C. E. WOODSON. ATTORN EY-AT-L AW OTIIc In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on vest end of May Street Heppner Oregon. S. E. Not son ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In Court House, Heppner, Oregon F. H. ROBINSON, LAWYER, lone, - -' - Oregon W.H. DOBYNS. ATTORN EY-AT-L AW lone. Oregon IV. L. SMITH. ABSTRACTER. Only complete tet in Morrow county. Hbppnkb, of abstract oooki Obbook J. P. WILLIAMS Justice of the Peace. Office with S. E. Van Vactor DR. M. A. LEACH DBNTIHT Permanently looated in Heppner, Offloe In the new Fair building. Gas ad ministered. OSTEOPATHY AND MECIIANO-TIIERAPY Dr. Martha S. Arledae. D. 0 Dr, J. P. Conder, M-T- D- Treatment of all diseases S9 per cent, of canes successfully treated ' witnoui operation ... N. E. WINNARD, M. D. PHYSICIAN & 81RVEON Graduate of: Lenox Colleflre. 1885. Chicago Homeopathic Med Collegt 1890 Rusk Medical College, 1892. F. E. Boyden, M. D. Physician & Sukoeom Office in rear of Patterson & Son's Drug Store. HEPPNER OREGON WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARLORS Three Doors South of Postoffice. Shaving 26c Haircntting S5 Bathroom In Connection. A. E. Patterson 2 Doors North Palace Hotel TONSORIAL ARTIST Fink Baths Shaving 25c J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor HEPPNER OREGON F. H ROBINSON W. S. SMITH ROBINSON & SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate Farms and City Property for Sale, to rent. Correspondence solicited. Farms SEEDS Good gardeners are those who raise good flow- U004 eublescome I er and vegetables. flowers anil vce from r,ood seeds. Wc pro- duce good seeds the tnfer- ence Is obvtous. For sale J l everywhere. I flit SEED ANNUAL I Tm mm Beqaeat t .rrMTica. S jj CORRESPONDENTS' PAGE. j j: A News Budget From Writers From : i; all Over the County. IONE. We did not see Sliding Bill at church last Sunday night. Wonder where he was. Mr. Borrows or Lexington was an lone visitor one day last week. Come and see us again Mr. Burrows Roy Akers left Mondav morning for Idaho, where he will help his brother in-law with the spring work. Mrs. Walter Eubanks, of Pendleton, has been here several days visiting with her mother, Mrs. Halvorsen Mrs. John Wilt and daughter made visit to Heppner Mondav of last week, returning the following day, Mae Wattenburger came down to lone to see us last Saturday. Come again Mae when jou can stay longer. Fred Nicholson went np above Walla Walla last week to see a party who is anticipating a well drilled somewhere in this locality. Nels Swanson and wife left last Friday morning for Idaho where they will visit for some time with their son Einil who is located op there. The moving picture show given at Walker's hall last Saturday night was first nlasain every respect. Better go see it next Saturday night and have jolly good laugh. The best egg day of the season up to date was last Saturday, the O. T. Walker Eat. getting 16 cases holding 30 dozen each. Stay with it you fea thered varmints. Ross Shaver who was here for some time a couple of years ago is back with us again. He airived Snnday morning from Kansas City and ex pects to stay in this locality. Fox to rabbit sitting in a hole- Why don't you come outside? Rabbit Because if I came outside I might get inside; and if I stay in side I'm certan to remain outside. R. M. Akers is wearing a broad smile these days. The well drillers have just completed a well for him getting an abundance of water at bout 100 feet The railway bridge builders have been here several days, working on the water tank which needed it sadly, We hope next time they come it will be to pat up a steel tank. Frank Woods retained from Hepp ner, Tuesday ol last week, where be has been for some time recovering from an opeiation for appendioitis Frank is feeing pretty good again, F. H. Robinson returned from Port land last week where be went to have a slight operation. Frank says he feels much better and is as busy as bee these days registering the pros pective voters. E. M. Shott was up from the ranch last Saturday with a bunch of cackle berries and some of that good country butter that tastes like more. E. M says there is no hard work on these creek ranches all same vacation. Lee Padberg is very busy these days fencing his lots. Stay with it Lee; helps