1)A' VOL. 20. NO. 2. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1912 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 PER YEAR, .Classy ; 07 ll1". 'WW i3'Wh Clothe ALLEN IVTCRAW IS KILLED AT WHITNEY A ior master Ready-Tailored Clothes 4 There's no disputing the fact that at present time there are more men . wearing . ready-tailored clothes than ever before. In COLLEGIAN CLOTHES Ex-Marshal of Heppner is Shot to Death in Saloon of Baker County Town. 0 the great improvement in style, lit and finish is particularly 'marked . . ,. and there are comparatively few men who can afford to disdain the price-difference between COLLEGIAN CLOTHES and equivalent. qualities in made to measure garments. Our Spring and Summer showing far exceeds our best efforts of all past seasons. Prices range from $15.0 to "$30.00' Thomson Bros. Friday and Saturd; Nights Pathe's Weekly (12 Subjects) Including: Fort Wayne, Ind.IIeadon collision of Chicago Flyer and a freight. Washington. D.. C. Lafferty of Oregon. Paris, France The in hair dressing. Congressman latest fashions COMEDY: DRAMA: The Ecaped Lunatic. Proving His Love The Star Theater fll THE PALM Heppner's Leading Confection ery and Ice Cream Parlors ROBERT M. HART, - - PROPRIETOR J Can serve you now with nice, fresh Ice Cream. None better to be had in the city. Fine line of fresh Candies. i Leading Brands Cigars and Tobacco X The startling announcement was made at Heppner early Monday morn ing of the killing of Allen McCraw the (lav before at Whitney, Oreson. a small station on the SnrtiDter Valley raUroad some ten mile from Suropter. Mn u pll anfheni icatpil rer.nrt nf lha shooting reached Heppner, however, until tha arrival of the remains on Wtdnestlav evening accompanied by the mother and a brother of the j i The following account. of the ehoot irg is from the Morning Democrat of Tuesday', mid contains, the facts as gathered bv the Baker paper and fur nished us by Mr. .1. R. McCraw, who states that it is a fair account of the shuoting and the events leading up to it: ' "If yon are going to shoot mo shoot now," were the last words ever spok en by Jacob Allen McCraw for at that instant a stiot from a S2 caliber Colt automatic r volver in the bands ot John Irvine piervd him in tho right eye. two shots were hred into his body as he fell and tho remainder of the i (lumbers of the weapon emptied, into hia body as he lav on the floor. Death was caused bv the first shot. The tragedy occurred in a Whitney saloon Sunday forenoo.i, the murderer being employed as a bartender at the place. It followed an argument between the principals, because Mc draw had bought s drink and bad no money to pay for it at the time, hav ing gone out and borrowed the ciioe and returned to the saloon where the murder took phce. McCraw was a Heppner man secured by the Whitney authorities to act aa town marshal, anl he came recommended by the sheriff of Morrow county as a fearless officer. He was to have assumed bis official duties yesterday. The mur derer is a lumberjack who has been about Whitney md was sometimes employed as a bartender. f receding the last argument ' be tween the two, they had quarreled be cause MCoraw had admonished a man for attempting to strike an old man. The bangerson about the saloon twit ted him with being a "hired watch dog" employed to spy upon their ac tions. McCraw was a man 28 years old, 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighed 235 pounds. "Yes," he is alleged to have said, "I sot that fellow and I'll get some others before I am through with this t'.wn." When he onnie back with the money to pay lor the drink be had bought, Irvine refused to take it, making insulting remarks to the other. Throwing back his coat McCraw dared him to shoot, telling him he knew he had a gun concealed, but Irvine did -not take the oare at that time, but a few moments later when McCraw tried his bluff again he pulled his gun and shot him down. It developed on investig.tton that tha bad element in und arouud Wiht ney had put several officers out of business, and that MoCraw was hired for the purpose of a general "clean ins up," he having a reputation for such work in Morrow county. He was bluffing eood and strong when tli e shooting tcok place and the mur der was nothing more nor less than the "calling" of the bluff. The murderer