The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, March 07, 1912, Image 5

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Local and Persona
"Go to the Bakery for your broad
26 loaves for 1 00.
Chan. D. Huston bin! wife were in
Heppner over Sunday.
Born To Sunt. S. E. Notnon and
wife, to-day, a daughter.
The lateHt iu large ruga, 9 x 12 at
onlr 115.25 each. Case Furniture Co,
John Padberg, Social Ridge farm
er, was a visitor to Henpner on Tues
Lost A bunch of about seven keys.
Findar please leave same with W. P,
HiiiheBt cash prices paid for hides
nelis and furs. Morrow Warehouse
Milling Co.
Bora In HeDDner, Maroh 5th
1912, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blahra,
an eleven pound son.
Mrs. W. B. Potter came over from
Spray on Saturday and is visiting
with her relatives here.
Chinese and Japan. A nice assort
ment of mattings 25 cents to 40 cents
at the Case Furniture Co.
Mrs. Frankie Luper is home from
Portland where she scent some time
making selections of Spring millinery
Rev. J. V. Crawford came over
from Centerville, Wash, on Mondav
to siiend a few ilavs with the home
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dutton ar
rived home on Tuesdiv evening from
a sojourn of boat six week3 in Port
Adam Knoblork was a pleasant
nailer at this office on Monday. He
says the winter is not all gone yet
' especially on the hills between Hepp-
nr ani Rhea creek.
John Nash and family, of Cceil,
came up to Heppner on Saturday,
Mrs. Nash remaining In town to re
ceive medical attention
George Yok'um, a real estate dealer
of Spokane, was a visitor to Heppner
this week. He is'interesting a num
her nf nenple from DP that way in
Morrow county real estate.
A box social will be given at the
parlors of the Methodist church on to
morrow evening. The ladies are ex
nii tn furnish a basket with suffi
cient "eats" for the gentlemen. Come
A good time is promised.
Mrs. J. 0. Hayes underwent an op
eraton at the Heppner hospital on Fri
dav last. Mrs. Hayes has been sick
fnr a In nr time, and it is hoped this
operation will restore her health.
She is doing well at this writing.
F. S. Eberhart, a contractor of
PnrtUn anil the gentleman who
built the steel bridge on Rhea creek
t the month of McKinney creek,
came up fro-n Portland Tusoay to
mnanit with the county couit on
bridge matters.
W. J. Lloyd, representing R. L
Mnib . C,a . has been in Heppner the
Dst week doina the preliminary work
nf cTAttimr not a new directory for
Heppner. This is to be included in
vniiima with Uatilla county and
will be a valuable reference book.
Leet Paine and wife wore over from
their Grant county ranch the last of
the week. Mr. Pains states that
they have had much more winter in his
section than has been experienced
nvnr thin WAV bnt stock are in fine'
condition and the prospects for a good
season ahead are fine.
Rev. S. W. R'jbisou, of Helix. Ore
gon, preached both morning and eve
ning at the Cluis ian church on last
Sunday. He was here with a view
to locating but the ch'irch did not
decide to extend I im a call. It is
the plan now to hire a man in con
junction with Io"e for the comina
year, and this anargement will
doubtless be entered into.
The moving of presses, an extra
rush on job wotk and being shoit
hauded as well, has made life pretty
burdensomo around tins print shop th
past week. HuA'evpr. we aw getting
everything pretty wtll adjusted and
promise to ba a little mere prompt
ftom irw mi in Rvjiti-gout woi k. SV
are not disconrag-d if you are not, to
bring mi the work.
Our old friend, L". L. Berry, who
has been absent from Ileonner for
some months, doi' g the stunts of his
trade at Ainu, Ori-g.m. will retoru
to Hjppner in a few davs, prepared to
resume his labors at this place He
is bringing with him a good workman,
so hold op anything you may have in
El's lina of painting, papcrhanging
and sign writing.
Many sufferers from rheumatism
have been surprised snd delighted
with the prompt relief, tlordea by
applying Chamberlain's, Liniment.
Not one case of rheuniatinra in ten
requires any internal treatmei.t
whatever. This linimi nt is for
sale by Patterson & Son.
