The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, May 02, 1912, Image 2

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For One Week
A nieo lionistitehei LINEN
each purchase of
Perfumes ami Toilet Prep
arations amounting to
25 cente, or over
Don't overlook a chance
to get one of.these nice
linen handkerchiefs
For One Week
The 'fotaXZ
Demand Determines
Jeweler & Optometrist
Eyes tested, glasses
properly fitted, for
the correction o f
any defect that can
be remedied with
Private Optical
Parlor and Dark
Room for Testing
The Happiur Caietta. Established March 30,1883
The Heppner Timet, Established Nov. 18, 1897
Consolidated February 15. 1912.
VAWTER CRAWFORD. Editor and Proprietor
Issued every Thursday morning, and entered at
the PostoflSce at Heppner, Oregon, as second
class matter.
One Year $150
Si Months 75
Three Months 50
Single Copies, .05
Display, transient, running less than one month,
first insertion, per inch, 25c; subsequent in
sertions, 12 l-2c; display, regular, 12 l-2c;
locals, first insertion, per line, 10c. s subsequent
insertions, per line. Sc.; lodge resolutions, per
line, 5c; church socials and all advertising of
entertainments conducted for pay, regular rates.
Thursday, May 2. . . . . -. .1912
Some day Alaska's needs are going
to be reoognized This predtotiou it
based on the fight now waging for
Alaska and the headway that is be
ing made. The lower house of Con
gress has just passed the home rule
bill, which indioates that thugs are
goine forward. Former Senator John
L. Wilson, of Washintson, has just
returned from Washington, D. O..
where he ppent most uf the winter
lookirtr after various matters of in
terest to the Northwest. He was
particularly zealous in behalf of
Alaska The senator says that Prea'
ident Taft is well informed and means
wall by Alaska but Congress is slow.
As a result of the investigation in
tt the Titanic disaster it soes without
saying that a lot of very stringent
marine laws will be enacted on both
sides of the world. The Englsih
press is indignant over the inadequacy
of safeguards rerqaiied under the
laws of that country. The laws are
old and hence not in accord with mod
ern shipping conditions. The Con
gress of this country will also nroba
bly make some radical changes in the
marine laws governing ships that
carry passengers. With ample pre
cautions all of the litanio's people
might have been saved.
The banks of the Pacific Northwest
are in better condition at this time
than they have been since 1907. This
fact ia brought out by the reports
made in response to the latest oall of
the Comptroller of the Currency. In
Seattle the banks show increased de
posits of more than $6,000,000 more
than thev had at the previous call.
Similar improvement is shown all
along the line. But for the unsettled
condition growing out of the presiden
tial elocton, business would be excep
tionally active. Persons competent
to judge say that the campaign should
have no influence.
Progress of State During
Past Week.
Pupils of the Portland schools have
taken up Country Life education in
earnest ard dm in? the past week the
woik waa given new impetos when
instructors of the Oregon Agricultural
Collene talked to the children on this
interesting subject One oity school
alone has 1130 gardens now being
grown by its pupils.
Photographers of the Northwest
states will Bather at Portland for the
annual convention of the Paofic
Coast Association. Sept. 2-5. About
: 200 delegates are expected from all
' -,. !, P ..... -. atafrou ntitft Rritiuk
Oolanabia. The organization was.
formed in Portland about 13 vea'sago
and the coming convention will be of
interest to all photographers.
The current year, ft is said, will
prove one of the best perieds in the
history of the lumber industry, the
demand for forest products of Oregon
being the best since the period fol-
lowicg the San Fransisoo fire, when
the forests of the Northwest were
drawn upon heavily to rebuild that
city. Prosperous conditions in the
lumber trade will be felt generally
throughout Oregon, so widespread is
this industry.
Preliminary work- for the construc
tion of the north Jettv at the mouth
of the Columbia River will commence
at once, plans having been approved
at Washington and forwarded to the
local engineers daring the past week.
