C. E. WOODSON. ATTORN EY-AT-L AW Off lc In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Sam E. VanVactor, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on west end ol May Street Heppner Oregon. S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offloeln Court House, Heppner, Oregon. F. H. ROBINSON. LAWYER, lone, - - - Oregon W. H. DOBYNS. ATTORN EY-AT-LA W lone, - - - Oregon W. L. SMITH. ABSTRACTER. Only complete set ol abstract book In Morrow oounty. Hkppnkb, Ohkoon J. P. WILLIAMS Justice of the Peace. Office with S. E. Van Vaetor OH. JW. A. LEACH DKNTIHT Permanently looeted in Heppner. Offic in the new Fair building. Gbb ad ministered. OSTEOPATHY' AND MEC1IANO-TI1EKAPY Dr. Martha S. Arledge.4). 0. Dr. J. P'Conder, M -T. D- Treatment of ull diseases 99 per cent, of chhbs successfully tieated N. E. WINNARD, M. D. PIIVSI(1A. Jc SI ItUlCOM -Graduate of : ' Lenox C liege, 1S85. Chicago Homeopathic Med Collect 18!M). Hunk Medical College, 1892. F. E. Boyden. JW. D. PUYS.'CIAN & SlKOKON Office in rear of Pntierson & Son's Drug Store. DErrNKR OREGON WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARLORS Three Doors South of Postoffice. gbavlng 25c Haircuttfng 36 Bathroom in Connection. A. E. Patterson 2 Dors.North Palace Ho(el TONSORIAL ARTIST, Fine Baths Siiavix25c J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor UEPPSER OREGOS F- H- ROBINSON w. S. SMITH ROBINSON & SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate Farms and City Property for Sale. Farms to rent. Correspondncesollcltefl. DR. J. J. MURRAY V. S. Registered and graduate Vet erinarian. O'Jice at the Evans f- McRobcrts Livery Stable. Dr. Murray will locate here permanently. I have for sale at mv plare on Eight Mile. Brown Leghorn eggs for hatch ing at $1.00 per getting of 15. A good atrain of splendid egg producers. mis. Alfred E. Anderson. CORRESPONDENTS' PAGE. A News Budget From Writers From all Over the County. IONE. Mrs. Fred Kaiser, of Dufur, is here visiting with hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Griffiu. Mrs. Lute Jordan, formerly of lone but now living at Ptrtland, is up here visiting with friends and rela tives. Dr. Chick and Willard Blake were Heppner visitors last week, going tip Thursday evening and returning Fri day morning. Mrs. Turner, who has been visiting with A. Rice and family for some time returned to her home at Eugene last Tuesday a week. Bishop Paddook spoke in the Bap tist church Mondar evening April 22, to a very attentive audience. s Dur ing the evening service four wore confirmed. Fred Esteb and his wife were out in Gooseberry one day last week. Fred reports things fine and dandy out in his part of the oountry. Says he never saw a better outlooa. "Every time the automobile breaks down I notice you look at your state license." "I do thft for encourage ment. The lioense says I'm compe tent to operate the machine." Dr. A. Reid and wife returned to their home at Stanfield Monday morn ing of last week. We understand that the doctor sold one of his houses and lots while up here. Mrs. Liddie Rhea being the purchaser. Born to Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mor gan on Sunday, April 28 a daugher. Moher and child getting aloug nicely. Bennie is wearing that everlasting smile since he is the proud daddy of the fine young lady. Mr. and Mrs. McAllister ofr Hepp ner, and Dot Ganger and Mabel Dav idson of lone went to Pendleton Wed nesday, as delegates of the Baptist church S. S. to attend the state Sun day school association. Sam was a tight-fisted, hard-hearted old rancher. His brother William dying, the neighbors said, from lack of proper treatment. Sam drove to town to have a death notice insert ted in the weekly paper. "There aint no charges, be there?" he asked. "0. yes indued," answered the editor "our price is $2 an inch." "Crac kv!" muttered the old man, "an' Bill six foot two.' The best bassball game of the sea son was played at lono, Sunday, April 28, between the Morgan Snails and the Imie luVtlcs. The game waxed so fast and furiouB that It required a new pitcher every inning. Srorb keeper Sodan Water Ed used ud all the avail able tenre cards to be had in the com mnnity and it was irrmossible to keep track of the runs. We saw an auto loBd of Heppner