C. E. WOODSON. A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on west end ol May Btreet Hoppnor Oregon, S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlceln Court House. Heppuer, Oregon. F. 11. ROBINSON, LAWYER, lone, - - Oregon W. H. DOBYNS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW lone, - - Oregon. W. L. SMITH. ABSTRACTER. Only complete set of abstract booki iu Morrow oonufy. Hkppnkr, Okboon J. P. WILLIAMS Justice of the Peace. Ollice with S. E. Van Vactor DR. M. A. LEACH DENTIST Permanently located in Heppner. Office in the new Fair building. GaB ad ministered. OSTEOPATHY AND MECIIANO-THERAFY Dr. Martha S. Arledge, D. 0. Dr. J. P- Conder, M -T. D- Treatment of all diseases 99 per cent, of canes successfully treated without operation N. E. WINNARD, M. D. PHVSIC'IAN tc SlRliEON Graduate of: Lenox College, 1885. Chicago Homeopathic Med College 1890. Ruek Medical College, 1892. F. E. Boyden, M. D. Physician & Sirqkon Office n rear of Patterson & Son's Drug Store. HEPrNER . OREGON WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARLO&8 . Three Doors South of Poetoffice. Bbavlng 25c HaircutUng 35t - Bathroom In Connection. A. E. Patterson 2 Dorrs North Palace Hotel TONSORIAL ARTIST Fine Baths . . . Shavixo2oc J. H. BODE Merchant Tailor nurrsuR ORECOS p. H-ROBINSON W.S.SMITH ROBINSON & SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate Farms and City Property for Sale. Farms to rent. Correspondence solicited. Plant hrce. ine and selecting has been our huvness loi years. We mirkct tlie reuli m Hie thane of tlioroe:: i brcil vesetuble ,nj llower seeds. They (row i good crop. 4 (it sti o annual ran on mount D.M.FrrjiCj,CoL-o;i.Mich. t 1 mm, CORRESPONDENTS' PAGE. A News Budget all Over the County. IONE. F. II. Robineon,.our attorney and real estate dealer went down to Portland last Thursday to be gone iudefinitely. Bishop Paddock, of Hood River, preached in the Baptist church last Sunday to a very large and apprecia tive audience. p Tl Wilson mails a riving trip to Honnnar Inst week. We asked him if ..VHV. " he paid our taxes while there, and he answered "nit. L. P. Davidson returned from Port land the first of last week where he was attending to business matters for about ten days. Guy Cason came in to lone last week overland. His boy, friends of yore gathered about him and they were soon all talking of old times. J. L. Kincaid scut to town last Monday 04 dozen eggs. I tell you these old feathered varmints help a fellow out these panicky times. Rufus Cochran and daughter Lillian returned last Saturday night from Portland where they have been receiv ing medical aid lor some time. " Mrs. Fred Ritchie returned from Hoppner last Thursday a week ago. She has been with her husband while he was being treated in the hospital. Guy and Mnral Cason left on Mon day morning's train for White Swan. They were accompan'ed by John Cochran and we wish them all suc cess. Frank Young and wife were in and spent a day with his mother last week. Frank brought in a load oi that good country bacon thajUastes like more. Keep vour eye open for the millinery opening next Saturday, the 16th, in r.ha Wilmot building. Mrs. Wilt will have hats galore; all sizes and all ages. Wm. Padberg and wife were in and spent Saturday and part of Sunday with S. E. Moore and wife. They attended the play at Walker's hall while here Billie Corson wa down from Hepp ner one day last week and spent the day in lone. He is figuring on a triD to China in the near future Dut has not got started yet. First Scot "What sort o' meenister hae ye gotten, Geordie?" Senond Scot "We seldom net a squint o' him; six days o' the week he s envess bl, and on the sevenm he's inoomprehens'ble. ", Fror! And Gnoree Ritchie who were operated on for appendicitis some time aco at Heppner, returnea to meir homes last Saturday. They were slightly disfiguied but situ in the ring. We hope the boys will Boon be Btrong once moie and feel better than they ever did. C. T .Walker estate and Halvorsen & Mason shipped 8l cases of eges to the hunffrv Portlanders last Monday. These were all 30-doz. cases, making a total of 630 dozen eggs lor one day a shipment from our little depot. Hew is that for hen fruit, eh? Hurrah for