WEEK'S NEWS. Local and Personal Happenings. Go to the Bakery for 26 loavos for 11.00. yoor bread. Ohiokon dinner at the Palace Sunday wash day on Monday. on B. R. Patterson returned on Friday from a business trip to Portland. You need not pay so much for in surance. Talk to M. E. Smead. O. A. Devln is confined to his home by a eevere attack of rheumatism. Some desirable rooms to rent. In nuiro of Mrs. Frank Adkins. 2t. The latest iu Urge rues, 9 x 12 at only 11.25 each. Case Furniture Co, "WANTED ! ! Chichens Palace Hotel. Highest cash prices paid for hides pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse Milling Go. Sprinti time aaginl Whv cook din ner on Sunday when you can get din ner at the Palace? Cream Puffs at the Bakery every Saturday. All kinds of cookies and pastry at the Bakery. Chinese and Japan. A nice assort ment of mattings 25 cents to 40 cents at the Case Furniture Co. Our Go-cart tale lasts this month only. 25 per cent cut in price. Case Furniture Co, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wells return d from Portalnd last evening and were duly received bV their friends. E. D. Rood was in the city from Portland looking after business inter ests, leaving for home this rooming, Dist. Atty. VanVactor went to Pen dleton on Monday to prepare for the opening of the spring term of circuit court. It may he to your interest to get mv prices before buying watches clocks or iewelery. C. R. Johnson Jeweler. Guy Hadley came in from Hantaan Monday, on his way to Arlington where he will begin sheepshearing for the season. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Jones are un from Portland on a combined visit of business and pleasure and will remain for a few days. The order of the day among Hepp ner people is the cleaning of lawns and making of gardens, two things that cannot be resisted this splendid weather. Mrs. Harry L. Davis and little son Harold whose homo is in Oakland Calif, are here on a visit to the par ents of Mrs. Dava Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stevenson. Frederick Steiwer, republican can didate for the office of distriot attorney , came oyer from Pendleton on Monday and soent a few days campaigning in Morrow eounty. The Knights of the Maccabees en joyed a big time in I. O. O. F. hall on last Thursday evening. A bis banquet folowed the initiation of a larire number of candidates into the order. J. w. Vaughn is now located at Filer, Idaho, a new section of country being opened up not far from Twin Falls. Ha expnets to remain there all summer and stttes that he is well pleased with the country. The opening of the new Star Theater was attended by large crowds, This little theater is certainly finely arranged and Mr. Sparks shoul i be congratulated upon the good taste manifested in its appointments. The three-months-old hoy baby of Wm. Robinson's, a family camping near Oscar Minor's place died Tues day night. The iufant took suddenly ill witli a derangement of the heart and died before a physician could reach them. The Maccabees played ball with the High echool team on Sunday, or thonght thty did. Organizer Smith was responsible for the getting to gether of the lodge team. and tho school boys take creaitfor doing the rest and are still counting the score. MattT. Hughes returned from Port land the last of the week after having disposed of his two carloads of beef cattle. He was quite well satisfied with the prices received, and real'zed fair price for his hay. The feeding of cattle, however, was no big thing to the ranchers the past winter as the feeders cost too much to begin with. Mrs. Margaret Rebecca Swica lied at the home of her son, William Swick in Hood River Valley on Monday, March 18, after a short illness with pneumonia. She was 69 years of age, and for many years resided in tlx vicinity of Monument in Grant county, where another son. Lime Swick, now reside. W. O. Minor is well pleased w the results obtained at the sale of shorthorns In Portland during the recent stock show. He disposed of some of his calves and yearlings, receiving an average price of $230 per head. Mr. Minor had none of his stock prepared as "show stuff," lint when the sales were called they brought the best prices because of their being the best there. The demand for shorthorns is on the increase and orders Mr. Minor receives cannot be filled even to a small per cent. Our knowledge and skill in the art of taking measures, cutting and mak ing garment) euables us