THEY GOME TOGETHER Backache and Kidney ache are Usually Inseparable. Some Heixmer People are Learning How To uet Kia 01 jdoui. ni vour back ever ache' Feel lame, weak bo sore you can hardly work Are you making the common mis Uke vv.iHnu for it to nass away? To oure the backache, you must cure the kidneys. The pain may cease, but it is sure 4t Mriirn You may feel tired and worn-out ail the time. Urinary troubles may annoy you, headaches and dizziness. Make up your mind yonr kidneys Begin taking Doan'g kidney Pills at once. Scan's have strenghtened thousands of eick, weakened kidneys. Have driven out kidney backaches for good. No Heppner reader can doubt tbe follownna statement. Its from a resident of this locality. Mrs. P. M. Gentry, Churoh St., Heppner, Oregon, savs: "A mem ber of our family used Doan'a Kidney I'ilU for backache and other troubles, caased by disordered kidneys. This remrdy lived up to all the claims made for it and brought great relief." Foe sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United EUtea. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Red Front Livery & Feed Stables Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on hand and can be furnished on short notice to parties -wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Buggies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE : : : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : HEPPNER,- OREGON left me with a frightful cough and rery weak. I naa speiis wneu x couiu Kt!v hrpnt.hfl nr sneak for 10 to 20 minutes. My doctor could not help me, but 1 was completely cureu uy DR. KINC'S Umi Discovery Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, 111. 50e AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. For Representative In Congress Qaude C. Covey Warmsprings, Crook Co. Candidate for DEMOCRATIC Nomina tion for Representative in Congress, Second Oregon District. C to tha Bakery for your tread 25 loaves for 11.00. X3 : VT :"; e ; 1 .-,'- v ' . 7 School Notes. By Su it. Notson.) On March 28, I visited tLe school in District No. 30. Ths school is under the direction ef Miss Penola McMurry. This school is small, but the pupils are making excellent progress. The next school I visited is in Dis trict No. 14. J. W. Morris is the teacher. The pupils are interested in their work and are doing goor work. Several framed pictuers add to the attratciveness of the room. The pupils of this school are greatly interested in the school oontest. The following dav, I visited the school in DUtriot No. 52, where I found Mrs. M. A. Chamberlain and eight pupils enthusiastically working away. The school room lias been neatly papered since my former visit. Some new pictures have been placed upon the walls. This school possesses a beautiful flag. I noted quite a school garden in the yard. The boys have been doing some work in manual training, having been a'lowed the use of Mr. Leon Logan's shop. I OREGON IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE " .MM ITT-, iii ii ' I I I ' M ' T Portland, Oregon, April 9 Nothing in recent years has jarred Ore gon so severely from Imnaha to Bandou es the unfolding of the true con ditions which exist in Senator Jonathan Bouroe's cotton mills at Fall River, Mass. The information received regarding the waee scale, man ner in which employes are treated, the tenement houses used as homes and the general squalor tha.t surrounds the people who work in the Bourne mills has caused every true friend of labor in Oregon to rise op in righteous wrath against this man who has incessantly preached "Let the people rule" in Oregon, and who has been grinding down the work ing man in his eastern sweatshop. Oregon has npver known a great deal of Bourne's business career until right now. There was a vaane idea that he was a mul-imillion-aire, hiB wealth having been left him bv relatiives, but few people, if any, knew what that wealth consisted of. It now develores that Bourne's enormous income is mare from the product of the labors of men who draw all the way from 15 to 12 per week; that children are employed extensively; that old men are held at their posts of duty at a very low wage, and that misery and absolute want abide in many of the homes around the Bourne mills at Fall River. Probably the senior senator would have continued the Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyds game indefinitely had not V e strikers in Massachusetts called attention to the Bcurne mills, ar.d Oregon people, beinn anxious to know something cf the attitude of their senator toward labor, investi gated the industrial side of his career. It is safe to sav that the laboring rrmn in Oreaon, regardless of foimer opinion, are set asainst Bourne from now op. His mills are "open shop." his wage scale is too low to insure the necessities of life to employes, hence laboring people of Oregon are now denounoing the senator iu terms that have a straight ami direct meaning. Primary April 19, 1912 Geo. T. Cocliran Progressive Republican Candi date for Congress. 1 promise the people "that their will shall be, my sole guide." I Born in Union County, Oregon, .November 1, 1877. Educated in ;.he schools of Oregon. A gradu ate of Stanford University. Admitted to the Bar in 1001. ; Four years in the Government, Service, Philippine Islands, j Practiced law at LaG ramie since 1906. i Elected Water Superintendent, for Eastern Oregon and knows Eastern Oregon's greatest need -Irrigation. Favors: Presidential Primar ies; direct election of senators;' J20 acre homesteads with 3 years j 'esidence and b months leave oi lbsence; Panama Canal free to merican shipping: efficient reg ilation of trusts and extension of jurisdiction of Interstate Com merce Commission ;Jmoney system independent of Wall Street con trol. Banker T. J. Mahoney and wife pent Sunday at the country home of vl. S. Corrgiall on Butter creek. was ploasod with the work in draw ing from Nature, and with the calis thentio drill by the pupils. The pupils of this school will also enter the school contest. The Danger Iter Urljp. lies oten in a run down system, weak ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glorious tonic, blood purifier and regulator of stomach, liver and kid neys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strenghten the nerves, build up the system and re store to health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. . If suffering, try them. Only 60 cents. Sold and per. feet satisfaction guaranteed by Slocum Drug Co. W. L. Conenhrver, of Sand Hollow, visited Heppner on Saturday. He has ordered this family journal to the address of his father, S. Copen haver, of Iconium, Mo. , for the space of one year. By permission of the Morning Oregonian Lost. A ladies plain gold band ring. Finder please leave at this office and get reward. 