The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, February 29, 1912, Image 1

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VOL. 28. NO. 49.
' ffm .immmmam mm
-f- inspection. Come and take a look. They
f are better than ever. We have ample room to
show our goods now. Here are a few ot our new
ones in Silks, Surah, Tongee, Chamois, Togo,
Tussah, Shantung, Suesine, Gallia Embroidered,
Floral and others.
You will miss something if you don't see our line
of Spring Suitings in Serge in all colors. Ilipp
lettes for dresses needs no ironing.
Galateas, Tercales, Traits and Ginghams the
best assortment we havn ever shown.
Thomson Bros.
Step in and try on
clothes of quality.
High-grade BUT NOT
High priced.
Sam Hughes
An Aggregate of About $900
Assessed in Fines by Judge
Parker Other Items.
Judge Phelps he'd a Fession of the
Cir.uit Court last Wednesday eve
ning: And the following proceedings
were had :
The Alliance Trust Co vs Geo. H.
McKee, et al. default and deciee on
foreclosure of a niotrg8gge.
Tne First National Bank of Hepp
nrr, vs Peter White aud wife , default.
and decree foreclosing a mortgage.
Tho Merchants National Bank vs
Patrick MuDaid and Phill Poberty
default and judgment on promissory
Lydia Pvay vs Dale P.ay. default
and decree of divorce.
The Investors Mortgage Security
Co. v Chas. R. McAlister, and wife,
confirmation cf Kale.
J. A Hitbke, vs James Kiernan
settled and dismissed.
S. C. Priestley vs C. P. Nslson, et
al, stricken from the docket.
Judge D. R. Parker of the 11th
Judicial District on Tuesday held a
session of Court for Judge Phelps,
anr! passed sentence upon the defend-
auts in tho Local Option cases which
have been pmiding iu the circuit conrt
and had been appealed to the Supreme
Court and by that court affirmed The
following is a list of the defendants
and the sentence imposed on each:
E. C. Maddork, $100: Sherman
Sliaw, i!50; Walter Robinson, 50;
Victor Grophens, loO; Frank Engle-
man, SSO; C. W. Swanson, $50; Geo.
Swaggart. 50: Mike McKenna, $50
Pat lUilly, 50: Thos. O'Donnell, $50;
A. H. Rea, $50; Dennis McNamee,
$30: Dave Biggerstaff, $r0; John
Reese. $30: A. H. Rea was also
fined $100 frr permitting gambling,
John Rasmus was fined $50 and fine
remitted on account of having bjen
und ?r the employ of E. C. Maddock.
These fines all go to the general
fund of the county, witli the x-
rection of the fines for gambling
which are tnrned into the school fond,
John Klitz was sentenced to 30 days
in the countv jail and paroled on ao
count of his inability to pay a fine
and also on account of sickness in his
In all tha local option cases where
there was two indictments, a fine of
fi0 was imposed on each defendant,
and in each rase the fine was remitted
Judge Parker also heard the argu
ments of the respective counsel iu the
suit of Bruce B. Kelly vs S. P. Devin
as Executor of the Estate of iN. A.
Kelly, deceased. The coort tock the
matter under advisement , and decision
will be rendered at a later date.
Real Estate Transfers.
J. II . Longwill to Ella R. Walpole,
5 acres near Irrigon. Consideration
Dan Ilirl to Pat Doherty. 680 acres
in Tp. 2 S. R. 29, consideration $4'i55.
W. S. Wharton to Clara M .Simon-
tm, ICO acres in Tp. 1 N. R. 25, con
sideration 3200.
H. W. Anderson to Frank Anderson,
1G0 acres in Tp. 4 S.R . 25, considera
tion G50.
A H. Suuderman et al. to Butter
Creek Land and Live Stock Company,
1280 acres in Morrow and Umatilla
County, formerly the Frank Sloan
ranch, consideration $.12,000.
