. ; 7 tfM&O r HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1912 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR-. VOL. 29. NO. 4. I''' MM 1 ..I HI u n ' II In llookmg over our Spring stock which has just been received, we believe we have the best assortment of goods that has ever been shown here. A Splendid Lino of Ladies' Waists, Collars, jab ots, etc. They are snappy just the style you want. . Here are a few of our standhys: Banner Brand Waists, Underskirts &' Dresses; Nenl o jwUojrsets Amoskeag A. F. C. Ginghams, Ripplettes and G alateas. Red Goose Shoes for Children, Pa cific atul Swell Shoes for Ladies,. Atlantic and Senate Shoes for Men and Boys, Hansen Gloves, Conqueror Hats, Standard Shirts, Collegian Clothes, . Boss-of-the-Road Overalls. COUNCIL MEETS great wool industry, and incidentally showing the treat difficulties lying in the rath of tariff legislation; the -. u UL rCC nrnsident's interest in irrigation and mr AMAirr tr r a itv n hmii 11 t f i ii.ci ' I mam Presented-Street Improve ments Discussed. A regular meeting council was held in Monday evening with Vtctor presiding present with tho Minor. It is 8 pleasure and of the city chambers on Mayor Van all members exception of 0. A. to make note of Royal Club Canned Goods, M. J. B. Coffee, Crystal White Soap, Fuller's Sheep Mark ing Taint, Crisco, Easy Jell, etc. Thomson Bros. 3QC DOC Our Hat Is Also In the Ring This time it is for the Co $ Wo Squirrel Poison Last year we were the only store handling it in Heppner, and you all know the sensation a two bit poison caused. It is sold under a money back guarantee, if not satisfactory. ' v We have yet the first complaint to hear from. Now is the time to do effective work in ridding the farm of these little pests, the squirrels. 25c Ttie Can - 25c The Grocer the improved appearance of the coun cil room since it has received atten tion at the hands of the paper banner and painter. Some new furniture has also been added and more will follow to take the place of the benches that have been used for so long. Thtse improvements to the council room were lone past due. ' At the previous meeting of the council it was ordered that some temporary work be done on the streets to rid them of the mud holes and loose rock but the committee on streets and pubile property have not as yet undertaken this work as they felt it would bo the means of stirring up ton much dust and the matter of securing water for sprinkling pur poses had not yet been settled. How ever, the street improvement qusstion will not down, and the demand for permanent improvement of our streets is beinp nrsred more and more by the protressive business men and properly owners of the city. At Monday night's meeting of the council it was the concensus of opinion that the time was near at hand to take the proper steps to initiate this work, and it may be that the temporary work proposed will take the shape of pre paring the streets for the proper foundation for the permanent hard surfacing so much needed. Dr. Bovden. city health officer. msde a verbal report as to the sani tary conditions, especially withi reference to water closets and cess oooU. Based upon thfl report of the physician, the city attorney is in structed to draft an ordinance to cover the construction of ces9 pools and septic tanks. This ordinance will place the matter m such shape, that the council can order septio tanks put n where in their judgment he sani tary conditions demand it, and along Main street, at least, all Water closets will be done away with. Th reDort and recommendations of the city physician will be presented to the council in writing, wnue upon this subject the marshal was instructed to report to the city physician all unsanitary conditions and surroundings coming under his observation and to work in conjunc tion with him in carrying on any orders that the physician might give. For clean-up day, Monday, April 99 tha marshal B9 instructed tO hire tour teams and wagons in addi tion to the drays, these to be ready for work on Tuesday morning, and to continue until all debris and rubbish is hauled away. many other isHues that greatly interest our people, all of which was well received. Mr. Cole Is a campaigner of exceptional ability, is well posted, and an orator. 