' ! TUB PALM I Hcppner's Leading Confection I ery and Ice Cream Parlors ! ROBERT M. HART, - - PROPRIETOR Can serve von now with nice, fresh Ice Cream. None better to be had in the citv. Fine line of fresh Candies. bonding Brands Cigars and Tobacco f t t Your Financial Future is very apt to be about what you make it. We would suggest that you begin your plans for the future by starting a savings account with us. Each depositor is given a pass ' book and interest is credited every six months at four per cent, per annum. FIRST NATIONAL BANK HEPPNER - OREGON Capital Stock Chartered by Government, August $100,000 15th, 1887 THE PASTIME HENDRICSON Sc. GURDA1NE, Props Seasonable Soft Drinks, Domestic and Tropical Fruits, Delicious Ice Cream We maKe our own Ice Cream. It is a Morrow County production. Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Notions :Grand: mm wm Esq at ' RflAEWRft&N, ORE. Friday evening, May 3, 1912. BAWKER'S HALL Music by Fergusen and Smith. man Hotel. Supper at Hard- BIG TIME ASSURED IK IP O 1UV ILiP rvTiPi it Kvm il ilJlflll-NO for your Kitchen GILLIAM &' BISBEE summons. In the Circuit Court of the State. of Oregon for Morrow County. T. J. Mahoney, Plaintiff, ' VII. James Hamilton, Harriet K. Hamilton, K. A.Lnr- . Hon, Ague Ln i non, Watson King, Emma King and It ml a Cam- '; pliers, Defendants. ' To James Hamilton, Harriet E Ham ilton, K. A. Larson. Agues Larson, Watson Kins;, Einina Riini1, mid Ituda Ciunpliers, the a how named defendants: IN THK NAME OF THE STATE OF OKKtSOX : You and eaeh of you are herehy required to appearand answer the complaint filed tigniitat you In the above entitled suit on or hefore six weeks from the 7th day of March, A. 1). 1U12, to-wit: On or he fore the -Mitli day of April, 1SI1J, and if yon fail to answer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de- mnndcd in plamtin s complaint here in, namely: For judgment against the aliove named dcfnndents, James Hamilton, aud Harriet E. Hamilton, and each of them, upon a. certain promissory note in the sum of $;1U0.- 00, dated October 22, 1!)08, with Inter est thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 22nd day ot October, 11)11. and for the sum of 840.00 attorney's fees, and for the further sum of $;t0.00, due upon a cer tain promissory note dated October, 22, IOCS, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 22nd day of October, 15)11, and for the further sum of $10.00, attorney's fees, and for plaintiff's costs aiid dis bursements of this suit. And torn decree of this Court for the fore closure of one certain real" estate mortgage described in said com plaint, securing the payment of said promissory notes, executed by the said defendants, James Hamilton, and Harriet E. Hamilton, said mort gage being upon and covering the following-described real property, to wit: The Northwest Quarter of the Southeast quarter, the North Half of the Southwest Quarter, and the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-six, in Township One, North of Range Twenty-live, East of the WiUainette Meridian, in Morrow Coy nty Oregon. Tha t the said premises may he sold and the proceed) applied to the pay ment of the above named sums, am in case such proceeds fall to pay the same, then to obtain an execution against you for the balance remain ing due. and also that the said tlefen dants, James Hamilton, Harriet E Hamilton, K. A. Larson, Anges Lar son, Watson King and Emma King, and Buda Cmnphers, and each of you and all persons elaim by, through or under you or either of you be for ever barred of any right, title, claim lien, equity of redemption or interest in or to said mortgaged premises. and for such other and futher relief as will more fully appear by reference to the complaint on hie herein You and each of you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer the compalnt as above re- quired the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. , I his summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six consecutive weeks in the Ga- zette-Times, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, published at Heppner, by virtue of an order made and entered herein on the 6th day of March, A. 1). 1912, by the Honorable C. C. Patterf son. Judge of the County Court o- the state of Oregon for Morrow County, and the date of the first publication of said summons is March 7, 1912, and the date of the last pub lication will be April 25, 1912. Sam E. v an v actor Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons for Publication in Foreclosure of Tax Lien. 909 1910 1911 Mar 10, 1910 Feb 27. 