m C. E. WOODSON. A TTORNE Y-AT-LA W Olilce In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Sam E. VanVactor, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on weit end ol May Street Heppner Oregon. S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlceln Court House, Heppner, Oregon. F. H. ROBINSON, LAWYER, lone, -" - Oregon W. H. DOBYNS. ATTORN EY-AT-LAW lone. - " - " - Oregon. W. L. SMITH. ABSTRACTER. Only complete get of abstract booki in Morrow oounty. Hkppnkr, Qbeooh J. P. WILLIAMS Justice of the Peace. Oflice with S. E. Van Vactor OR. M. A. LEACH DBNTI8T Permanently located in Heppner. Offic in the new Fair building. Gas ad ministered. OSTEOPATHY AND MECHANO-TIIEItAPY Dr. Martha S. Arledge, D. 0. Dr. J. P- Conder, itt-T. D- Trent merit of all diseases 5)9 per cent, of cbhob successfully treated without operation N. E. WINNARD, M. D. . I'HVMUAK & 81 KtifcON Graduate of : Lenox C-'llege, 1885. Chicago Homeopathic Med Collect 18!W. Ruak Medical College, 1S92. F. E. Boyden, M. D. Physician & Sikgkon Oflice in rear of Patterson & Son's Drug Store. BKPPNER' OREGON WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARLORS Three Doors South of Pcstoffice. Sbaving 2oc Haircuttlng 35 Bathroom in Connection. A. E. Patterson 2 Dorrs North Palace Hotel TONSORIAL ARTIST Fine Baths Shaving 25c J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor HEPPNER OK EC OS p. M ROBINSON W. S. SMITH ROBINSON k SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate Farms and City Property for Sale. Farms to rent. Correspondence solicited. Wbr He Was I-aie. "What made you so late?" "I met Smitheon." ."Well that w no reason why you should be an hour late getting home to supper." - " "I know, but I asked him how he was feeling and be iosisetd on telling ma about hit stomach trouble." "Did you teU him to take Cham berlain's Tablets T" - "Sure, that it what ba needa." Said by Patterson & So. CORRESPONDENTS' PAGE. A News Budget From Writers From all Over the County. IONE. Perry Hopkins returned from Port land last Wednesday. He was ac companied by John Harbke.. , Lum Rhea came in from Cnrt'fl place last Tuesday morning and took the train for Portland. Mrs. Alice Keller left Monday morning for Mosier where she will visit with her son Edward for some time. 01 Forbes, who has spent the winter in old Missouri, returned to lone last week. 01 just couldn't stay away. Miss Julia Forbes of Eight Mile spent Thursday and Friday of last week in lone returning to Heppner Friday evening. Mrs. Tarner, of Eugene, is visit ing with her son. Art Rice ami family. Grandma likes to come and see her grandchildren. John Harbke spent several days in lone last week visiting with Perry Hopkins and wife. He left last Friday for Portland. Bert Mason and wife went out to the home of Bert's mother and spent the day last Sunday. There is no" place like home. Miss Hurt who has been visiting with her sister Mrs. Harvey Heal for the past two weeks returned to her home at Olex last Sunday. Loren Hale and his wife left for White Salmon, Wash. , Monday morn ing of last week. We wish them success in their new field of labor. Clyde Speiry and his wife, who have been helping the Holt Company run the big plow for the past two months, returned to lone last Satur day. Pasty Akers is busy these days slinging the paste ad hanging paper to beat the band. I tell you he makes the rooms have a spring-like aopear ance when he gets through with them. "What's the matter with your wife' She's all broken up lately, she got a terrible jar. What .has happened?" "Why. she was assist ing at a rummage sale, took off her new li at and somebody sold it for 35 cents." Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Warren, of Portland, cama np to lone .last Friday evening to have a visit with their son, Harry Warren, who is oar Mando lin and stringed instrument instructor. We hope they fall in love with tbe country. The 0. T. Walker Estate had the best egg day of the season op to date, last Saturday. They received 22 cases of eggs which means 6G0 doz at 17J cents a dozen, making $115.50 worth of eggs. Nice bundle of eggs fur one day ed? Don't forget the shadow social next Friday niht in the Wilmot building. The ladies and girls will all be there with their baksets filled with the best the land affords. Everybody come out and have a good time. The band will be there with its doleful music to help everyone make a noise like a shadow social and a well filled basket. We understand that Prof. Kaufman has been appointed superintendent of the schools at Blaine, Wash. The population of Blaine is 2500, and the school population 5(iO. Blaine has three schools, the high school having 120 scholars, and they employ M teachers. We hope Professor will like his new field and while we hate to lose him we are glad that he has found such a good position. Some of our citizens were out view ing the wheat fields last week and report some of" the best wheat that thoyjhave ever seen. They said that rhev were out through Paul Riet- man's wheat and that he had 100C acres of as fine grain as they ever saw. It beeins to have the appear ance of old times once more, and we are all looking forward to a bumper crop this year. And that glorious rain, what do you know about that? The ball game pUyed at