the appearance of things wonderfully. There are a few more of us that have fences that need fix- ins ; wonder if we oould get Lee into the notion of helping us? W. H. Cronk and family went up to Lexington last Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. Burrows. We understand Mr. Burrows is going to leave Lexington and move to Adams here his company has a location for We do not like to lose men of Mr. Burrows' type but our locality's loss will be another's gain. A Sad Calendar. an et was quite ill one day; Feb rile trouble came her way. Mar tyr-like, she lay in bed; Apr oned nurses softly sped. May be said the doc. judicial, Junket would be beneficial. Jul eps, too though freely tried Ang--ured ill for Janet died. Sep ulchre was sadly made Oct aves pealed and prayers were said Nov ices with many a tear Dec orated Janet's bier. The Y. P. B. 0. served supper in the ,Wilmot building last Saturday evening. Did they have anything good to'eat? Well I should snicker. Yom yum! Th"se fine cakes and those chicken sandwiches just like mother used to make; they had beans hot and beans cold and everything imaginable for the young and old and they had a goodly crowd in attendance. Table after table was filled and the young people waited on the feasters in a way that would please a king. We wish this yoong society all that is possible ar.d we hope they will have many more such pleasant gather ings. 1 LEXINGTON. Mr. Thomas Lyness was a Lexing ton visitor on Wednesday. Mrs. Brashears is entertaining her mother front Walla Walla Wn. Mrs. W. M. Mcillan and Miss Vesta Outsforth visited a day in lone. Mrs. Ed Dnran, who baa been quite ill for some time is better at this writing. M. and Mr". Caniff and daughter Merle will leave for their new home on Wednesday. Mr. Al Zina went up to Heppner, Tuesday, and was operated on for appendicits on Wednesday. Ohas. Schaz, the new Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. man, is here getting acquainted with friends and patrons, Mrs. Al Zink returned from visiting her brother near Salem. Mr. Zink sister, Mrs. Hewitt, accompanied her home. Mrs. Rowena Gentry and two child ren went up to Heppner on Saturday night. Mr", Gentry will have some dentistry work done while there. Mrs. Ella Craven Wheeler will give another lecture at the Congregational church March 25. Admission 25 cents, Mrs. Wheelet is an interesting talker and everyone who can should hear bar, The Ladies Improvement society wish to announce that any money con tributions will be gladly received. Payments may be made to either Mrs. xom ceymer, Mrs. will crow, or Mrs. M ankers. Two Swedish boys from Minnesota are the latest new comers in our city. One of the young men bought a piece of land here. Both are well pleased with the country. Tbey expect more comers from Minnesota soon. Lexington will be sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. C O. Burrows, who will make their future home at Adams. Mr. Burrows has been the Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co. man in our city for the past three years. The Bnrrows'will leave many friends when they depart for their new home about April 1. Misses Wllma and Ruth will remain until school closes, when they will join their parents. We wish Mr. Burrows success in his new place. SAND HOLLOW. R. B. Rice bought two cows at the Blabm sale. Arthur Ashinhust is now working for Hynd Bros. This nice weather Is very favorable to the lambing season. Claud White has to make two tiips a week to the creamery. Miss Boblet visited Mrs. Finley from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finley were Sunday visitors of Mr. Tucker and family. R. B. Rice ad W. L. Copenhaver Rhea creek made a business trip to last week. Ernest Smith and Miss Maxwell attended the basket dinner at Pine City Sunday. W. L. Copenhaver purchased a fat bog and two Jersey calves from Law rence Redding. Mrs. Subert and Miss Ida Copen haver were visiting their father a few days last week. Miss Winnie Smith, Miss Boblet and Roy Campbell visited Mrs. Sarah White Sunday. Spring barley is coming uo well. All ersin looks fine and not many squirrels are to be seen at present. Teachers, pupils and several out siders have been busy for several days preparing for the closing of school. S. S. was reorganized and