The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, April 11, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. 29. NO. 3.
j Classy
Ready-Tailored Clothes
There's no disputing the fact that
at present time there are more men
wearing ready-tailored clothes than
ever before. In
theffivat improvement in style, fit
and finish is particularly marked
and there are comparatively few
men who can afford to disdain the
price-difference between COLLEGIAN
CLOTHES and equivalent qualities
in made to measure garments.
Our Spring and Summer showing
far exceeds our best efforts of all
past seasons.
Prices range from
$1-5.00- 10 $30.00
omsora Bros.
Our Hat Is Also In
the Ring
This time it is for the :
Cj0 Csy !y o
Last year we were the only, store handling it in
Ileppner, and you all know the sensation a two
bit poison caused.
It is sold under a money back . guarantee, if not
We have yet the first complaint to hear from.
Now is the time to do effective work
in ridding the farm of these little
pests, the squirrels.
25c - .The Can - 25c
The Grocer
r Easter
Winners of the Pennant
Work off Good Enter tain
, ment.
A goodly nurobfr of Dnrents and
friends assembled at the High School
building last Friday, ns it had been
announced that cn that date, the sixth
grade would "entertain "
Conspicuous on the wall, and lard
ing coloi and cheer was the pennant
which this grade so recently won in
the "rooting contest" and awarded
them by the base ball management.
Every number on the program was
creditably reudered from the inslru
mental solo bv Loa Brings to the
closing hymn, "America" by the
Kouneth Binns told "How we tried
to whm the teacher." Edward Not
Bon added a bny's experience, "When
the teacher gets cross and her dimples
go in." Norton Winnard amused
the audience with Negro dialect,
while Beulah Gemmell road the
beautiful poem entitled, "To the
Westward." Earl Gordon and Paul
Gemmell sang a duet, "My father
taught me do. re. mi, fa. sol, la, s:,
do," and responded to an encore with
all the dignity and grace ot pro
fession&h. Parliamentary law was ably dis
cussed bv Albert Thomrjson. Junior
Crawford and Ralnh Marlatt, while
Hannuh Wilson, Mabel Wilcox and
Minnie Winters proved that "Woman
Suffragettes" could hold their own
in case of "female government.
"Gladvs Lane, thegirl of the Period,
read of the olden time when Grand-1
ma and Aunt Tabitha were young, j
She was vaguely wondering why.
"lhe wonderful On Horse Shay went
to pieces all at once, when from the
"misty rast." Earl Gordon aa Sex- i
Ion. Jimmv Cowina as Parson. Paul
Gemmell as the Deacon, and George
Huffoid as the Aged Man appeared
on the scene, followed bv Florence
Ralston as Aunt Tabitha and Mildred
Zshrung as Grandmother of Bunker
Hill Fame.
The Yar.kee Girl Chorus composed
of Hannah Wilson, Blanche Minor,
Loa Briggs, Neva Hayes and Mabel
Wilcox was thoroughly enjoyed.
Much praise is due Miss Barker for
the-excellent work she has doDO in
this grade. Let the good work so on.
The people of the town and county
are looking on with approval.
Have you seen the new machine?
It is a dandy. Albart Bawker is
agent for this car at Heppner. Any
body interested in a car can have a
demonstration. Will" also have a
car for hire at reasonable rates. Leave
orders at Palace hotel and get prompt
Happenings at Liberty.
Last Sunday was a big day at
Liberty. The house was full of
people both morning and evening.
The Sunday School is doing excellent
work. The prayer meeting held
every Sunday evening is a marked
success. Sixty and seventy persons
lake an active part each time. Some
word is given out on the previous
eveaing by the leader. Then each
one takes the bible and finds a verse
of seriDlure with that word in it. Ihe
word last Sunday evening was Blood. a scene! Old and young with
a bible in hand standing and reading
in turn the verses selected witli an
oprapional piayer and song inter-'
spcrced. Was there ever a more
decided cha'ge in a community in so
sh-rt a time' It cnly illustrates
what the gostiel will do f-r any
people. It makes them better in
eveiy sense. They become more
unselfiih, developing the social as
well as the moral,, side of life. Not
long since about 60 people assembled
at the hotre tf Theodore Auderson
to give a joint birthday surprise for
Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Dan Rarlow.
