The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 07, 1912, Image 6

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Hot Chocolate
Hot Clam Tea
Hot Beef Tea
Hot Tomato Nectar
Hot Red Snapper
All kinds of Lunch Goods
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ham and Bacon
and Home-rendered Lard.
Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts.
M IKE HEAL Y, Propribtor
Livery Stable
Call and look over the new line of
Just Received.
Tlliy:I h Hl nil'
' ' i W mm (rn) i- 4'J i'i rJJ! JFfm
AN HOUR .saved in summoning the plumber by
telephone may save the price of several
years of service.
It certainlv saves a lot of discomfort and worrv.
The liell lelejihone keeps the household
m con
stant touch with all the resources
and is instantly available in any emergency.
It also keeps the household in constant touch
with the broader outside world by means of the
Long Distance Service of the Bull Sv.steni.
ry Bell Telephone U the Center of the System.
In tln Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County.
T. J. Muhoney, 1'lnintii'L
Jiiiih's Hamilton. Harriet
K. ilaniilton, 11. A. Lar
son, Ayiioa Larson,
Watson Klntf, Etmiut
KliiK and ltutla Cnm
plicrH, lH-ft'iidantx.
To.Ianios Hamilton, HjirrietE Ham
ilton, It. A. Larson, Asia's Larson,
Watson KImk, Emma Kliifj, and
Hilda Ctiniplu-rH, the above named
" defendants:
OK OKKOON : You and eaeh of you
arc hereby required to appearand
answer the complaint filed against
you in the aliove entitled suit on or
liefore six weeks from the 7th day of
March, A. 1). Ill 12, to-wit: On or ho
fore the ititli day of April, V.U2, and
if you fail to answer, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief de
manded In plaintiff's complaint here
in, namely: For judgment against
the above named defandents, James
Hamilton, and Harriet L. Ilaniilton,
and each of them, upon u certain
promissory note In the sum of $:tH0.-
00, dated Octobt-rl'L', VMS, with inter
est thereon at the rate of eight .per
cent jut annum from the 22nd day of
October, Hill, and for the sum of
$10.00 attorney's fees, and for the
further sum of ifoO.OO, due upon a cer
tain promissory note dated October,
V.H! with interest thereon at tin-
rate of ten per cent per annum from
the 22nd day of October, 1911, and for
the further sum of $10.00, attorney's
fees, and for plaintiff's costs and dis
bursements of this suit. And for a
decree of this Court for the fore
closure or one certain real estate
mortgage described in said com
plaint, securing the payment of said
promissory notes, executed by the
said defendants, James Hamilton,
and Harriet E. Hamilton, said mort
gage being upon and covering the
following described real property, to
wit: The Northwest Quarter ot t lit
Southeast Quarter, the North Half of
the Southwest Quarter, and tin
Southwest Quarterof the Southwest
Quarter of Section Twenty-six, in
Township One, North of Knngv
Twenty-five, East of the Willamette
Meridian, in Morrow County Oregon.
That thesaid premises may be sold
and the proceeds applied to the pay
ment of the above named sums, and
in case such proceeds fail to pay the
same, then to obtain an execution
against you for the balance remain
ing due, and also that the said defen
dants, James Hamilton, Harriet K
Hamilton, I!. A. Larson. Anges Lar
son, atson King ana JMimm King,
and Buda Cainphei's, and each of you,
and all persons claim by, through,
or under you or either of you be for
ever barred of any right, title, claim,
lien, equity of redemption or interest
in or to said mortgaged premises,
and for such other ami father relief
as will more fully appearby reference
to the complaint on file herein
You and each of you are hereby
notified that if you fail to appear and
answer the compalnt as aliove re
quired the plaintiff will npply to the
Court for the relief demanded in said
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof once a week
for six consecutive weeks in the Ga
zette-Times, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation in Morrow Conn
ty, Oregon, published at Heppner, by
virtue of an order made and entered
herein on the 6th day of March. A. I)
t!(12, bv the Honorable C. C. l'atterf
son. Judge of the County Court
the state of Oregon for Morrow
County, and the date of the first
publication of snlilsiinunons is March
7, 1012, and the date of the last pub
lication will be April 25, 1912.
Sam E. VaxVaptor
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
In The Circuit Cmirt Of The State Of
Oregon For The County Of Morrow.
Tha Alliance Trust dorapanv
Limited, Flantiff..
