THEY GOME TOGETHER Backache and Kidney aciie are Usually Inseparable. Some Hetmner People are Learning How To Get Rid of Both. Dots your back ever ache' 'eel lame, weak so sore you can Jiardly work' Are yon making the common mia take- Waiting for it to pass away? To cure the backache, you must cure the kidneys. The pain may cease, but it is sure to return. You may feel tired and worn-out all the time. Urinary troubles may annoy you headaches and dizziness. Make up your mind your kidneys need attention. Begin taking Doan's kidney Pills at once. Dean's have strengthened thousands of sick, weakened kidneys. Have driven out kidney backaches for good. : No Hepnner reader can doubt the Jfollownnc statement. Its from a resident of this locality. Mrs. P. M. Gentry, Churoh St., Heppner, Oregon, savs: "A mem ber of our family used Doan's Kidney PilJs'for backache and other tioubles, cacaed by disordered kidneys. This remedy lived up to all the claims made for it and brought great relief. " For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New "York, sole ascents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. j BEN SELLING SAVED PEOPLEFRCM PANIC When Bank Failed He Promptly Offered Par for Pass Books. Loan Sharks and Brokers Thwarted By Him Saved People Large Sums. Red Front Livefy & Feed Stables Willis Stewart. Prop FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RIGS Xept constantly on hand and can be furnished on short notice to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Buggies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE : ; : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : flEPPNER, - OREGON Al "Help promptly is of double value," says the proverb. Oregon people, and Portland people In particular, will remember the fail ure of the Title Guarantee and Trust company, of Portland, in October, 1907. The embarrassment of that Institution was bad enough of Itself. But it came at a time when the breaking of one bank came perilously near producing panic in which many banks and business houses must go down to the measureless damage of thousands. It was a time for men to help each other; a time for business interests vo stand together In order to save depositors from a heavy Iobs. Disastrous as a settlement of ma terial ' discount would have been. was feared for a time that it was the best settlement that could be made, And if made, it certainly would have resulted in widespread and ruinous loss to thousands all over Oregon. In that crisis Ben Selling promptly came forward with a better offer. He proposed to take over the claims of the depositors at seventy-five cent! on the dollar in good, solid cash, and an additional twenty-five cents in mcr chandlse. It was absolutely equiva lent to a hundred cents on the dollar every penny that was Involved. There was an Instance of needed help promptly given. It averted a threatened and Imminent panic. It restored the general confidence in banks and business houses. It abso lutely insured depositors against loss, It did more than any other one thing to enable commercial Portland to ride the troubled seas of 1907 the most dangerous period since 1898. And it was typical of Ben Selling. It required finanoial resources, splen did judgment of conditions, and a sup erb confidence in the essential stabili ty of his city and his state, and the fairness of his fellow citizens. WHAT BILL HANLEY THINKS OF BEN SELLING PNEUiMI left me with a frightful cough and very weak. I had spells when I could I hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 1 minutes. My doctor could not help I me, Dut i was completely cured by I DR. KING'S How Discovery Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, 111. SOc AND St .00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. "Oregon for Oregon" is the slogan of William Hanley, the picturesque representative of Central Oregon, who, because of his marked facial and phy sical resemblance to William Jen nings Bryan, has many times been mistaken for the thrice-defeated can didate of the Democracy for the pres idency. It is for the reason of "Ore gon for Oregon" and because Hanley's views coincide closely with those of Ben Selling, candidate for the Repub lican nomination for United States senator, that Hanley feels very friend ly toward the candidacy of Selling. School Notes. (By Notsou.) On the 26th of March, I visited the sohoel at Hardman. Misses Robinson and Olmsted have hid heavy work th s year, each having four grades with a large number of pupils in each, but they have done eood woik. The school interest has been excellent. The pu aila are showing much interest in mus cular movement writing. I note? some attractive work in water colors in both rooms. In the evening, the writer gave an illustrated lecture at the'ehurch for the benefit of the schoo'. The educational contests were explain ed to the school and to the patrons. It is hoped that the pupils will take a lively interest in the contests. The next day, I visited the school in District No. 21. where I found Miss Winnie Jackson and a small number of pupils at work. This school wll be represented in the school contests. In the evening, the writer enter tained the pnpils and patrons of the Gooseberry school with his illustrated leoture. The pupils of this school will also be represented in the school contests. Respeotfully, S. E. NOTSON, Co. Supt. ' V'' ' v ! h 1 i OK LIE Puts End To Bad Habit. Things never look bright to one with "the blues." Ten to one the trouble is a sluggish liver, filling the system with bilious Doison, that Dr. King's New Life Fills would expel. Try them. Let the joy of better feel ing end "the blues." Best forstom ach, liver and Sidneys. 