WEEK'S NEWS. Local and Personal Happenings. - J. 0. Owen was In from UarrJman, Tuesday. Mrs. Ellenor R.dfie'd, of LaGiande;. spent the week end with her mother, Mrj. Camreon, in this city. She whs accompanied by Mrs. John P. Bunk, who expected to meet her husbaid, Hon. "Jerry" Rusk at this pluce on Saturday evening, but he did not arrive at Heopner oning to the fact that a plaoa coold uot be arranged for him to speak on that date. Go to the Bakery for 26 loaves for il.OO. yoor bread. You need not pay so much for in surance. Talk to M. E. Suiead. The latest in large rugs, 9 x 12 at only $4. 25 each. Case Furniture Co. Highest cash prices paid for hides, pelts and furs. Morrow Warehouse Milling Co. Cream Puffs at the Bakery every Saturday. Ail kinds of cookies and pantry at the Bakery. Chinese and Japan. A nice assort meat of mattings 25 cents to 40 cents at the Case Furniture Co. Our Go-cart tale lasts this month only. 2f per cent cut in price. Case Furniture Co. Sherman Shaw is recovering from a very severe attack of pleurisy which has kept him confined to his bed at the Palace lintel for the past two weeks. Rev. E. P. Warren returned the lost of the week from a visit to Spokane where he found the people still in the embrace of winter weather. W. B. Potter and R. J. - Carsner, Spray stockmen, got in from Portland on Tuesday evening wheru they had been with shipments of stock the past week. Andrew Carlson, a substantial farm er of the Eighet Milo section, was in Heppner over Tuesday. Mr. Carl son is well pleased with the outlook for bumper crops -in his section. Tindal Robison wax down from his mountain rauch on Saturday. He has experienced a fairly good winter and his stock ate in good shapn. An abundance nf now most of the time has necess tated much feeding but grnss is now coming on fine as the snow disappears. S.P. Wilson now of Woodlawn, near Fortlaud was in Heppner over last evening. While he likes his home down that way very well he still lias longings for Morrow county and as he nd then our supply has not disposed of all his uioperty ! haustible. IRRIGON. Rev. J. F. Vernon, of Milton, Ore. , preached here Sunday. He has made a half-way promise to be with us again on Easter, both morning and evening. In enumerating all the chicken fanciers of Irrigon in one of our cor respondence we inadver-atitly ovrelook- ed W. G.. Corey who mikea a speoial- j ty of the Rhode Island Reds. Messrs Weston and Boardman, off OasMe Rock scraped up all the old wash tubs and kettles they could find, rilled thorn with eggs and came nn to Irriuon to sel them to Egbert SVads- m ,vVi worlh. the Columbia is very low now and this causes quite a hardship on our watfr supply in the whIIs. All of our wells should be from 4 to 5 feet deeper would be inex- H. H. Weston of Catle Rock, was in Henpner over Tuesday night as a witness on the final proof of Mike Marshall. Mr. Weston is a firm be liever in the ultimate outcome of his section ot Morrow county, but is a little impatient over the long delay or setting Water on the lands down there. Whan this is done that section will certainly be made to blossom as a rose. A. M. .ink, ot Lexington, was operated on for appendicitis at the hospital in Heppner on Tuesday morning. Mr. Zink is certainly gat- tine his share of this world's troubes. He is doing well since the operation M. A. Bates was down from Hard man on Tuesday in the interest of his candidacy for commissioner. He states that they enjoyed a genuine snowstorm in their vicinity oo Mnn day, the snow falling to the depth of three inches. A lively snowstorm at Heppner on Monday forenoon was calculated to leave the impression that winter was not yet over. However, it was all over by noon and the warm sunshine following soon dissipated all the snow and we should look for more soring like weather. Mrs. Ella Craven Wheeler, of Cottage Grove an entertainer of rare ability . will be in Heppner for two nights next wees. Definite announ cement will appear lster. The editor of the G-T has heard Mrs. Wheeler and can vouch for her ability as a first class elocutionist. Albert Bawker arrived from Port land the first of the week with his new 1912 Cadillac. The car is a beauty and one of the very best me dium priced autos on the market. Mr. Bawker is agent for the machine and will also establish an automobile service between Heppner and outside pon its, makioa bis headquarters at this place. The St. Patriok's ball at the Palace hotel on Monday night was largely attended and greatly enjoyend by the participants. The music was good, the suoner excellent and order perfect. The management apparently left noth ing undone that would add to the pleasure of the ocoasiun and t lie ball was pronounced a complete success by all. Andrew Carlson has the well drill at his place on Eisht Milf. They are down 350 feet at the prem nt and have