I f r " ? .. ' " '; -.To c .-rows.., A The Range of Economy At The Case Furniture Store i Colonist Fares :D AILY: March 1 to April 15, 1912 From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United States to all points in the NORTHWEST on the Oregen-Wsshington Railroad & Navigation Company From Chicago - - $33.00 " St. Louis - - $32.00 ' Omaha - - $25.00 " Kansas City - $25.00 " St. Paul - - $25.00 Prportiorately low fares from all other points. Direct con nections from Chicneo, St. Paul , Omaha, and Kansas Oitv ever the C. CEL N. W., Union Pacific, Oreg'on Short Line and O. W. Pv. (EL N. Lines Protected by automatic Block Signal. YOU CAN PREPAY FARES While these rates auplv Westbound only, fares may be prepaid by depositing value of the ticket with vour heal aennt, and an order will be telearaphed to any address eiven. fc3 Aid in telling of onr vast resources and wonderful opuorto U nities for HOME BUILDING. 0 Illcstrated and reliable printed matter will be mailed any- V"j one to whom you wish it sent, by addressing , 8 WILLIAM McMURRAY, General Passenger 1 Agent, Portland, Oregon. t & fi iks- rSuti !!-. ;ms f,. i- ;7. This is t!ie S,i.t Cash price. ..! i-i.il :-'al(j is 810 down aud $5 a month. The RfcorJs V. u i; . yi -ui- si 1. '-U"n of any 12 Aim-er.la IJ. i-!-. . f v.',i'-li t!. re an- ver '(). W'v , i the Xmv Ki-ninl- every ):- a:.', t'ylindcr. ('nine in and i 'iat; .n. Tl, NKEL it CO. Prop?. Everything neat and clean at popular prices. CwUNKK CilAbL AND MAY STREETS, HePPSEK, OkEOOX ....:: ri If ,' i tfe at L i w t, s.. m A!! tl:e tGiiQ quzUly ct Ihe $209 instruments in K.ese two nsscEi-Kes The Co!n:b:a Crafor.oln "Favorite" (lioruk-hs Machine) and 12 (! ul mc disc l'ecords (24 selections) fur Tijis is the Sjx.it Cash jii'ice. Our Sjiccial Hale is 10 duu n and Qr a month. The Rccorils Ynu can make j-niu- dwii sekc tiun of any two rj-im-h, f?1.2o I!cc. irds and ten 10-iucIi, (Joe ltecon's. Ttie f di.ioii "Hci ie" Fh jno:-aEh and 12 AiiiKrulo (1 minute) month, llh let us i,'.vu yi THECAZETTt-TIMES Th Heppner Gazette, Established March 30, 188.1 The Heppner Timet, Eslnblished Nov. 18, 1897 Consolidated February 15, 112. VAWTER CRAWFORD, . Editor and Proprietor Issued every Thursday morning, and entered at the Postottice at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $1.00 Sin Months, 5 Three Months 50 Single Copies 05 ADVERTISING RATES: Display, transient, running lest than one month, hrst insertion, per inch, 25c; subsequent in sertions, 12 l-2c; display, regular, 12 l-2c; locals, hrst insertion, per line, 10c; subsequent insertions, per line, Sc.; lodge resolutions, per line, 5c; church socials and all advertising of entertainment! conducted for pay, regular rates. Thursday, February 29 1912 Selling evidently took every letter he received as an urgent request that hn get in the race for Senator. We know of several that he received from this Bection that could not be so con strued. President Taft's plea to congress on Tuesday for the proposed new law in the interest of the employes of inter state railways ought to convince labor that he is as much its friend as capi tal's and that the rights of tnt n aie dearer to him than those of property. In order to get the various factions together. Gov. West has appointed a commission to act in shaping up the good roads legislation, and is being commended for taking such a course. This problem may yet be worked out and the ' right kind of a measure framed op so that the various counties will be put on an equal basis. Many friends of Supt. S. E. Notson are urging him to set into the field for re-el- ction Sam has made the best superintendent this conntv has ever had. He has been faithful in the performance of the duties of bis office, and it is only necessary for him to ronsent to run qgain : the peonla of the county will see that he is elected, and that by an almost unanimous vote. There seems to be a lack of timber for the various county offues in Mor row countv. So far thre are three candidates in the field for sheriff, one for county clerk, and all the rest are going bfgsina. Tieasurer Gilliam will doubtless be a candidate to suc ceed himself, and will have no oppo sition. Aside from Judge Patterson, there seems to be no aspirants for the Coiintv Judge's office, and he is not really very enthusiartic. There should bo some aspirants also for commi8ion er. There is a chance for many good men to cet into the fray and the field is tpan. Ben Selling is now an announced candidate for the office of United States senator to succeed Jonathan Bcurne, Jr. , and he enters the race fully confident that he will win. This naper is willing to support almost any man in onDosition to Bnurne, but out s-rnng ureference is for Judg Stephen A. Lowell, of Pennloton. Jud8 Low ell is entitled to the eu Dort of East- em Oregon people and he should get it. He is the character of man that should represent this stata and Eist ern Oregon is entitled to this recogni tion. He Ehould aho be able to win over Rourne, and when he is elected. OrfL'onwill have a reals nator in con gress l et every republican in Morrow county line up for udge Lowell. A Social Gathering. Lst Thursday night, at tlia home of Mr. and Mtp. Lori-n Hale, uf Iuno, ,b. ut one hundrtd ai:J twerly-fivo :un, wome i and d.