George H. MolCee, Emma T. Mc
Kee, J. T. Alexander, Ada Francis
Alexander, Carl Marquart, Johanna
Marquart, Angust Treibel, Augusta
Treibel; and L. H. Litscher
Pursuant to a decree entered in
the ahove entitled court and caiiso nn
the 21st tiny of February, li)12 in
favor of the plaintiff and against the
defendants, and an execution duly
issued uiion said decree, on' the 21st
day of February 1912, I will on the
30th day of March, 1912, at the hour
of 2:00 o'clock p. m. of said day at
the front doer of the County Court
House in the Town of HeDnner, offer
for sale and sell to the highest bidder
for cash the following de cribrd real
property situated in the County of
Morrow, State of Oreeon, to-wit:
The Southeast quarter of Section
Twenty-three (23) and the Southwest
auarter of Section Iwenty-four (24)
and the North half of the North
west quarter of Section Twenty-five
(25) , and the North hnlf of the North
east quarter of Section Twpntv-six
(26) , all in Township one (l) North,
Range Twenty-five East of the Will
amett Meridian containing four hun
dred eighty (480) acres, more or less,
to satisfy the following sums ad
judged to be due to the rilaint'fT from
the defendants Genree H. Mi Kee and
Emma T. McKee, to-wit: $2375.75,
with interest at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum and S&7. 25, witli
interest at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, and $1.10.00, with interest at
the rate of 6 per cent per annum all
in United States Gold Coin, and to
satisfy the sum ot $2600.00, with
interest from September 24 1908, at
8 per cen t per annum due to the de
fendant L. H. Lilscher, and the sum
of $1700.00, with interest from May
19, 1908 at the rate of 6 per cent
per annum due the defendant, August
Treibel, and the costs and disburs
mpnts of said suit, and the costs of
said s:le.
Sheriff of Morrow County State of
B mm mi' m '
hrst IMati
1 . Heppner,
inaa , :iersii
Capital $ 1 00,000 Surplus and
Profits $20,000
We are using our best efforts
to meet the banking needs
of this section. We are al
ways pleased to meet those
who may have need of a bank
Call or write us.
f I'm A
Urrice hours y a. m. to
A high grade piano to trade for a
good team and wagon. Call at this
office. tf
.See that "Little
shearing machine in
bee's windows.
wonder" eheep
Gilliam & Eis-
Inqaire and investigate the work
done by those Alfalfa Renovators at
Gilliam & Bisbee's.
Dr. Winoard has taken a upecial
coarse on eve jiseafiand it prepare!
to fit glasses proper.
If you doa't waiit to py Gilliam &
Sisbee for fixing your pipet take care
of them and turn the water off.
Phill Cohn pays highest cash price
for hides pelts and furs.
All kinds of Gang and walking
plows at Gilliam & Bisbee's.
House for Kale or rent with one acre
ground. Inanire 1st National Bank, tf
For Sale.
Male don't have the "walking
disease." Why not raise home? Buy
a jack rrom J. T. KJiappenborg, lone,
Or. Can show three crops of oolts
a tbe ranch.
After April let the Gazette-Times
will Le $1.50. Supecribe now.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of u forocloKuiv exocu
Hon and order of snlc duly issued by
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
County of Morrow, State of Oregon
dated the 21st day of February 1012
in a certain action in the Circuit
Court for said County in id State,
wherein The First National Rank of
Jieppner, Oregon, a corporation
Plaintiff, recovered judgment against
Peter W. White and Mary L. W hite
Defendants, for the sum of Eijrht hun
dred Thirtv Five and NO-lo.i Dollars
with interest thereon at the rate of
S per cent, per annum from the 21
day of February 1012, and thefurthcr
sum of Eighty Dollars Attorney's
fee, anil costs and (lislairsments tax
ed at Nineteen and fi0-100 Dollars, on
the I'lst (lay of 1-ebuarv i!H2.
Notice is hereby given that I will
on Saturday the !th dav of April
1012. at 2..'i0 o'clock I. M., of said
day. at the front door of the Court
House in Heppner, Morrow County
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, the
following described property, to wit:
The Fast half of the North-east
quarter, una tne soutti-west quar
ter oi tne isortn-east quarter, and
the North-west quarter of t he South
east quarter, of Section Twelve (12)
i ownsnip mx soutti (ti-s of irangt
Twenty Six (20), K. W. M. Contain
ing KiO Acres more or less according
to U. S. (ioverment survey. Taken
and levied upon as the property of
the said Peter . White anil Mary
L. White or so much thereof as may
be necessary to satisfy the said judg
ment in lavor of 1 lie f irst National
It.'ink of Heppner Oregon, and
against said Peter W. White and
Mary L. White together with all
costs and disbursements that haveor
may accrue.
