether with the painting and repairing of premises, putting up of new fences, beautifying of lawns and gardens, Heppner is patting on a delightful air of beauty Just at this time. The Royal Arch Masons of Hepo uer held initiatory ceremonies on Thursday and Friday of last week, administering the degrees to a team consisting of S. E. Van Vaotor and H. B. Rnkln, of Heppner, and R. W. Cook, of Condon. At the conclusion of the ceremonies on Friday evening a bountiful repast was served in the banquet hall under the charge of Stwarts H. A. Emerson and J. A. Patterson and was greatly enjoyed by the large number of Royal Arch Mas ons present. SINGLE COMB RHODE I3LAND REDS; the most profitable chiokens known. My first prize pullet pro nounced by Judge Gimlin, an esteem judge, 'to. be the' most perfect Rhode Island Red that he had ever handled. Only the best selected birds in onr pens. Have added new blood from the best to be had. First pen headed by cock scoring 93, at Spokane. Nothing better In the northwest. Csll and inspect our stock and pre mium ribbons. Eggs from $2.00 to $3.00 per 15. S10.00 per 100. Brilliant Poultry Yrds, Heppner Oregon. Rev. John McAllister and wife were the victims of a very pleasant TnaeHee evenintr. It was the occasion of their third wedding anniversary, and this fact bad become known to the members of his congre gation, who swooped down upon them with a bountiful supply of pies, cakes and other good things to eat, and snant a very enjoyable evening at the parsonage, the pastor and his wfe, of course, being made the center ol at traction. Conductor Fink Is credited with being the prime mover in the affair, and the surprise was worked in god style. Mr. R. A. Smith is presenting to the public a very serious expression of countenance just at this time, he having rubbed up against Mr. Light, real estate man, on Tuesday evening down at the Palace Hotel. The argu ment did not last long, at Smith is reported to have lost his wind at the end of the first round. No very last ing damaaa wis done either party, and the great question involved is no doubt settled for all time to come. Bert Burroughs who has been work ing at the Reid saw mill, met with an accident at the mill last Monday which caused him a broken leg. While at work on a pile of lumber bo tonnnd upon a two-by-foor which turned with him and threw him to the ground, the fcroe of the fall being sufficient to break his leg just apove the ankle. Dr. Winnard was called from Heppner to wait on the young man, and reports he is getting along well. The eitv is having a well dug at the south side of town, near the Bell- enbrock place, which will bt used to furnish water for street sprinkling purposes. There is promise of a neffiient flow for this purpese, and along felt want is going to be suo plied However the daily snowers e have been nutting is the best kind of street sprinkling but we cannot be assured that these will continue dur- ng all the summer months. Prank. Charls and Bert Ward de parted on Friday morning for Oorval lis in response to a telrgram announc ing the very serious illness or t&eir father. Wm. Waid, who resides in that city. Mr. Ward was a resident of Motrow county lor a long time and is well known here. lie is gat ing well along la years and his pres ent illness may prove fatal. Mr. J. O. Adams and Miss Mary A. Hill were married at the residence of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Aiken, in Hepp ner. Ktv. Jonn wc-Mtisier, j'aoiui w the Baptist church, officiating. The G -T. extends congratulations to the young people. You need not pay so much for in- ... w v - r .1 surance. lain to m. l. oiueu. VAGARIES OF THE TIDE, ff Mysterious Currents, tha Seorsta ' ef Whioh No On Has Solved. There are us many vagaries in the waters as In the winds. Why, for In- , stance, should great ocean currents send their warm waters across the wide Pacific and Atlantic? Other and equally mysterious currents exist In j well nigh tilt parts of the world. i It Is on record that the sea lias run for weeks out of the Java sea. through the strait of Runda and thence buck again for a like period without any perceptible rise and fall durinx those times. Then there Is the equatorial current that flows into the Caribbean sea. the ever flowing current to the eastward around Cape Horn, the cold stream flowing from the Icy regions of the north past Newfoundland and Nova Scotia and along the American coast to the extreme end of Florida, the continual current running with a ve locity of from four to five knots on hour through the strait of Gibraltar Into the Mediterranean sea. the swift current running acroa the rocks and shoals off the end of Bllllton Island, which apparently starts from nowhere and ends somewhere In the vicinity of the same place, and the current which, starting halfway up the China sea. rims from two to three knots