lone last Saturday betweej lone and. Heppner was a red hot game while it lasted the score being one and one. Owing to the late start the boy got, there were only seven innings played. We hope the boys will get together attain in the near future. Those kind of games'make the rubber necks hold their breath end one can enjoy them without getting a Dew set of ear drums at the beginning of every in ning. Negro Logic. On a cotton plantation down south there was a characteristic old "mammy" who never could be found without her pipe. One day her employer asged her if she expected to go to heaven "Deed I does 'deed I does," she answered "But mammy you know you smoke a great deal, and the angels surely will not like that." -"But I won't smoke up dar, sah." "No still they will smell tobaoco on your breath. Deed dev won't, sah. . I reckon I done leave my bref here. ", The show criven under the able management of 'Professor Kaufman, at Walker's hall last Saturday night by the High sohool was No. 1 in every respect, everyone enjoying the first act the best. : The Alabama warblers were certainly there with the goods, and everybody present had a good hearty laugh. They even remembered some of the Heppner visitors with some of thoir jokes. The bouse was crowded to its luuesi capacity, and we are most sure that everyone went home well pleased with the. night's performance. Beat it Bob! Beat it. Yon will look a good while before you find a better medicine for coughs and colds than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It not only gives relief it cures. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the prompt cure which it will effect. For sale by Patterson & Son. LEXINGTON. Mrs. Pickett was a Heppner visitor Wednesday, night. MrsT Oarmichael was a Heppner visitor Friday night. Mrs. McAllister went to Heppner to visit her son Ray, and wife. Mr. Chas. Schatz, the Tum-A-Lura man, visited in Beppner on Sunday. A few of our Lexington people attended the ball game at lone on Saturday. Mrs. Albert Crlbbins and children are visiting Juliius Saubert's family at Heppner. ; Those people that are going to run that incubator; I wonder what they know about machinery. Miss Ethel Pickett came home Tuesday from The Dalles where she has been attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Breshenrs and daughter attended church in Heppner on Sunday. Mr. Earnest Smith left Monday morning fur Walla Walla where he expects to remain for some time. Miss Vesta Cutsforth left Wednes day morning to viit her parents in Cai:ada. We hope Miss Vesta will decide to come bjck and teach next season. ' Ihe Ladies of the Congregational church wish to thank the people for their kind patronage at their ice cream social on Saturday afternoon aud night. Mrs Anna Pickett has moved in on Main streitand is prepared to do vcur weaving at very reasonable figures. We believe the price of weaving is 15o per yard. Mrs. Pickett kindly solicits your work and guarantees satisfaction. We wish to announce that the Lex ington creamery, in all probability, will not go out of business when the present manager leaves, as arrange ments have almost been completed whereby Mr. Townsend will take charge of the creamery. It Look. I.Ike A Crime to seperate a boy from a box of Buck len's Arnica .Salve His pimples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it, andits quick re lief for boms, scalds, or cuts is his right. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healable and does it quick. Umqualed for piles. Only 25 otnts at Slocum Droog Co. BLACK BUTTE. Harley, Elmer and Loren Matteson are building some fence for Paul Webb. That big land slide as they call it hasn't killed anyone vet, and I guess nobody is scared very bad about it. The snow in the foot hills was about 7 inches deep recently. That is going some for the spring of the year. Enoch Cave and Willalm Ridge way will be through cutting wood soon. They are cutting for Geo. S perry. Reid's mill it running now. They have a full crew with the exception of one, and be wat afraid to get his feet wet. they say. Carl Waterborry had a new suit of clothes stolon recently. Carl is out of luck, but I guess tho one that got the clothes is well pleased. The people are talking about get ting a stump puller. They think there will be some more parsnips raised on Board crtek soon. They grow very large over there. , There is a man In this neighboi hood that walked and talked when he was only eight months old. . and he has a small baby that talks real plain That is going some for a small chap like him. They say Paul Webb has a very bad horse. Some one said that the Eastern Oregon boys were- not game to rido this vicious animal but Paul is training him so all the girls can take a ride, and some day when the horse gets right fat lie will land him In the middle of the road; this will bo easily done. Puts i:id To II a Habit. Things never look bright to one with "the blues. " Ten to one the trouble is a sluggish liver, filling the system with bilious poison, that Dr. King's New Life Fills would expel. Try them. Let the joy of better feel ing end "the blues.'.' Best for stom ach, liver and kidneys. 