the hen ! Let us have more of her. Geo. Utt, formerly a farmer of this vicinity, came up to lone last week. Goerge is living in California now. He says he wanted to get back to lone where it rains a little now and then. It has been very dry where he lives; in fact they have had no rain since the last rainy season and fears are entertained of a complete failure un less conditions change soon. "Hick'ry Farm" was presented to the people of lone last Saturday night at Walker's hall, under the auspices of the IoneHigh School. This is a comedy drama of New England farm life, and was put on in first class shape The hall was filled to over flowing and everybody said that they enjoved it fine and dandv. Frof. Warren's mandolin club were present acd gave ttie au iiance some very nice selections. We wish to congratulate Mr. Warden on the progress his young army of musicians have made and we hope we may have a chance to bear them again in the near future. We would aleo congratulate Prof. Kanf uiari, for the manner in which he drilled his pupils and thus enabling them to present the play in the very excellent manner in which they did. We should have more of these per formances Id our community. It livens us all up a bit and makes us forget our troubles for the time being at least We hope Lawrence Mo Keegan will appear before us once more in the near future. From Writers From LEXINGTON. Little Jessie McCormiok has the chicken pox. Miss Johnson and Miss Morgan spent Saturday in lone. Lew Van Winkle and wife have moved back to Lexington. They re moved from here to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Gus McMillan gave a fine dinner on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Burrows and family. Ella Craven Wheler gave a free lecture of wit and humor at the Con gregational church on Monday evening. WThat a change iu the weather the past week. But the most of our people seem to think the change a good one. Karl Beach is nursing a thumb with a felon on it this week. Karl says this is the third felon he has had and he would rather not have any more. The Men's Club are anticipating a rare treat when Ella Craven Wheeler favors them with some choice selec tions at their meeting on Tuesday night. Rev. Robert Paddock, Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Eastern Oregon, gave an interesting lecture on his travels in Europe on Satuiday night in the Cougregational ohurch. What is the matter that Lexington has no doctor. A good doctor is needed in our town. Some of our people are beginning to think that they pay enough in railroad fare and livery bills to support a doctor. There seems to be more property changing hands and more people moving in and going out thsn ever before. We are glad to note the fact, however, that for every one moving away there an two new comers. A Mr. Cocran. of lone was in Lex ington one day this week endeavoring to get signers to have another pastime in our city. We do not think he received sufficient support to warrant him in putting in another pastime. EIGHT MILE. Miss Juila Forbes was very sick last ween. Guy Huston shipped in a few choice cockerels the first of the week. 1 Bob Allstott brought Rev. Teague a supply of wood a few days ago. John Vaughn was out at Eight Mile on business the first of the week. Bub Clark, of Heppner, was a caller at Walt Becket's last Sunday Clive Huston was over to the county seat on business the first of the week. James Knighteii ''sold three good work horses to Bob Warren last week. Mrs. John Vaughn, of Heppner, is visiting with her parents and friends this week. Ben Anderson puts iu about one-half of his time at C. D. Huston's. We wonder what keeps him there. Why not put out some shade trees this spring? They are sure to start with the amount of moistuie we have and they will improve the looks of your home fifty per cent. Goosebrery will debate the single tax question Saturday night, March 16th. Come out and hear them. They have some good debaters and know what they are talking about. PINE CITY. R. F. Wieglesworth went to Hepp ner Tuesday. W. W. Howard and wife went to Echo Saturday returning Sunday. Mrs. G. W. Vincent and Miss Loev Matthews visited at C. P. Bowman's Sunday. Waldo Vincent is