no water but will continue as Mr. Carlson is confident of getting a gocd flow if he goes deep enough. The people of that section are vetting good wells and more are in contempla tion. Quite a change in what condi tions were a few years ego when all the farmers about there had to haul their water supply. Hon Jerry Rusk will be in Horc ner over Friday night and will address the citizens of Heppner on political issues of the day, and in particular those bearing upon his candidacy for the nomination of congressman. Mr. Rusk is making an active campaign over the district, is a vigoroust talker, and should meet with a good hearing at Heppner. Hear him at the Club building on to-morrow evening. here, it is not at all unlikely that he will return here to lve. A little daughter of George Moore fell off the bed on Sunday morning and as a result thereof her left arm was broken. Dr. Winnard was called to wait on the little one and found both bones to be fractured. The arm was properly dressed and the tot is doing fine. A. E. Wattenburger. one' of the prosperous ranchers of Butter creek, is in the city today He is feeing mighty good over the crop prospects and says fruit is not injured at all in his locality. He looks for a good peach crop. Single Comb Rhode Island Reds: All utility stock sold. Eggs from special matings only. Price per setting $2.00. $3.50 and S3. 00. A few more choice cockerels for sale. Brilliant Poultry Yards, Heppner, Oregon. tf. A license to marry was issued on 'luesday morning by County Clerk Hill to Richard Wells and Sylvia D. Shipley, both young people of Hepp ner. The young couple? left for Port land where they were duly married. Sam and S. J. Di vine were in town Saturday. We acknowledge a pleas ant call from these gentlemen; they are expecting good times in their section this season regardless of the way election goes. Juilua Saubert and family have returned to Heppner from Acme Ore gon, where they have been residing for some time. Julius will be asso ciated with E. L. Berry in the paint ing and paper hanging busiuess. Hon. W. R. Ellis is over from Pen dleton in the interests of his campaign. He speaks to the people of Heppner tonight at the Club building. . Come out and her him. E. L. Berry is home again after an absence of several months. He is now ready to look after anything in the line of paintiug, paperbanging or sign writing. Mrs. Jennie Wells was up from Portland for several days the past week, looking after interests here. She returned home on Saturduy. Judge Phelps held a short session of oocrt Tuesday evening and Wednesday getting the docket cleaned un. He departed for home this mornng. Mrs. Eugene Gerr of Minor & Co., was cail id east this week by the very severe illness' of her father who re sides in Iowa. R. F. Hynd returned to his land home on Saturday after a spent In Heppner looking after ncss interests. Arthur Daly has gone to Portland to live for a few montns. believing that a change of climate will prove benefi cial to him. Dennis McNamee and wife returned home on Saturday from a visit of several weeks in Portland. Rev. Father O'Rourke returned on Saturday from a visit to his former parish at Condon. Mr. Seamean rriada a shipment of 5,000 post cards to Indiana a few days ago. Tne post card business seems to be thriving. Lovelier Laster cards than he has now in . stock can not be imagined. The social gathering last Saturday evening at the E. & W. hall was a very pleasant affair. Every body had a good time at cards and general merry making. Mr. Harry Walpole was declared the best plavcr on the men's side while Mrs. Friend carried away the trophy for the ladies. Mrs. Castle, of Echo, clerk of the local W. O. W. lodse. came dewn to attend a meeting of that fraternity on Saturday of last week. She has property here on river front which is indeed a fine location. From what we learned the Castles think of com ing back to Irr gon. Good news, we surely would like to have them back. Things are beginning to liven up a little here now. Several visitors from Idaho and other points in Wash- and Oregon were here last week to look over the situation. We were not informed whether they bought land or not. Others who have land I here are making inquiries with the view of having theirs imroved. , We are bound to forge ahead some time and we think that the time is at hand when our fondest hopes will be realized. I m mm A MO Ot?