VOL. 28. NO. 51. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1912 SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 PER YEAR. : Classy Clothes': for Easter Ready-Tailored Clothes There's no disputing the fact that at present time there are more men wearing ready-tailored clothes than ever before. In COLLEGIAN CLOTHES the groat improvement in style, fit and finish is particularly marked and there are comparatively few men who can afford to disdain the price-difference between COLLEGIAN CLOTHES and equivalent qualities in made to measure garments. Our Spring and Summer showing far exceeds our best efforts of all past seasons. Prices range from $15. 10 $30.00 a iiomsoo pros, u Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has bepn duly arpo'mtcd by (ha Couniy Court of Morrow County, Oregon, Executrix of the last will and testament of Ann Roe deceas ed. Persons having claims acainBt shi;1 Estate are hereby notified and requir ed to present them to me dulv verified as by Law required at the office of 0. E, Woodson, H-ppner Oregon , within Bix months ftfni the date of the first publication of this notlcs, Dated and published the first time this 7th day of Maroh, 1912. IDA B. WOODSON, Executrix. nt The DiiIIch, OroRoii, on the Sth diij of April, Hill'. Cliiimnnt minion .'is witncsHPH: J. F Deosc, of Willows, Oregon, J(kk De oso.of Willow Oregon. A. K Nail, of Coyote, Oregon, H. H. Weston, of Coyote, Oivuon. !. V MOOItE, Kesister. Notice. of Morrow In the County Court Couny, Oregon. In the Matter of the Kntateof Minnie A. Hixler, IKn-eased. Notice In hereliy given, thatthe un OerHigned. 1'nnl lliHler. haw been duly appointed ndministrator ofthees tate of Minnie A. Hisler, deceased, liy the Ci)tintv Court of Morrow County, Oregon, find has duly qualified for such trusn All persons having claims against said estateare herel.y notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at the office of my at torney, Sam E. VanVactor, in Hepp ner. Morrow County. Oregon, with in six months from the date of the first publication hereof. Dated and first published this tn dayofMarch.A.l). .d,. Administrator of the Estate of Minnie A. llislcr, deceased. SAM E. VAN V ACTOR, Attorney for Administrator. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. 1 . S. Land Ottice nt the Dalles. Oregon February 2Mh 1912. Notice Is hereby uiventlmt !nnder M. Davis, son one of thehclinnnd for the heirs of .Incob M. Davis, d.H-easid of Ci;t'e Itixk, Oregon, who, on April -Oth l'.KKi, made Homestead. No. 141S. se rial. No. 035.U for S Sect Inn 2, Township 4 North, Range 2: East, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice .f Intention to make Final five year Proof to establish claim to tfie land bove descrlU-d. lefore the lieclster and Receiver of the U. S. Land Othce, Lost. A yearling bay colt, with one white hind foot, branded :P on right shaulder. This animal was missed from the Andrew Neal pastore at Lone Rock the- early part of October 1011. A reward of $5 00 will Be paid for in formation leading to its recovery. AARON PETERSON, 1 mo. Eight Miile Oregon. Repels Attack Of Death. "Five years ago two doctoM told me I had only two years to live." Ihis startling statement was made by Stillman Gieen, Malachite, Col. "They told me I would die with consump tion. It was ep to me then to try the best long medicine and I began to nse Dr. King's New disccovev. It was well I did, for today I am woikirg and believe I owe my life to this great throht and lung cure that has cheated the grave of another victim." Its folly to suffer with coughs, colds or other threat and lung troubles now. Take the cure that's safest. Price 50 cents and f 1 00. Trial bottle free at Sloccm Drug Co. You may say goodbye to constipa tion with a lear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many hvaa been permanently cured by their nse. For sale by Pattreson & Son. Itching piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment cures Itching, bleeding or protruding piles after years of suff ering. At any drug store. Most disfiguring skin eruptions ecrofula pimples, rashes, eto., aie due to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bittera is a cleansing blood tonic Makes yon clear-eyed, clear-brained , clear-skinned. TERM OF COUNTY COURT. The regular March term of the county court was called at the court house on Wednesday, with all members of the court in atten dance. The session was a busy one and lasted for three days, In the matter of appointment of judges and clerks of election, the court made the following ap pointments to fill vacancies: M. T. Hughes, 3rd clerk in Mt. Vernon precint; H. C. Githens, 1st clerk, John Bush 2nd clerk in Heppner precinct; A. Missildine, chairman. Robert Young. 