wearing his usual pleasant smile since his wife and baby are home. We are having lovely spring weather anain whioh makes the sheepmen feci good as lambing is starting up pretty lively. Lee White, Harvie Coxen. Victor Wigglesworth. Casper Payne, Elbert Cox and George Liftwica attended the entertainment at Lena Saturday night and the dance afterward at Mr. Culicks. Mr. R. D. Neil and Miss Norma Morehead were married in Pendleton last Thursday returning to their home on Butter Creek Saturday. These young people are too well known here to make any extended comment neces sary. About twentv-five of their neigh bors went in Sunday night and gave them a rousing charivari. Roy and his bride invited them in and treated them to candy and cigars and all enjoyed social chat after which they departed for their homes, wishing the bride and groom a long, happy and useful life. BLACK BUTTE. Guy Fuller and Walter Drumm are cutting some wood for A. L .Ayers. Lonzo Hoeeland has a thoroughbred milk cow. I think he wants to keep her. Elmer and Loren Matteson have been cuttiug some wood for Frank Brown. The snow in the mountains is about ten inches deep. It don't look much like spring yet. William McFerrin has been working for Mr. Wright for the last two weeks digging an irrigation ditch. The big dance at the school .house was well attended last Friday, 53 being present. v Everybody reported a good time. Ed Brown is not a millionaire now ; he has resigned and turned his property over to Charlie Rigeway, and Charlie will do the same soon. Elmer Matteson and 'William Ridgeway caught three hounds in one night. They were traping for coyotes, and consider this a good job for one night. Ilarley Matteson has purchased a fine new suit of clothes. Harley is as proud as a little boy with a new pair of red top boots. He knows it is leap year and he thinks he will come out winner. A. M. Zitik of Lexington is canvas ing the county for a work, entitled, "The War on White Slavery." The work is edited by Hon. Clifford G. Roe and some of the ablest writers in the country, including G. Stanley Hall and Jane Adams. It is difficult to believe that sixty thousand girls are annually dragged down to worse than death by this traffic. The mat ter is just beginning to arrest the attention of the general public. This book will enlighten any one desiring reliable information. Every parent and girl should be informed as to the methods employed by the emissaries of darkness who promote this vile traffic. It will be worth your while to examine this wora, and you will then give Mr. Zink your order for a copy. - - f ,4 John" P. (Jerry) Risk. Progressive Republican Candidate fur Congress. "For Roosevelt and Progressive Policy; against Taft and Stand patism." Always a true friend of the Oregon System. The only candidate for Congress who dares oppose the Taft Admin istration and the old time political machine. (Paid Adv.) v. v You lVttor If you are going to raise those Wliltc Rook prize winnners for the winter show. EGGS $2.50 to $5.00 You can't do better anywhere W. I. HILL fcw.r fla ' ' ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVcgetableErcparaiionfcrAs-similaiingiheFoodaMKegula-ling lite Stomachs andBwclsof CI IS fr Promotes Digeslion-Cke rful ness and RestXontains neiiiier Opiuni.Morphi.ac norMiacral. Not Narcotic. PmJan Seed jllx.Samn JJCiiiiiiapSab h'mn Se?d Clmlitd Swjar ' To? ,d --V. Aperfcct Remedy for Corcfipa lion . Sour Stomach.Dlarriioca of Sleek racSiniite Signature of NEW YORK. Exart Copy of Wrapper. SAGE RATS 'Hk SQUIRRELS1HD PRAIRIE DOGS I -IC " - 1 . - ' REQUIRES NO MIXING OR PREPARATION, ALWAYS READY FOR USE' Wfff yOU BUY, DEMAND Tffl: ffSSr. Get Tff wvuiiifutn art u MONY8ACKJFIiOTAS CLAIMIO- CLARKE.WOODWARQ DRUO CO. portuano.ORE. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Western Union life Insurance Co., a Corporation OF SPOKANE, In th State of Washington, on tha Slat day of December. 