Oregon Land & Water Co., to Mary
E. Lester, 10 acres near Irrigon, con
sideration $1075.
Pacifio Trust Co. to Blulock Island
Gardens Co. Deed to 640 acres in
Tp.5 North, Range 25. Considera
tion $1.00.
United States to Mary F. Wiggles
worth, patent to 10 acres in Tp. 1 N.
R. 27 E.
Jas. W. Smith to Nils Swanson,
d-ed to 16 acres in Tp. 1 N. R. 23.
East $500.
Ed McDsid to Ed Doheity, K n
treest in 2240 acres in Tp. 2 N. R. 24,
East. Consideration $10 00.
J. M. Johnson to Neil O. White
contract of sale to 160 acres iu Tp. 1
N. R. 25. Consideration $1760.
A. S. Bnrch and wife to
K. Sprouls, deed to 185 acres in Tp.
3 S. R. 2G, consideration $5,000.
J!8" voters have registered. The
following is a aummarv of the regis
tration Republicans 267. Democrats
87, Socialists 21, Prohibitionists 8,
Indspindeut 4. No pirty, or refused
to answer, 5
Marriage License To Raymond
Steers and Francis Baird, both of
He is Enthusiastic Over Back
to Farm Movement
N. C. Maris has been iu Henpner
several days tin's v,eek and met with
the Booster Clnb on Monday and Tues
day evenings to discuss the "back to
the toil" movement. Ha is repre
senting the O A. C. Extension De
partment, enl on Tuesday evening
gave a god talk before the Club iu
which ha outlined the work that is
being undertaken, and explained fully
the plan for the contests to be entered
into by the school children of this
county. Mr. Mans is fully alive to
the importance of the work just be
ginning and brought to the attention
of onr people here the great benefits
that will result from the inauguration
of this movement to interest the chil
dren in learning those things in life
that will be of erent assistance to
them in fiehting the battles they will
sooa be entering upon. He also show
ed in a e'ear and conciss way that the
idea of leaving tha farm and going
to the city was loosing ground; the
profesisons are full to running over
already and onlv those who can take
a place at the top can exocet to suc
ceed against the odds of competition
and oversupoly. So the logical thing
is to get back to the farm an teach
tha children to produce from the soil
tha wealth that lies there. The plan
is certainly a great one, and another
year or so will show the wisdom of it.
A committee was appointed to confer
with Mr. Maris and select a list of
products that prizes will he offered
for, this committee to act in conjunc
tion with a like committee appointed
by the Farmers' Union, and a full
report of their action will appear next
week. From the interest manifested
so far it is evident that the movement
will prove a success in this county.
FOR dist. Any.
'rominent Young Attorney of
Pendleton Enter- the Race
For the Republican Nomination.
Frederick Steiwer, of Pendleton,
who was formerly associated with
Judge Phelps in the practice of law
at Pendleton, has decided to enter
the race for the office of District
Attorney for this judicial district.
Mr. Steiwer was in Heppner a few
days this week, leaving this morning
for lils home, and while here he made
known his desires to Ileppner and
Morrow county people.
He is a bright young attorney with
five years practice to his credit, and
during this psriod he has had sime
very excellent training in the office
to which he aspires, as he was deputy
district attarney for two years under
Judge Phelns v. hen he was filling
that office and also served for four
nianths nndor S. E. Van Vactor, the
present incumbent. During this period
Mr. Steiwer had charge of and assisted
in prosecuting a number of the most
important criminal cases of recent
years in Umatilla county.
Mr. Stiewer has no extended plat
form to put before the people Just at
this time but pledges simply a strict
and impartial enforcement of the
laws of Oregon.
lie made a good impression on oar
poeple and should be a strong candi
date at tho primaries.
The Boss Squirrel Poison guaran
teed only 25 cents per can at Slocom
Drug Co. The Squirrel Poison that
A Strong Organization Per
fected Officers Chosen
A Big Poultry Show For
Heppner in December.
