The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, April 25, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. 29. NO. 5.
U (I
Wil Bflflys
In looking oyer our Spring stock which
has just been received, ye believe we
have the best 'assortment of goods,, that
has ever been shown here.
A Splendid Line,
of Ladies' Waists, Collars, jab
ots, etc. They are snappy
just the style you want.
Here are a few of our standbys:
Banner Brand Waists, Unlprwkirts & Dresses;
Nemo find A(()1--iJii'nl)SOn,S P,1'!nts
Atnoskea A. F. C. (i inlinins, Ripplettes and
(lalateas. Red Goose Shoes for Children,, Pa
cific and Swell Shoes for Ladies, Atlantic and
Senate Shoes for Men and Boys, Hansen
Gloves, Conqueror Hats, Standard Shirts,
Collegian Clothes, Boss-of-the-Road Overalls.
Royal Club Canned Goods, M. J. B. Coffee,
Crystal "White Soap, Fuller's Sheep Mark-
inp; Paint, Crisco, Easy Jell, etc.
Thomson Bros.
Our Hat Is Also. In
the Ring
This time it is for the
(Co & Wo
Squirrel Poison
Last year wo were the only store handling it in
Heppner, and you all know the sensation a two
bit poison caused.
It is sold under a money back guarantee, if not
We have yet the first complaint to hear from.
Now is the time to do effective work
in ridding the farm of these little
pests, the squirrels.
25c - The Can - 25c
The Grocer
E 93RD
Willow Lodge No. 66 Enter
' tained Royally at Annual
Affair Last Night.
Willow Lodge No. 66, I. O. O. Y.
fittingly celebrated ,the 9iird anniver
sary of the founding -of the order in
America at their hall last evening.
A general invitation was extended to
all members of the different branches
of the order, and a laree number of
invitations had alHO been given out to
friends, and as a result the atten
dance was very large, 'close to 300
people .being present.' No attempt
had been made to present an elaborate
program but such as was given was of
an excellent order. The usual ritual
istic work pertaining to the anniver
sary of Oddfellowshm wns presented
by the lpgdce, followed bv a selection
on the piano by Mrs. Dr. Bovden that
was heartily encored and highly appre
ciated. Than followed the illustrated
lecture by Rev. E. H. Harris, of
Hood River, on the oriein and pro
gress of Oddfellowship in America,
the speaker using the stereoptican
freelv in bringing nut the points of
his speech The lecure was a fine
presentation of the good things of the
order, and was punctuated with manv
lively and pertinent anecdotes. Mr.
Harris is well versed in his subject
and the ltcture was entertaining and
instructive from beginning to end.
The prcgram closed with music by a
quartette, followed by a big
prepared- fox the occasicn by the
members of the lodge and the Rebek
ahs. Willow Lodge has crown in mem
bership quite rapidly the past few
years, and delightful occasions of this
kind should be the means of atraot
ing many more to them.
Children are much more likely
to contract the contagious diseases
when the child has a cold. That is
why all medical authorities say be
ware of colds. For the quick core of
colds you will find nothing better
than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It' can be depended upon and is
i pleasant to take. For sale by Patter
son & Son.
Synopsis of Sermon Deliver
ed Recently by Rev. E. P.
Text: "Remember the Sabbath day
to seen It Holy."
The difference between the 4th com
mandment and the rest is, it has the
word "remember". No other has it.
The fourth commandment was old; the
rest were all new. Was given to
Adam and Eve in the Garden of
Eden, and has bean knuwn ever since.
Is the oldest law in the world.
Now let us look at this fourth com
mandment. In order that we may un
derstand it, there are three questions
for us to ask and answer :
1st What is meant by the Sabbath
and How must we keep it holy?
' 3rd Why should we do this?
First What is meant by the Sabbath
day? The word Sabbath means rest.
The Bible tells us that God was occu
pied for six dsys in making the world.
At the close of the 6th dav He had
finished all that He wanted to make.