Reminding us of some of the good
times enjoved by the earlier residents
of HepDner, is an old pester dug out
nf a pigeon hole in the postoflice this
week by Maurice Smead. It an
nounces a performance by the Ileppuer
Dramatic Association of the drama,
"Mlcheal Erie, or, Ihe Maaic Luver,"
witht he following pardons in the cust
of oliaracteis: D. D. Squier, I. N.
Donaldson, tl. II. Hal lock. Will
Mallory. G Moody. Fred D. Hallock
A. M. Guuu Nellie Hullo, k Ida Hal
lock andLena Wyland. The parforni
anco was given in Leezer's new hallnn
Thursday evening Jan. 20. 1881. and
was one of a series of like entertain
ments given that winter by the aso
oiatiou. About twenty of the ladies of
Heopner met at the Epicsopal church
on Wednesday and took preliminary
steps to organize a library association
for Heppner. Thev have started the
proposition off on a small scale, mak
ing anv one eligible for membership
who will donate a book and pay ten
cents per mouth as a membership fee.
At another m eting to be held in the
future a name will be decided up n
and other matt rs for perfecting of
the association will be taxen op with
a view to extending the woik and
making it more useful.
Jess Hicks departed on Saturday
morning for Portland where he will
visit for a lew days with his mother
and then go on to 0 burg where his
father resides. Jess has been a faith
ful machine man on the Times force
for several years past, is a fine boy
and we besueak for him success where
ever he goes. He will likely return
to Hepouer after a few weeks visit
with the home folks, and take up work
with the Maccabees in conjunction
with Mr. Smith whohas been here for
some time.
Andy Rood. Jr., promising young
farmer of the Heppner Flat country,
was in town on Mondav. Andy has
In 600 acres of wheat: he hooos that
it will go 40 bushels to the acre and
that it will biing him $1.00 a bushel.
Hope so, too. Andy, as your prospreily
will mean the same to many another
farmer in Morrow county. The bank
stauds ready to take care of the
Orris Robertson was np from Port
land a few days this week, remaining
over Sunday. He was here in the in
terest of Mr. Selling's campaign for
United States senator, representing
the Portland business mens' associa
tion. While here he organized a Sell
ing club and from now on active work
will ba done in this county to get ti's
vote for the Portland man.
Children are much more likely
to contract the contagious diseases
when the child has a cold. Tht is
why all medical authorities say be
ware o( colds. For the quick cure of
oolds you will find nothing hotter
than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It can be depended upon and is
pleasant to take. For sale by Fatter-
son & Son.
Aaron Peterson, of Eight Mile,
made the Gazette-Times a pleasant
call on Monday and lined up witn ns
for ano:her year. It has been some
cold out his way the past week, bat
no apparent damage has been done to
the crops Mr. Peterson predicts an
abundant yield fur his section the
The Rev H. O. Perry, of Sunny-
side, Wash., District Superintendent,
will preach at the M. E. Church next
Sundiv tot'i mo ning and night.
There will be a reception of new
members, bsp'.ism, quarterly meeting,
etc. A cordial invitation to all.
License-to wed was issued on Wed
nesday to Mr. Ray Neill and Miss
Norma Morehead, of Butter creek,
nd the young people are to be mar
ried to-day at Pendleton. The U-T
wishes them success in this new re
Mrs L E. Cohn has retured from
Portland with the Utest styles in
pring millinery aid iuvites the la- i
dies of Heppner and Vicinity to in
spect snme. The first pattern hats
display Saturday. March y, ar.u 101-
lowing Motday aud Tuesday.
Single Comb Rhode Lland Reds;
Ml utilhy stock sold. tggs from
special n. stings only, t'nee per
setting ti.W. $3.5.) and $3.00. A few
more choice cockerels fcr Fale.
Brilliant Poultry Yards, litDnmr,
Riy and El Neil of Butter creek.
hsive dissolved their partnership in
the ranch busiuass, U y retiring and
Ed continuing with the ranch ani
hpep business. The deal as made
at Heppner on Wednseday.
Richard Crewdson. of Paiker's
Mill, made final five-year prcof cn
is homestead before Judge Paltersou
on Tuesday.
