C. E. WOODSON. ATTORN "E Y-AT-LA W (Olflce In Palace Hotel Heppner, oreaon Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on went end of May Street Boppner Oregon. S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW. OIBoeln Court Hotwe, Heppner, Oregon, F. H. ROBINSON, LAWYER, lone, -' - - Oregon W. H. DOBYNS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW lone. - - "- Oregon. W. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of abstract booki in Morrow county. Hbppneb, Obboom J. P. WILLIAMS Justice of the Peace. Office with S. E. Van Vactor DR. M. A. LEACH DENTIST Permanently loosted In Heppner. Office in the new Fair building. Gas ad ministered. OSTEOPATHY AND MECHANO-T HER APY Dr. Martha S. Arledge. D. 0. Dr. J. P- Conder, M-T. D. Treatment of all diseases 99 per cent, of cases successfully treated without operation N. E. WINNARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN 4c SUItUEON Graduate of: Lenox College, 1885. Chicago Homeopathic Med Colleg 1890. Rusk Medical College, 1892. F. E. Boyden, M. D. Physician & Surgkom ' Office in rear of Patterson & Son's Drug Store. HEPPNER OREGON WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARLOR8 Three Doors South of Postoffice. Shaving 26c Haircutting 36i Bathroom In Connection. A. E. Patterson i Doers North PalHce Hotel TONSORIAL ARTIST Fine Baths Shaving 25c J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor HEPPNER OREGOS F. H- ROBINSON w. S. SMITH ROBINSON & SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate Farms and City Property forSle. Farms to rent. Correspondence solicited. Why He Wuu I. ate. "What made you so late?" 'I met Smithson." ' f"Well that was no reason why tou should be an hour late getting home to supper. ' ' "I know, but I asked Mm how he was feeling and he insisetd on telling ma about his stomach trouble. " "Did you tell him to take Cham berlain's Tablets?" "Sure, that Is what he needs." Sold by Patterson & Son. jj CORRESPONDENTS' PAGE, jj j: A News Budget From Writers From all Over the County. - 10 NE. Prof: Kaufman left last Saturday for Washington, where he went on a business trio. Mr. Olden, Sr. , Llew in on Monday night's train to visit with his child ren for some time. We understand thut the lone school will put on another play in the near future. Let it be soon. Wes McNabb and Milt Morgan were Heppner visitors last week, driving up and returning the same day. Mr. H. C. Woods and wife, of Al bany are here visiting with his bro ther, Bert Woods and family. Jim Stnrgill who has been working for Jacob fiortzer for the past year, went down to Portland last Wednes day. The lone Band gave a conceit last Sunday afternoon, the day being per feot. Quite a large crowd were pres ent. L. P.' Davidson and wife returned Monday evening after having spent a pleasant week with friends at over about Vale. S. E. Moore and family and Ike Howard and family went down to the Shutt ranch Sunday and report a very enjoyable day. Mr. Cronan, onr genial banker, went down to Portland last Wednes day to spend a short vacation with his wife and famiy. Anyone in need of Shang Hi roos ter eggs apply at B. P. Aacrs' chick en farm. B. F. has the makings of a young ostrich farm. L. P. Davidson went down to Port land one day last week to be gone for some little time. Lou is full of business these days. Ed Rood came up from Portland the other night. He went out and spent the night with J. Bortzer going up to Heppner the following evening. The Baptist Sunday School will serve ioe cream next Saturday after noon in the Wilmot building from 2 p. m. till every body has had their fill. Mrs. Howard Lane, of Lexington, was an lone visitor last Wednesday. She was accompanied by another young lady but we did not learn her name. John Cochran, while roaming over the hills one day last week, ran across a coyote den. John found seven of the little rascals in the bottom of the hole. We are glad to see Mr. Holt's boy who has been down with the typhoid fever around once more. A good many of us do not get off as easy as he did. The Latest About Mary. Mary had a litle lamb, growing thin and thinner; She wrapped it in a paper bag, and cooked that lamb for dinner. S B. Notson of Heppner spent Thursday niRht