1 is address mado fiiends for the president, and did the other fellows no harm! Children are much more likely to contract the contasious diseases when the child has a cold. Th.t is why all medioal authorities say be ware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will "find ' nothing better than Chamberlain's Couch Remedy. It can be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by Patter son & Son. THOUSANDS ENDORSE COCHRAN CANDIDACY Letters received by Georee T. Cochran, progressive Republican candidate for congress, and present water superintendent for Eattern Oregon, suppoiting his candidacy are numbered in fonr figures. Born in Union comity and rained in Eastern Oregon where ha practised law, Mr. Cochran knows every foot of the dis trict he would be asked to represent. His platform hits a happy medium between standpatism and radicalism. A vote for him . means Eastern Ore gon's first ccngressman will have ability, dignitv and strength. Paid Advertisement. Death of Miss Tillard. Miss Grace Lee TiMard, for a num ber of vears a resident of Heooner and a teacher in our publio schools here, died at her home in Oregon City nn Sunday, April 14th, of con sumption. Interment took plae at Mt. Scott cemetery on Monday. Miss Tillard was born at Weston, Oregon, where she resided the most of ber life. From there she removed with her parents to this city, and after a residence here of a number cf years she went to The Dalles, where Bbe taueht in the schools, later going to Ported and Oregon City1..Mi8 Tillard is survived by her mother, Mrs. Flora Tillard, of The Dalles; four sisters, Mrs. Alice Barr, of Portand, Mrs. Victor Maiden, of The Dalles. Mrs. Rosenburg, of Forest Grove, and another sister in Baker; two brothers, William Tillard, of Portland; Andrew Tillaid. of Wvomine. Miss Tillard bad muiy friends at this plane who will learn with sorrow of her demise. BORAH FOR VICE PRESIDENT Portland, Oregon, April 10, 1912. (To the Editor) At the coining primary election, Oregon Republicans will have an opportunity to express their choice as to the several Republican candidates for President of the United States but ro steps have been taken to endorse any candidate for the office of Vice President. The individual voter may, however, write in the name of his favorite for Vice Presi dent, and in this connection permit me to v suggest to you Republican readerB that the name of Senator William E. Borah, of Llaho.. be written in and voted for in the custo mary mannrr. Senator Borah is recognized as one of the foremost men in the United Statos Senate and his record shows that be is a staunch friend of the State of Oregon and has supported eveiy measure tending to benefit the great Pacific Northwest. Besides this, Senator Borah's wife is a daugh ter ofr an honored pioneer of this State and he is known personally to many- of our citizens. Senator Borah is a progressive Rppublican. ia admired and re sreoted t y all classes of people, and ia a ftyirless and brilliant public official. Although he is not an active candidate for Vice President, Senator Borah's name has fnquentlv ben mentioned as a possi ble nominee, and an unsought endorse ment at the hands of Oregon Rt publi cans at the coming primaries would not only be a fitting tribute to his worth and standing and the esteem in which be is held by the people of this State, but also a splendid compli ment to our sistei state of Idaho. Those who faror Seaator Borah s nomination for vice president may vote for him by writing "X Borah, William E. , of Idaho," at the proper place on the primary ballot. -C. N. MoARTHUR. will matl date be ot greater help ia matter than that of any other ?arS Yours reepectfu!Ir, O. D. TEEX Paid Advertisement. Echo, C.wr Senator Bourne. Hon. Ralph D. Cole. The claims of President Taft to a re-nomination were ably presented to a fair sized hudience at the Star theater on Ust Friday niaht by Hon. Ralph D. Cole, ex-cocgressraan. of Finley, Ohio, who came to Oregon at the special request of the president Mr. Cole was received at the depot by a committee of the local Taft club, and later was tendered a reception and banquet at the Palace where, covers were spread for 50, and wher goodfellowBhip reigned supreme for the space of one hour and a quarter. Short addresses followed the banquet, Hon. T. J. Mahoney acting