The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, February 29, 1912, Image 4

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Comes to Hundreds of lloppner
There are days of dizziness;
Spells of headache, languor,
Sometimes rheumatic pains;
Often urinary disorders.
All tell you plainly the kidneys
are sick.
Doan's Kidney Pills arejespec
ially for kidney ills.
Can Heppner residents doubt
this statement.
Mrs. Frank Moore' of Condon,
Oregon, says:
"Last winter I was greatly an
noyed by attacks of backache,
especially after I did any hard
work. I was subject to headaches
and dizzv spells and I was also
afflicted with a distressing kidney
weakness. Seeing Doan's Kid
ney Pills advertised, I was in
duced to try them and to my grati
fication, they improved my con
dition in every way. I gladly in
dorse this remedy."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents
for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
The public will always be served
with good rigs and careful drivers and
at all times receive courteous treat
HeDpner to Hardman J1.50
HeDDnpr to Monument '. . . 5.00
Children under 12 and over 2 ! fare.
For further particulars inauire of
any of the following Agents. E. O.
Keeney, Monument; E. E. Bleakman.
Hardman; Slocum Drug Co. , Heppner,
G. A. Bleakman
Owner and Mgr.
Red Front Livery &
Feed Stables
Willis Stewart, Prop
Kept constantly on hand
and can be furnished on
short notice to parties
wishing to drive into the
interior. First class : :
Hacks and Buggies
TO THE : ; : : :
. ft. A
-Ins? Si Ji !. '", unc vr.
J-'' - -I'.tQt Uis a
fc -rx u
Tia.3 ar ir .;',:. a:ir i .tan ev ir. -.
in tvnr lock utttLh eha'n ttcK
T I ' st
I"- Tit T. ,3. C
-j-t ": EXP
65 Y CARS'
l J ! ri " 'nr
Trace Mjiuks
CopvniGHTS 4c.
'n free ii-:ur a
I'm Gembe St. r? (p
r,7 fcs Vij? iv'i ua W ii V
tf"-Jf J. Vo.j ran t-Ivi tlw
I V I' I""' r ' ' ' "n niiiiri'-H-
li',..n'.: nclli .iill.K-iiti tJ. HSNOfcO1; "n l'tuu
I,.,;t r. '..!t -r t'-ir tmmi,.'.
Vm'enlM lken tljr..uh Wunn It Co. feteil
if-iii notut, with.joicimva. tatm
SclcMific niacrlcati.
. Urwicti oil. (35 F BU Wutmi P. u
His Friends Believe He Cou!d
Meet Defeat and Still
How does President Taft view his
own chances for re-election? If the
fortunes of the campaign should go
against him, would he be a good
loser? Can he stand the gaff without
his future being embittered?
These are questions being asked by
Americans, who love the National
game of politics and take interest In
it. Nothing is more uncertain than
this same game and if the tide should
go against the republicans and land
a democrat in office, would the big
fellow in the White House still smile?
President Taft's supporters do not
expect anything of that sort to hap
pen, but they believe "he Is a good
loser, basing this opinion on his past
' it
actions and what he has said when
ever the subject has been brought up.
He must realise that, holding as he
does, the biggest job on the Western
Hemisphere, many others have their
eyes fixed on the same high place and
the interests, which always seek to
control the government, are ceaseless
in their efforts to place a man favor
able to them In the presldental chair.
Knowing then the uncertainty of poli
tics and the traditional ingratitude of
republics, President Taft has spoken
of just such a contingency. He spoke
directly to the point on this matter
when he said:
"I am very grateful for the honors
the people have given me. I do not
affect to deny the satisfaction I should
feel, if, after casting up the totals,
pro and con, and striking a balance,
they should decide that my first term
had been fruitful enough of good to
warrant their giving me another. Any
man would be proud of such a verdict,
but I have not been willing, nor shall
I be, to purchase it at a sacrifice ot
my freedom to do my duty as I se
it. My happiness is not dependent
upon any office and I shall go back
to private life with no heartburninss,
if the people, after an unprejudiced
review of my administration, conclude
that someone else can serve them to
their greater advantage.
"The truth is that political consid
erations have not weighed heavily
with me. I have tried to do in each
case what seemed to me tiie wisest
thing, regardless of its effect upon my
future. Indeed, in more than onu
case I have been perfectly conscious
whose bad blood would be stirred by
some act of mine, or some refusal to
act. The circumstance that
persons who hail me after one appli
cation of equal justice, as a far seeiu:;,
conservative patriot, denounce ino af
ter the next, as an unreasoning radi
cal, does not greatly diaturb r.iy
equanimity. I set that down as a!i
in the day's work."
Get Makes Big President Oddo-On
The wager recently offered in :w
York of $3ij00 to f4000, thst the pres
ident will be re elected if nominated,
see-ms to show that somebody has con-side-ruble
confidence in the return of
the president's administration to pow
er. Somebody with $30"0 beliees
that liill Taft can come back.
Money talks and some cf the en
ihus:i;.,!ic backers of Mr. La Follet'p,
Colonel Roosevelt and Woodrow Wii
son ou;;ht to come to the front and
j take the short end of this bet. As a
I sporting proposition, this is a good
t.e-t, even if he, but the fact that
lhf-re are no takers as yet speaks elo
quently. The east, which necessarily
pets a clearer view of the president
and a more intimate knowledge of his
work, from being closer to him, is evi
dently pretty well satisfied with Pres
ident Taft and believes he will be re
elected. The bet will be allowed to
stand for some time, it is reported,
waiting for some courageous enemy
of the administration to come to ti.
front wltitls4&00,
Presant Administration Has Waged
Constant Warfare.
