The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, February 29, 1912, Image 6

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Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
Hot Chocolate Hot Tomato Nectar
Hot Clam Tea Hot Red Snapper
Hot Beef Tea All kinds of Lunch Goods
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ham and Bacon
and Home-rendered Lard.
Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts.
MIKE II E A LY, Proprietor
Livery Stable
Call and look over the new line of
Just Received.
Gathering Friends
A LITTLE girl can always get some
body to play with by using the
Bell Telephone. It is just as useful
to her as it is to her elders.
There is no need to be lonesome
with a telephone in the house, because
you can at least talk with your friends,
even though they are far away.
Bell Service is universal.
A high gra-ie piano to trade for a
good team ani wagon. Call at this tf
See tlist "Little wonder" aheep
shearing machine in Gilliam & Bis
bee'i windows.
Inquire and investigate the work
done by those Alfalfa Renovaton at
Gilliam & Biebee's.
Dr. Winnard hag taken a special
coarse on eye iiseaiaand i prepare!
to fit glasses properly.
E. M. Shott will come back to town
the first of the week to complete bus
iness transactions here.
How aboot the second hand goods.
See Clyde Wells.
For oranges figs and fresh candiee
go to Slocum Drag Co.
Pbill Cohn pays highest cash price
for hides pelts and furs.
All kinds of Gang and walking
plows at Gilliam & Bisbee'a.
Mrs. Valejo Caldwell, of Portland,
Is Tisiting her relatives in this eiy.
J HoDse for sale or rent with one acre
ground. Inquire let National Bank, tf
If you doi't waut to pay Gilliam &
Bisbee for fixing yonr pipes take cre
of them aid turn the water off.
Di yea hear me? A dog was ehot,
In the west end, and killed.
Mrs. Dr. Chick and Charles went
down to Portltwd last Monday nmrn
ing. Mrs. Rose Campbell, of Penileton,
is here visiting with her mother, Mrs.
Mrs. Wilniot went on to Lexington
last Tuesday, returning Friday of the
same week.
Mr. John Blake came np from Port
land on Monday of last week. Here
turned to his home the Friday follow
ing. We had throe new families move
in'o lone and vioinity last week. It
begins to look like old times once
We see farmer Shutt's smiling face
on the streets here in lone occasional
ly. We with him success in his new
Mr. L. P. Davidson went down to
Portland Fridav of last week, where
he will look after some of his business
We understand that Frank Barlow
I as moved to his new home on Rhea
Creek. Frank says he is going to tear
the bone out.
We wonder what happened ti Hap
last week. He came into town one
day last week slightly disfigured but
still in the ring.
J. A. Waters is having a concrete
walk boilt in front of his home
property. It improves the looks of
things wonderfully.
Miss Lena Buschke, who has been
visiting with fr ends near Fct'.iind
for the past three months, returned
to lone on Monda's train.
Several Itmeites went np to Hepp
ner last Friday night to hear and se
the O. A. C. mandoiln and glee clubs
perform. Thsy all had a good time.
Walter Cason and his family have
moved back to lone again. It seems
as though the old timers can not stay
away. Walter has moved into the
Barton house.
Mr. and Mrc FranK Baker from
Blalock, who have been the guests of
Loren Hale and his wife for a few
days returned to llnir home last weel .
Mr. Baker runs the Hotel at Blalock.
The moving pictnre ehow given in
Walker'H hall last Saturday night was
the best ever. These who did not
attend missed a hearty laugh. The
illutrated sngs were also very fine.
We ucdsrstand that John R. Olden
has got tired of doing his own cook
ing. John was marnea to miss Hillsboro. We wish the
oiuple a long, happy 8nd prosperois
Nels Swanson went to Portland last
week to meet his wife who has been
visiting in California for the past two
months. They will go from there to
Seattle to visit with their daughter
for a short time.
Here are a couple of up-to-date ads
of a few years ago. Wanted: A
second hand piano, by a gentleman
with carved legs. Direct to 87, N.