in lone. He was roaming about with Mr. Steiwer, who we believe is a candidate for district attorney. Geo. Miller came in to town last Tuesday with 135 dozen cackle berries. Geo. says the chickens aro doing fine and he is not chasing them up hill either. The baseball game played at Hepp- nei last Friday between lone and Heppner high school teams resulted in a victory for Heopner the score being seven to twelve. J. H. Bryson went out to Goose berry one dsy last week on a business triD. He was accompanied by W. H. Cronk. Both report a pleasant drive and say the crops look fine and dandy every where you look. The Masonic lodge had a nice little gathering last Wednesday afternoon and evenirg, C. O. Burrows and Jeau Gentry takina the third degree. A nice supper was sciTed atT. J. Carle's nt 6 o.cloik p. m., after which the nienibeis went back to the hall to finish up their routine work. Hats In Politics Mr. Wilson wanted to Knork Mr. Bryan into a cocked hat. Mr. Roose velt's hat is in the ring. Not his pnnama one, however. Mr. Bryan's hat is lying innocently in the road to Baltimore, filled fwith bricks. Mr. Clark's hat is being speken of by admirers of the picturesque. Mr Tuft's hat is being spoken through, It seems to os. Mr. LaFollette will eat his hat if he has withdrawn. Mr. Harmon has a bee in his bonnet. A surprise party was tendered Mrs. Eben Andrews Iat Thursday when the Ladies Aid went out to her place on Rhea creek, in one and two horse ahayi, each member taking something in the eatable line out. Here is a list of those who wont out to see her: Mesdames Cronk, Blake, O. Cochran, J. Cochran, Moore, Hale, Wilmot, Corson, King. Bryson, Padberg, How ard, and Lindsay. Now these ladies, asjvou are all aware, are very early risers and they made this suprise party at 9 a. ni. and they say they had the best dinner ever was. To say they had a goodt ime would be putting it mild. These are the kind of gather ings that make us all young. Let's have more of them. LEXINGTON. Harry McCormlck is the new section hand at Lexington. Mrs. Minnie Sutherland Is at Lex ington again, visiting her relatives. A number of Lexington people are complaining of colds and sore throat. Dad Wright has quit the section and is assisting the drayman with his work. Will Fnrzer'of Hynd Bros, ranch was a Lexington business visitor Thursday. Mrs. Burrows and daughters Ruth and Wilma were Heppner visitors over Sunday. Mies Ruth Borrows is rather lame in her foot these days.fthe resutlt of stepping on a tack. Uncle John Moyer is sufferng a great deal with a sore mouth and neuralgia in his head. Mr. and Mrs. Epb Eskelson left Saturday for a two months visit with Mr. Eskelson's relatives in Utah. , Mr. Reed 'and daughter Merrial were lone visitors Saturday. Mr. Reed will preach there on Sunday. Mr. Jones oame baok to Lexington after a few days in Cecil. Mr. Jones did some pruning of orchards there. Mr.C. O. Burrows left for his new borne at Adams, Ore., on Thursday. Mrs. Burrows will move and join Mr. Burrows next week. The Ladies Aid at their meeting at Mrs. W. P. McMillan's last Wednes day, elected Mrs. Elsie Beach to suc ceed Mrs. 0. O. Burrows as president. Mrs. Picket who went up to the saw mill to visit her daughter Is back in Lexington. Mrs. Picket intends buy ing Mis. Morey'i loo-n and if she does she kindly solicits your work. Mrs. Zink received the sad news that her brother, Mr. MoKinley had died near Salem. Mr. McKinley was well acquainted in Lexington, as he made his home here last summer. EIGHT MILE. Mose Ashbaugh is busy plowing summerfallow. Chas. Stanton suffered the loss of a valuable brood mare one day last week. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gay, Saturday, March80, 1912, a daughter. Mother and child doing well. An apptopriate program of songs and recitations in oommemoration of Easter will be given at the Liberty school bouse on Saturday evening. The Baptists of 'this section have perfected an organization here with Rev. Teague as pastor. They hold services the 3rd Sunday in each month at Liberty. The Eight Mile base ball enthusiasts will meet at R. W. Robison's on Sat urday afternoon to organize for the season. (Jome and get lfr.ed up as we expect to take a iall out of some of the other clubs this season. Bern At Dallas, Polk county, Ore gon, on Sunday. March 31, 1912 to Mr. and Mrs. Claud Huston a son. The child died in a few hours after birth, and Mr. Huston left on Monday morn ing for Dalll&s to attend the funreal. PINE CITY. Waldo Vincent has his orchard sprayed. I. O. Cox went to Echo Saturday, on business. .Tames Ayers has been spraying his orchard lately. Making garden is the order of the dav now in this part. Miss Goodal spent the week end at R. F. Wigglesworth's. The correspondent was so busy he forgot his items last week. Casper Payne and his father vsited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox, Sunday. Mrs. O. W. Vincent was a Heppner visitor Tuesdav, returning Wednesday. The Misses Ivy and Ada Matthews visited at Mrs. G. W. Vincent's, Sunday. Lambing is piefcty well through in lhisJoolity and every one reports a good per cent. Mrs. Chas. Barthoeloniew enter tained her sister'Mrs. Allan, for a few days recently. Misa Cora Vincent is home for her vacation. She has been teaching near lone the past winter. There will be preaching next Sun day, April the 7tli. at Pine City by theRev. Dr. ReeBe. The fruit trees aro beginning to bloom and it looks as though we would have an abundar.se of fruit this year. I. 0. Cox went to Heppner, Tues day, to meet his step-fat lire, Mr. Paine, who arrived from Virginia for his health and if his health improves he intends to looate here. CASTLE ROCK. Mrs. Marshall was in town Monday last. Fred Davis caught a boat Thursday last. Mr. Westou returned on Wednesday from Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons drove to Coyote Sunday. , L. M. Davis got off the local Sat urday from Irrigon. - The two Davis boys were riding for Mr. Deos tbis week. Earl Cramer is vsiting his sister. Mrs. Gibbons, this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Weston spent Saturday on their ranch loosing after fences. Messrs Marona Berry, andMcKenny left orders for groceries and grain Sunday last. Miss Postom took the train Tuesday for Pendleton to resume her school ftei a two-day layoff. Mrs. Bently and son Raymond, took the train for Hermiston, Thursday last, returning Sunday. The telephone men stopped over night with Davis & Co. They were on their way to Umatilla. Mr. Cramer ,of Hardman, came in Tuesday. He has rented the River side, farm , so we are informed. Robert Crooks was intown Thurs day night and Friday morning he and Jest Davis rode to Irrigon, looking for horses. Mr. John Marshall took the train for Canada, Monday last, returning Saturday. He was looking after property there. ' John Peterson, with bis daughters, the Misses jMinnie and Norah, took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Dav is, Sunday last. A bunch of cattle, belonging to Stanfield Brotbres were brought to the river this week. There were absut 200 head in the bunch. Mr. and Mrs Davis spent a very enjoyable hour with Mr. and Mrs. Carley, Saturday afternoon. Every thing looks fine on that side of the river. Mr. J. A. Gibbons moved to the Riverside farm, Sunday last, and with Mr. Cramer's help intends showng the old residents what he can do in the line of farming. L. M. Davis received from the Gard ner nurseries 100 Giant strawberry plants which he intends to experiment with at this plaoe. Many good points are claimed for them. Mr. John Muprhy, the president of the West-Irrigation project was in town the 21st and we soon learnxd that he pinned his faith on the gov ernment for irrigation. Hon. C. Murphy came in on No. 1 Sunday and after lunch was driven over the country by L. M. Davis. He as very erthusiastic over the land and future piospects of this part of Mor row county. J. A. Gibbons had four sacks of spuds come the other day which we understand he intends to plant and expects to need a car next fall to ship them to market. Here's wishing him success as a farmer. The Indians are on their spring roundup and have a good sized bunch of horses corralled here at this time. L. M. Davis started the spring buying at this place, startinsg in with two. He extpects to buy ten or fifteen bead. Friday evening the 22nd, found a number of friends enjoying the hos pitality of Mr. and Mrs. Bently. Mr. Marona