1st clerk, R. W. Turner, 2nd clerk in Gentry precint; W. E. Straight, 3rd judge, W. E. Wigles worth, 2nd clerk in Lena precint; W. T. McNabb, 2nd clerk and John No lan 3rd clerk in North lone pre cinct; E. H. Turner, 1st clerk and Wm. O'Sullivan 3rd clerk in Cecil precinct; W. B. Finley, chairman and R. E. Coppock, 2nd clerk in Alpine precint; Clyde G. Wright, 1st clerk and Guy Hadley, 2nd clerk in Dairy precinct; Sam De vine, chairman, E. S. Duran, 3rd judge, L. A. Palmer, 1st clerk, Frank Munkers, 3rd clerk in Lex ington precinct; S. A. Barlow, 3rd clerk in Eight Mile precinct; A. Rice, 2nd judge in South lone precinct. The petition for the Cecil road was allowed and the road ordered to be surveyed. In the matter of miscellaneous claims against Morrow county, the following were audited and ordered paid: C.C. Patterson, salary - $150.00 W. 0. Hill, salary 333.33 A. M. Mallory, salary - - 150.00 J. C. Hayes, salary 333.33 J. O. Rasmus, salary - - -150.00 S. E. Notson, salary - - - 200.00 J. J. Wells, salary 200.00 Sylvia Shipley, salary 70.00 Frank Gilliam, salary - - - 83.33 F. E. Boyden, salary - - - 66.66 W. M. Ayers, salary 120.00 E. T. Perkins, Justice court 3.00 W. J. Blake, - - - do - - - 2.00 T. J. Carle, do 2.00 Ed Neill, Circuit court - - - 6.00 Vaughan &Sons, courthouse .50 Heppner Light & water Co. 77.30 Pacific Stionary & Printing Co. current ex. - - 7.75 Mann & Beach, - do 4.95 T. J. Humphreys, do - . - 28.45 Bushong & Co - - do - - - 93.05 Kilham Stny. Co. - do - - 20.50 Glass &Prudhomme Co. do 167.07 Irwin & Hodson Co. - do 117.16 E. M. Shutt, do 42.20 Heppner Sanatorium, care of poor, - - - -192.50 Halvorsen & Mason, do - 18.00 M. L. Case - - - do - 7.00 S. E. Notson, supt. expense, 7.9o Bert Bates, road expense. 1.00 Brook Houser, - - do - 1.00 Chas. Furlong, - - do - 1.00 Frank Ward, - - lo - 1.00 Walter Garner, - do - 4.50 J. L. Kirk, - - - do - 13.50 Martin Reid. - - do - 60.14 W. P. Scrivner, - do - 9.90 Morrow wh. Mill Co. do - 18.80 Wightman Bros. - do - 22.00 I. C. Cox, - - - do - 18.00 W. E. Pointer - - do - 17.50 Lon Booher, - - - do 10.50 B. M. Booher, - do - 5.5 E. E. Beaman, care of poor, 15.40 F. M. Bayless, - do - 245.3o Goo. M. Sehempp, - do 2.00 Patterson & Son, - do - 31. & Slocum Drug Co. - do 26. 3o Thompson Bros, court house 12.50 J. J. Wells Assessor's exp. 11.90 D. V. S. Reid road record 88.50 James Simons - roads - 17.62 R. Hogeland - - do - 10.00 Walter Drum, - - do - 1.00 L. Hogeland, - do - - 2.00 A. D. Hogeland, - do - 2.00 Martin Reid, - - do - Z.tZ R. W. Turner, - do - 4.50 Mike Healy, care of poor 2.00 Sam Hughes, - do - - 31.70 Gilliam & Bisbee court house 14.40 M. A. Bates, election 9.60 Cox & Beamer care of poor 1.25 W. H. Clark, - roads - 36.50 W. R, Clark. - do - - 10.25 Geo. A. Cummings, do 8.00 E. Mussrrave. ,- - do 6. Golden Collins Frank Ward, do do 2.00 5.00 Alfred Bates, - do 1.00 Willis Stewart, cur. ex. 6.00 J. H. Cox, court house ac. 11.00 Heppner Gazette, col. taxes 71.95 J. S. Young, county court, 24.00 M. J. Devin, county court, 20.00 First Nat. Bank, tax rebate 208.13 A Delightful Meeting It was the pleasure of the edit or of the Gazette-Times, in com pany with Hon. T. J. Mahoney, of the First National Bank, to attend the regular monthly meet ing of the Congregationl Men's Club of Lexington, on Tuesday evening. This Club has been in existence for several months past, being organized through the ef forts of Rev. Otho G. Reade, pastor of the Congregational church at Lexington. At every meeting it is planned before hand to have some outside speaker pre sent to present