will be held as usual soon as the literature arrives which should be about April rst. Edgar Copenhaver oame very near having a serious accident happen him one day at school Glad to say bis eye was not seriously injured. PudiIs should be more careful in their play. i Irrigon hasn't any the bettor of Sand Hollow when it comes to the chicken business as Claud White has pen of Anconas and Black Minorcas; R B. Rice a pen of large Plymouth Rocks and R. I. Reds and Joe Sibley has the Anconas, Minorcas and R. I. Reds. All three run incubators and can furnish eggs or baby chicken at reasonable prices. ALPINE. B. Finley lost a nice heifer last w. week. Alpine closed Friday Lambng begins in this vicinity about April 25th this year. M. Mills Is living on Butter oreek now. in the employ of Mr. Matthews, Oscar Szepanek was plowing for tl Alpine ranch a few days the past week. Quite a number of Alpine folks at tended the basket dinner at Pine City Sunday last. Mr. Ewing of Cecil was in the nieghborhood lately to see about get ting our school the coming year. W. D. Hoeye arrived from the Val I UL icy wun nis iamny last week and is at home on the homestead again. j as. farmer suiter el quite a severe misfortune lately. While out hunting a stray cow his pony threw him breaking the collar bone. At last reports he was getting along nicely. PARKERS MILL. A. L. Ayers retuned from recently, and his wit will a trip return soon. .There is a man living in our neigh borhood that expects a new son-in-law soon. The snow at Parker's Mill is about five inohes and still old mother nature seems to throw down her gems. The dance at the sehoolhouse was success, and was well attended. The only incident to mar the pleasure of the occasion was a short bat severe attack of sickness by Chas. Ridgewav about eleven o'clock. He was very sick for a few minutes. Guy Fuller says he will be a mil lionaire soon, if everything turns out OK. Paul Webb has a new time piece, Paul is very proud of this time piece; its name is Waterberry. Harley Matteson ear-marked him self reoently in a barbed wire fence by running a barb through his ear, The big dance at the mountain school house was well attended There were abont 50 present. Every body repotted a good time. Harley and Walter Matteson killed two bob cats recently near Rbea creek, and while hunting cats they killed 12 porcupines. These animals are .getting very thick" near Rhea creek. Artie Brown took a notion a'few days ago that he would get a partner for the dance, so he rambled over to Mr. Davises to say the big word, bnt when he landed there was no one present. He found out soon that she was down to John Ridgeway's and had been there for three days. Art was out of uck. Harley, Edgar, Elmer and Loren Matteson killed a big bob cat reccent ty on House Log. They had a hard chase for this animal but at last they found him in a big tree. The dogs had treed him about half a mile from where he started. IRRIGON. Earl Ross of Coolidge was an Irri gon visitor Sunday. Mr. Seaman purchased the 5-acre tract of Mr. Ferdinand Baner. It is a choioe piece of land lying close to town. Saturday night a dsnce was held at the E. & W. ball. There was a good attendance an an enjoyable time was reported. We expect to report quite a number of real estate deals in the near future as things are beginning to liven np a little already. The water is now running int he big ditch and it will only be a matter of a few days when the irrigating season will be upon us. There am seven more weeks of school for the Irrigon pupils. Among so many contending emotions it is bard to say whether they are glad or sorry. Miss Park received word that her brother, in Herraiston, was ill. She went down Friday afternoon and, find ing him muoh better returned Sunday. Miss Kelly is now a visitor in Irri gon among her many friends. During her absence, of about ten months, she visited the Hot Lakes as a cure for rheu matism and is now on her way to her home in Pomeroy, staying here for a few days. A first class ball game was pulled oft here last Sunday p. m. Irrigon has some good players anl altho it has never done any real tea a work many ata under the impression that they can put up a pretty good scrap against an outside team. We wish we coald get a match game with some of oar neighboring