The approximate length of the pro
posed jetty will be two and one-half
miles and it will require about five
yours for construction. It ia ex peat -ed
to add materially to the depth of
the ship channel across the Columbia
River bar.
Two new experiment farms have
just been completed in Crook connty,
one near Metolius and the other near
Redmond. Thev are to be op rated
under the direotion of the Oregon Ag-
riculural College which is sufficient
guarantee that they will be operated
I on a. practical basis and it ia believed
they will do much toward solving the
urol lems new settlers are meeting
with in tilling the dry farming and.
irrigaed lands of the interior of the
Extensive displays of state products
will undoubtedly be arranged at Port
land during the Rose Festival, Elks
Convention aud other gatherings of
the oomming summer. The thousands
of visitors to the Rose City during
the year will thus be able to get a
comprehensive knowledge of Oregon's
resources and the advertising will be
of great value to the state.
before at one time. Two perform
ance will be given at 2 and 8 p. ra.
The doors will be opened one hour
previous to the performances that the
public may view the ma&nifioent
horses and Arabian ponies. Over 100
of the finest horses on earth.
"Generally debiliated for years.
Had sick headaches lacked ambition,
wna worn-out and all run-down. Bur
dock Blood Bitters made me a well
woman." Mrs. Chas. Frietoy, Moo
sop, Conn.
Heppner High Defeats
Eight Mile.
. ; Heppner High School met and de
feated the Eightmile ball tosgers on
the letter's field last Saturday. The
score was 18 to 3. but the game was
not as loosely played as the score
might indicate. Some real clever
plays were made by both aides. Al
though the leoal boys did not come
up to their standard in batting, their
fielding was good. The boys would
have, played better ball but they
could not resist eating too much din
ner. It was certainly fine. Eight
nile a battery, consisting of Barlow
and Elilot did gvod work but the
support was poor. Jones pitched an
exceptionally good game for Heppner.
Smead gave satisfaction as empire.
A large crowd attended.. the "ganieT
These two teams will meet each other
again at a later date at this place.
Wheat Farm Wanted.
We have a client who wants a laige
wheat farm in good looality in East
ern Oregon. He has A-l Portland
income property and cash to exchange
for same. Owners answer at once.
. Suite 426 7eon Bids.
Portland, Oreg.
To all those interested in poisoning
squirrels, but not wishing to destroy
the birds at the same time, we call
attention to the receipt for making
poison that can be furnished them by
calling on or addressing Mr. Geo.
Mead, of Lexington. He is using a
preparation that is very successfully
killing off the squirrels, and the
birds will not eat it. The formula
contains oil of rhodium which is very
attractive to the squirrels and kan
garoo rats but the birds will not
touort it. For 4 a quantity of 15
gallons of wheat can be prepared, and
George says it is a sure shot on the
squirres. He will gladly furnish the
formula to all those interesei and it
will cost nothing. The necessary in
gredients can be procured at the
drug stores.
Farmers, mechanics , rai Iroaders,
laborers xely on Dr. Thomas' Electic
Oil. Takes the sting out of cuts,
burns or bruises at once. Pain can
not stay where it is used.
Thresher For Sale.
I have for sale at the Wm. Stauffer
farm, aix miles south of Lexington,
one 28-inch Case separator, one 14
horse Wilson power, and derrick table
with ropes and cables all complete
and in good repair. Terms reason
lm ' CHAS. READ.
Complete change of pro
gram Friday evening, in
cluding Pathe's Weekly.
It would surprise vou to know of
the great good that is being done by
Chamberlain's Tablets. Darius Dow
ney, of Newberg Junction, N. B.
writes, my wife has been using
Chamberlain's Tablets and finds them
very effectual and doing her lots of
good." If you have any trouble with
your stomach or bowels give them . a
trial. For sale by Patterson & Son.
The general Conference of the
Methodist Episcopal cburch convened
in Minneapolis yesterday, with over
1000 delegates in attendance. S. E.