25 cents at Slocnm Drug Co. The final number of the lyceum course will be given by John B. Batto, April 22. Our last date is rather late but circumstances beyond our control made it so. The press notices of his work are very flattering. He filled 185 engagements last year, and a large number of the places secured him for this year also. It Looks Like A Crime to seperate a boy from a box of Buck len's Arnica Salve. His pimples, boils, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it, and its quick re lief for bums, scalds, or outs is his right. Keep it bandy for boys, also girls. Heals everything beatable and does it quick. Unequaled for piles. Only 25 ctnts at Slocum Droug Co. Bee Sperry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Chas. Sperry, had the misfortune to fall and break one of her . arms a fey days ago. Brownsville Times. NJ.SiNWOTT Republican Progressive Candidate for Congress N. J. Sinnott, who will be re publican congressional candidate at the coming primaries, was born at The Dalles, Oregon. For the past twelve years he has been the law partner of Judge A. S. Bennett under the firm name of Bennett & Sinnott, at The Dalles, Oregon. Mr. Sinnott represented Wasco and Hood Kiver counties in the last two sessions of the State ben ate. Advocates the trial in this Con gressional District of civil and criminal cases arising therein and triable in the Federal Courts. Prevention of gambling in farm products. Income tax. Direct election of U. S. Senators. Presi dential primaries. Maintenance of the Oregon system. More liber al homestead laws in line with the Borah homestead bill. Parcels post. Freest use of forest reserves and natural resources consistent with liberal conservation ideas. A tariff based on the difference in the cost of products at home and abroad. Free canal for American ships. Restoration to Oregon of its just share of the reclamation fund. (Paid Adv.) Notice! Call and look over the new line of SPRING & SUMMER SAMPLES Just Received. LOUIS PEARSON, Tailor. VAWTER CRAWFORD Notary Public Insurance Agent Represents some Leading Fire Insurance Companies, Including 1 he Home of New York, The Hartford, and The l'huenlx of London, alHo American Bonding Co. of Baltimore. Office: Gazette, Heppner, Oregon Oc 3 CI 3 CLw u o The Plowing Season And VAUGHN & SONS have on a new supply of Canton and Syracuse Plows Gangs, Sulkeys, and Walking. Call before buying and look at the new Two Way SuKtey with all the good features the other makes have, and some special features that no others have. VAUGHN & SONS, Heppner O c 3 C DO I have for sale at my place on Eight Mile. Brown Leghorn eggs for hatch ing at $1. 00 par setting of 15. A good strain of splendid egg producers. mlC. Alfred E. Anderson. For Sale. Mnles don't have the "walking disease." Why not raise some? Buy a jack from J. T. Knapppenbnrg, lone, Or. Can show three crops of colts at the ranch. Or will trade for livestock. Iff THE' SEWING MACHINE OF QUALITY. MOT NOT SOLD UNDER ANY .OTHER NAME. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you purchase the N'KW HOME you will trtve a life asset at the price you pay, and will not have an end loss chain of repairs. I Quality it is the Cheapest in the end v to buy. If j'.a v:uit sewing machine, write foi oar latest catalogue b fore yo j purchase. Tte fitvr tea Sear Ifehine Co, Orae, Ka& 1 it : --v. 5 .ldlflJI4aeJ-:::::::.::;:.::o::: G. A. Farrens a prosperous yonng farmer of the Gooseberry section, was a county seat visitor Monday. He is very eninusiastic over trie crop pros pects in Inspection of the connty. A change ocenred this wees in the management of the City Meat Market Messrs Kinsman and Hall purchasing the interest oi Mr. Lewis in the bust- ness. Mr. Lewis and family take their departure from Heppner for Walla Walla where he will reside. mj nttie son nad a very severe cold I was reccommended to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and before a small bottle wis finished he was as well as ever," writes Mrs. H. bilks, 29 Dowling Street, Sydney, Australia. This remedy is for sa:e by Patterson & Son. "I sffered habitually from consti pation. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened the bowels, so that uiey nave Deen regular ever siace. A. E. Davis, Sulphur Springs, Tex. Lost A yearling bay colt, with one white hind foot, branded :P on right shoulder. This animal was missed from the Andrew Neal pasture at Lone Rock the early part of October 1911. A reward of $5 00 will be paid for in formation leading to its recovery. AARON PETERSON, I mo. Eight Miile Oregon. ELMER BEAMAN Fuel Dealer Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord" Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company nd they will receive prompt attention. MIKEHEALY, Piornxioi Telephone... Livery Stable TELEPHONE 201 THE HOME OF THE SPOTTED HORSES COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. T WE PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOP RIGS. (to Geaolss Yon will lock a pood while befoie you find a better medicine for cotij l,j And folds than Chamberlain's (' t.h t. , i . i- 1 covery of that money for use here, and Ilemedy. It not only gives relief ' . . ' , ' it cures. Try it when you have a WILLIAM HANLEY Hanley came out of the Selling head quartors yasterioy looking cheerful. PLefiectlng that Mr. Selling in his plat form had definitely committed him self to securing for Oregon its just share of the reclamation fund for promoting various Irrigation projects in tills state, Mr. Ilanlc-y said it would be advisable for the voters of this Btata to elect a senator who could b3 depended upon to do all in his power to secure for the state all that belong ed to it in the way of money for ori ginating and completing irrigating enterprises. "Cp to the present time the state cf Oregon is short about $8,000,000 of I s part of the reclamation fund, mon ey that should have been used for the construction of irrigation projects in this state and which money was ac tually given to other states," said Mr. Hanley. "Mr. Selling is pledged to the re- lA. E And-raon was in ftom Eight Mile on Monday, making a denes i'. ori;:u dozen egaa wun our merchants. Mr. Anderson has a mighty fine bunch of laying hens and they are doing their rlutv these days. His receipt:) for this triD were over tiO and he is sending or bringing egs to town every few days. T4 WRJf A " iaV vS We Will 1 Esnc A MONTH To j ctn pla0 the lmt' model. ffei,uiD Domes tic, th recofiiixsr' quion of al swini nioas.m vonr it continually whik month, and en- pcUI price rom our nMrast Take Your 07.4 Klachlne fitfS Ifhnral llorapc on uplernlnl nw I-om.Htic. Andyoiirin Btill tak ad vruiiafrsof tho tpacial phc and torma. ough or cold ad you are certain t t pleased with the tromptoure which it will effect. For tale by Patterson A Son. Go to the Bakery for yoor Lrea. SB loaves for (1.00. if anybody can do it I am convince that he will at least len his test ef forts in that direction. My acquaint ance of sevenl years wta Mr. Ul&c j has convinced me that he always has stood sqnare-toec t U front fop Oregon tnterMt as 4 H U aWut time we had such a r?fnltt t Waa- Justus A. Miller wbs a HeDDner visitor on Mondav, and is rejoicing over tre fplendid outntk for a crop in his section Mr. Miller lives 9 miles ncrthcast of Lexneton on the base line arid reports that, there has been a ten inch rain fall io his locailly from Sept. 1 to dste. This would seem sufficient to insure these people a crop this year. vhe oerfart acwing machine that has alwnvn 11 all other nakeaan'J in to'l.y bttr t!vit vr. lv n-nchlnc f.i on lock alUch and chain stitch. Straight drop-(e.--d, hixh arm, bIi ban:ii. A complete not ol nuirhwnta V';ry nnn prarticl. etc., n'.tle for v.rv-riy unm. The lMfi.cLic it it" (ton "if r-.oTP-n .win" mi-hi.i. pr.i.T.'M, Fiml out ,S'jt it. SEND FO BOOK, FH-K. The 'I nth About win( ' Ihin.T," t.''!:nK yu run Mv t(i9 finest iwinK nioch OiM'io at a .rijl k Pi i ,l at ONLY tilt min.'M. I., er, . iv rii :;roct w.hnvo nn arrrt nn.i,ivr ,011 . :-5 VKAH ,tj;KN'Ti f:. f-t L;i furt. , ....! 1 uny IbJ ' r.e jU.n,ure wll wv, you maiipy. Tit it N' IVV. V Xlltts MillMO C... 4i Jjcktafl tn40zpt, .4 CfeMatr LOWER MAIN STREET HEPPNER, ORKGON WW wvWf THE CITY MEAT MARKET KINSMAN & HAlvIv.Props. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Sugar cured Ham and Baton and Home-rendered Lard. Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts. FRESH FISH THURSDAYS. The Danger 4ller Urlp. lies oten in a run down system, weak ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the slorious tonic, blood purifier and regulator of stomach, liver and kid- D'ys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strrngbten the nerves, build op the system and re st re' to health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only CO cent. Sold and per. feet satiif action guaranteed by Slocnm Drng Co. IT WILL DO IT Let the AKERS PATENT FASTEN ER reduce your draper troubles to a minimum this season. The futetier, which la Illustrated here, If itunH from hwt teel, h iviDg two brad strurk up from each )w which are driren Into the lin k when te Jaws are et up. ThU hold! the tick aa If In a Tlw. There are no riveta fotna through the stick to weaken or spilt It, use the best No. 6 d luck. straight grained ash aticka and first quality leather belt. We (aarante. th quality and w guarantee th workmanship. These draper will cost 70a no more than other make and they will tare 70a much time and annoyance. Don' fall to use one 00 four Barreatcr or Header this aeaabw. A NEW INSHUrfEiW I An ttHcliincnt for hoe drills as Illustrated here hns two very val uable and impnr nit features which eve-y 1 roKreblve farmer will nj'pieciiite tonce. Tlicy are niHde to tit any hoe, are easily ad jiiMe.l and i nnvei the double puroe of regulating the depth of nwinp an'i av nnu-c time 'idcsM-' the soil rtrmlvaro'itirt I lie (f'ain thiiH 'insuring iinmtd irtie germination. Pplendid results are obtai ne J from t heir use, Manufartured by Pendleton Iron Works, Pendleton. Oregon. We have an up-to-date machine shop and found ry and employ skilled workmen in every depart ment. We solicit your patronatre. no 4 o U o n u o n i