people, "stop to wit nefs" the game. Whether the game was to swif for them to follow or whether they were afraid their ma chine would shy at it, we did not learn, but they made a very short stay. We hope the boys will give us the other barrel next Sunday. Bill Wasn't Bored. Bill has a billboard. Bill also has a board bill. The board Dill Dorea Bill. So Bill sold the. billboard to pay the board bill. So after Bill sold his billboard to pay his board bill the board bill no longer bored Bill. The ball game played at lone Sat- urdnv between the Heppuer and lone grammar schools was an excellent game. Both teams played good ball, the Henner boys being a little slow on haeg was the mnin reason of the lone tenm getting seYprel riNis. Morrel Blake was the main guy with the big stick, hittjnft one two bagger and two three baggers, 'lhe score wag 7 to 1 in Ione's favor. Ileppuer's linn up was as follows: lb, Smih;lf, Halo: 2b, Young; cf, Oawford: p. Wilson: s Wright; rf, Cowins; c, Hayes: 3b. Fiske, Icne's liniun as follows: lb. Lundell: If, Howell; 2b. Cochran cf , Reitmi n ; p Bi"ke : ss. V. Utit- man rf K. Blakn; r, Pennington; 3b, Dcbvna. We hore the boys will get togeth r aain and have a nice gnme. Let us ail boost for both the Heppner and lone grammar school teams 89 tht-y are t art of th rising generation and they all. have their little part to rlo in the world. A little encourage ment won't hurt any of them. LEXINGTON. Chai. Breshears ha new windmill on his property on Knob Hill in Lex intton. ' Mrs Robert Wilcox and two child ren went to Heppner Friday evening to be gons until Monday. Mrs Wilmot returned to her home at lone Thursday, after visiting' her daughter for a few days. Mrs. Beymnr of the Lexingon hotel, entertained her daughter, Mrs. Mor gan and family a few days last week. Ed Burchell went to Portland on Monday. The ohivarl band is getting ready to welcome him on his return. Lexington will be sorry to lose Mr. Rasmussen. the present creamery man, who leaves May 1st, for The Dalles, his new place. Mr. B. E. Sykes, of Portland, is here as our new creamery man. Mr. Sykes will commence work about May 1st. We wish Mr. Sjkes success in his new field. Any one and everyone who is inter ested in the improvement of the old cemetery .will please meet there on Decoraion day to participate to a gen eral oleaning up of the entire ceme tery. Miss Johnson and Miss Morgan two of our school teachers have been re hired for the ensueing year. The children of the school will be pleased to hear this for they all think very much of these two teachers. Would'ut it be a good plan for our Lexington people to follow the ex ample of the other towns and clean up our streets and alleys? Strangers ooming into our burg notice these things, so citizens get busy and here by boost Lexington. - The Tum-a-Lom Lumber Co. is stocking up with their summer supply of wood. They have about 400 cords ordered and at the rate it has been coming in the past week, it augh to be good and dry for the people when they commence to haul it away. . BLACK BUTTE. Artie Brown will be on the water wagon now. Matt Hughes' baby has been very ill. She hag pneumonia. David Dunhouser and wife passed by recently going to Heppner. Mrs. Reasnor and children are visiting at H. D. Long's at present. Reid Bros, will soon be done saw ing. They expect to finish Wednes day. William Maxwell returned from Heppner Sunday. He will begin plowing for Paul soon. " Chas. Butler went to Heppner recently for a load of groceries for the store at Parker's Mill. Loren Mateson and Kenneth Mc- Ferrin have been hunting coyote dens recently. Hope they don't fiud them all. School started at the Blue Moun tain school house the 22nd of April. There are a few pupils going. The teaher is Miss Alice Arnold. A bunch of Indians camped on Rhea creek recently. They have one hun dred head of horses. They will be digging couse soon near Horse gulch. Bert Burrows, while working at Raids mill Monday morning, stepped on a piece of lumber. - The lumber broke, Brt suffering a broken leg. Dr. Winnatd answered the hurry call to attend him. William Ridgeway went to the mountains Saturday to purchase a load ofwood. On his way, back he found the roads very soft so he left -his wagon. Try it again Bill, don't get disgusted with the first attempt. Harley Matteson recently injured his big toe by riding a wild horse near Balm creek. The horse bucked to a ditch and fell on Mhe rider's foot. Harley said he thought the toe would j be alright soon if he could keep it from taking a relapse. EIGHT MILE. Clyde and Bird Swift, are plowing for John Garity. 