-ildeu of the Bap tist c!n;r h end Sunday fc'ncol fartor.l . f a riin-.DtU! m harqi-A-t n p:;:-tii .y the Ld-ei of thy cliur.i. Tna roll of Titahes was calk; I and sr-rivture q-.rl.t.itia j?;vcn in re-'p ane. An ef:li r.t p.o.-gm if n-fit-ulciiii ami ...orj,3 was d iiU rifi rd t!:e C ure! iV.tl i'x-.'.:-y s l.ool o Hirers wtte e.kct vi a ; f,,li-js: Crunh r Micers: Kcc- lMfii v. Mrs. Wi'l rri Dlafco; rfarunr and i:i'.r:.brr fiuar.ee icu.niittee, Mrs. Li.r. n l ps-t. Mrs S. E. Moore; Trr.UfH. I. L. HuWBrd, Ilallick .-'. S. I). Mcore : di-Bc.r.r.?, Ebi'ii .'. n ; c : ." k . lie v. J. A. .Mrii-, I. L. Hov.f.ci: orasr.i.t, Mies Dotij Wilt; vit.it ii: : ci inn i.t e. Mis. .! i n LrFi,n, Mrs S. E. r.Ijore, Mrs. Jj.,;i O'cl; r:,n Purday schiml ofiicetE : Superintend ent, Frank .Nash: asst. A. E Kinjr spcretnrv. Miss Elvira - Iiavi.fson ; p.?-t. M s- KOna lIo.M:i;i: treasurer, Mrs. Jol.!i Cicliran; .ruanist, Mis Dori3 V,:it: B?-,t Mis L ina Howard. Attn- iKctiou cf ( fTic ;s the meet ing was doted v. i.h sfiig and prayer. A Real Jolly Time. The members of the Ilcbc-kah lodge of Hrppner enjuyed a novel entertain ment on Saturday evening in Odd Fel lows hal 1. A ragamuffin party l ad been provided and man- of the coi tomes were funny in the extreme and developed much ingeunity in their make up. Prizes were awarded and Linnie Perry received first prize for moat comical character, Mrs. Frank Brown for the rainiest ladies cos tome, while Lou Zeislcr carried off the lionois for wearing more lags limn anv other man in the crowd. The whole evening's entertainment was one continual round of merri ment and it was enjoyed immei.soly. Following this part of the prouram. was an elegant, luncheon. The'sow' u-aa uiven as an evening's amusement lor the members of the order, and not to raise money, so the b'iibII teo charg ed was simply to defray come necess ary expenses. Fr'tm the standpoint of lots of fun and a general good time, it waa a success. A Sermon to Men. On last Sundnv afternoon, Evangel ist Owen preached a sermon to men only at the M. E Church south. He had a good congregation of attentive listeners, and his discourse on the manhood of Jesus Christ was indeed a masterful effort, full of eood thought and logic. The speaker grew elo quent at times, and was filled to the brim with his sujbect. The appeal to the men to accept Christ waa earn est, an there was response on the part of several. These union meet ings have been running for the past three weeks, and will continue over Sunday. A large number have been converted and the interest increases as the meetings go on. The evangel ist has greatly impressed the people of Heppner by bis earnestness and good will result to the religious side of the community because of the messages h has delivered. Annual Ball a Success. The annual ball given on last Thurs day evening by Heppner lodge of Elks, was a complete success. There was a large attendance and the capacity of the club building was fully taxed to accommodate the crowd. The hall was beautifully decorated in the col ors of the order and the committee in charge of this work certainly did themselves proud. Music was fur nished by Prof. Otto's orchestra cf five pieces and was showered wiih many compliments. Supper was ser ved in the hall under the direction of J. L. Wilkins, of the Palace hotel. and prepared by his chef, Mr. Kidd. und was par excellence. The occa sion waa greatly enjoyed by all pres ent, and the ball is pronounced one of the very best the Elks ever have yet given. Church Announcements. At Iona on Sunday, services at the Oorgregational church in charge of the pastor. Rev. Otho G. Reade. In the morning, sermon and communion. In the evening the subject will be, "The Place of the Different Churches in the Development of the Kingdom of Christ." At Heppner, the union meetingH will clnso on Sunday evenire in the M. E. Church south. Subject for the evening's discourse, "The