& Garment has been design ed for YOU FTP Port weea busi- i i I ? i ft You'll find these new garments to your liking in every way. They can be re lied upon for Better Service, the work manship, materials and linings being the very best to be had. For all this extra quality, style and service, you'll have to pay no more than has been a custom with you $1 7.50 to $25.00 The greater part of this line is now in stock and we are receiving a few new garments every few days by express. Look here before you buy. MINOR & CO. HEPPNER, OREGON s 2 !d32SaSi For County Judge. At the solicitation of friends I di sire to announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Judge, on the republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primaries to be held April I9th.l9l2. I have been n resident or. tnis county since eariy days and think I know the needs and desires of the people. If elected I will do my best to give a fair, honest and economical admin istration, and handle the finances to the best interests of the taxpayers of the county. I. W. BRIGGS. For County Judge. To the voters of Morrow county: I hereby announce my candidacy for re-nomination to the office of County Judge, on the democratic tick et. I have been your servant in this office for the past term; I have en deavored to do mv duty fairly and impartially; I shall stand on the NJ.S1NNOTT Republican Progressive Candidate for Congress N. J. Sinnott, who will be re publican congressional candidate at the coming primaries, was born at The Dalles, Oregon. For the past twelve years he has been the law partner of Judge A. S. Bennett under the firm name of Bennett & Sinnott, at The Dalles, Oregon. Advocates the trial in this Con gressional District of civil and criminal cases arising therein and triable in the Federal Courts. Prevention of gambling in farm products. Income tax. Direct election of U. S. Senators. Presi dential primaries. Maintenance of the Oregon system. More liber al homestead laws in line with the Borah homestead bill. Parcels post. Freest use of forest reserves and natural resources consistent with liberal conservation ideas. A tariff based on the difference in the cost of products at home and abroad. Free canal for American ships. Restoration to Oregon of its just share of the reclamation fund. (PaidA.lv.) , For Clerk. To the Voters of Morrow County: I will be a candidate for Nomina tion to the office oi County Clerk on the Republican Primary Nominating Election Ballot at the Primaries to be held on April 19. 1912. I promise if nominated and elected to the office of County Clem the same Bervlce you have had the past six years. Very respectfully, WALTER O. HILL. 3o 1Z For Sheriff. I am a candidate for the nomination for the office of Sheriff on the Repub Mean ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primaries on April 19, 1912. My record as a citizen of Morrow county for the past 25 years should be a suffioient guarantee that I will muse good if nominated and elected to this important olTica. MARION EVANS. For Commissioner. I hereby announce myself a a can didate for the nomination to the office of Couty Commisioner of Morrow county, subject to the will of the Republicans of the county expressed at the primaries on April 19 1912. It nominated and elected I promise to record that I have made promising, if i perform the duties of the office in a nominated and elected to deal by entire people the county in the tore as I have in the past. C. C. PATTERSON. the fu- business like manner, with strict economy and for the best intreest of the taxpayers. M. A. BATES. For Sheriff. I desire to announce to the voters of Morrow couuty that I am a candi date for the nomination of Sheriff on the Democratic ticket at the forth coming primaries. If I am nominated and elected I will, during the term of my office conduct the affairs of the office in the iuture as I have tried to do in the past viz: to the interests of the taxpayers. J O HAYES. For Superintendent. I am a candidate for the nomination for County School Suerinrendent at the Republican Primary Election to be held April 19, 1912. If nominated and elected, I shall continue to work for the advancement of the educa tional interests of the county. S. E. NOTSON. For Treasurer. To the Voters of Morrow County: I have served as your county treas urer during the past term, and will be a candidate for re-election. To this end I ask yoor suffrage at the Primarv Nominating Election to be held on the 19th day of April, 1912. Thanking you for past support, and promising a faithful preformance of duty. . FRANK GILLIAM. row County ? Are You Patronizing tome Dntiustry ? n n i w rE ARE MANUFACTURING Flour and Feed superior to any imported article. If you are not usinff our products call at our office on Main Street and get a testing sample. Our flour is made exclusively from selected Morrow County Bluestem Wheat. Seed Grain, Rolled Feed, Alfalfa Seed. We Solicit the Storage of your Wool MORROW WAREHOUSE msi i ma rn If llla-ll 1VJ V-W tog FRE E A Tooti With Every B.F.D. Tr3 POW Our Regular Price This is an instance where you secure two important articles for the price of one. The tooth brush is free; you secure it by purchasing a jar of B. F. D. Tooth Powder, the rejjular price of which is 25 cents, at SLOCUM DRUG CO. O