Pursuant to the published call, an
enthusiastio gathering of poultry
fanciers, business men and members
of the Morrow County Booster Club
met at the Council Chambers and pro
ceeded to organize The Morrow
County Poultry Association, on Tues
day evening. The temporarv organiza
tion was completed by the election of
Frank Gilliam, chairman and L. W.
Briggs secretary.
The following permanent officers
were then elected to serve for the
ensuing year: President, E. G.
Noble; vice presidents, V. P. Hill of
Heppner, J. A. Waters of Ion?, aud
L. B. Kicker of Irrigon; secretary,
L. W. Brigga, treasurer. W. R. Ir
win, manager, D. C. Gurdane.
The following committees were then
appointed: Exceutive, E. G. Noble,
R. A, Thompson and W. O. Minor;
On resolutions, E. G. Nohle, E. M.
Shutt and W. E. Walbride.
Instructive and encoursginz ad
dresses were made by D. C. Gurdane,
who outlined thu experiences and
progress of the Umatilla-Morrow
County Poultry Association by; N. C.
Maris, who gave some very interest
ing data regarding the poultry and
live stock industries; by S. E. Notson
who outlined the industrial educa
tional plans for the school children
of the state, followed by Mr. Marls
on the same line. Enccurnffinir re-
O o
marks were also made by W. O. Minor,
T. J. Mahoney and E. M. Shutt.
It is the purpose of the Association
to encourage the raising of improved
strains of poultry end more of it;
the poultry industry being one of the
most profitable and one of the great
est 9';nrce3 of incom ti ttv j?' j la cf
the United States.
Arrangements will at onoe be made
t bold a poultry fair at Henpner this
coming winter and with the assistance
that will undoubtedly be given by tha
business men and poultry raisers of
tho town and county this fair will
certainly prove a great success, and
be of untold advantage to the county.
In addition to the regular premium
and prizes it is the intention of the
Association to offei special prizes te
children as an inducement to engage
in this profitable and fascinating in
dustry. The membership dues are fixed at
11 00 per year, and everybody .whether
engaged in pnultrv raising or not, is
invited to join and thus help along a
useful enterprise.
Morrow has more poultry fanciers
and etxensiva poultry reisers than
any other county in Eastern Oiegon
and there is no reason why this show
should not be ona of the largest and
most successful in the Pacific North
Before the advent of poultry assoc
iations the 200 egg hen was not heard
of and the farmers' yards were filled
with a heterogenous mixture of mon
grels. Now, with the educational
influences of these associations, iu
traveling over tne country, we find
many flocks of beautiful thorough
breds, of manv variety, and the 2C0
egg hen is no longer a rariety. Many
new breeds are constantly being evol
ved in the efforts to create more pro
fitable strains and wonderful things
are being accomplished in that line.
Oregon imported, during 1911, over
400 car loads of eggs from other states:
our total importations of eggs and
dressed poultry amounting to over
two and one half million dollars.
Here is food for thought and one thing
we should set our thinking machines
to work on.
An A. J. Jordan carving set will
make a nice Xmns present. The only
place to get it is at Gilliam & Bis-bee's.
Foi a sprain you will find Chamber
lain' Liniment excellent. It allays
tho pain reujoes the soreness, an
soon restores the parts to a healthy
condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by Patterson & Son.
Watch This
A Word About Paper-Bag
It is not an experiment, but
a proved success. Cook
ery Bags replace pots and
pans, save time, labor and
1 Makes every dish more savory
and nutritious.
2 Economieal-tho food weighs prac
tically the same when it comes from
the oven as when put in.
3 Labor saving-Xo cleaning of pots
and pans.
4 Hygienic-Xo germ haunted uten
sil. 5Odorloss-Xo smell of cooking.
The genuine "Paper-Bag" here
A. M. PHELPS,! The Grocer