Notson will be there to represent the
Columbia River Conference as one
of the four lay delegates from this
district. The most important ques
tion, perhaps, to receive the serious
attention of this meeting, will be the
uniting of the various branches of
Methodism in Arrerica. Steps will
bi taken to bring this about, and this
question will have earnest and ser
ious consideration, forces being put in
motion that will ultimately bring
about this much desired union.
Barnes' Monster Shows Will
Soon Be Here.
Rev. Herbert F. Jones, of Seattle,
visited Heppner over Sunday, preach
ing in the Christian church both morn
ing and evening, and also on Monday
evening, departing Tuesday for lone,
where he met the people of the Chris
tian cburch at that point. He is
contemplating moving to this connty
and taking up tbe work at these two
points. Mr. Jones is a preacher of
splendid ability and pleasing address.
Tbe Heppner Grammar school nine
crossed bats with the lone grammar
school players on last Saturday and
got it handed to them in proper shape
the score being 7 to 1 in favor of the
lone team. It was a goo game and
the Heppner lads came home well sat
isfied. Tbey were simply outplayed
and could not help it. Another game
is scheduled for Heppner on Saturday
when oar lads here hope to lecover
their lost laurels.
Woman is at last coming into her
own. Woman oab drivers in Paris;
doI ice women in Los Angeles and Call
fornia and a woman mayor in a little
town out in Kansas. The eternal
fen. mine is more erternal than ever
and now cornea women animal train
ers, who are fast crowding the masou
line sex for honors which they once
held exclusively.
One of the most famous animal
trainers in tbe world is Mme. Ricardo,
who has a group of educated royal
Bengal tigers with the Al G. Bsrnes
Big Three Ring Wild Animal Circus.
She is ttiH only woman who has ever
-nccenofnlly trained these beasts,
which are the most blood-thirsty and
ferocious of all denizens of the forests
and ju gles. One of the most essen
tial features in the training of wild
animals is patience. lhis is one
characteristic in which the gentle sex
excellf. Allied with patience must
be good judgment, and one who is
patient generally has good judgment.
Trainers whose patience is limited
never last long. There comes a day
when through hasty temper or a sud
den loss of patience, the trainer says
or does some foolish thing, which
tpells his defeat as a conqueror of an
imals. There is a thrill and fascination in
the training of wild animals which
one is never successfully able to throw
off when once it is experienced. All
wild animal trainers deep down in
their hearts know that they will
eventually meet their death from the
beasts which they seek to conquer.
However, they apparently labor un
der the impression that they are ooe
of the chosen immune and go on and
on until suddenly the curtain of life
is lowered on them without warning.
The Al O. Barnes Big Three Ring
Wild Animal Circns, best kpwn as
"the show that's different" w'ill ex-j
liibife in Heppner on Monday May 6.
More animals will be seen with this
'exhibition than ever gathered togther
, Lost
A brown mare weighing about 1300
branded EE on right stifle; white atar
in forehead. This animal disappeared
from the cattle and horse reserve near
Hardman in October last. A reward
of S10 will be paid for Information
leading to the recovery of this animal.
3t. Eight Mile Oregon.
For Sale.
Seperaor and engine, at a bargain
Pride of Washington separator, prac
tioallv new having been run only 30
days, wind stacker and self feeder
Advance engine. For further infor
mation write Cooke Bros., Condon
. For Sale.
A eood Underwood typewriter at
Lexington Creamery.
John McFerrin is up from Portland
and will work for a time shearing
sheep. He has joined the Matteson
Don't think that Piles can't be
cured. Thousands of obstinate cases
have been cured by Doan's Ointment.
50 cents at any drug store.
The families of Ssm and Ed Mc-
Daniel ai rived from Idaho on Tues
dav evening on their way home at
Hardman. They have been away
during the winter.