1 Harlin Swift and Vr.ne Jones spent Sunday with Vance Jones. Oscar Keithly and family called on Mrse Ashbaugh and family Satmday ai'teruion. A. 12. Andersoon has rented the Fred Ashbaugh timberculture and is snmmerfallowing it. Road Suprevisor Jones and son Vane are repairing the roads these days in Buttermilk Canyon. Bert Wsrd hag gone to the Va'ley to be at the bedside of his father, who is reported to be very low.- Mose Ashbaugh lia just finished planting 4 acres of potatoes, mostly Early Rose. He says he is ready to book orders uow for fall delivery at two dollars per. Tie . SSiidDw Yean Aifl C&oiew Twice Its former size EiPTOElS, MONDAYS-MAY 6tll ONE DAY Two performances: At 2:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m. Al. G. Barnes Big 3 mi With the ground soaked to the brim with moisture, and a prospect of more, mixed with abundant tunshine wo predict a record breaker for Mor row county this year. Oh you Back trust! The ball game between the Hepp ner -boys and the liightmile lads on the latters diamond was reported to be a warm one. Heppner won the game to ttie tuno of 18 to 3. Oh well!, we will try and do better next time. W. W. Brannon's family expeet to move down on the ranch in a few dtiys. Wes has been stooping at the ranch for some time, plowing sum merfallow. He no doubt will be glad to see the ccok as batching and plow ing dont go well together. We are all pleased to know that Mrs. Bran non will be numbered among the Eightmilers again. LOWER EIGHTMILE Ad lie Ctrlson is visiting friends in Portland this week. Lundell Bros., prosperous farmers of this vicinity are nearly through with their spring work. Mr. Aaron Peterson made a flyng trip to Heppner last week to engage warehouse space for his 1912 crop. Have you seen that brand new smile ou Leonard Anderson's face? No. What caused it, rain? Xo, Hilda. ' . We had another fine rain last week, which had a tendency to increase the grin on the farmers faces v in this vicinity. Emma Bergstrom is back home. She has been iu Heppner working fcr Mr. Bisbee. She says Heppner is all right but there is no place like heme. . Mr. Carlson's well drillers are down nearly 600 feet and are kicking up clouds of dust, bnt they feel sure that they will strike abundance of water when they strike hard pan. For Sale. Mules don't have the "walking disease." Why not raise some ? Buy jack from J. T. Knapppenburg, lone, Or. Can show three crops of colts at the ranch. Or will trade for livestock. Lost. A ladies plain gold band ring. Finder please leave at this office and gat reward. St. Will Exhibit at - Ring Wild Animal Children Cry The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against experiment. What is CASTOR1A ' Castoria is a harmless snbstitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It " contains neither Opium, , Morphine nor other .Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms nnd allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and IJowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural bleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THf CfWTU COMPANY. TT THE Heppner's Leading Confection-1 ery and Ice Cream Parlors t t ROBERT M. HART, J Can serve von now with nice, fresh Ice Cream. None J better to be had in the citv. Fine line of fresh Candies. f Leading Brands Giors nnd Tobacco t : JM.M M 'r 350-Animal Actors-350 More Elephants, Camels, Zebras, Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Pumas than any 3 shows have. 52 Heart Stilling Acts 52 , 150 Shetland Pon ies Dogs, Apes, Merry Clowns and a host of novel, sensational features all new for the Season of 1912. New Free Street Parade 10:30 a. m. RAIN or SHINE iHEPPNESt PvMY 6CE1 350 Animal Actors 350 for Fletcher's Bought, and which has heen has borne the signature ot Ml ml V JF 1 I 1 1 ana nas oeen made tmuer ms per-, sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of MUBR.T TtrT. htW YORK CIT. PALM - - PROPRIETOR J