towns; viz. Lexington, lone, or even Heppner. What say you boys? A came is being arranged with Umatilla for next Sun day. Dr. Wlnnard has taken a apoial course on eve iiseaaMand is prepare! j School at March 15. to fit glass properly, - - ALCOHOL 3 PER r;EN i Age(able PreparafionKrAs sunilaftoS tfieFootf amiRWirfa. ling tlie Stomachs anditowisaf Promotes Digestionhterfur ness and RestXonlains neither Opium.Morphine norMiacraL! NOT NARCOTIC. ISCtrknukSdl Anerfeet Remedv for Consft nnn . sour ammarji.uiarniw WormsffflrvulsKmsJwensfr mss arfLOSS OF 2LEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Ezaat Copy of Wrapper. KILLS COPHEI SAGE RATS SQUIRRELSTAHL) PRAIRIED005 ffcwmrw ranteetl under mttii; rr; : nr-i m m w mar in V ,J al r REQUIRES NO MIXING OR PREPARATION, ALWAYS READY FOR USft WHIN YOU BUY, DEMAND TffC BEST., GET Trie WOOOlARn BHAn u MOffYBACXjrNOrASUAfifU. CLARKC.WQODWARO DRU0 CO. portlahd.ori. I ; ; " I - Y' !- imm, wi .:S31S ::jMi- 4 ', ' T" f John P. (Jerry) Rusk. Progressive Republican Candidate for Congress. "For Roosevelt and Progressive Policy: against Taft and Stand- patism." Always a true friend of the Oregon STstem. lhe only candidate for Congress who dares oppose the Taft Admin istration and the old time political machine. (Paid Adv.) Lost A ladies plain gold band ring. Finder please leave at this office and get reward. St. Eggs for Setting. Prize winning Anconas. Setting of 15 eggs 12.50. My chickens were prize winners at the recent Pendleton chicken show. MACK SMITH. f.22. tf. For Sale. A thoroughbred Jersey bull, one year of age and dehorned. Will sell this animal cheap. EPH ESKELSOX, Lexington, Oregon. Single Comb Rhode Island Reds; All utility stock sold. Eggs from special matings only. Price per setting $2.00. fa. 50 and 3.00. A few more choice cockerels for sale. Brilliant Poultry Yards, Heppner, Oregon. tf. Lost Ring of keys. Oone key for Yale lock, marked "Forest Service." Fialer please return to torest office aad get reward. P. A. Dixon. CT3 it For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signato In Use For Over Thirty Years 10 lili tmi mntcupj anar, an err. r. nB rs wij M"m-r H Glorious News comes from Dr. J. T. Curtiss. D wight, Kan. He writes: "I not only have cured bad cases of eczema in my pa tients with Electric Bitters, but also cured myself by tbem of the same disease. I feel sure they will bene fit any case of eczema. ' ' This shows what thousands have proved that Elec tric Bitters is a most effetive blood purifier. Its an excellent remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. Ft stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels expells poi sons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Price 50 cts. Satisfaction guaranteed by Slocum Drug Co. Nineteen Miles a Second without a jar, shock, or disturbance, is the awful speed of our earth through space, we wonder at such ease of nature's movement, and so do those who take Dr. King's New Life Pills. No griping, no distress, jat thorough work that brings good health and fine feelings. 5 cts at Slocum Drug Co. To Mothers And Others. You can use Bucklen's Arnica Salve to cure children of eczema, rashes. tetter chafing scaly and crusted humors, as well as tlnir accdental injuries, cuts, burns, bruises, etc.. with prefect safety. Nothing else beald so quickly. For boils, ulcers, old running or fever sores 01 piles it has no equal. 25 cts at Slocum Drug Co. You judge a man not by what be promises to do, but by wnat he nas done. That is the only true test. Chambrelain's Cough Remedy judg ed by this standard has no superior. People everywhere spee.K of it in the highest terms of praise. For sale by Patterson & Son. Stops earache in two minutes: toothache or pain of barn or scald in five minutes; hoarseness, one hour; muscleache, two hours; sore throat. twelve hours Dr. Thomas' Electic Oil, monarch over pain. You may sav goodbye to constipa tion with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many vae been permanently eared by their use. For sale by Pattreson & Son. Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protruding piles after years of suff ering. At any drug store. Fresh buttermilk every dav from ! the Lexington Creamery for 15o per gallon at the Palm. n X iI I I Oi RIM f 3; lJliAI!AIJ