Bpd Too Short, The Covering Too Narrow." The local pastors will have services in their churches Sunday morning and unite in the evening at the M. E. Chnrch south. Comn and take pait iu the last night of the revival. john McAllister. There will be preaching both morn ing and evening at the Christian church by Rev. Robinson, of Helix. The public is cordially invited to these services. Rev. Father O'Routte, recently Btpoionted pastor cf tie Heppner uarislt, took ud his new duties on Feb. 13. He was heartily welcomed at the church where a laige congre gation BSsemlled to hear his initial sermon. Since his remind to Hepp ner, the Rev. Father has beco'.Le a.auainted with a lire part of his ncrmrgiitu.P, i:d he finds nmeng'st them an earnest lesire to co-operate -,'.iih l.im iu all undertakings v.hich make fur the gocd cf thn parish. Durhittr the Lenten treason, services will be held e verv Friday evening ut 7 ::jf : the Fcrvicts consisting of ata liur.s of the crops, sermon oud bene dictiun The Sunday services will he held at 10:30 a. m. and 3 p. m. The sermons at these services will embrscn the djjmatic aid moral principles of the Catholic cnurch. At the mns-s en next Sum'av. March 3rd, the subject of the se.-rmcn will be "Tl.ei Tv-o Standards" and in the aftarcnm the eutijert will he "The Necessity of Professing a Religion." Horses For Sale. One crav mare sge 8, weight 1100. price ill.'; cte bay nare.nt-e . wcigth 12(0, price 140: erne hi "ldirg eee fi, weight 1400. price Jlnd: two sortel neldirjrs age !i, weight 2,'JOO, price J200. All well broke and a nop if taken m the nest thirty days. A. W. GAMMELL. Lexington, Ore. You need not pay so roach for in surance. Talk to M. E. Sniead. Crockery and Glasware at your own price at Gilliam & liibsee's. j The place to fiud that rretty wall paper is at Case'a Furniture Storv. I GLEE CLUB SCORES BIG HIT IN HEPPNER College Lads Live up to Ex pectations of Local People. Greeted bv one of the largest houses of their entire tour, the Glee and Mandolin Club of the. Oregon Agri cultural College entertained in a superb manner at the Club building last Friday evening. Notw thstand ing the fact that the club had had a strenuous trip, every man was on the job and acquitted himself in a credit able manner. From the opening num ber by tho Mandoliu Club until the Collegiaua there was not a dull moment and cveiy number reflected t-plendid training and careful develop ment of the young musicians. The Mandolin Club, under the direction of Mr. Biewster, displayed mnch skill in handling the instruments and furnished their full share in making the evening one of delight musically. This feature of the pro gram was exceptionally interesting to the local mandolin enthusiasts and many good points were secured thereby. Under the guidance of Prof. Gaskins. the Glee Club has attained a very high stan lard. Their program numbers were all of a very high order anl were repeatedly encored. The Club at no time resorted to vaudeville or cheap stunts of any kind, but responded to the numerous enccres with humorous selections which never failed to please. "Comrades in Arms" was an excellent number and put the Club right with the Heppner audience so far as their ability to sing was con cerned. In all, the concert waa a grand success and reflects credit upon the Institution which the Club represents. That the college lads find time to develop their musical talent along with their studies is worth while, as was evidenced by the splendid program given last Friday evening. The Hepimer audience was especial ly favored by the singing of Prof. Gaskins. His appearance here was the only one on the tour, and it was only in response to urgent request of alumni and others that he finally agreed to pirg. It is the rare good luck of Hepncer poeple to hear such talent and the kindness of the singer was rewarded in the generous ap plause. Following the concert, the students of the Heppner High School held a reception at I. O. O. F. hall in hon or of the O. A. C. people and a very large crowd was present. A very enjoyable hour was spent in gettirg acquainted and making "impress ions," iu which the Heppner young people proved to be veiy well school ed. It has been noted before that the Heppner young people take second place to none when it comes to enter taining outsiders and the affair last Friday evening places more laurels to their credit. OR 3 A For Infanta aud Children. Ths Kind You Hava Always Sought Bears the Signature f Contest Now On. The poulhy contest offered by the Tri-county Development Lengue begins March 1. There will be a record book