1 ( rYi -TIMERS VOL. 29. NO. 1. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1912 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 PER YEAR. . Mjk ' JlfeiMwiMMMi Jim mil imjii'L. yWin miiiiiiiiPuiirfiL mipiMnMiiW gininiiUP wiQi 36 1 Classy Clothes for Easter n SI Ready-Tailored Clothes There's no disputing the fact that at present time there are more men wearing ready-tailored clothes than ever before. In COLLEGIAN CLOTHES the great improvement in style, fit and finish is particularly marked and there are comparatively few men who can afford to disdain the price-difference between COLLEGIAN CLOTHES and equivalent qualities in made to measure garments. Our Spring and Summer showing far exceeds our best efforts of all past seasons. Prices range from $15.00 10 $30.00 Thomson Bros. 3QC 3 O CZ ! 3 fAulK mm u Pathc's Weekly The greatest educational pictures produced. Remember tonight is your last chance to see JEANECE and LEON in high class vaudeville acts. SPECIAL For Friday and Saturday. Hunting Big Game in Africa. The most exciting picture ever shown in the city. The Star THeater OREGON WILL EXHIBIT Orecon will ghow from 150,000 to 200.000 nponlfl a his? dip'ulay of her produts at the Northwegtern Products ExpoBiton to be held in Minneapolis November 12 to 2a. Governor West has received word from the officers of the Northwest Devplonment League that the Civic and Commerce Association of Minneap olis has agreed to a deal whereby this state will be furnished exhibit space for its official display without cost at the Frodncts Exposition. The busi ness interests of Minuenpolis are also erecting a great exposition building as a home for this exhibition of north west products. The show will be given under the auspices of the Leagoe as tha Land Show was in St Fatal last yiar and it will bo the oulv exoosl tion of the kind famishing space for the official state exhibits free. At a cost of 15.000 the business interests of Minneapolis and St. Paul have bought from tin League the snaco necessary for the states and each of the seven will have a booth built foi their exhibits fifty feet lopg and ten feet wide with a back will twelve by fifty feet. The governor has been asked to confer with officers of the lnigue in this state and secure the interest of those who are carable of collecting and installing an exhibit whi:h will be a -redit to the state. Thegoveinor will probably spcoint a commission to assist state officers in the worfe. Under this plan no county or com munity will have an advantage over o'hers in the state. Any city, county or reputable Iscd company desiring too make an independent exhibit v. ill be able to secure a limited amount of BDace adjoining the state exhibit on reasonable terms. The seven states which are to be thus represented are: Minnesota, North Dakota. South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. On Poisoning Squirrels. People talk about poisoning squir rels, and instead of poison' tho squirrels, they put the noisou on the top of the ground and bill the birds. Men get wise: try putting the pois on in the holes. It will get the fqairrels just ns quick. Where the poison is put upon the ground it kills all the birds around, and if people keep on in tnis way in a few more years there will be no birds. I think this is one point of view that ti e law should be strict on, and protect the birds. These poor little innocent birds do more eood in one year than all the squirrels do harm. If you can't find some way of putting out coison so that the birds will not set it let the qu nU live. Yesterday when I was plowing saw a bunch of blackbirds followng the plow. I watched them for i while and found that they were pick ina ud wire worms and ohter irsects that the plow had turned up. When you realize that wire worms are worse on the wheat and other crops thon the squirrels you will try putting the noison in the holes just a few years. Von will find that the squir rels will be killed off just as fast and the birds will rapidly increase. ROY PEARSON. Hotel NEEL & CO. Trops. Everything neat and clean at popular prices. Corner Chase and May Streets, Heppker, Oregon Repels Attack Of Death. "Five years ago two doctors told me I had only two years to live." 1 hia shutting statement was made by Stillman Gieen, Malachite, Col. "They told me 1 would die with consump tion. It was op to me then to try the bet lene medicine and I began to use Dr. Kinu's New disccovev. It was well I did, for today I am woiking and believe I owe my iifo to this great throst and lung cure that has cheated the grave of another victim." Its folly to sutler with coughs, colds or other threat and Ion troubles now. lake the cure that's safest. Price 50 cents and f 1 00. Trial bottle free at Sloccm Drug Co. Where Poultry Raising Pays. Under the above heading appears the following communication to the Portland Journal. The Gazette-Times made editorial comment on the facts touching poultry raising in Morrow county as presented here in our last Issue, but as Mr. Mason in this com munication presents some other good poins, we desire to give it our readers also, and to commend bim for the forcible manner in which he has stat ed the case. Too much emphasis can not be brought to bear upon the argu ments presented to induce the outside land owners to put their lands in this county to use instead of holding for speculative purposes and allow ing it l.o decrease in value because of its noii use. Here is what Mr. Mason has to my : Owing to the fact that Morrow county has not had sufficient moisture to produce larce wheat crops during the pist year, many people have formed the opinion that our lands are not a good investment. I have been makirg an investiga tion of the egg shipments, and find that Ioue ships more eggs than any other station on the O.