Sheriff Hayes returned on Monday
evening from Baker, where he had
been to serve as a witness in the trial
of John Irvin, the murderer of Allen
Now is the time to get rid of ydur
rheumatism. You can do this by
applying Chamberain's Linimen and
massaging the parts at each applica
tion. For sale by Patterson & Son
Banker F. T. Holburt, Farmer Dock
Brown and Attorney George Farnian,
ot Condon, were visitors to Heppner
on Thursday and Friday of this week,
attending initiatory ceremonies of the
Royal Arch Chapter.
Holeproof Hosiery
For Men, Women and
Sold By
Stallion Registration Board, State of Oregon.
License Certificate ol PURE BRED Bullion
or Jack No 941.
Pitted at orvallis, Oregon, February 21, 1P12.
The pedigree of the Jack BIM JACK, No. 3647,
American registered in the atudbook of Amer
ican Breeder!' Association of Jacks and Jen
nets. Owned by John N. Reims, Lexington,
Monow Co., Oregon. Bred by Lewis King,
Clever, Mo. .Inscribed an follows: Blaek;
white painta. Pedigree; Old Bart, aire; Gen
eral, sire of lire; Jenie Jinkens, dam of sire.
Bell, dam; Warrior, aire of dam; Lucy, dam of
dam. Breed Jack.,
1907. has been examined by tbe Stallion Regis
tration Board of Oregon, and it is hereby cer
tified that the said Jack is of Pure Breeding, is
registered in tbe stud book that Is recognized
by the associations named in section nine of an
Act of the Legislative Assembly of tbe flute of
Oregon providing for the licensing of stallions,
etc., filed in the office of the Secretary of State,
February XI, 1911, and that the above named
jack b,ts been examined by the vetrinarian
appointed by the Stallion registration Board
and ia hereby reported free from Infectious,
contagious or transmissible diseases or un
soundness and is hereby licensed to stand . or
public service in the State of Oregon.
(Seal) Sec'y Stallion Registration Hoard.
The Mammoth . Missouri Jack,
Imported this winter direct
irom the state of Missouri, and
will stand the season at the
Lexington, Oregon.
Terms : $15.00 to insure living
colt; $10 tor the season and $6
for single leap.
The Mammoth Missouri Jack,
Was also imyorted to Morrow
County the past winter and
will stand the season of 1912 at
the Livery Stable of
McRoberts & Evans,
and terms of service will be
the same as for Big King.
Care taken to prevent accidents but will be responsible for
none. If interested in raising mules, you should see these two
splendid animals. J. N. HELMS, Owner, Lexington, Oregon.
Stallion Registration Board, 8tate of Oregon.
License Certificate ol GRADE Htalllon or Jack
N0917. Dated at Corvaliis, Oregon, February
6, 1912. Tbe pertlgree of grade Jack HI KE,
sired by the pure bred jack Old Duke No.
Owned by John N. Helms, Lexington, Morrow
'o., Oregon, and described as follows: Color
Black; white points Foaled in the year 1904,
has been examined by 'hcHtaliion Registration
Board ol Oregon, and it is futind that the said
iack Is ,ree from Infcctuoiis. contagiouo or
transmlosible diseases or unsound m-nx. He
is not of pure breeding, anil is, therefore, not
eligible for registration in any siuribook re
cognized by the associations named in section
nine of an Act of the Lctrlslatixe Assembly of
the State of Oregon providing for the licensing:
of stallions, etc.. Hied in the ojice of the Secre
tary of state, February 'js, 1911. The said iack
is hereby licensed to stand for public servke
in the Htate of Oregon.
EKMIMS i.. run KK.
Sec'y Stallion Registration Board.
Jeff and Frank Evans hate disposed
of their 1911 crop of wheat, receiving;
an average of 84 cents per bnshel.
litis crop was harvested from 320 acres
and brought them the euro of $4160.
Last season was a short one for the
great majority of Morrow county
farmers but this was not bad for a
year of failures.
Contracting and Building,
Painting and Paperhanging
Am prepared to do all lines of repairing and job work at my
shop in old Gazette Building on Main street, Heppner. See me
for any kind of w ork in these lines.