To say all had a good time would be
putting it mildly. That is a mag
nificent home with many doors and
strings attached for the accommoda
tion of all. There good people verify
the scripture saying, viz; "No man
liveth to himself and no man dieth to
himself." The ball rolls on and
on and 60 persons are gathered at
the home of Rev. Teague, the hen
house is unlocked. 32 chickens are
not taken out but put in. ' Among
them two of the kind Lorenzo Don't
used to capture the thief who stole
the pocket book and that answered
well for an alarm clock. This happy
bonch took possession of the premises
nd eaid "we are monarch of all we
survey." Alter all were gone the
Reverend wondered if a cyclone had
parsed by. Ail this is as it ought
to be.
Next Saturday the men and boys
are to meet at Mr. Robinson's to
organize a base ball team, games to
be played on Saturday afternoon's.
With movort;enin of this kird in
voguo and the splendid prospects for
good crons, Fnrely there is a better
coming for Morrow counly.
Along Rhea Creek new irrigating
ditches and aTalfa fields are being
opened up. New houses and barns and
hence more families is destined to
make this a veritable Eden. All this
section is destined to be prosperous
because of its enterprising citizens.
AH kinds of industries are being
planned and enterprised. Bees,
poultry, hog?, cuttle, horses, alfalfa,
grains, orchards and gardens will all
receive due attention and become
A splendid Enster time is being
planned" for Liberty next Sunday
evening. The Rev. Toague is preach
ing at a number of theee coantry
points. The 3rd Sunday in each month
is his dav at Liberty and the 4th is
the day fcr t! U cr be
Children are much more likely
to -contract the contagious diseases
when the child has a cold. That is
why all medical authorities say be
ware o? colds, for the quick enre of
colds you will find nothing better
than Chamberlain's Couch Rp.rnedy.
It can ba depended upon and is
pleasant to take. For sale by Patter
son & Son.
I Still Making a Noise.
The hens about lone have been
making a pretty good noise in the
wetks past, and are still at it. Our
friend, Bert Maron, sends up the re
port for the past eight day. or the
first week in Apri', and the ship
menmts have been 109 cases, or 3370
dozen at per dozen, netting the
farmers $572 25. Mrs. French Bur
roughs leads the producers with 303
dozen for the period. This is quite
a showing for Easter week, and the
lone hen is only just becinning to
get busy. The good peocle down that
way have added a splendid asset and
the business should grow rapidly
fiom now on. There is money in it
and ' w believe Mcrrovr county oan
produce all the eggs that the Port
lard market and other outside points
can consume when we fairly get into
the businers.
And by the way, Hepnner has been
doing a little egg shipping the pst
week: in fact foi theDsst two months
our merchants have been pending out
many cases of eggs and the firmer
hereabout are hrireing them in
lively. It is a liMle hard to arrive
at the exact figures for the reason
that the merchants heie have not all
of them taken the trouble to keep
exact dat. But it is an unusual
thing for Heuuner to be uiiiwping out
any quantity of eggs at this sra3on,
the rule haa been to ship in, so this
shows that the industry is growing
fast at this end of the county too.
Besides fullv supplying the local de
mand which is large at this season,
better than two hundred cases have
gone to the Portland market. We
hope to be able to give exact figures
from now on, as the merchants here
are beginning to realize tint the
business is growing- fast and it is
important to have this information
for publication.
Seeley, Who Fitted the Czar
of Russia, Will Be at the
Pendleton Hotel
F. II. geelry of Chisago and Phila
delphia, the noted truss expert, will
I e at tho Pendleton hotel and will
remiin in Pendleton this Wednesday
and Thursday o-ily, April 17th and
18th. Mr. Soeley says: "The Sper
matic Shield Truss as now used and
approved by the United States govern
ment will not only retain any ease of
mcture prefectlj, affording imme
diate relief, but closes the opening
in 10 days on the aveisge cafe."