J.C. HA YF.S, Sheriff.
By J. O. KASMCS, Deputy
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, March
5th 1012.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has Itccii appointed bv the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County Kxeentor of the
estate of Ithoda Ann Summer, de
ceived; that all iNTHoiiH having
claims against naid estate should
present the name to me. duly verified
according to law, at Ijpxington, Ore
gon, within nix months from the
date of first publication of thla no
tice, which dnte In Feb. 15, 1012.
Damki, I). Si mmek:
Administrator's Sale
Real Property.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, by virtue of an order
of sale, made and entered by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Morrow, in the
Matter of the Estate Cynthia A.
r.enge, deceased, on February 5,
1912, authorizing and directing the
sale of the property hereinafter de
scribed, I will, on and after Friday,
the 15th dav of March, 1012, offer for
sale and sell at private sale, at the
oflice of S. E. Notsou, in Heppner,
Morrow County. Oregon, for cash in
hand JjCiO.Oo and the balance in install
ments running not to exceed three
years, all the following described
real propert , to:vil:
Lot i, Block 12 of the Town of Lex
ington, Oregon, and that part of
Lot 10, Block 12, of the Town of Lex
ington. Oregon, Ping between the
allev running through said Block 12
and the center of the channel of Wil
low Creek.
Said sale will be made subject to
confirmation by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow
Signed K. L. Benge,
Administrator of the Estate of
Cynthia A. Benge, deceased.
To Saiui: Bowkx
E. Evi-.itiTT:
You and each of you are hereby
notified and will take notice that
Henry Seherziuger has madeapplica
tion to me as County Surveyor of
Morrow County, Oregon, to survey,
locate and permanently establish the
following corners and boundaries,
The sec. cor. between Sees. 31 and
M2 in Tp. :! S. It. 2'S E. W. M.. the S.E.
cor. and the S.W. cor. and the south
line of the S.E. V. of the N.W. V of
said See. ."12 and the N E. Cor. and
the S. E. Cor. and the East, line of
the west one half of the S. W. V, of
said See. 32.
And in pursuance of said above ap
plication and notice of the said Henry
Scherzmger 1 will proceed to make
the survey above applied for on the
12th day of March, 1012, commencing
at the S. W. corner of said Section
32, at the hour of 0 o'clock A. M., and
von and each of you as owners of
adjoining lands and of lands affected
bv said survey and as interested
parties hereto are hereby notified to
a linear at said time and place as
above set forth.
Dated this 15th day of February,
D. V. S. ItEID,
fl.Vm7 County Surveyor.
In the County Court of Morrow
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of Ithodn
Shinn, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as ndminstratrix of the
estate of Ithoila Shinn, deceased, has
filed her Final Account in 1 he County
Court of the Stnte of Oregon for
Morrow County, nnd that Monday,
the 8th day of April. 1912, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day, nnd theCounty Court room
in the County Court house In Hepp
ner. Morrow County, Oregon, has
lecn appointed by the said Court an
the time and place for the hearing of
objections thereto and a hearing
tl ereon.
Administratrix of the Estate of
I Khoda, Shinn, deceased.
p. m.
E, the undersigned, take this method of
announcing to the public in general that on
Monday, March the eighteenth, nineteen
hundred and twelve,
there will be an all nig-ht St. Patrick's dance
given at the Palace Hotel in Heppner, Ore
gon. The best of order will be maintained. Tick
ets will be sold to gentlemen for one dollar
and fifty cents each. Ladies free. This will
include supper.
There will be no programme and gentlemen
are requested to engage no dances ahead.
Music will be furnished by Prof. Otto's Or
chestra and dancing will begin at eight
thirty sharp.
LM'ybotly is hereby cordially invited to attend.
Dill a i; i) French
John Kenny
Auction Sale
At the C. N. Shinn place, 5 miles west of
I will sell four head of work horses and two colts;
two cows; and all of my farming inplements and
household furniture:
Saturday, March 9, 1912
at 1 0 o'clock, A. M.
All sales to be for cash in hand.
Owing to times being close,
JM 0. K. Restaurant
will from now on serve meals at
US cents
The usual up-to-date service will be maintained.
For Trade.
Will exchange ood Imported Stal
lion or Jack for land or stock. For
further information addreai, box 66
Pendleton , Oregon. m21
Something Cheap.
A good gentle work team for sale,
will weigh between 2600 and 2700
pounda. Well broke and in good con
dition. Inquire at Timei office. tf