1911 Mar 12, 1912 708 199 687 Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of foreclosure execu tion and order of sale duly issued bv the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon. dated the 21st day of February 1912, in a certain action in the Circuit Court for said County and State, wherein The First National Bank of Heppner, Oregon, a corporation Plaintiff, recovered judgment against Peter W. White and Marv L. White Hefendants.for the sum of Eight hun dred Thirty Five and 80-100 Dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 21st day of 1-ebruary 1912, and the further sum of Eighty Dollars Attorney's fee, and costs and dlshursments tax ed at Nineteen and 50-100 Dollars, on tne -'1st nay or herniary 1912. Notice is hereby given that I will on Saturday the nth day of Mav 1912. at2.:J0 o'clock P. M.. of said day. at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Morrow Cotintv. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for caslkln hand, the following described property, to wit: J lie l-ast halt of the North-east Quarter, and the South-west nuar-l ter of the North-east quarter, and the North-west quarter of the South east quarter, of Section Twelve (12) i ownsnip mx ,oui n I t-!s i of jjjing lwentySix (20). E. W. M. Contain ing lt0 Acres more or less accordinir to L. S. Ooverinent survey. Taken and levied upon as the prooert v of Tne sani ivter . u lute ami Mary L. White or ho much thereof s in;i'v be necessary to satWfv the said liwl.r- ment in favor of The First National Bank of Heppner Oregon, and against said Peter W. White and Mary L. White together with Jill costs and disbursements that have or' may accrue. J. C. HAYES. Sheriff. By J. O. RASMUS, Deputy Dated at Heppner, Oregon, March 5th 1912. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County. W. R. Walpole,. Jr., k Plaintiff VS. P W. Prioe . ' Deffindant To P. W. Prioe tho above named defendant In the Name of the State of Oregon: yon ara hereby notified that Vv. It. Walpole, Jr. , thq holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 27 Issued on the 8th day of October 1908 by the Tax Collector of the County of Mor row, State of Oregon, for the amount of 75-lOC Dollars, the same beine the amount then duo and delinaunnt for taxes foi the year 1907 together with nenatlv, interest nni costs there on upon the real property assessed to yon, of which you are the owner as aDpeaig of record, situated in said County and State, and particularly bounded and depcrribbd as follows, to wit: Lola One (l) and Two (2) in Block Thirty-six (36) of the Town of Irrigon, Moirow County, State of Oregon. - You are further notified that said W. R. WhIdoIb, Jr.. has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subse quent years, with the rate cf interest cn said amounts as follows: i Year,! Date Tax Re- Am- Rate of - Tax Paid ceipt No. ount - Interrst. 1908 Feb 23, 1909 2S7 $ .33 15 ner cent. .29 1 5 percent. .22 15 iwrcmt. .17 15 percent. Said F. W. Price as the owner of the legal title of the above described property as the sameapnears of recoid, and each of the other persons above named are Ifereby ' forther notified that W. K. Walpole, Jr. j. will apply to the Circuit Conit of the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore closing the lien against , the property above described, and mentioned in said certificate. And you are heieby anmmoued to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown, together with costs and acsrned interest, and in case of your failure to do so, a decren will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by order of the Honorable C. C. Patterson Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and said order was made and dated this 15th day of Atjril 1912 and the date of the first publicaton of this summons , is the 18th day of April 1912. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served opon the undersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the adlress hereafter mentioned. S. E. NOTSON, , Attorney for Plaintiff. Address Heppner, Oregon. Notice. Notce Is herby given. that the un dersigned, as administratrix of the estate of Andrew Anderson, deceased, has filed her Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow county, and that Tuesday, the 30th day of April, 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, and the onnty Court room at the County Court House iu Hepp. ner, Morrow County, Oroson, has been anppointed by the said Court as the time and place for the hearing on said Final Account and nny objections thereto. CHARLOTTA ANDERSON, Administratrix of the Estate of An drew Anderson, decoased. a25 THE SEWING MACHINE! OF