as toast master and calling out a number of tha gentlemen present. Mr. Cole spoke words of appreciation for the courtesies extended to him, stating that it was the very best reception that he had received since coming to the state, but reserved all remarks of a political nature until the time of tha set address. W. W. Smesd intro duced the speaker to the audience, and for nearly two hours Mr. Cole presented in an eloquent manner his reaons for the return of Mr. Taft to the presidential office for another four years. The speaker was free from any personal reflections, did not mention the name of Mr. Roose velt, except to praise him for his good judgment in placing Mr. Taft in very Important positions of trust. He mentioned many of the great achievements of tha present adminis tration; especially his great work with reference to the construction cf the Panama canal and what its com pletion will mean to this Pacifio northwest; bit Ubora in behalf f tb SECOND GAME A GOOD ONE At End of First Half of 7th Inning Score is One and. lone and Heppner High schools nrnssed bats in the second game of the season on lone grounds last Satur day afternoon, and the result was one of the very best games ever played in the county. Unfortunately there was a late start, and as many of the Heppner people had to return on the afternoon train, it was stipulated that the game Bhould be called off as goon as the local arrived at lone. This brouaht the came to an end following the close of the first half of the seventh inning, with one tally only to the credit of each team. The game waa fast from the beginning and the teams proved to be very evenly matched, though the Heppner bovs are of the opinion that they were making gains at the end of the eame and would have pulledout ahead, providing the full nine innings had been played. However, they ate well satisfied with tha result, and give the lone boys credit for putting up a mighty good game all tho way through. We have not learned whether another game has been definitely atranced between these two teams. but understand that there is talk of the third game being pulled off at Heppner on Monday afternoon, the 22nd. Fcllowirg is the summary of the game as furnished us by Manager Maddock: Bases on Balls Off Reitman 3; Off Thornton 4-Stolen Bases-W. Reitman 3: A. Cochran 2; Ciawford 8; Hale; Yearger. Hit by Pitchei. reiser. Struck out by Reitman 5; by Thornton 6. Double play, Yeager (unassisted) Umpire Cronan. Mrs. W. P. Dutton is quite seri ously ill at her borne in this city, suffering a severe attack of stomach trouble. Shall we beat Bourne? Bourne's speach in advocacy of the Oregon system has had a greater circulation than any other speech ever delivered . mm - 11 A in the U. S. Senate, more man e., 7C0.000 copies were mailed on request alone. To my mind all the things which Rnnrnn hts done and is trying to no shrink into insignificance compared to the work be has done and . will con inue to do for Direct Legislation Tha fif?ht he made in 1906, two years before B n Selling raluctantly stood tnr Statement No. 1. made ft possible for us today to vote for U. S. Senators, and has forced legislative candidates to agree to carry out our wishes in that matter. Selling claims to have led the fight for Statement No 1. in Multnomah two years after the election of Bourne on that issue. In an open letter to Selling, Kelleher says : "You refer to the fact that you led the fight for Statement No. 1 in Multnomah county four years ago. This is in spite of the fact that I was the first candidate to file for Stafe Senator and in spite of the fact the friends of Bourne, by means of petitions had to urge you to get into the race." Under date of April 9, 1906, in an open letter to the Republicans of Oregon, U'Reu says: "Then some friends of the law asked Mr. Bourne to become a candidate for the sole purpose of enforcing the Statement No. t agreement of tho law. They told him at the time it would cost frnm J10.000 to f 15 ,000 and they did nnt hnlieve he was well known to be elected. That through his efforts fhpv thon-iht the law would be en forced even though he should not be elected Senator and they believed he was big enough man to sacrifice him self for a principle. The campaign has S15.000 for postage, clerk hire alone. No other candidate Seniate has so much voice or written a line in fuvor of requiring would-be members of the legislature to sign Statement No. 1. 