Eflsington. For Rejt: A front
room by widow with bay window
facing East 42. Griff, East.
On Friday night, Feb. 1G, at Lib
er y School House, a big oyster sup
per was furnished by the losing s'do
of the big rabbit bunt held some time
ago. Herb Olden was captain of the
losing side, and got supper up in splen
did style. 900 and some odd rabbits
were killed during the hunt. It is
too bad that Herb is blessed with
single blessednsss when he is such a
good cook. Girls see what you are
The Y. P B's. had a party at Pro
fessor Kaufman's Friday night of Inst
week. It was a hard times party, or
rather a hobo party. There were all
kinds of specimens to be seen there.
To say th?y had a good time would be
putting it too mild. They all had
(he best time imaginable, Prof.
Kaufman taking the cake for the best
character. The lone mandolin club
furnished some nice selections, and
every one went home wishing that
there would be another social soon.
Blamed A Good Worker.
"I blamed mv heart for severe dis
tress in my left side for two years,"
writes W. Evaus, Danville, Va. ,
"but I know now it was indigestion,
as Dr. KiDg's New Life Pills com
pletely cured me." Best for stom
ach, liver and kidney troubles, con
stipation, headache or debility. 25c.
at Slocum Drug Co.
He Won't Limp Now.
No more limping for Tom Moore
of Cochran, Ga. "I had a bad sore
on my instep that nothing teemed to
help till I used Bucklen's Arnica
Salve," he writes, "but this won
derful healer soon cured me." Heals
old running sores, ulcers, boils, barns,
cuts, bruises, eczema or piles. Try
it. Only 2- cent at Slocum Drug Co.
Why not carry a policy in
In The Circuit Court Of The Slate Of
Oregon For The County Of Morrow.
Tha Alliance Trust Oompnnv
Limited, PJontiff.
George II. MoKee, Emma T. Mc
Keo, J. T. Alexander, Ada Francis
Alexander, Carl Marquart, Johanna
Marquart, August Treibel, Augusta
Treibel; and L. II. Litsoher
Pursunnt to a decree eniered in
the above entitled court and niuso on
the 21st day of February , 1912 in
favcr of the plaintiff and against the
defendants, and an execution duly
issued upon said decrpe, on the 21st
day of Fobrunry 1912, I will on the
30th day of March, 1012, at the hour
of 2:00 o'clock p. m. of said day at
the front door of the County Court
House in the Town of Heppner, offer
for sale and sell to the highest bidder
for cash the following de cribed real
property situated in the Countv of
Morrow, State of Orecon, to-wit:
The Southeast quarter of Section
Twenty-three (23) and the Southwest
quarter of Section Twenty-four (24)
and the North half of the North
west quarter of Section Twenty-five
(25) , and the North half of tho North
east quarter of Section Twentv-six
(26) , all in Township one (l) North,
Range Twenty-five EaU of the Will
amett Meridian containing fonr hun
dred eighty (480) acres, mere or less,
to satisfy the following eums ad
judged to bo due to the ulaintifT from
the defendants George H. Mi Kee and
Emma T. McKce, to-wit: $2373.75,
with interest at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum and $97.55. with
interest at the rate of 10 per cent per
annum, and $150 00, with interest at
the rate of 6 per cent par annum all
in United States Golj Coin, and to
satisfy the sum of $2000.00, with
interest from September 24 1908. at
8 per cen t per annum duo to the de
fendant L. H. Litscher, and tb? sum
of $1700.00, with interest from Mav
19, 1908 at the rate of 6 per cent
rjer annum due the defendant, August
Treibel, aurt the costs and disburs
ments of said suit, and the costs of
said s tie.
Sheriff of Morrow County State of
Notice To Creditors.
Notice in hereby given that the un
dersigned hits been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County Executor of the
estate of It hod a Ann Summer, de
ceased; that all persons; having
claims against said estate should
present the same to me, duly verified
according to law, at Lexington, Ore
gon, within six months from the
date of first publication of this no
tice, which date is Feb. 15, 1912.
