HEED THE I1 Many Heppner People Have Done So. Wnen the kidnevs are sick they give unmistakable warnings that should not be ignored. By examining the iidneys on the first sign of disorder, many days of suffering may be saved. Sik kidnevs expell a dark, ill-smell ing urine, full of "brickdusf 'sediment and painful in passage. biugeien kidneys sauso a dull pain in the small cf the back, headaolies dizzy spell tired, languid feelings and frequent rheumatic twinges. Dean's Kidney Pills are for the kid If vou suffer from any f ih .hnua Hvmntoma vou can nse s . uv j r tin better remedy. Heppner people recommend Doan's Kidnev Pills. Arthur Daly, Main St. Heppner, flrpo-nn. savs: "Several years ago my kidneys became disordered and the kidney secretions caused me much annoyance by their irregularity in passage. Being told to try Doan'a Kidney Pills, Idid so and the kcon- anfa et faun hflTPfl effected a cure. I CI 4 9 V wiv I am enjoyin better healtn than fcave tor years. " Fnr sale hv all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Red Front Livery & Feed Stables Willis Stewart, Prop FIRST-CLASS LIVERY RIGS Kept constantly on hand and can be furnished on short notice to parties wishing to drive into the interior. First class : : Hacks and Buggies CALL AROUND AND SEE US. WE CATER TO THE : : : : : COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS AND CAN FURNISH RIGS AND DRIVER ON SHORT NOTICE : : HEPPNER, -OREGON PNEUMONIA left me with a frightful cough and very weak. I had spells when I could hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 minutes. My doctor could not help me, but I was completely cured by DR. KING'S Hew Discovery Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, 111. SOc AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. THE SEWING MACHINE OF QUALITY. NOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME. lumixi v C ME WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If yon purchase the NKW HOME you will kave a life aisxi t at tlie price you pay, and will not have an endless chain of repairs. Ji Quality JjOj Considered it is the Cheapest in the end lo buy. If yt.u want a fc' winsj rnnchinc, write foi Our i.-i'-st citsil'Mrue 1" lore yo j j.unhaM.'. ::e Co, Crze. Mass. "6 1 JlVi4 OVER 65 YEA .ZL-.5. - EXPERIENC R3 CE . . w Trade Marks 4 Designs 'tnt CoprwtGHTs Ac AftTrme n11nf tketrh and dwrrintton mmf liiTni i"H 1 T ImNif pnietifit. -n-mun,r. ,Mtriciiycm(tdiiiiiU. HANDBOOK on Patnt erii fr. Me mnertcj for ecurnif p&tTit. Patnf tn thnuvh Muon A Co. reclT 4rimi net vilhaat cbary, la U Scientific American. rntnXiM of mnj trtnuOc J' - rnL. 1 rmi. m jmr : four montia. $U tM4 aJ nw)Aftirft. KUXJICo"KewTork duo oo. am, wrtimw, n, u keem ! vsmm CHARGE AGAINST TAFTJNFOUHDED Administration Does Not Use Office-Holders to Get Delegates. The Initial statement of Senator Dix on, in regard to the sins of the admin istration in lining up office-holders to get Taft delegates to the.ntalonal con vention, is as idle as it is ill founded. As long ago aa last Decomber, Presi dent Taft directed that office holders in the southern states were not to be chosen as delegates to Chicago In his behalf, and every veil posted politi cian knows that in the distribution of patronage in the southern states, this administration has turned a deaf ear to all pre-conventlon suggestions. People who recall the pleasure and avidity with which President Roose velt coralled the southern delegates for Mr Taft four years ago, the em phasis with which he Instructed Frank H. Hitchcock to "Cinch 'em" and the glee with which he received the news that Hitchcock had carried out his in structions, regard the statement of Senator Dixon as a blunder. Indeed it Is not necessary to go back four years to witness the seal ith which Mr. Roosevelt and his as sociates have gone after these same, delegates. Only a few weeks ago, Ormsby McHarg was going through the south promising large sums to those who would procure Roosevelt delegations. Moreover, nothing will be attempted In this campaign by the administration half so raw as Mr. Roosevelt himself worked to secure his own re-election As one instance of this a resident of St. Johns, who was a postmaster or fourth class office In Arkansas in 1904, the fees of which amounted to about $8.00 a year, declares he - re- '. "feuaV C 1 I ' X. PRESIDENT TAFT celved a letter from the Roosevelt campaign managers at that time, stat ing that he and all other postmasters of the fourth class had been assessed $25.00 for the Roosevelt campaign. M'HARG IS ON THE JOB His work for Roosevelt will not get much support in this state. The news that Ormsby McHarg is one of the Roosevelt managers and is going through the country organizing a following for the Oyster Bay candi date will not be received with entire approbation by people of Oregon. They will remember that it was this same ormsoy .Meiiarg wno came to Oregon just a few short years ago and did everything in his power to induce