The sun and the moon and the stars,
and this world, and everything in it
wes completed, aud God looked at all
Ha had made, and behold it was very
good. Then on the Seventh day, He
rested. This does not mean that God
was tired in the sense that we tire I
when we work all week, for He never)
tivAu If f?a had nnntinnnrl aiv thml. !
sand years in making worlds He would
not have been tired. When it says
"God rested" it only means that He
stopped from making worlds. He had
made as many as he wanted and then
stopped. He rested on tho seventh
day and hallowed it or made it holy.
This was done to teach Adam and Eve
and their posterity that God wanted
them always to stop their work on
this day and keen it boly in the same
way. The sabbath day was first kept
in Paradise. How beautiful must
have been the Sabbath dawn to Adam
and Eve in the garden. They had no
church, bat every grove and the shade
of every tree waa achuroh. The con
gregation was made op of two people.
They had no printed Bible, like ours
and no mis later to preach them a ser
mon. Their Bible waa all around
them. Every blade of grass, every
trembling leaf, every opening flower
preached a sermon to them, spoke to
them of the wisdom and goodness of
God. They had no orgxn, no choir to
help them sing His praises. The
gentle wind, making sweet music as
it swept through the trees of the gar
den, was their organ. The warbling
birds, and rippling brooks were their
choristers. Thus was the Sibbath
kept in Paradise. It was kept after
Adatri and Eve were driven out of Par
adise. Enoch kept it when he walk
ed with God. Noah keot it in the
Ark. Abraham and Jacob kept it.
The Iaelites kept it in the Wijder
ness before they 'came to Mount Sinai ,
and it was remembered and kept by
thosq who loved God in after aces.
The seventh day was keDt as tho Sab
bath till after our Savior rose from
the dead. Then Ilia Apostles and
followers were directed to keep the
first day of the week, which has been
observed for nearly two thousand
years and i so done in memory of the
resurrection of Jesus, our Lord. The
seventh dav was observed in memory
of work of creation which was then
i finished, but the first day is kept in
I memory of the wotk of Redemption.
! which was finished when Jesus rose
from the dead. By the Sabbath day
is meant a dav of rest and is binding
on all the race.
Second : How must we keep this
day holy? Two things are necessary
if we would keeD the Sabbath proper
ly. One is to stop working: the
other is to spend it in worshiping
God end in thinking and learning of
Him. Stop working God's command
is verv positive. . It says "Six days
shalt thon labor and 1o all that thou
hast to do, but the seventh day is the
Sabbath of the Lord thy ' God, in it
thou shalt do no manner of work."
This is strong, plain language, and
no one nped mistake its meaning.
This commandment is very compre
hensivetakes in man and beast.
"Thou nor thy son nor thy daughter,
nor thy man-servant, nor tby maid
servant, nor thy cattla. God told
the Jews in another place that He
snoke these words on puroose that
their servants and cattle should rest
as well as themslves
If this commandment were properly
obeyed what a quiet time there would
be all over this old world of ours one
day in seven. All stores closed fac
tories stopped no cars running, no en
gines puffing, no sound of saw and
hammer heard, but every person and
thing would be at rest. But the
Lord said: "The Sabbth was made for
man." Precisely so. But not for
man to abuse. A false argument is
often set uo on this expression, as if
man could do as he pleased with the
Sabbath. The earth was made for
man, but not for him to' neglect or
desecrate. The ve'y extrusion itself
is proof of the saoredness of the day.
It is not said Monady was made for
man. A special meaning attaches to
this gift of time : It is holy; it is a
testing place on the journey of life;
it is God's gt to man.
God does not require unreasonable
things of us. The Lord and his
did Dies plucked the ears of corn on
the Sbbath day; David and his fol
lowers went into the temple and ate
the show biead on the Sabbath day
which was only lawful for the priests
to do. But these were to satisfy the
honger of man. Animals must be
fed and watered: the sick must be
looked after on Sunday: the kitchen
mast be opened as well as the parlor
on the Sabbath .day. But we must
not forget that God has set apart this
day for His use. The day should be
spent in rest, worship and meditation.
It is God's day and is set apart for
Third: Why Fhould we do this?
Because of God's example and com
mand. God has given us all our time
and has a perfect right to demand
one seventh to be given to Him. It
is our part to obey God's command
ani trust to hs grace.