Cream Puffs at the Bakery every
Saturday. All kinds ot cookies and
tastry at the Bakerv.
Mrs. F. Luper will have cn dis
play, Saturday, March 10, her first
spring millintrv.
You need not pay so much for in
surance. Talk to M. E. Smead.
Fkedekkk Stkiweh,
Of Pendleton.
( anhlate before the Kepuoiieaii
Party of Morrow and Umatilla
Counties for the olliee of
My Platform:
"A strict and impartial enforce
ment Of the laws of Oregon."
(Paid Adv.)
The weather the past week has
been a little hard on the buttercup?
and daisies. The north wind is chill
ing. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy lias
won its great reputation ano exten
sive sale by its remaikable cures of
coughs, colds and croup. It can be
depended upon. Try it. Sold by
Patterson & 8on.
J. S. Baldwin wss in town Satur
day and called around to make the
editor feel good. Shelly has had
clmrge of the Ed Puran farm in Black
Horse for feveral seasons past but hia
lime is uu there now and he is unde
cided just whit he will do.
Arthur Daly is on the streets again
afler buing confined for a rumbtr c,f
we'ks at the Hepppner hospital with
a serious illness. The old gentleman
is greatly pleased to be elle to get
nbcut town ai;d j )ke with hia num
erous friends stain and they are glad
to see him so far on the road to rcov
ery again.
M. D. L. French, Mrs. T. J.
llumihrevs, Mrs. C yde Brock and
Mrs V. O. Illil made a visit to lone
on Friday to Ci-.r.sult with the mem
bers of the Christian church there on
the matter of hiring a pastor for the
coming year in conjunction with the
Heppner church.
By a man and wife, position on
ranch. Both know ranch work and
guarantee tatislaction. Inquire at
this tffice. 3t.
f ' i
A vfcnc -'
r ''
I ....... .; ,y: - . ..
; , i .
The suit you arc going to buy from us will be
just what it seems to be.
You'll buy it because its smarter looking-fits
better is better quality and richer fabric and
more uniformly tailored than any youVe seen.
$15 1
The Sincerity Store
Merchant Tailor
For Clerk.
To the Voters of Morrow County:
I will be a candidate for Nomina
tion to the office oi County Clerk on
the Republican Primary Nominating
Election Ballot at th-i Primaries to be
held on April 19, 1912. I promise if
nominated and elected to the office of
County Clera the same service you
have had the past six years.
Very respectfully,
For Sheriff.
I am a candidate for the nomination
for the offioe of Sheriff on the Repub
lican ticket, subject to the will of the
voters at the primaries on April 19,
My record as a citizen of Morrow
county for the past 25 years should
be a sufficient enarantee that I will
muse good if nominated and elected to
this important oflicj.
For Sheriff.
I dasire to announce to the voters
of Morrow ccucty that I am a candi
date for the nomination of Slier if!
nn the Democratic ticket at the forih
ccming piimarics. If I am nominated
and elected I will, during the term of
cry cflioe conduct tha affairs of the
cilice in the lutare as I have tr;ed to
da in the past viz: to the interests
nf the taxpayers.
For Superintendent.
I sm a candidate fcr the nomination
forCtuntv Sdioe-l Sueriitendtnt at
the Republican Trimary Election to
ba held Anil 19, 1912. If nominated
and elected, I shall continue to work
for the advancement of the educa
tional interests of the county.
For Treasurer.
To the Voters of Morrow County:
I hate seivcd as your county treas
urer during the past term, and will
be a candidate fur re-election. To
this end I ask your suffrage at the
Primary Nominating Election to be
held on the 19th day of April, 1912.
Thanking you for past support, snd
promising faithful preformance of
S Are You Boosting Mor- S
row Cousily ?
Are You
Home Industry ?
superior to any
are not using
office on Main Street and get a testing sample.
Our flour is made exclusively from selected
Morrow County Bluestem Wheat.
Seed Grain, Rolled Feed,
Alfalfa Seed.
We Solicit the Storage of your Wool
Mil 1 1 wr, m
tar TKeater
onipSete Change of Pro
gram Sundays, Mon
days, Wednesdays and
The Star
1 o I
imported article. If 3'ou
our products call at. our