1 say these things concerning Mr. Bourne because I know they are true and because he has been and is being more persistently and industriously lied about and vilified by the enemies of Statement No. 1 than any other man in Oregon politics today. I have never heard any man who knows Mr. Bourne question his honesty, bit truthfulness or bis ability." The same is true today. All governments. In all ages, are and have been administered for the benefit of the governors. We need the National Initiative, Refreendum and Recall, and the reelection of Bourne Real Estate Transfers. F. A. Bauer to Nestor i-.:.:x.j., deed to 5 acres near Irrigon. Con sideration $1 00. Andrew Johnson et al. to T-' J. Holmberg. deed to 100 ucres ia Zy. 2N. R. 26. Consideration fl.CQfi S. P. Wilson to Frank Saa)fe deed to 800 acres in Tp. I S. It TX. Consideration $10. W. A. Wilcox to H. B. KsriiB. deed to tract in Mt. Vernon Afil Jr Heppner. Consideration la, 50ft. Richard Wells to D. O. Will,,, one-seventh interest in two loia ii.it Heppner. Consideration $1.00. J. O. Neill to Margaret Sci tx, tfofiT to 160 acres in Tp. 1 S. R. 23. Cis siderat'en S10, Geo. Lambert to F. W. I.irt'-.-f t.. deed to 1120 acres in Tp. 3 . R. Cor.siileratiun $10. A. J. Cloni to J. W. Greene, ex tract of salo on 160 acres in Tp. 1 5... R. 27. Consideration $S00. Ucod River Orchard Land Co. ic Earle & Edwards Land & Lnrn!!CT Co. , deed to 100 acres ia 'I'p. 6 S. R. T5-... Henrietta Frost t V,'. L. Srvsltf-v deed to 2 lots in Ayers 4th Ad(f ft Heppner. Consideration 30. Ralph Sperry to Nancy E. Spwry, deed to 1G0 acres in Tp. 1 N. B, 25.. Consideration $2,000. Cor and Lizzie Vincent to 8.fc"J7.s and Waldo Vincent interest in acres in Tp. 1 N. R. 27. Con.tSe.sc tion $5,000. Chas. Skewis. Trustee to ML C Griswold, 160 acres in Tp. 6 S. El '25L. Consideration $750. E. S. Burgan and wife to 2fA Hansen, deed to 3,040 acres in Tjr. 53 N. Ranges 23 and 42 E. Coiisimst- tion $50,000. Resolutions of Condoleave To the Officers an I Members caST Willow Lodge No. 66, I. O. O. K We, your committee on resoluiioa of condolence, hereby respect-ilj submit the following : Whereas, the Ruler of the CniYarJF has called from our midst our be Jo brother Jacob Allen McCraw, S bloom of early manhood, leaving n to mourn his untimely demise, taeas fore , Be it Resolved, That we moura IS untimely departure of our broiVfci and friend and feel that in his &ea& the Order has lost a member who gw promise of a long and useful life as--Ki one who bid fair to be a faithfal fciife. Fellow. Resolved, That we extend t 3- bereaved parents and brother esx- heartfelt sympathy in this sad sew. Resolved. That a copy ot toas. reoslutions be spread upon the reeeiR i of our Lodge: that a copy be po lished in the Gazette-Times ; and ti&. 1L - 1 a copy be sens io ino uerni family ; and that the charter of S2sr Lodge be draped for a period & thirty days. E. G. NOBLE ELMER BEEMAN" S. E. NOTSONV Committee",., cost more than printing and Notice to the Public. Tfie undersigned has taken o2 the caring of the graves and grpurxis at the Masonio cemetery from Ki Geo. M. Schempp; I will be rreniiiBJ to do the work of irrigating, plant ing oi grass, flowers r..? shru'bLT" and in a general way look after i5- beautifying of the graves and ssr ronndings. and you should ee about any work you wish done at tf. cemetery. All those for whom Vr. Schempp was working heretc-L'M- will have their work locked after f-T me, and can settle with me fov t work and the use of the water. Willi, begin work May 1. 2t LOUIS SUMMER FIELD.. for the U as raised . S. bis To Celebrate Anrn'versarjv Willow Lodge No. t'i', I. O. tX F... will celebrate the 93rd anniver-aTv of the order cn Wednesiay evenijr , April 24, in their hall. They haw secured Mr. E. U. Harris, of LloxT. River, to give his interesting- lecfarc on Oddfellowship, which ha HIia trates with a stereoptican. Soasex good music will also be rendertii ty-- local musicians. All Oddfel.'o- any branch of the order cord!?-' invited to attend. Eggs for Setting Sincta romb Rhode IsUncT "K"0. $1.50 per setting of 15. $5 per dred for incubator lota. Mrs, O. M. Herren. Inqui Pbill Cohn's, Heppner Oregon. 9 tact-