3t. For Sale. Mules don't have the "walking rlista-e." Why not raiae pomo ? Buv a jack from J. T. Knspnpnhurg, In, Or. Can show three crops of i cits Bt 'he ranch. Or will trade for livestock. "I Effcrf-d habitnaUy from conr-ti-pntion. Dnan'a IWulets relieved and strerethf r.erl the bowel, so that they hove hf-.n riaular ever since " -A. E. Davi.-, Sblt.'hur Sprirgs, Tex." Lost. A yearling bav colt, with one white hirrt ftot, branded :P on right shoulder. This animal was missed from the Andrew Keal pasture at Lone Rock the early part of October 1911. A reward of So 00 will be paid for in formation leading to its recovery. AARON PETERSON, 1 mo. Eight Miile Oregon. Earl L. Beach of Lexington, ia busy tbis week patting In tl6 con crete work in connection with a new fence around the premises f Dr. Conder. .1 .iu.i..i.'iii..) mum. iin i i A w hi Republican Progressive Candidate for Congress N. J. Sinnott, who will be re publican congressional candidate at the coming primaries, was born at The Dalles, Oregon. For the past twelve years he has been the law partner of Judge A. S. Bennett under the firm name of Bennett & Sinnott, at The Dalles, Oregon. Mr. Sinnott represented Wasco and Hood River counties in the last two sessions of the State Senate. Advocates the trial in this Con gressional District of civil and criminal cases arising therein and triable in the Federal Courts. Prevention of gambling in farm products. Income tax. Direct election of U. S. Senators. Presi dential primaries. Maintenance of the Oregon system. More liber al homestead laws in line with the Borah homestead bill. Parcels post. Freest use of forest reserves and natural resources consistent with liberal conservation ideas. A tariff based on the difference in the cost of products at home and abroad. Free canal for American ships. Restoration to Oregon of its just share of the reclamation fund. (Paid Adv.) JAS. P. NEEAL Republican Candidate for District Attorney liefore the primaries, April 19, 1912. If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of oflice, en deavor to enforce the law Htrictly and impartially, to make the ad ministration of the duties of such oflice ohsolntcly fr: from all parti Han indium-): or jx-rsonal prejudice and to u.-: the machinery of such oflice for the tw in-fit of the. people of the District an a whole. 1 believe in the principles of itopular Govern ment and that the KIcctoral rights are l'ft safegannled hy the met hods in use under the Oregon Syrtem. (Paid Adv.) I 'J T- Let the AKERS PATENT FASTEN ER reduce your draper troubles to a minimum this season. The futener. which if llluntrnteil here, la Umpel from sheet Keel, h itIii two brdi ttruck up from each )w which re drITeo Into the itick when te Jtwt are act up. Tbli holda the itlrk a If la !. There are no rlretj aolng through the flick to weaken or uplit It. Wc uae the bet No. Sduck, traltnt (rained aah etlcka and flrat quality leather belt. We faarantee the quality and we guarantee the workmamhlp. Theae drapers will coat you no more than other makea and they will aave you much time and annoyance. Don" fail to uae ene on your Barreater or Header this season. Notice! Call and look over the new line of SPRING & SUMMER SAMPLES Just Received. LOUIS PEARSON, Tailor. VAWTER CRAWFORD Notary Public Insurance Agent Represents some Leading Fire Inmirance Companies, Including The Home of New York, The Hartford, and The Phcenlx of London, also American Bonding Co. of Baltimore. Office: Gazette, Heppner, Oregon Oc 3d The Plowing Season v And VAUGHN & SONS have on a new supply of 2 Canton and Syracuse Plows 2 Gangs, Sulkeys, and Walking. Call before buying and look at the new Two Way SuIIcey with all the good features the other makes have, and some special features that no others have. VAUGHN & SONS, Heppner u O c ELMER BEAMAN Fuel Dealer Rock; Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company nd they will receive prompt attention. m MIKE IIEALY, Proprietor Telephone... Livery Stable TELEPHONE 201 COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. T WE PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOP RIGS. LOWER MAIN STREET - - HEPPNER, ORKGON J CCCCCCCCCCC!CCC!CC1CCCCCCCICC THE CITY MEAT MARKET Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sugar cured Ham and Bacon and Home-rendered Lard. Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts. FRESH FISH THURSDAYS. A NEW IT WILL DO IT niii(? Htid at he fume lime prcM- the soil t'i r in 1 v nrnned the erain thus iii?niiui! immtd ia'e KerniitiHtion. f J splendid results are obtained from their use. Manufactured by Pendleton Iron Works. Pendleton. Oregon. DO n 1 . : V gNSTHU&IENT THE HOME OF THE I SPOTTED I HORSES I n tladiment for hoe drills sa tllnstreteil here hK two very val If and iint or mil leatures which eve-y r niCRSive fanner wil, .iiMirei iHie time. Tliev are miule to tit any hoe, are easily ad inJte.1 inl t"er the double (.uipose of regulating the depth ol J i : Ji We have an up-to-date machine shop and found ry and employ skilled workmen in every depart ment We solicit your patronage.