25 cents at Slocum Drug Co. EIGHT MILE. Noah Clark and family returned to Eight Mile last week. y Rev. Tea cue preaches at Liberty, Aptil 21, at 11 a. m. Miss Julia Forbes visited in Hepp ner with friends last week. John Beilenbrock was up to Eight Mile on a horse trade last Sunday. Miss Julia Forbes says she is going to move to Heppner to live in the near future. Bub Clark is making Sunday calls at Walt Becket's place. What is the attraction, Mr. Clark? Miss Pifer returned to Hood River last week atfer teaching a very suc cessful term of school in Diet. No. 29. Mr. N. Clark says he will have 20, 000 bushels of wheat this, season. Mr. Clark has 1000 acres in grain,' and we dont' thing he is ovoi estima ting it very much. . The Eight Mile ball team- was oragnized with Ed Huston as manager and Walt Gay as captain. Eight Mile will have the strongest team in the oounty with a little practice. IRRIGON. Fred Rieks took a day off and went to Pendleton on business last Friday. Irrigation is on- in full blast. Alfalfa is kuee high now and grow ing less than a "mile a minute." M. F. Wadsworth spent several days at the Boardmari ranch near Castle Rock, repairing machinery on the pumping plant. Geo. Susbauer's new house which he built near Cornelius a few months ago burned down recepuy. ueo. is going back some time this week to rebuild. Mr. and Mrs. Rand were visiting at Prof. Kicker's last Sunday and inci dentally took in the ball game which took place between "pick ops" in Irrigon. The fats will play the leans next Sunday. An accidental drowning was nar rowly averted last Saturday by Ralph Walpole who rescued Eleanor Corey who had fallen out of a row boat into the river. The children were plaving in the boat while in some manner Eleanor lost her balance and fell in. This should serve as a warn ing to others, who might be tempted by the alluring charms of the Colum bia, not to venture too much, lest fatal consequences be the result. SAND HOLLOW. O. S. Hodsrlon was a Heppner visitor last week. Roy Neil and wife were in our community Sunday. Several are thinking of drilling wells; some before hnvest. R. B. Rice sold two mules and a horse to Claud and Lee White. Smith Towne is going to plant kaffir coin on his summerfallow. Sunday school is now going again. Everoyne invited to come and help. Mr.Cross was with us as usual Sunday but preached only iu the morning. Ted McMillan attended church at Hodsdon school house and toog dinner at the Rice ranch. Fine rains lait week and the farmers are smiling. Some have selected their autos. PINE CITY. Mrs. James Ayers went to Echo Monday. R.. F. Wlglesworth was a Heppner visitor Thursday. i In with mm ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVcgelablePreparalionforAs sirailaiingiheFooiJandRegula ting (lie Siomacbs andUowelsaf Loa.Oi Promofes DigeslionJChmfil ncss and RestXontains neither Opium.Morphtnc nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. jtofoMDcSSMJELnmim Plimfiin Seed jthcSeum JbMltMs jtiiisrSnd . tpufrmoif hilurioiuiksom ttrm Seri Clanfied ' Suyar . Vutuftw Fkme. me Anerfect Remedv for ConsflM Hon . Sour Stomadi.Dlarrhoca Worms .Convulsions jevensn nessandLossoFSLEEP. m ruV'r Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Cfr Exaet Copy of Wrapper. mm.. '-' yaiBfcVy. Wf. h r H ledundefK h jjl ll KrUhu: Hl.'S'llMIlVm.tl lit I a m mm I i:ti rrrj;i4Mai.it.i ini i i u ii i -Wo Mo Ayers Builder of Cement Side Walks and Septic Tanks. Esti mates given on all cement work. All work Reasonable and Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bartholomew were tieponer visitors inesuen. Mrs. T. V. Mathews is visiting in Pendleton this weeg. The farmers are wearing a pleasant smile over the fiue rains we have had lately. R-y Neil purchased forty acres of land from Clms. Bartholomew and is seeding it to alfalfa. TheEfarmers on Big Butter creek M are vety busy irrigating now and all have an abundance of water. Several of the young men of the neighborhood went to Heppner to attend the Maccabee lodge Monday night. From some cause or other the oerple of this vicinity failed to get their Heppner paper last week. Wonder whose fault it was? . i - J 1 John P. (Jerky) Ri sk. Progressive Republican Candidate for Congress. "For Roosevelt and Progressive Policy; against Taft and Stand- patisni. Always a true friend of the Oreeon System. The only candidate for Congress who dares oppose the Taft Admin- istration ana tne om ume political machine. (Paid Adv.) rf7?li 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear Sign; In Use For Over Thirty Years TMC CENTAUR COKNHr, NEW YORK CfTT. M Fred sieiwer Of Pendleton. Candidate before the Republican Party of. Morrow and Umatilla Counties for the oflice of DISTRICT ATTORNEY. My Platform: "A strict and impartial enforce ment of the laws of Oregon." (Paid Adv.) Why not select that carpet from the new lines at Case's Furniture Store. The First Pick of The Woolen Mills. Friedrich the Tailor has the exclus ive agency in Morrow county for the Detmer Woolen Co. '6 stores in this land. Look for the guarantee stamp on every yarj. Eggs for Setting. Prize winning Anconas. Setting of 15 eggs 12.50. My chickens were prize winners at the recent Pendleton chicken show. MACK SMITH. f.22. tf. For Sale. A thoroughbred Jersey bull, one year of age and dehorned. Will sell this animal cheap. EPH ESKELSON. Lexington, Orrgoo. ET3 liM 3 the Arb ature O f w IF