brought the violin and with Mrs. Bently accompanying him on the piano. Mrs. J. S. Crooks also gsve n couple of selections that were great ly enjoyed by all. Messrs Valena and Yokrson, two real estate men of Bellingbam, Wn. , were in town thr 20th. J. B. Davis drove them out to look at some land, 7 miles from here. They were well pleased with the land, and we dis cussed the artician well proposition til we have some hopes that we may get enough interested to try for a well. They seemed taken up with the fact that borses running oat all winter should look as wsll as the team ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT. Age(aberYeparaltonlbrAs similatinStlttFoodandRfiiuia fing (lie Siomadis andJtowelsof. l)K'lIUJ.,U.fi!l Promotes DigcstionJCheprfur ness and RestJontains nciiiter Opiuni.Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. Pimpkm Sttdm MxUltUtt jbmtttti fimrmiit- , hi imimaltSm Anerfect Remedy for Consflpa linn . Sour StDmarJi.Diarrtwea Worms ,CortvulsKras.revensn nessandLossOFSLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YDRK Exast Copy of Wrapper. Wo M. Ayers Builder of Cement Side Walks and Septic Tanks. Esti mates given on all cement work. All work Reasonable Satisfaction. he drove, as they had been in off the grass but ten days. They made in quiries of prices of horses as well as land. We have the land, ahd if we can get the settlersfit won't take long to get water for the land. John P. (Jerry) Risk. Progressive RcpuMiean Candidate for Congress. "For Roosevelt and Progressive Policy; against Taft ami Stand- iiatism. Alwavs a true friend of the Orecon System The only candidate 'for Congress who dares oppose the Taft Admin istration and the old time political machine. (Paid Adv.) Lost. A ladies plain gold band rirg. Finder please leave at this ofiice and get reward. ot. Eggs for Setting. Pilza winning Anconas. Setting of 15 epgs t2.50. My chickens were prize winners at the recent Pendleton chicken show. MACK SMITH. f.22. tf. For Sale. A thoroughbred Jersey bull, one year of age and debotned. Will sell this animal cheap. EPH ESKELSON. Lexington, Oregon. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Alvays Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years i Era ill TMI CIHTUH OOMMHV. IW IOM OrTT. and Guaranteed to give School Entertainment By JUSTUS A. MILLER. The Hodsdon schoolhouse in District 50 was the scene of a very interesting; amusement participated in by the natural-born teacher, Miss Kate E. Boblit, the pupils and some outsiders. While all the pupils and the persons that assisted in the carrying outof the well -selected program, played their respective parts well. Much credit is due to Miss Boblit, a practical ideal teacher of rare pedagogical attain ments and a heart-and-soul co-educator of Morrow county, who labored assiduously to make this entertainment a brilliant success. A supper consisting of savory cakes and luscious pies, prepared by the of the district, appeased the appetite of the "inner man" of every one pesent. The following program was ren dered : Words of Welcome. I'm Glad I'm not a Girl. Little Violets. A Spelling match, creditably per formed by C. Miller, Edgar Copen haver and L. Ashinhust. Kate's Kitchen. A Terrible Tragedy. Song; "Last Rose of Summer" with organ accompaniment, w hich was well rendered, with rich, full melodi ous voices, by Miss Winnifred Smith, the most beautiful young lady within Cupids domain of this district, Mrs. White and two other persons. Song; "Oregon Grapes." rendered with the same skill ly the same sing ers. The Oirish Stulcnt. Negro Sermon, given by Mr. J. Moory, who by the way, would make a star performer ou the vaudeville stage. Dialogue by Miss Boblit and Mrs. A. Finley. Both ladies pel formed their respective roles well and botli could, by proper training, become rising stars in t lie theatrical world. Grover B. Swnggsit delighted the attentive audience with his skill snd ingenuity in the art of elocution. J. A. Milkr gave a brief discussion on the Public School and the English Language. Fresh buttermilk every dav from the Lexington Creamery for 15c per gallon at the Palm. Dr. Winnard has taken a special course on eye jiseasesand is prepare! to fit glasses properly. AW