members of the State Legislature to violate their most solemn pledges to he people by refusing to support state ment No. 1. At that time Ormsby McHarg was evidently not so much of a progressive s lie has become in this campaign. The people of Oregon had declared for George E. Chamberlain for United tates senator. But Ormsby McHarg id not then wan the people to rule. One of the most disgraceful scenes ver witnessed at the Oregon capital was this McHarg person bringing ev ery possible influence to bear to get weak-kifeed legislators to disregard the peoples' Instructions, violate their statement No. 1 pledge and cast their ballot for a Republican senator. It Is an open and notorious fact, aa well known as anything else during that session. Do Oregon Republicans want to vote for a Drofess4 reformer like Roose velt who has Ormsay McHarg oa his taffl , FRIENDS PUT HIM IN BAD Roosevelt Campaign Shows I Has Been Put Into Poor Hands. Theodore Roosevelt has already been put on the defensive in his third term candidacy, more than anything else, through the inaptitude of his friends. Facing the unusual situation of a third term candidacy, they have not risen equal to the situation. Senator Dixon, Roosevelt's manager, made a bad mistake In a recent ad dress and Roosevelt must have regret ted later that he did not look over his remarks before they were published, Mr. Dixon said that for more than 60 years, the Republican party has con trolled the policies of the nation and then referred to the loss of the House by the Republicans In 1910 as the first break in party rule. But most everyone knows that if the loss of the lower House of Congress constitutes such a break in party rule, the Republican party has been in con trol in Washington only 32 years out of the last 50, and since 1872, only 22 years out of the last 40. In that time, there have been two Democratic ad ministrations and many Republican senates. ' In fact, the Republican party Is as much in command today as has been during a large part of the time since the beginning of Grant's second administration. Mr. Dixon laments the loss of the House In 1910 as an unprecedented disaster. Yet, in four of the last seven preceding Republican administrations, the House was lost in the mid term year, in 1874, 1878, 1882 and 1890. Mr. Dixon of course tries to throw the blame of this condition on PresI dent Taft, but the truth is that it was as much the Senator's fault as any 'HHfHM Winn - . body's. He himself was a willing worker with Senator Aldrlch, to pre vent adequate tariff revision and he was as a matter of fact among the most steadfast stand-patters in the Senate. Mr. Dixon's manifesto also seems to be ill-considered when he says that Mr. Taft must rely for his support in the Chicago convention upon delegates from the south and those possibly of the east and north when direct pri maries do not prevail, but where the party machine is dominant. Just what states Mr. Dixon believes are conven tion ridden, would be hard to say. Delegates will be chosen by direct vote in Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Possibly also in Maryland and New Hampshire. The only northern states east of the Missouri river clinging to the convention system are Rhode Is land, Connecticutt, Vermont, Delaware, West Virginia, Michigan, Iowa and Missouri, and of these last, four are claimed as friendly by the anti-Taft campaigners. President Upholds Militia. President Taft regards as unpatri otic the disposition in some quarters to discourage enlistment In state mil itias. In a recent speech he character ized this branch of the national de fens as a prime necessity. He said: "There Is, in some quarters, a dis position to discourage enlistment In the National guard. This Is unpatri otic and ought to b frowned upon. Eery man who enlists should be made to feel that he la preparing his country for -feasible eaerfsQcy," v.::r;w ...... i . S - - I - ' ' . 77 ! .! Republican Progressive Candidate for Congress N. J. Sinnott, who will be re publican congressional candidate at the coming primaries, was born at The Dalles, Oregon. For the past twelve years he has been the law partner of Judge A. S. Bennett under the firm name of Bennett & Sinnott, at The Dalles, Oregon. Mr. Sinnott represented Wasco and Hood River counties in the last two sessions of the State Senate. Advocates the trial in this Con gressional District of civil and criminal cases arising therein and triable in the Federal Courts. Prevention of gambling in farm products. Income tax. Direct election of U. S. Senators. Presi dential primaries. Maintenance of the Oregon system. More liber al homestead laws in line with the Borah homestead bill. Parcels post. Freest use of forest reserves and natural resources consistent with liberal conservation ideas. A tariff based on the difference in the cost of products at home and abroad. Free canal for American ships. Restoration to Oregon of its just share of the reclamation fund. (Paid