The financial lift that the Library
Association gets as a result of the tea
on Friday evening at I. O. O. F. hall
is the sum "of $0-1.00. This is very
gratifying to the ladies and will help
them very much in the work. Be
sides being a financial snccess, the
evening's entertain-nent of vocal and
instiumental music was greatly enjoy
ed. The musical talent of the town
gladly responded to the invitation to
participate and thete were many ex
cellent numbers rendered. While
there was an abundant sopply of good
"eats" there was none too much for
the very large number in attendance.
As to the library, tbia will be a suo
cess. The women of the city are back
of it and it will have to go.
For Sale.
A good Underwood typewriter at
Lexington Creamery.
Tucked away somewhere deeply in
the inner most ennscioosnefs of every
human being is the r nwibrance of
the first circus ever attended. Time
has wronght manv changes but the
circus has not gone backwards. In
the onward progress the Al O. Barnes
Big Three Ring Wild Animal Circus
has forged to the front until now it
is the largest exhibition cf its kind in
the world. " This big show will give
two full and complete performances
in Hepnner on Monday, May 6.
There is not a village of any size
in the United States or Canada where
the name of the AI G. Barnes Circus
is not a household word. With the
show is carried the greatest and most
varied collection of animals ever
assembled together at one time.
There are more trained animals with
the show than may be found in tho
combined menageries of the four larg
est circuses.
The Al G. Barnes Circus is the one
show that's different. It is in a class
by itself. The feats performed bv
the man eating forest bred animals
have never before been dunlicated in
any exhibition. No hetter tribute
could be paid to Mr. Barnes than
that by one of America's foremast
college presidents, who after witness
ing a performance referred to it- in a
personal letter to the owm-r as a col
lege for the higher education of dumb
With the show is carried 350 educa
ted and trained animals. Among
them are twenty African forest bred
lions, a herd of eleuhants, a caiavan
of camels, inoluding a baby "shin of
the desert" , leopards, roval Bengal
tigers, pumas, bears, jaguars, zebras,
hyenas monkeys of every known spe
cies, dogs and ponies. Every animal
carried with the show is a performer.
Among the many favorites to be
seen will be Herr Louis Roth and his
twenty performing lions, Maj. Robert
Thornton and his troupe of perform
ing bears, Prof. Emery and his herd
of Siamese elephants, Mme. Florine
and her educated Persian leopards,
Oapt. Stonewall and his sea lions,
Miss Ethel Bonde and her trained
Arabian Stallions, lions monkeys
dogB and ponies and Mme. La Monte
and her royal Bengal tigers.
All the wild animal acts are per
formed in steel arenas weighing many
tons, under the supervision of a corps
of the world's greatest and most cele
brated trainers. Altogether there are
more than half a hundred heart-stilling
acts, each of which has never been
duplicated with any animal exhibition
in the entire world.
Som idea of the magnitude of the
show may be obtained when one takes
into consideration that it requires
twenty-eight specially constructed
railroad cars to transport this zoolog
ical paradise. Three hundred em
ployes are required to operate it.
Everyone of whom has an especial
task to perform for it must be remem
bered there are no drones with a cir
cus. The amount oi teea ior me
animals for one month is equivalent
to a small fortune.
Al G. Barnes is familiarly known
everywhere as "the animal master or
America's greatest showman. He
prides himself with the clean and high
tone standard he has always held for
the show. No gambling is allowed
upon the show grounds or city streets
on the day of exhibition.
A gorgeous glittering, mastcdontic
Btreet parade one mile in length
headed by two trumpeting military
bands will leave the show grounds at
10:30 o'clock on the day of exhibition.
Two performances will be given in
the water proof tents at 2 and 8
p. ra.
Mr. Robert Neal Crawford worked
off a sntprise on his numerous rela
tives in this county and other parts of
Oregon, by taking to himsell a wite.
He was married to Miss Norma Kiger,
a charming young lady of Corvallis.
at the Christian church in that citv
on last Saturday evening. Rev. H. H.