People generally have never given
President Taft credit for the remark
able activity of his administration
against the trusts. Unlike his prede
cessor in office, he did not hunt the
trusts with brass bands, trumpets and
flying banners. He did not advertise
to the far corners of the country what
he intended doing before he started
in campaigning agaiust the big com
binations of capital.
But the fact Is, that President Taft
has done more in fighting the trusts
than any other president in the his
tory of the country. A number of the
biggest monopolies have been dis
solved by prosecutions at the direc
tion of President Taft, notably the
Standard Oil and Tobacco Trusts.
During the three years in office,
there have been instituted under the
Sherman Anti-Trust Act, thirty-seven
prosecutions of Illegal combinations
of capital. A number of these have
already been successful and the peo
ple may look for the favorable con
clusion of many others. This is a re
cord that throws In the shade the
performances of any other president,
although it covers but three years.
President Roosevelt was quite active
in fighting the trusts, yet in his seven
years in office, from 1901 to 1908, he
caused but forty-four suits to be
brought against the trusts.
President Taft Wants to Know Cause
of High Prices.
One subject in which the average
householder ' has a vital Interest is
the high cost of living. Much has
been written and spoken about the
ever growing expense of the American
household, but the blame for the con
dition which seems to prevail all
over the country has not yet been
President Taft proposes to do this,
and one of the most timely subjects
he has discussed recently is this same
problem. President Taft proposes to
appoint a commission, consisting of
experts, to carry on an investigation
as to why food prices are steadily
going skyward. The middleman is be
ing freely blamed because it seems to
cost more each year to live and many
believe the charges well founded.
President Taft's proposed commission
would ascertain this fact accurately,
and the causes once learned, it is
thought the problem could be solved.
President Taft himself says of the
plan: "One legitimate advantage of
such an official investigation- and re
port, is the enlightened and informed
public opinion, which of itself, will
often Induce or compel the reform of
unjust conditions or the abatement of
unreasonable demands."
President Taft's Family Just Plain
People for Generations.
President Taft's family hails orig
inally from Massachusetts, the town
of Uxbridge. Tafts are said to be so
thick there that even a woman cannot
throw a stone without hitting one.
The Tafts held a re-union at Ux
bridge in 1874 and descendants of the
original Robert Taft flocked there
from all parts of the country. Alphoa
eo Taft, the father of the President,
delivered an historical address at this
re-union in which he made a some
what remarkable prophecy, all with
out being conscious of it. This is
what he said, tiie account being taken
from the report of the re-union pub
lished at the time:
"Our family has not embarked much
upon national politics, except that
they have shared in the battles of the
country when National Independence
was to be won t nd a'.so when tha Un
ion was at stake. Hut brilliant politi
cal careers have not been character
istic of the Tr.fts of the past. It is
hot safe to say whr-t may be in stors
for them. There is a tide in the af
fairs cf men and ai::o of families."
Alphonr.0 T..:'t!f i:.rt; d the
turn of the" tide which tVa ii'v!;r.t
ed. iris son William, v. ho was later
to have a brilliant cur'.x-r as Sc-cre-tary
of War, and biill lat-.r I' resident,
was that year tmer::.;:; Yr.le.
Tha Taft ancestors have been of
mighty good stock, l'eter Taft. (1713)
13 reported to have been "a large,
food locking man with a magnani
mous disposition."
Aaron Taft, anoiher aac: tor, was
also magnanimous, so much so, that
he lost money by endorsin? a friend's
notes. De.-jjite this faet he is report
ed to have been a man of great inul
li?oncet as w'.l as intei-ruy. Go.;:,'
ftiil f-r.hf-r ba ti; re wa.s Caiii.i.n
William Tift v. ho captured Lliun.ey
Ccsile in the lh century.
Party Rich in Traditions.
The Tic-publican party is not only
rich in men, but rich i i pract.c-al ard
beneficial princiiiles. It is rich, teo,
in Its record of promises performed
and pledges fulfilled, and so we are
for party and party principles first
and acquiesce in the choice of the
majority, rallying around the Ktandard
bearer, who will carry us again to
victory. Hon. Jumtt S.
(cu 1 i i n ) n I 1 W
S M II Ii 11 M i
The Senior Class of the Heppner High
School will present
The Merchant of
A clever burlesque on the great Shakespearean drama.
This play has a very successful run of several seasons in
the colleges and high schools of the country.
By special request, the merchants will close their doors at
8:15 in order that employees may be able to attend
the play. Performance begins at 8:30 sharp.
Secure Your Tickets Early
Don't wait until the very last minute to get
your seat. Tickets are on sale at Slocum
Drug Co. Get busy, Mr. Man.
All seats reserved
Special Clubbing Offer
Our Old Subscribers and
The year 1912 is to be the most important year
in our history. Besides the great activities of the
Northwest, a President of the United States is to
be elected.
Keep up with the news of the world by
taking advantage of one of our special
The Daily Oreroiiinn and Sunday 12 months
The Heppner Gazette - - - V2 months
Bothimay be obtained for a limited time only for $8 00,
which is the subscription price of the Oregonian alone.
To those'not desiring to take the big Sunday Edition of the
Oregonian, we make the following offer
The Daily Oregonian
The Heppner Gazette
Doth may be obtained for a limited time for $6 00, which
is the subscription price of the Oregonian alone.
In other words, you are receiving the Oregonian and Gazette
for the price of the Oregonian.
pois'l fail 5 Bake asivaiiiage of litis
Send us your remittance TODAY
Up to Date
1 '2 months ....
12 months
50 cents
Their Friends
. 1.00