to the Club an address on some subject of live interest, and Tuesday eve ning, following an elegant ban quet that had been prepared by the wives of the Club members, Mr. Mahoney gave an able ad daess on the Relation of Banking to the Business Man. In classi fying business men, the speaker included the farmer and stock raiser; he dwelt at some length on the history of banking and what it really is as an institution, showing clearly what kind of policy should be followed to place the bank on a safe basis for hand ling the funds of its depositors. Mr. Mahoney also stressed diver sified farming, dairying, poultry raising and hog raising, and plainly showed how important this is for the future of our coun ty. His address was not lengthy but it was full of good meat from beginning to end and was receiv ed in a very appreciative manner by those present. Following Mr. Mahoney, a reading was giv en by Mrs. Ella Craven Wheeler, and a short address on the loyal ty of the towns of the county to each other, by the editor of the Gazette-Times. After this ad dress, Mrs. Wheeler favored the gathering with a number of read ings which were greatly enjoyed. W. E. Leach, president of the Club, presided, and the wives of the members were present to partake of the good things of the evening along with their hus bands; this being out ot the usu al order as the meetings hereto fore have been attendid only by the members. In this organiza tion, Lexington has taken a for ward step; in fact she can be said to be ahead of any of the other towns of the county along this line. The members are en thusiastic, are getting hold of live subjects, and the organiza tion is proving to be a booster for the little city. The editor of this paper was indeed glad to.be a eruest at the gathering on lues- day evening, and expresses the hope that he may be able to at tend many more similar meet ings. To say nothing ot the good things that the ladies had prepared for the inner man, the intellectual feast was itself a fea ture that was well worth going many miles to hear and enjoy. For his opening night at the new loratinn. Mr. Parks has or dered the Passion Play, three reels; also a good comedy, making four reels for the one show, and a good vaudeville act will be put in for full measure. John F. Richardson, of the re clamation service, was in Hepp ner over last nieht. getting a list of the lands owned within the limits of the West extension, that they may be lined up with refer ence to their water ngnts. Mr. Branstatter. the new own er of the Yocom place near Lex ington, is making some good im provements to the property. He has recently located here with his family and appears to be the kind of a citizen we are looking for. He is putting the house in nice shape and is also laying the foundation for a good barn that will be pushed to completion at once. More people are needed in Morrow county who will give at tention to the improving of their surroundings with good residen ces and barns. It is a specie of advertising that counts and speaks volumes for the thrift of our people. o The Plowing Ssasoo And VAUGHN & SONS have on a new supply of 2 Canton and Syracuse Pfows 2 Gangs, Sulkeys, and Walking. Call before buying and look at the new Two Way Sullcey with all the good features the other makes have, and some special features that no others have. VAUGHN & SONS, Heppner Ocs c: Wo llo Mem Builder of Cement Side Walks and Septic Tanks. Esti mates given on all cement work. I vii worK Keasonaoie and Guaranteed to give 1 Satisfaction. ELMER BEAMAN Fuel Dealer Rock Springs Coal, Pine, Fir and Oak Cord Wood and Slab Wood. SELLS FOR CASH ON DELIVERY! Leave yous Orders with Slocum Drug Company and they will receive prompt attention. Our Hat Is Also In the Ring This time it is for the (Ho t3r vw o Squirrel Poison Last year we were the only store handling it in Heppner, and you all know the sensation a two bit poison caused. It is sokl under a money back guarantee, if not satisfactory. We have yet the first complaint to hear from. Now is the time to do effective work in ridding the farm of these little pests, the squirrels. 25c - Tlie Can - 25c A. M. PHELPS The Grocer