is a native of South Carolina and the en'iie tvpe of taciturn, sullen moun taineer as Georse Setsor, the Ten ner an who shot and killed John Thomas in the Diamond bar. After the booting Irvine called up the sheriff's office, informe'I Deputy MCord of the crime and asked if he should come to this city to be under arrest. orncer. He left Heppner some two months ago, going to Payette Idaho and then to Whitney. He was a fear less fellow, a little given to quarrel someness especally when drinking, but never carried a gun or made gun plays trusting rather to his physical j powers to take care of himself: Funeral was held this morning at 1", under the auspices of Heppner Lodge No. 06 I. O. 0. F. , of which deceased was a member. The father, mother, and several brothers of the deceased were present aud attended the last sad rites. PROCLAMATION BY THE MAYOR Clean-Up Day For Heppner, Monday, April 22. To tho oitizens of the City of Heppner : By virtue of the power vested in uie as Mayor cf the City of Heppner, and acting m conjunction with the Com mon Council of said city, I do hereby proi-1'.iinj Monday, April 22, 1913, to be Official Clean-Up Day for the Citv of llepnner. On this date let every man, woman and. child join in to hflp carry out the work of cleaning up the yards, vacant lot,' bark alleys and streets of our city thoroughly cleaning up around tne pcnii fs and removing all trash anil rubbish. Such as can be burned shoe!'! be disposed. of in thw manner and all other rubbish hauled to con venient piles in the street whfre it can bo picked up and removed by teams that will be furnished for this purpose by the citv, free of charge. i I recoirrnend that th's day be made a holiday; that tho public school be dismissed, and that the citizens in general of the town observe the day as here sugeested, that our little city may be beautified aud all causes for sickness or disease be removed. I also further recommend that this matter have the earnest support of the Commercial Club of Heppner, and that that body in conjunction with the City Council and other citizens of Heppner, come together at ence and maJe aoch plans as will insure the soeedv and practical carrying out of this order. SAME. VAN VAC10R, , Mayor. 1912 CADILLAC Have you seen the new machine? It is a dandv. Albert Bawker is agent for this car t Henpner. Any body interested in a car enn hve a demonstration. Will also have a car for hire at reasonable rates. Leave orders at Palace hotel ard get prompt ?ervice. A T BRRT PAWKKER. fONE HIGH'S GOAT First Game of Season Grab bed by Local Team -Return Game on the 13th. Primary April 19, 1912 Ceo. T. Cochran Progressive Republican Candi date for Congress. I promise the people "that their will shall! be my sole guide." Born in Union County, Oregon, November 1, 1877. Educated in the schools of Oregon. A gradu ate of Stanford University. Admitted to the Bar in 1901. Four years in the Government Service, Phillippine Islands. Practiced law at LaGrande since 1906. Elected Water 'Superintendent for Eastern Oregon and knows Eastern Oregon's greatest need Irrigation. Favors: Presidential Primar ies; direct election of senators; 320 acre homesteads with 3 years residence and 6 months leave of absence; Panama Canal free to American shipping: efficient reg ulation of trusts and extension of Before a large crowd of students and townfolk,the Heppner Hish school baseball team dracged their oldtime rivals, lone High', down to humilia tion and defeat by the score of 13 to at the local school grounds last Fri day afternoon. The game started off with lone at the bat. The- "poultry city" lads wpre unable to connect with the ball effectively and went to the field with goose' gg to : their credit. For Heppner, Crawford was the first man up and lind out a .two-basstr. He scored on hits bv Vane Jones aud Hal", who'als-O scored, waking a total of three in the firpt canto. In-the-second ' Heppner failed to score, hut lone took a brace and ran two men across-tre home phte. This made the game Liven up to some ex tent and put irKirq ginger in the play ing of the' Hepnnerites. Jones set tled down to some good steady woik after that and with tho exception of the sixth when the visitors ran in thiee Ecores, lone didn't get much ac auaicttd with the. homo plate. The Heppner team did good work at the