fnrnished each contestant. Anv one desiring to compete for prizes will please notify Mr. Orren fieaty. Moro, Oregon, so that they may re ceive tho record book before March 1. Tlure will L-e no enLr&nce fee ch:irgerl for either the crop, poultry or heg contents, all that, is required U fur you to funiii-h seed, hogs or uocltry f',r competing. fl5-f2'J Those felted Cottoi Mattresses are ii ?i,lo at Case's Kuvniti.ie Store. For Sale. S ;me choice young sows at $!o pach. See Wilkins, 1'alrco Hotel. Notlc-.i for Publication. Department cf the Interior U. S. I.tiii Ofii-o at The Dalles, Oregon, .lanuary 27' h l?12. Xolue is hertbv fiver tlmt llinl.ard F. C'riwdson , cf I'stiser'a Mill, Ore pen, who, on Mfu'ih Kith, 1:05. nmde IIcmcsti Bil , ' No. 11270 Serial No. 0::f07, fcr SWi SWt. Sec. 13 and H SL'i, Si-, J SWUt Section 11, Town ship 5 South, Karge 2i Fast, Willaui elie Mr din, has filed notice of inteniiun to male Firnl five-year Trcof, to rstablit-h f liim to tho land above described, before C. C. Patter son, U. S. Commissi ner at his ofiice, at Ilcpiner, Oregon, on the 5th day cf March, 191 J. Claimant names as witnesses: Richard Hogeland, of Parker's Mill, Oiegnn, Aithur Ried, of Hepp ner, Oregon, Adrian Matte.soo, of Hfipner, Oregon end L'ugene Matte son, of Heppner, Oregon. fl-f29 C. W. MOORE, He g later. HOWARD HAMILTON WALTHAM ELGIN An attractive line of the above watches carried in stock. OSCAR BORG Jewler & Optician. Our Specialty is Fitting Glasses. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the First National Bank, at Hepp ner, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, Feb. 20, 1912 RESOURCES Loins and discounts 1371, 51!). (58 Overdrafts, seemed aud unsecured 1,517.79 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 25,000X0 U. S. Bo-ads to stcure U. S De posits ; 1.0C0 00 Premiums on U. S, Bonds 231. H3 Honda, securities, etc 29,1)21.09 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 14,8fiU8 Other real estate owned 19,35.88 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) 8,54ti 41 Due from state and Private P.aiiKS ami Bankers, Trust Companies, aud Savings B.uks 5,340.58 Due from approved reset ve a?ts .- 11.079.10 Checks and other cup h items... . 785 5i Notes of other Naiii nal B.uiks. 35.00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents 134.01 I.AWFI L MONKY KKSKHYK IN BANK. VIZ! Specie 32,827 25 Legal tender notes.. 10 00 32.837 25 Ue.innption fund w th U. S. Treasurer (5 ier cent of circu lation 1,250.00 Total 523,4D. 5(i LIABILITIES Capital stock paidiu 100.000.00 Surplus fund 8,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses ami Taxes paid 12,389.92 National Dank notes outstand ing 24,400.01 Due to other National Banks. . . 257.34 Individual deposit subject to check 210,747.12 Demand certificates of deposit. 4 35 13 Time Certificiies ol Depu-it, . .47.000 t;5 Cashier's chei ks outstanding... 1,201 40 Bills payable, including; ccr tiliciitort of deposit for nioiiev borrowed 85.000.00 Total sf523.441.5ti Statk of OlUXiON, COl'NTYOK JIOMKOW f I, T. J. Malionry, Cashier of the above named hack, do s -jlemnly swear that the above stf.temeut is tn e to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. J. Maiionf.y, Cashier. Subscribed snd sworn to before me thi" 21th day of February, 1912 SEAI, S W. Sl'KNO'K Not uy Public Cokhkct AttM : M. S. ' Corr-gall, Fiuuk GilliHin, J. B. Natter, Directors. Notice for Publication Denartmnet of the Interior IT. S. Lund OfficB nt The DbIIcs. Oreogn, Februaty 6th, 1912. Notice is hereby given that Michael C. Marshall, cf Willows. Orepon. who, on March 18th 1905, made Ilonie teai). No. 14293 Serial No. 03519, for SWi SWJ4, Sec 24. utiil E.'o NKU . V,i NEJ4, Section 23, Town.-hip 4 Morth, Range 23 Eat, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final fivo year Proof, o establish claim to (he land above described, before C. O. Ptitterson, U. S. CointniHsicner at his office at Heppner, Ongon, on the 19th day of March, 1912. Claimant names u witnesses: F. D. Deos, Jess Deos, Patrick Farley, of Willows Oregon, sr.d H. II. SVentun of Coyote Ore. fl5-t:,14 C. W. MOORE. R(gi-ter Notice to Mule Raisers. We have for sale at cur rarch at Crni!on three well bred Jail. tihini'fd out from Missouri last November. For prices and terms apply to Turn Erog. For Sale. A graded Belgian stallion, coming five-year-old, weight between 1600) and 1700. Inquire of (). A. Deyins, Heppner, Oregon. Eggs for Setting. Prize winning Anconas. Setting of 15 eggs 12.50. My chickens were prize winners at the recent Pendleton chicken show. MACK SMITH. f.22. tf.