Hubble, the pastor, performig the
ceremony and the young people arrived
in Heppner on Monday evening to make
this city their home for a time at
least. R. N. has been busy since re
ceiving the congiatulations of his
Mr. Orren Beaty, of Moro. agrieul
tural advisor for the Tri-Couny
Developument League, was in Hepp
ner oo Wednesday, leaving for home
this morning. Mr. Beaty will return
to this county again in a few days
to make a thoro canvas of oui needs
here. He has already visted the other
two counties embraced in the league
and has been over a coasiderable poi
tion of Morrow county and finds .crop
conditions the best in years. ?$KiU
School Notes.
Hy Xotson.)
On .April z;, I looked in upon tho.
Lexington school. Tde teacheis ?nd.
pupils are busy closing up the vvork
of the year. On primary eleciioa
dav, the pupils of the upper grades
and an object lessun in civil govern
ment. Sample ballots were procured
from the voting place, and the purjils.
had au election. Only one baUot
was found to be defective. This made
the work practical for the pupils, and
the interest in governmental affairs
was intensified. No partisan spirit
waa manifested.
Now, that many rural schools have
closed and others will soon close, it
may be difficult to keep the school
contests in mind. I hope, however,
that parents and pupils will not loa
sight of this matter, but will take an
interest in it and do something towar.i
making a fair test of the value of the
State Sunt. Alderman has b?eti
eallrg attention to the fact that soma
school boards are negligent about pro
viding a fldg for the school and -jtbera
do not make and provision for display
ir.g it when one is provided. Tne law
is plain on this mitter, and no disti'iut
should ignore it. A good flag for a,
rural school can be purchased for fl.OT.
Only a few districts in this county
havi) neglected this matter.
A meeting of the Morrow Connfcy
Poultry Association was held at the
Council chambers iu Heppner, Tues
day evening, for the purpose of select
ing a date for next winter's poultry
show and employ a judge to place the
It was decided to hold the show om
January 14, 15, 16 and 17 and a prop
osition from Judge Miller Purvis of"
Wendell. Idaho, was accepted, to
place the awards at that time.
It is the intention of the Associa
tion to make this one of the leading:
shows of the season and its members-,
are to be congrtulated for obtaining;
the services of so noted a judge.
Morrow county is an ideal poultry
country and this fair should do rauchw
to stimulate the poultry industry as.
well as being of gfeat value in ad
vertising the resouices of tho county..
Membership in the Association is.
only one dollar and every one inter
ested should join and help push av.
good thing along.
The secretary , L. W. Brigga. has ;
supply of membership cards and will 1
be pleased to take your dollar and filL
out a card for you.
Everybody boost.
Supt. S. E. Notson departed this-
morning on a visit to Pis old nome in
Iowa. His mother has been very ill
for seme time and owing to the in
firmities of old age, she may pass
away any time. Mr. Notson will also- -attend
the General Conference of the-
M. E. church as a lay delegate from,
Oregon, and will be absent from home-.
for several wesas.
John B. Ratto, representing the final'
number of the Heppner Lyceurr
Course for 1011-1912, was listened to
with rapt attention and delightful
appreciation by an audience that filled
the Star theater to its utmost capacity
on Monday evening. Ratto is an im
personator par eicellence; he Is in a.
class by himself, and his Heppner -audience
was well pleased with every
number on the program. If lie ever
r-nm this wav aeain he will have a
much larger hearing. This number
is the last of tre series for this year,
and so far as we have been able to
leard, it is the unamouns opinion that
it has been the very best series of
entertainments ever brought to the
town. At the close of Mr. Ratto'rf
entertainment an expression waiven
as to a course for the coming season .
that guarantees more liberal support
for the lycenm bureau in the futura.
than has Iven heretofore.
r..rrisT ciiriini.
Bible school 10 a. m. Preaching It
a. m. Subject: "Report i:r.dv
School Convention at Pendleton."
B. Y. P .L, C:30 p. m. Preaching,
morning and evening at lone hy Rev.
J. W. Morris and Rev. J. McAllister.
Serices at Morgan Sunday 12 a. nj.
by Mr. E. H. Andrews. The pnblia
invited to all these services.
A brown mare weighing about laOOi'
branded EE on right stifle; v. hite star
ip forehead. This animal disappeared
from the cattle and horse reserve near
Haidman in October last. A reward
of $10 will be paid for infotmatioa
leading to the recovery of thisaoimsL.
3t. Eight Mile Oregon.