an hour to the northeast and finally ends ab ruptly off the north end of Luzon. Then we bare those tidal vagaries known the world over as bores. Those that run up' the Huglt and Irnwadl rivers, from side to side, till they reach their limit often tearing the ship" from their anchorage, originate nobody knows where or why. At Singapore It has been observed for days at a time that there has been but one rise and fall in the twenty four hours. Boston Globe. The Seoksl Pear. The Seckel pear Is one of the sweet est and daintiest fruits that grow. As another describes It, "The flesh Is melt ing. Juicy and most exquisitely and del icately flavored." That Is Just what It is. And the tree on which this pear grows la beautiful and vigorous, which Indicates that nature bns a great fond ness 'for It . The pear ls named after a Mr. Seckel of Philadelphia, on whose estate In 1817 the Seckel pear started on Its happy career. Some one writ ing In 1847 said, "The parent tree still lives about three miles from Philadel phia." Pittsburgh Press. IRR1GON. ia Weather Is simply ideal. Fruit noakingi splendid progress and it looks as if we are sure to have a good crop We had a fine ball game here Sun dav. Some good playing exhibited la to 3 in favor of the winners. . Snritiina fm tha rinHlin moth will be on in full in a few days. Arsen ate of lead is what is being princi pally used. Our three delegates to the State Sunday School convention have all returned and reported a very pleasant rime. Earl Rand and Frank Doble made a full report of what they saw there and heard. The Sunday school fully appreciated this. If the rate of immigration keeps np as it has for the past two weeks we'll soon have a population of sev eral hundred. Three families moved in daring the past week. Messrs Dav is and Abbott from Canada, and Mr. Iverson and family from Idaho. A handsome dinner set will be given free with every range sold by us in the next sixty days. Call and see both. Case Furniture Co. E. O. Maddock departed yesterday morning for Castle Rock. Wn. where he goes on important business, it is rumored here that when be, returns, there will be two of him. Further announcements later. Mr n. Cameron repiesenting Blake, McFall Company, of Portland, dealers in everything in paper visited Heppner today to take orders for his comnsny. He take the place of Mr. Nisbit, who has been on the road so lona fir these people, but who has re signed bis position to engage in the grocery business in Portland. . rwK : a 1Mna and 12 VfMlt. ThC brat remedy for Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. Eradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorders of the Skin. Purines the Blood and Rives Tone, Strength and Vigor to the entire system. Goods MINOR & CO. Goods ale of Shirtwaists They're good value at the marked price, but we have an overdose and want to cleanup. The $1.00 Waists 1.25 Waists 1.50 Waists 1.75 Waists 2.00 Waists now 50c now 65c now 75c now 90c now $1.00 See Window GOOD OODS Good oods CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ef Destroys Sage Rats, Squirrels, Gophers and mine 1 H. Kcquirc oniunKui K't"1 - tlon Alwavs ready for use. Deadliest of alL Your money back if not as claimed. Clakkb, Woodwasld Prco Co., Portland, Ore. Everything For the Kitchen Yonll find every kind and description c( kitchen utensils in ourlanre stock all caretuUy selected for Rood valus. We make a specialty of household ware:, buy In lartfo lots and can. afford to sell close. Yoa will be interested In our new line of 1001D.. c Al : lost, i uic tjpuu muiumiuu Cooking Utensils A new nrA better ware which Insures healthful food, as it cannot chip off, crack, tarnish, cor spoil food flavors. The llchest, brightest, lonsrest-lastlnir ware on the market-guaranteed far 15 years. Onr line of paints and varnishes Is the largest in town. Before you do any painting, talk it over with ua. We can save you money. MINOR & CO. Liberty Meat Marker B. F. MATLOCK, Prop. t x The Best Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, n 1 U C J IVAfe 1 oausage ana nomc vuicuiucaw. A STRICTLY CASH MARKET T . ..ass-.al.e.e.e.al.. '''I SAVE YOUR CROPS WITH Arsenate of Lead A general insecticide for leaf -biting insects. Gives the greatest possible poisoning efficiency without foliage injury. An effective spray for the Codling Moth, Slugs, Beetles and the Plum and Apple Curculio. Twenty-five cents per bottle. SLOCUM DRUG CO. 2 Are You Boosting Mor row County I Are You Patronizing Home Industry I f rE ARE MANUFACTURING Flour and Feed superior to any imported article. If you are not using our products call at our office on Main Street and get a testing sample. Our flour is made exclusively from selected Morrow Countv Bluestem Wheat. Seed Grain, Rolled Feed, Alfalfa Seed. We Solicit the Storage of your Wool MORROW WAREHOUSE Mil i iMr. m o s iviilliivj v.v.