This instrument received the only
award in England and in Spain, pro
ducing results without surgery or
harmful injections. Mr. Seeley has
documentary references from the
United Ststes government, Washing
ton, D. 0., for jour Inspection. All
charity casea without charge, or if
any interested call, he will be glad
to show the truss without chaise oi
fit them if desired. Anyone ruptured
should remember the date and "ake
advantage of this unusual oppottunity.
Those Desiring to Enter This
Contest Should Write for
Seed at Once.
Seed corn will be furnished, free
of charge, by the Experiment Station
at Moro to Bny boy who desires to
compete for prizes offered by the Tri
C'ounty Development League or by the
schools in Sherman, Morrow and
Gilliam counties.
As the suuply of seed is limited,
not more than two pounds can be
furnished each contestant. This
quantity will be sufficient to plant
one-terth of an acre. Instructions
for planting the seed will accompany
each package; also a printed circular
stating what ncteb should be taken.
The Experiment S ation will ask
that a copy of thtss notes be fur
nished the Superintendent at the close
of the season.
As it will Eoon be time for plant
ing corn, boys who wish to enter the
contest should make application to
the Experiment Station for seed im
mediately. Air. Orren Beatv, Agri
cultural Advisor for the Tri-County
Development League will be glad to
answer any inquiries regarding corn
growing in the above mentioned
counties, and will try and visit all
contestants during the year. Every
contestant should get in touch with
Mr. Beaty at an early date, address
ing him at Moro, Oregon.
Frank S. Fields.
So far in the primarv campaign,
the Gazette-Times has seen fit to take
but little interest in the campaign
for state officers but there is one man
before the people that we are par
ti.ularly anxious to see nominated and
elected, and ihat is Frank S. Fields,
the present incumbent of the county
clerk's office in Moltnomah county.
Mr. Fields is candidate before the
republicans of the state fcr the nomi
nation of Secretary of State. He has
been the efficient clerk of Multnomah
county for the past ten years, dur
ing which period he has been able by
his splendid business ability and
systematic management, to place that
office on a profit paying basis of $30,
000 annually, whereas, under former
administrations the less had been 16,
000 annually. He has given close
attention to the duties of the office
and conducted the same as a business
office should be conducted.
Furthermore, Mr. Fields is making
his campaign as a straight republi
can, and is not looking to. or appeal
ing 10 anv but republicans who are
interested fn the principles of the
party to place him in nomination.
So why award a domo;ratic appointee
by casting your vote for the present
incu-nbent, and Mr. Field's only
opppctnt for the nomination, who by
his own Eworn Etatement appended
herewith, boosted Oswald West into
the governor's offioe, and is now ask
ing the republicans to kefp him
there. Mr. Olcott is no doutt an
efficient man,' but if he retains his
office it should be through the votes
of democrats and not republicans, for
they certainly owe him nothing.
Here is his statement: "United
States of America, State of Uregon,
Office of the Secretary of State.
I, Ben W. Olcott, Secretary of
State of the State of Oreson and
Custodian of the Seal of said State,'
do hereby certify :
That I have carefully compared
the annexed copy of the statement
of receiDts and expenditures of West
Booster Club with the original there
of, which was filed in the office of
the Secretary of State of the State
of Oregon, on the 23idday of Novem
ber, 1910, aud that it is a correct
trarscript therefrom and of the whole
of such original.
In Testimony Whereof, I have
hereonto set my hatd and affixed
hereto the Seal of the State of Ore
gon. Done at the Capitol at Salem, Ore
gon, this 31st day of May A. D. 1011.
Secretary of State
(Seal of tho State of Oregon.)
I, B. W. Olcott; being first duly
sworn depose and. say That I nave
made the following contributions to
pTomote the interests of Oswald
West, Candidate for Governor at the
recent election, to-wlt:
Went Booster Club $1300.00
Jas. R. Coleman, Chairman 50.00
Subscribed and sworn to before me
at Salem, Oregon, this 22nd day of
November 1810.