Daxiei, I). Sr.M.MEK;
Administrator's Sale Of
Real Property.
Notice is hereby given 1 hat the un.
dei-signed, by virtue of an order
of sale, made and entered by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Morrow, in the
Matter of the Estate C.vnthia A.
Henge, deceased, on February 5,
1911', authorizing and directing the
sale of the property hereinafter de
scribed, I will, on and after Friday,
the 10th da of March, 1912, offer for
sale and sell at private sale, at the
otlice of S. E. Notson, in Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, for cash in
hand $."0.0i and the balance In Install
ments running not to exceed three
years, all the following described
real property to-wit:
Lot 1, Block 12 of the Town of Lex
ington, Oregon, nnfl that part of
Lot 10, Block 12, of the Town of Lex
ington, Oregon, Ling between the
nllev running through said Block 12
and the center of the channel of Wil
low ('reek.
Said sale will be made subject to
confirmation by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow
Signed R. L. Bcnge,
Administrator of the Estate of
Cynthia A. Henge, deeeased.
Survey Notice.
To Sadik Bowkn Rea and Maude
E. Evehitt:
You and each of you are hereby
notified and will take notice that
Henry Scherzinger has madeappliea
tion to me as County Surveyor of
Morrow County, Oregon, to survey,
locate and permanently establish the
following corners and boundaries,
The see. cor. between Sees. 31 and
32 in Tp. 3 S. K. 2fi E. W. M., the K.E.
cor. and the S.W. cor. and the south
line of the S.E. of the N.W. of
said Sec. 32 and the N E. Cor. and
the S. E. Cor. and the East line of
the west one half of the S.W. of
said Sc. 32.
And in pursuance of said above ap
plication and notice of the said Henry
Scherzinger 1 will proceed to make
the survey above applied for on the
12th day of March, 1912, commencing
at the S. W. corner of nahl Section
32, at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M.,nnd
von and each of you as owners of
adjoining lands and of lands affected
bv said survey and ns interested
parties hereto are hereby notified to
appear at said time and place aa
above set forth.
Dated this 15th day of February,
D. V. S. ItEID,
fl5-m7 County Surveyor.
For Sale.
Males don't have the "walking;
disease." Why not raise some? Buy
a jack from J. T. Knappenborg, lone,
Or. Can show three crops of colts
a the ranch.
First Wafcsosia
Heppner, Oregon
Capital $ 1 00,000 Surplus and
Profits $20,000
We are using our best efforts
to meet the banking needs
of this section. We are al
ways pleased to meet those
who may have need of a bank
Call or write us.
Office hours 9
E, tho undersigned, take this method of
& . .
announcing to
Monday, March the eighteenth, nineteen
hundred and twelve,
there will be an all night St. Patrick's dance
given at the Palace Hotel in Heppner, Ore-
The best of order will be maintained. Tick
ets will be sold to gentlemen for one dollar
and fifty cents each. Ladie free. This will
include supper.
There will be no programme and gentlemen
are requested to engage no dances ahead.
Music will be furnished by Prof. Otto's Or
chestra and dancing will begin at eight
thirty sharp.
Everybody is hereby cordially invited to attend.
DiLLAitn Fkencii Jonx Kenny J. L. Wilkixs
Auction Sale
At the C. N. Shinn place, 5 miles west of
I will sell four head of work horses and two colts;
two cows; and all of my farming inplements and
household furniture:
Saturday, March 9, 1912
at 10 o'clock, A. M.
All sales to be for cash in hand.
Owing to times being close,
2 0. K. Restaurant
will from now on serve meals at
225 cents
The usual up-to-date service will be maintained.
For Trade.
Will eiohance good Imported Stal
lion or Jack for land or stock. For
further Information address, box G6
Pendleton, Oregon. m21
a. m. to 3 p. m.
, ., .
tne public in general that on
Something Cheap.
A good gentle work team for iale,
will weigh between 2600 and 2700
poanda. Well broke and in good con
dition. Inquire at Timea office. tf