bat, getting eevtral two-base hits and Yeager's home run was the sensation of the game. They led the lone team on hits, runs, and stolen bases. In the box, Jones had it over Rictman while behind the bat, Young received very nicely but could not whip the ball to second as effectively as Uoch ran. Some of the new members of the Heppner team showed up very nicely until it came to base running and in that, judging from the actions of one or two. it would seem appro priate for the manager to provide Jounces so the sleepy members could take proper rest at the bases. Per hapS these players will not be caught dozing in the next game, but it might be well for the management to make some preparation for emergencies. Heppner and lone will cross bats again on the 13th inst. and lone will do her best to get revenge. In the meantime Heppner High is not rest ing on ber laurels but is carefully preparing to show lonw some more points of the game at the next meeting There was no lack of enthusiasm on the Bide lines as the students and pupils were thrre in goodly numbers and to add 1 o the snirlt, a competitive "root ing match" wis pulled off by teams from the sixth and eighth grades Manager Maddock had offered a pen nant to the team displaying the best rooting ability and the prize was awarded to the team of the Sitxh. FAVORS PERMNENT STREET IMPROVEMENT. Council is a Unit for Better Highways. There was an interesting meeting of the city council on Monday night. All members of the counoil, excepting C. A. Minor, were present, and May or Van Vactoi presided. Proper application was made and the council granted renewals ot the six saloon licenses in force the past quarter. Bills against thg ci;y were presented and allowed as follows: Light & Water Co. , current for ing tho city furnish the lumbor. it was ordered that the city 'furnish -Mr. Wilcox wiih not more than 00 feet zt post lu liter to male the improve mens nfc g ary on t'lis grsde. The committee on fire and wnter was instructed to continue its investi gation of the proposition to secrre water for street sprinkling purpose with n view to lining up something to brine relief in t'lis direction at aa earlv data as possible. Reaching the order of business com ing undrr the head of streets and pub lic property Councilman Currin nre sented a clipping from n Portland daily in whirh was dum'sid a new kind of hard road surfuco that he thought would be a fine thing for cur streets, and this brought about n gen eral discussion of the mutter of per manent etreet improvements for Hepp ner. 'Ibis is a subject that has btin oh. the minds of the new crmnci! pnd they have referred to it at other meetings. After an expression from the Mayer, in which ho tec out i.i. reasons for -the-taking op as Bonn as possible cf this wtru, and also'aiv-'tig instructions as to how the same conld he accomplished he called for a gen eral expression of the - council niul each individual member 'expressed ' himself as being heartily in favor of. proceeding just as soo:i B3 pr&cticaMe with permanent street improvements , taking Main street from the tiepet ti the power house as the firBt to begins on, and then proceed wiih tho sides streets aod cross streets just as fast asr- possible. Asa climax to the dis cussion, it was decided to have the Mayor make some investigations of different kinds of pavements. May or Van Vattor will take up thematter witl; the Umatilla county road expert at Pendleon next week and will also look into the Samuel Hill method of1 road surfacing, which is now being:' adopted by the town cf Goldeudale,. and later on the road expert may ber invited to visit Heppner and giv& estimates on the improving of our streets from the material that we have on hand. In the meantime tb. committee on streets and public pro perty have been authorized to make some very much needed temporary repairs to our streets by ewcloyiKfr -the county road grder and proceeding: as their judgment" dictates. The development of the street ira- piovement question also brought out other lines of civic improvement, not . the least of which will be a "clean up day" which the council have or dered for Monday April 22ad. This is fully set out in the mayor's procla- mation to be found elsewhere in this issue. And along this lino the city- physician is instructed to make an in vestigation