to give per fect satisfaction to the man sneking good fitting clothes. Remember all the work is done right here and not in Eastern sweat shops. It does not cost any more to have your olothes made right. FRIEDRIOH "The Tailor." J. Kirk and wife and Clint Sharp and family came down from Waterman Thursday and all went on lo Heponer Thursday except Mr. Kirk who return ed to Waterman. Saturday. Mr. Kirk and wife will make their home in Heppner, where they formerly resided and Mr. Sharp intends to buy a farm near that place. Spray Courier. Epli Eskelson and family, of Lex ington, depart this week on a visit of two months with relatives at Camas, Utah. Mr. Eskelson's father resides there and he has a large number of other relatives living in Utah and Colorado. Hon. Jerry Rusk, progressive can didate for congress, spent Friday night a Heppner. He addressed a goodly number of our voters at the Club building, letting them know how he stands on the issues of the day. In conjunction with the Knights of the Maccabees, the High school base ball team will give a danoe at the Club building on tomorrow evening. A good time is promised and the dance should be wi 11 patronized. Dr. Frank McFarland and Miss Eva Yates, both f Portland, were roeent- ly married in that city. The gloom is a son of Fran a MoFarland who was at one time engaged in business in Heppner. Attorney S. E. Van Vactor and family, accompanied by the Misses Ruby and Mary Corrigall, apnt Sun day at the Corrigall farm on Butter creek, going out by auto. Sherman Wakefield has 900 acres of growing wheat that is pronounced bv those wtib know aa the finest pros pect for a bumper crop ever seen in the county. Mrs Harvey Scott of Blackhose, is being treated at Heppner for a very severe attack of appendicitis. At last reports she was getting along well. The man who has his clothes made by Friedriuh the Tailor gets the best to be had at the price iu Fabric Fit and Finish. i, EASTERN OREGON IS STRONG FOR SELLING Candidate Has Many Friends East of Mountains. Newspapers of That Section Advise (he People to Support Selling. Church Announcements. M. K. CHURCH, SOUTH. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Eo- worth League, 6:30 p. m. Preahing morning and evening at Liberty school house, Eight Mile. BAPTIST CHURCH. Bible school, 10 a. m. Preaching morning ana evening. auoject ior morning. "Sagebrush or Alfalfa Chris tians. "Theme for evening, "Heaven, what sort of a place it is, where it is, and how to get there." Last Sunday night in the lone Baptist ohurch a B. Y. P. U. was organized and the fol lowing officers elected: Pres , Marie Cason; Vice-pres. Gertrude Nash: Sect. Edna Howard; Asst., Anna Lind say; Treasurer, Opal Padberg. M. E. CHURCH. Sunday school at 9:45: morning worship at 11. Subject, "How Rome was taken. Epworth League at 6:30 m. Eveninsg service at 7::i0; Subject, "Pntticg the first things. first." Everybody weloome. W. A. PRATT. Pastor. Positive In the belief that a change Is needed for the best interests of Oregon in the United States senate, many newspapers in Eastern Oregon have openly declared themselves for Ben Selling to succeed Senator Jona than Bourne. In a recent Issue the La Grande Evening Observer editorially remark ed: "The announcement that Ben Sell ing will make the race for the senate against Jonathan Bourne is received with considerable satisfaction, for all know that Selling is a thoroughly pro gressive citizen and stands for all the measures that are dear to the people, having been one of the legis lators who not only helped inaugurate the new form of government in this state, but also has been one of those who has constantly stood on guard to prevent repeal of any of the meas urea. "Mr. Bourne la practically a non resident of this state and is scarcely a taxpayer. He spends his entire time In the east and seldom visits the state that has' honored him. By the way, Mr. Voter, have you ever seen Jona than Bourne? What do you know about him other than to receive a let ter occasionally written by a paid stenographer and signed with a rubber stamp? Can you point to anything of Importance that he has done for Ore gon? You know of course that he voted with Aldrich and the rich men of the east on tariff issues. You know he owns a large cotton goods manufac turing plant on the Atlantic seaboard and that he is reputed to be worth $15,000,000. You know also that his Interests in Oregon are so meager that his tax is exactly $2.44 according