1911, made to the In surance Commissioner of the State of Ore gon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid up ...t 200,000.00 Income. Premiums received during the year 3S7.04i.O4 Interest, dividends and rents re ceived during the year 4T,B0J.o Income from other sources dur- lng the year 1.129,7a Total Income I 435,974.02 Disbursements. Paid for losses, endowments. annuities and surrender val- j, ues iU.lil.Ji Commissions and salaries paid .,,., during the year 162,508.41 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year -JJ Amount of all other expenditures 39. i85.ya Total expenditures $ 253.705.4a Assets. Market value of real estate - owned iis.ioa.34 Market value of stocka and bonds owned 74,is. Loans on mortgages and collat- ..,,. era! etc 4fl.713.7S Premium notes and policy loans 87.440.D9 Cash In hanks and on hand 40.149 45 Net uncollected and deferred premiums .,, :t Other assets (net) 4J.307.30 Total assets .. 816.117.06 Tgon" .ad.m,.Ued. .'" ..r.e.' 816,117.06 Liabilities. Net reserve S-T?-J Total policy claims .,S-?,!A; All other liabilities 3',Jo5 01 Total liabilities 816.117.06 Total Insurance In force De cember 31. 1WU Biiwlnesa In Oregon for the Year. Total risks written during the nn year --.74.vuu Grnsa premiums received uurlng the year 3L . ,,i Losses paid during the year.... '-"'""'J Losses Incurred during thu year.. 5.500.00 Total amount of risks out standing in Oregon December ,,..' 11, 10U S(12.4J.0a ireSTKRS IMON I J ITS INSl KASCE COM PAN V Pv R. L. RVTTER. President. Statutory resident general agent and at torney for service: T. E. HAMILTON. Glorious News comes from Dr. J. T. Curtiss. Dwight, Kan. He writes: "I not only have cured bad cases of eczsm in my pa tients with Electric Bitters, but also cured myself by them of the same disease." 1 fsel sure they will bet.e fit anv esse of eczema." This shows what thouands have Droved that Elec tric Bitters is a most effetive blood purifier. Its an excellent remedy for eczema, tetter, salt iheum, ulcers, boils and running sore?. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels expells poi sons, helps diftostion builds up the strength. Price 50 cts. Satisfaction guaranteed by Slocuin Drug Co. Fresh buttermilk every dav from the Lexington Creamery for 15c per gallon at the Palm. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years THE CNTAUK COtWHHy. CW ORK CITY. bm mm - ;. tfif titti) ZAP AW YfB?ANDrMArKlS " Notice to the Public. The two leading magazines of the Pacific Coast, the Pacifio Monthly ani the Sunset have been consolidated under the title of "Sunset the Pacifio Monthly." It is the intention of the publishers to spare no money nor effort to make Sunset the Pacifio Monthly a credit to the West and a magazine of national value and importance. To introduce it to new readers, we will make the following special offer: Send 50c in stamps, and we will put your name on our subscription list for the next four months, and will send you free a copy of the superbly illustrated Mid-Winter number, and also the famous Sunset Indian poster, securely packed in a mailing tube. It will make a beautiful ornament for your front room or den. Send your order to Fred Lockley, Northwestern Manager Sunset the Pacific Monthly Portland, Oregon. f22-ml4. You judge a man not by what he promises to do. but by what he has done. That is the only true test. Chambrelain'a Cough Remedy judg ed by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speea of it in tha highest terms of praise. For sale by Patterson & Son. Nineteen Miles a Second without a jar. shock, or disturbance, is the awful speed of our earth through space. We wonder at such ease of nature's movement, and so do those who take Dr. King's New Life Pills. No griping, no distress, juU thorough work that brings good health and fine feelings. 5 cts at Slocum Drug Co. To Mothers-And Others. You can use Buckleu's Arnica Salve to cure children of eczema, rashes, tetter chafing scaly and crusted humors, aa well as thsir accdental injuries, cuts, burns, bruises, etc., with prefect safety. Nothing t-lse heals so quickly. For boils, ulcers, old running or fever sores ot piles it has no equal. 25 eta at Slocum Drus Co. Stops earnclie in two minutes; toothache or pain of burn or scald iu five minutes; hoarseness, one hour; muscleache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas" Electic Oil, monarch over pain. Wanted. By a roan and wife, a position on ranch. Both know ranch work and euarantee satisfaction. Inquire at this office. 3t.