QUALITY. ' Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land office at LaGrunde, Oregon, April 2nd, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Charles A. Hinton, of Heppner. Oregon, who, ou August 17th, 1905, madM Homestead Entry No. 14549, Serial, No. 045c6, for SE NWJ, Sj- NE'4", SEJ, Sec. 20. and Add'l H. E. 00896 on Oct. 22, 1909, for EJ S W4', NWJ,' SE, Sec. 20 and NEJ NV1, Sec. 29, Township 2 South. Range 29 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention, to make final hve-year Proof, to eslabluh claim to the land above- described, hefore C C. Patterson. United States Commissioner, at his office, at Hepp ner, Oregon, on the 28th day of May, 1913.' Claimant names as witnesses: Phil Hirl, Wililum H. Clark, Jeiry Brosiun and John Brosnan, all of Heptrer, Oregon. ' a4-m2. . F. C. BRA M WELL, Register. . . 11 NOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you pinrclmsp tlic NKW HOME, yon will have a life iiiwi't at tho prlro yml pay, and will not have an endless clinlu of repairs.' Quality Considered it is the Cheapest , in the end to buy. If you want a sewing tnachlim, wrlto tot our latest catalogue before you purchase.. The New Home ewing Machine Co, Orange, Mass. ? :'u' " 1 W.l Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon March 22, 1912: Notice is hereby given that Michtal C. Marshall, of Willows, . Oregon, who. on March 18, I9f5 made Home stead Entry No. 14293, Serial No. 03519, for SWJ "SW4-;, Seo. 24. EJ SEK, SEJ NEi, Section 23. Town ship 4 North, Range 23 East, Wil.'am ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five-vear Proof, to establish claim to the land Labove described, before C.C. Patter- sun, United States Commissioner at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on the 20th oay of May 1912. , Claimant; names as witnesses: Jesse F. Deos, of Willows, Oregon and Harold H. Weston, of "Coyote, Oregon. al8-mlG O. W. MOORE. Register Report of the Condition Ok The Fiust National Bank of Heitxkr in the State of Oregon, at the Close of Business) April 18th, 1912. ' Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE is herebv civen that the undersigned executor of the estate ofj Henry Stowers, deceased, has filed his final account as such executor, and that the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Counly has appoin ted Monday, the 6th day of May 1912, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore noon, of said day as the time and ths County Court room in the Court House at HepDner, Oregon, as the place of hearing esloV final account and settling the game. Objections to said final account should be filed on or before that date. J. A. MILLER. Executor.' 1912 GADfLLAG Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 10th. 1912. Notice is herehy given that Guy L. Hadley, of Hard man. Oregon, who, on June 20th, 1900 made Homestead, No. 15219 Serial No. 03939, for TS NWJ. NEJ SWJ, and SW1 NEJ, Section 14, Township 5 South, Ranae 25 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intenti n to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above des cribed, before David E. Baxter, U.S. Commissioner at his office, at Spray, Oregon, on the 1st day of May, 1912. Claimant names as witnesses : Francis M.Miller. Henry E. Wilhelm, Thomas X. Musgrave, William G. Musgrave, all of Hardman, Oregon. C. W. MOORE, Register. m 28-a 26., RESOURCES Loans and discounts 1394,053.02 u?ernrattg, secured and un-eenred 2,972.32 u. a. uonas to secure circula tion ..25,000.00 u. o. wo oas to secure U. S. Ue- posits 1,000 00 Premium on U.S. Bond...... 231.83 Bonds, securities, etc 30,521.09 banking bouse, furniture and fixtures 14.826. 38 Uther real estate owned 19,358.88 uueirom national banks (not reserve agents) 5,282.47 uue irom Mate and Private Banks arid Bankers, Trust Companies, and Savings Banks 8,716.93 uue irom approved reserve Kts 37,523.49 unecus anu other cash items.... 807.1 Notes of other National Banks. 1,905.00 fractional paper currency,nick- els and cents ,122.32 LAWFUL MONEY RESERVE IN BANK. VIZ: Specie 37,181.05 Legal tender notes.. 70.00 37,251.05 neoemption tuna witn U. S. Treasurer (5 Der cent of circu lation 1,250.00 viood Glomes: One of the essentials of good clothes is correct tailoring right hang and fit, with individuality that distinguishes from the ready-made. .The , other very important feature is the dependable quality andsmart style of the fabric used. When your suit is made of DETMER'S WOOLENS it is guaranteed all pure wool. It will give you good service and hold its shape. . ' Come in and . have your clothes "individualized." Friedrich "THE TAILOR" 3)4 Genuine Now $4o?) A MONTH 3 Yil U: ,t.V(M YM can plner th laUat Irani f I, tranuirtfl iomea- queci of mil eutwjn D.cninee.in tv.; nom. use il continually hiU yin; 92 month, and erf vry apociw pnc cm or from our ncaraal m; miiu:nt mcinna Total 5S0,879.93 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 100,000.00 .Surplus fund 8.000 00 ti nuiviiied proms, less expenses and Taxes paid 12,492.55 national liank notes outstand ing 23,900.00 Due to other National Banks. . . 