to the Portland Journal of Sunday, Mar. 3rd. "All of these things being true, don't you think it is time to replace him with a citizen of the state a man who has lived over half a century In Oregon who has property nowhere else and who stands his share of taxes and works every day in the year to build up his state? "Is it not time for Oregon to be for Oregon, as Bill Hanley says, and de sist from Bending a rich aristocrat whose interests He in eastern states to assist In making laws for Oregon? "The people have a splendid oppor tunity to elect a man who will repre sent Oregon and the Oregon system, for Ben Selling aided materially in outlining and passing every law that gives the power of government direct ly to the people In this state." it OUTLOOK" FOR SELLING The First Pick of The Woolen Mills. Friedrich the Tailor has theexclua- ve agency in Morrow county for the Detmer Woolen Co. 6 stores in this and. Look for tha guarantee stamp on every yarj. Eggs for Setting. Single comb Rlmdo Island Reds, $1.50 per setting of 15. 5 p2r hun- red for incubator lots. Mrs. C. M. Herren. Inquira at Phill Conn's. Heppner Oregon, lm. Lost A brown mare weighing about lu(X); branded EE on right stifle; white etar in forehead. This animal disappeared from the cattle and horse reserve near Hardman in October last. A reward of f 10 will be paid for Information leading to the recovery of this animal. E. E. LOVGREN, 3t Eight Mile Oregon. Editor H. L. St. Clair Cornea Out Strong and Predicts Success. The Gresham Outlook, edited by H. L. St. Clair, one of the strong country papers of the state, has en dorsed the candidacy of Ben Selling for United States senator in no un mistakable language. Here is what tlx Outlook editorially has to say: "The candidacy of Ben Sell ing for the nomination as. United States senator, to take the place occupied by Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Is formally announced. Mr. Selling has been getting ready for this announcement for some time and he has been encourag ed by thousands of friends. Mr. - Selling is a man of practical af fairs, not theories. He is a good clean Republican, not a politician. He is a thorough Oregonian and stands for the best in the Oregon system. Ye look for him to make a sweep ing campaign and not only se cure the nomination on April 19, but the election in the fall. "Mr. Selling tells in his de claration what he will stand for and try to accomplish if elected: " 'If I am nominated and elect ed, I will, during my term of of fice, uphold the Oregon system: support tariff revision with jus tice to labor, producer and con sumer; larger appropriations under continuing contracts for Oregon's rivers and harbors; lo cal Federal land courts for speedily determining settlers' rights; administration of forest reserves in the interest of our people; return of Oregon's re clamation fund; immediate de velopment of Alaska's resources under government control; pen sions for deserving veterans; federal regulation of corpora tions; an elastic monetary sys tem free from Wall street influ ence; graduated Income tax; presidential primaries; direct lection president, rice presi dent and United States sena tors; free canal for Americas ships; parcels post; oppose spe cial IntersU; s&l tfclCle" I Sfllm a lip A Garment has been design ed for YOU You'll find these new garments to your liking in every way. They can be re lied upon for Better Service, the work manship, materials and linings being the very best to be had. For all this extra quality, style and service, you'll have to pay no more than has been a custom with you $17.50 to $25.00 The greater part of this line is now in stock and we are receiving a few new garments every few days by express. Look here before you buy. MINOR & CO. HEPPNER, OREGON Easter will mean much more if your tailoring comes from A. E. Anderson &- Co. TAILORS CHICAGO Fit, materials and workman ship guaranteed. Style to suit your fancy. Order now and let us con vince you that this is "The Tailoring You Need." Leave Your Orders With SAM HUGHES He Guarantees Satisfaction CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Wanted. By a man and wife, a position on ranch. Both know ranch work and guarantee satisfaction. Inquire at this office. 3t. Wanted. A man with a team to do farm this office. s'X or work. eight-bone Inquire at REMEMBER! IT IS BUT A FEW DAYS 'TIL EASTER Get your post-cards and Easter novelties Chickens. etc.-NOW,.at Rabbits, SLOCUM DRUG CO.