-W. R. & N. lines. Our shipments for the year 1911 were 40.000 dozens of euga and 20.000 pi unds of poultry. The average price P'id to the farmers was 25 cents per de?en, 40 cents being the highest and Yili cents the lowest price for the yttir. Tha Dalles. Hood River, Pen dietrn, Baker and Walla Walla are lated in counties which are claimed tt he the best in the northwest, but v. e ship eggs to them every month of t!:e y ar, gnl then have a large sur p!ns for Portland and Seattle markets. H e have no regjlsr chicken farms, and these egs are the surplus from O'dinary b.irr.yard flocks. We have thousands of acres of idle lands belonging to Portland and other ncnivsiilent owners, which could be trrcei into profitable poultry farms, arid Morrow county could supply Port laud with her eggs and there would be no ns-e to send to the eastern states for 205 cars of egg', as was done last year. Portland business men are making an effort to get Sherman, Gilliam and Morrow counties more productive, bat they could do beUer by getting after some of their owners and urge upon them the idea of drilling wells and getting small farmers onto the land, instead of holding for speculation and allowing the buildings to go to rack and the lands to p-odnce weeds to scatter over the adjoining farms. lone has room for thousands of poultry ranches, and if the matter is given proper attention it will not be nany years till the cackle of the bnsy hen will pat loin on thfl map as a great poultry cen'er. BERT MASON. 1912 CADILLAC Have you seen the new machine? It is a dandy. Albert Bawker is agent for this car at Heppnsr. Any body interested in a car can have a demonstration. Will also have a car for hire at reasonable rates. Leave orders at Palace hotel and get prompt service. ALBERT BAWKKER. Our State Officers. To the Editor of the Gazette-limes : Will you please inform me, aa a reader of the Gazette-Times who are the Senators and congressmen from Oregon, also name the other Btate officers. J. H. PEARSON. The senators are Jonathan Bourne. Jr. and Geo. E. Chamberlain; the representatives, W. C. Hawley, first district and A. W. Lafferty, second district. Our state officers are Oswald West, governor; Ben W. Olcott secretary of state; Thomas B. Kay, treasurer: L. R. Alderman, superintendent of public instruction; A.M. Crawford, attorney general. School Notes. The announcement concerning the industrial education contests in last week's Gazette-Times seems to have nrouseu considerable nterest throug out the countv. If the teachers have not called attention to these contests , 1 hope that the pupils will inquire ahout the matter further. The prize for the best article cn "Back too the Farm' will be only flO.OO instead of the amount stated in last week's isae. However, that is worth trying for. Mrs. Missildine, the teacher of the Balckhorse school , reports the greatest enthusiasm among her pupils since they have received the bulletins. We hope for similar reports from every school. Let us not lose sight of the contests. The Inland Empire Teachers' Asso ciation will meet at Spocane, April 3-6. Teachers desiring information concerning the meeting or who desire membership cardu may write to the undersigoed. S. E. NOTSON. Co. Supt. J. F. Barlow waa in from Rhea creek on Tuesday. Frank states that vegetation is booming out his way these warm days. i He Howsasg Seasa il And VAUGHN & SONS have on a new supply of Canton and Syracuse Plows 2 Gangs, Sulkeys, and Walking. Call before buying and look at the new Two 'Way Sul&ey with all the good features the other makes have, and some special features that no others have. VAUGHN & SONS, Heppnsr f Wo Bidder of Cement Side Walks and Septic Tanks. Esti mates given on all cement work. All work Reasonable and Guaranteed to give Satisfaction. J ELMER BEAMAN Faiel Dealer Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY. Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company nd they will receive prompt attention. Our Hat Is Also In the Ring This time it is for the D IS kO V w e Squirrel Poison CO Last year we were the only store handling it in lleppner, and you all know the sensation a two bit poison caused. It is sold under a money back guarantee, if not satisfactory. We have yet the first complaint to hear from. Now is the time to do effective work in ridding the farm of these little pests, the squirrels. 25c - Tiie Can - 25c A. M. PHELPS The Grocer