of the sewage and cess pools of the town and bring into thp council his rerort concerning same, as the health of the city is to be con sidered along with all the other im provements. It is especilly desirable to have a report upon dumping of sewage and rubbish into Willow creek withiu the city limits, and the council is determined that the law with ref erence to these matters shall be strict ly enforced. The city council chambers were alsc to receive attention, and the councU have already made purchase of a tint table around which that body can gather, and expect to add new chiars. paper and paint and do away with i ht- benches that now grace tne side walls; of the room. These are improve ments long since needed, andne small outlay necessary to bring them abcu is certainly justfied. Permission was granted to the Li brary Association to place their bool: case in the council room and to hav the same open for the space of two hours ore afternoon of each week. The marshal was instruc.itd to mafc an investigation of the condition c.' March, 98 05; L. W. Br ggs, interest j tiues amj chimneys in the city jurisdiction of Interstate Corn- placed merce Commission :!monev system Sheriff Rand, however, i independent of Wall Street con trol. happened to be at Sumpter so he went to Whitney and brought the man to this city Sunday afternoon. The body of the victim was brought here last evening following the inquest, which was held by Coroner West at Whit ney. The mother and brother, J. R. McCraw, arrived here yesterday and will leave lor Heppner with the re mains of the victim thia evening. An investigation of the crime mta made by the district attorney yester day and a number of wltnefses were examined. They came to Baker yes terday afternoon and will appear be fore the grand jury which will take op consideration of the case thia morning." Allen McCraw was marshal of Hepp ner for number nf munths and nrov- ed himself an efficient and fearless 6,058 acres. Notice. There will be a meeting of the lone Local No 52 of the F. E. & O. U. of America, in lone on the 13th day of April 1912. for the purpose of placing an order for sacas. All members should send in a signed order or be present at tho meeting on said date. We would like to have other Locals place their orders with us. E. L. PADBERG, Secretary. Assessor Wells baa received an abstrct from the U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, showing homesteads deeded, timber and isolated lands bought in during the year ending March 1, 1912. The list contains on city bonds, 5450.00; Cox & Heymer, hauling, 15 cents: Martin Rfid, lum ber, $1.01; Wighnian Bros.. mlk for nest house, $22 06; City Meat Market for pest, house, fl.90;.E. E. Penman, wood to pest house. J8.00: Minor &i Co. , merchandise furnished pest house, $21.80; Mack Smith, salary, $75 00: killing dtig, !1.00, tundries, 00 cents; J. P. Williams, salaiy, $16 05; L. V. Briggs, salary, $3.33; S. E. Notson, salary, $25.00; Henry Beglow, 7,'a days labor, self and team, $30.00; Geo Blahm, 7 days labor, 17..".0; First National Bank, table, 100.00: Thos. Brennan, sharpening picks. 50 cents. The committee on streets and public property reported the need of im provements on the grade leading out of town along the place of W. A. Wilcox. -. The roost of the stock driven to town for shipment comes in over this road and are causing Mr. Wilcox considerable damage at a point where .the grade is.breakfng off on the lower side. Mr. Wilcex agrees to do all the work of repair necessary provid- make his report to the council at rest meeting. artt) th- Children fire much more likel , to contract the " contacious diseases when the chi'd has a coll. Thjt is why all medical authorities s:iy be ware of tolds. For the quick cere ct colds you will fii:d ne'bir,; 1 : t'er than C'hamlerlaiu'a Cough lhr.i-. Jv. It can be depended upon end is pleasant to take. For sale by Patter son & Son. Only one week moro remains in which to register. The last day iiv which to register before the primaries is next Tuesday, April 9th. Tho following is a summary of the regis tration: 500 Republican 146, Demo crat, 13. Socialist,' 7 Prohibition, Vi Independent and 8 No party. Total, 714. . It may be to your interest to gel my prices before buying watches, clocks or jewele'ry. C. R. Johnson,. Jeweler. . A