Adv.) For Sale. Mules don't have the " waiting disease." Why not raise gome? Buy jack from J. I. Knapppenburg, lone, Or. Can show three crops of nolts at the ranch. Or will trade for livestock. Notice to Mule Raisers. We have for sale at our ranch at Condon three well bred Jacks shipped oat from Missouri last November. For prices and terms apply to Dunn Bros. Lost. A yearling bay colt, with one white hind fcot, branded :Pon right shoulder. This animal was missed from the Andrew Xeal pasture at Lone Rock the early part of October 1911. A reward of to 00 will be paid for in formation leading to its recovery. AARON PETERSON, 1 mo. ' Eieht Miile Oreeon. IwGeaolM HiriM?e?l'i, Now $ A MONTH Too eaa pne tba latest mod I. vanuina Domes tic, th rieocnit Quoien of all sewing friar hln. In vour homs. Use it continually whiU paying $2 month, and en 10V a vary Dcial Brie ...g itTf.x toyon or irom our nrwi ajirry. A mrpni6cnt mfhina l'JDr.rlouai o(Ti. We Will Take Your Old Machine iJ,Jri"l liberal alio wan r on a iplenid nw Domestic . Ar.d yoa can autl tak van tag of Ox special price and aaa: terms. the perfect sewing machine that haa always len ft" othci nakes and is today cottar than vr. two rnacmnsi n on lock stitch ana chain titch. btraiKiit irop ta'J. hijth arm, hall boaririB-. A complete act of tlJ"-rimnt- ry one practical, eu:., mane tot every -iy use. i ne "'ni ir. -.f nnrf.n. ..in. im,vrru. Find out shout it SEND FOR BOOK. FREE, The Truth About Suwir.s laclnnpft," ti-tlinjf you how you can hav" th nnoat wwmi nieoh o mailt at a Hrx-rtal Low rnre ami at 'irii.i s a mnnin. ri hy we Kell direct whe.-s we havenoatrent ani iriv- you a 26 YKAK UAKANI KB. (let trie facte t."fure yn i buy any mi. hsne. Tlus 're IJtrmtiire wiil nave yau money, rul for it N' , iW Sskmhj Miasms M.( Jimmi !.. utpu twraer a ' yQy WILL Let the AKERS PATENT FASTEN ER reduce your draper troubles to a minimum this season. The faitener, which it illustrated here, li stamped from sheet ateel, h ivlnt two bradi struck up from each jaw which are driven into the stick when te Jaws are set up. This holds the atlck as if in a ise. There are no rivets eolns; through the stick to weaken or split It. We use the best No. 6 duck, straight grained ash sticks and first quality leather belt. We guarantee the quality and we guarantee the workmanship. These drapers will cost yon no more than other makes and they will save you much time and annoyance. Don' fall to dm one on your Harvester or Header this season. or 3E Notice! Call and look over the new line of SPRING & SUMMER SAMPLES Just Received. LOUIS PEARSON, Tailor. 01 3: VAWTR CRAWFORD Notary Public Insurance Agent Represents some Leading Fire Insurance Companies, Including The Home of New York, The Hartford, and The Plurnlx of London, also American Bonding Co. of Baltimore. Office: Gazette, Heppner, Oregon Colonist Fares :D A March 1 to April 15, 1912 From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United States to all points in the NORTHWEST on the Orepfl-Washiugfon Railroad & Navigation Company From Chicago $33.00 " St Louis - $32.00 ' Omaha - - $25.00 " Kansas City - $25.00 " St Paul - - $25.00 Proportionately low fares from all other points. Direct con nections from Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, and Kansas City over the C. (EL N. W., Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line and O. W. R. CEL N. Lines Protected by automatic Block Signal. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES While these rates applv Westbound only, fares may be prepaid by depositing value of the ticket with vour local agent, and an order will be telegraphed to any address given. Aid in telling of onr vast resources and wonderful opportu nities for HOME BUILDING. Illustrated and reliable printed matter will be mailed any one to whom you wish it sent. J. B. HUDDLESTON Local Agent MIKE HEALY, ProfrikTor Telephone... Livery Stable TELEPHONE 201 COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND FIRST-CLASS SERVICE. T WE PAY FOR ALL TELEPHONES FOP RIGS. LOWER MAIN STREET HEPPNER, OREGON THE CITY MEAT MARKET KINSMAN, lirbb& LEWIS, Props. Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ham and Bacon and Home-rendered Lard. Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts. FRESH FISH THURSDAYS. A NEW An Unc'himnt for UHMeenil inipor tit ). i.i- inH' min e, in-i.-il atimiT tin- sowinit n'l nt M hiii timn i,rcs-rs tlie n finnlvHrniiiul ihe (trin thus iiifnriiie iinmtii- in'v KcrrtiiUHiion. t 1 Spl-inli'l ri-mlls are ol.iaiiK'ii from their ue, Manufactured Ty Pendleton Iron Works, Pendleton. Oregon. We have an up-to-date machine shop and found ry and employ skilled workmen in every depart ment. We solicit your patronage. 38E 8i - I LY: THE HOME OF THE SPOTTED HORSES mSTRVMENT hoe drills i 1 1 HRtrn1e here 1ms two vpry vl feitturt'8 whiirh eve-y r mtrrossive fnrmrr will incy Hre nmne io ni any nop, nre ensuy ad uouuie purpose of regulating the depth of Ji to 4