6,708.28 Individual deposit subject to check 297,869.31 Demand certificates of denosit. 10,103.34 Time Certificates of Deposit. . .44,531.50 t ertllied ellecKH .()). 7. Cnshii i ' i-tiei ks iiiitBlandirjg... 3ti2.S." PoKlal s;t vinus deposits 1.10 Bills p!i,vfiile, including cer tifie.'i it's if depc isit for money borrowed 75,000.00 Liabilities other tlmn thoHP above htated Letters of e rod it 1,401.25 Notice to the Public. ine undersigned nas taken over the caring of the graves and grounds at the MaaoDio cemetery from Mr, Geo. M. Schempp; I will be prepared to do the work of irrigating, plant ing oi grass, flowers nd shrubbery and in a general way look after the beautifying of the graves and sur- Have you seen the new machine? roundings, and yon should sea me It is a dandy. Albjrt Bawker is ' about any work you wish done at the agent for this car at Heppner. Any-' cemetery. All those for whom Mr. body interested in a ear can have a Schempp was working heretofore, demonstration. Will also have a will have their work looked after by car for hire at reasonable rates. Leave me, and ran settle with me for the orders at Palace bote! and get crompt ' work and the use of the water. Will service. i begin work Mar 1. ALBERT BOWKER. I St LOUIS SUMMERFIELD. Total J580.S79.93 State ok Oregon, ) roc NTY OF MORROW j I, T. J. Mahoney, Cashier of the above named back, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and neiiet. T. J. Mahoney, Cashier Huiiscrinea ana sworn to before me thin 24th day of April, 1912. SEAL) S. W. Sl'ENCKR Notary Public. Correct Attest: Frank Gilliam, J B. Natter Directors. g EST We Will Take Yonr Old Machine "JTil a liberal allowance on aph-ndul nr lJoni.wtic. Ami vnn cn h 1 1 jl IaLu ad. vantavof tbsi apociaJ pries mud m: tonn. DORIS S STIC fhe Mrfact ewfnof mschlne that fuui a 1 wars led all other Hakes and is txtny batter than vr. Two mchin fit ona lock stitch and oh.-iln sititcK. fitraiiht dror i;ead. high orra, ball baarinc A nnmplete wat of ntt-r.ehm' nU-, ivtry one pracliral, otc. , made for very-Jay ue . The I Uirrwstu-ft revelation nf nvtrfem oewlrnr nruie hin proKrtwi. Find out about it. SEND FOR BOOK, FREE, T lie Truth About Sowing Machmca," tallinir ynu how you can have th ftnast aewftyr mach laa trude at a Special lxm Pricaand at ONLY Si a month. Lean why wa aIl uiract whi-e w hav no aa-rnt and aHvayra a 26 YBAIt Unnnni f-tu. iat mm lacia oiora you ouy any macnioa, f'raa LiUratur will aara you monay. Hurvi tor it NOW, VaitM iaamf MaaaiaaCa., a Jsauaa Bin.. Oaai Thu Caitaa- OVER 66 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DE3IQNS Copyriohts Ac. Attrone ending a nkctrh and deacrlptlnn mtj quloklf ucertntii our opinion free whether an Invention it prohnbl? patent ahle. Conimunlra tlontrlctlr oonildentlal. HANDBOOK on Patent cut free. Oldest airency for lecurlnff patent. PntenU taken through Munn A Co. receive ipfctul notice, without charge, lu tua Sciettlific Jftnerlcatt. A handsomely lllnntratd waeklf. I-nrtrpat rlr- cnlnUou of any nol on Utlo J-nirnu,. O'ltrnm, .i & your: four niontbs, $1. Bold by all tiowm;Wgm lyiUNN&Co.'-'-Newlfork i llraucb onice. 025 F BU Wublnnton. 1). V. LOW FARES EAST Visit the Old Home VIA O-Wa R& O.S.Land UNION PACIFIC Lines ProtcdtcJ By Automatio Block Signals. lovmd, trip tickets to principal cities in Middle Western and East ern States on sale during APRIL JULY MAY AUGUST JUNE , SEPTEMBER Going limit lS.days; final return limit October 31, 1912. L1I5EKAL STOPOVKK l'KIVlL- KtiEs. chok;k OF ROUTES. Thresher For Sale. I have for sale at the Wm. StaufTer farm, six miles south of . Lexington, one 28-inch Case separator, one 14 horse Wilson power, and derrick table with ropes and cables all complete and in good repair. Terms reasonable. Ira CHAS. READ. BALTIMORE $107.50 CHICAGO 72.50 DENVER 55.00 KANSAS CITY 60.00 NEW YORK a.108.50 8T. PAUL 60.00 TORONTO 91.50 WASHINGTON 107.50 Proportionately Reduced Fare Many Other Points. ty Through Train Service te trw taat Strictly Hih- uaM. Call on your Local Agent antl let him BRHlKt yon in outlining A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER OUTING J. B. HUDLESTON, Agent.