Notary Public for Oregon
(Notarial seal)
j Filed Nov. 23. 1010.
F. W, BENSONSec. of State."
;. . - . tr '
ars Meet Defeat to the
Tune of 14 to 7.
Morgan, Oregon, April , IflLj.
Sporting Editor:
The Morgan Regulars met defeat
at the hauda of the fast playina lone
High School nine by the score of 14
to 7. The game was fast and exciting
Catcher Oleary and First Baseman
Pierce did excellent work for Morgan,
while Ritchie, Blake and Rietrean
did some quick stunts for lone.
Although Morgan was defeated
Saturday we ars willing to bet tbey
will get the kids the next time.
Morgan's defeat was due to poor
playing in the outfield, and the poor
coaching of.. Capta'n Cumrnings,
has-been, who is tryirg to fchow tha
boys some new stunts in base ball.
A change in the line-up and a few
new players aod Morgan might be
able to play ball.
From a constant Reader and Sub
scriber at Morgan.
Someone Answer.
Cecil, Orpgon, April 6, 1912.
Editor Gazette-Times.
Please answer tha following ques
tions in your valuable parer.
1. There are one million rabbila
on lower Willow creek, aud they will
increase ten-fold during the summer.
There are no coyotes cn the cree,
and they will increase three-fold
during the summer. Each eovote
will kill cne thousand rabbits. How
many rabbits will there be nest fall?
2. If a legislator is bitten by a
coyote and has the rabbies or bas
gone mad, will the act of him sitting
in the legislature give the people tba
Yours truly,
Is Doing Great Work.
The editor of this paper took occa
sion to visit the field at the top of
the Eight Mile grade jost sooth of
town, where the big Oil Pull engine
is demonstrating what it can do in
the line of practical farm work. W.
P. Sorivner is directing the work,
and the machine is in charae cf
Clarence Scrivner and Charley Ayerg,
the former acting as engineer and tha
latter handling the section of foor
plows that is being used. The field
in which they are workinsr la so
situated as to he a fair place for
showing the possibilities of the en
gine, as it lays on practically Un
per cent gradt, is quite rocky in some
places and has been under cnltivation
for a sufficient length of time to
soften up the surface. The engine
has no difficulty whatever in moving
along at a good speed and the boya
are plowing at the rate of an acre par
hour. To do this requires the coat
of $4 worth of fuel per ten acree,
besides the wages of a man and boy,
and Mr. Scrivner figures that it would
take a team of twelve head of borsea
to accomplish a like amount of work.
Four plows, only are being osed 3n
this demonstration, but on fields that
are more level than this one, six
plows can be handled just as easily.
Each plow i worKS in an individual
wanner so that if one strikes an
obstruction the ethers are not dis
turbed. This makes it easy to handle
in fields that are mora or- less reeky
or uneven of surface. Tho ergir.e
maintains au even fiecd and a small
boy can handle the plows just as
well as a n;an. It seems ' to us that
this machine should prove a coed ard
economical investment to these far
mers who have power thrashers snl
now have their ni(wy tied rp in
steam outfits that lay i ile for ft'jpat
ten month3 in the year. This erire
ccuid be utilized to good advantage
on a great many of the.-e farms ss it
would be ready for the Irivirg of ary
kind of machinery and he!p in turn
ing off the plowing ard harrowing of
tie lands as well. Our farmers
should not fail to witnefs tbeso
demonstrations. Another den; n.-.t ra
tion will be mrde cn Tue-day, th-
lGth, at the head of the Eight Mi:
Thresher For Sale.
I have for sale at the Wm. SUciTer
farm, six miles south of Lexingtoe,
one 23-irich Case separator, one J4
horse Wilson power, and derrick tania
with ropes and cables all coroj-!?t
and in good repair. Terms reitva-
Eggs for Setting.
Single comb Rhodo Island Red,
$1.50 per setting of 15. j per hun
dred for incubator lota.
Mrs. C. M. Herren. Inquire at
Phill Cohn's, Heppner Orenw. Ira.