The gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1912-1925, February 22, 1912, Image 6

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Hot Chocolate
Hot Clam Tea
Hot Beef Tea
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Ham and Bacon
and Home-rendered Lard.
Top Prices Paid for Hides and Pelts.
MIKE 11EALY, Proprietor
Livery Stable
PAY FOR ALL TELEl'JtlUiNiiJs rur. Riuo.
Call and look over the new line of
Just Received.
Gathering Friends
A LITTLE girl can always get some
body to play with by using the
Bell Telephone. It is just as useful
to her as it is to her elders.
There is no need to be lonesome
with a telephone in the house, because
you can at least talk with your friends,
even though they are far away.
Bell Service is- universal.
A high grade piano to trade for a
good team and wagon. Call at thia
Fee that "Little wonder" alipep
shearing machine in Gilliam & Bis
bee'a windows.
Inquire and instigate the work
done by thoae Alfalfa Renovators at
Gilliam & Bisbee's.
Dr. Winnard has taken a special
eoarn on eye iiaeewand U prepared
to fit glasses properly.
E M. Shott will come back to town
tbe first of the week to complete bus
iness transactions bere.
V 1 W 1
Hot Tomato Nectar
Hot Red Snapper
kinds of Lunch Goods
How about the second band goods.
See Clyde Wells.
For oranges figs and fresh candies
go to S locum Drug Co.
Phill Cohn pays highest cash prioe
for hides pelts and fur.
All kinds of Gang and walking
plows at Gilliam & Bisbee's.
Mrs. Valejo Caldwell, of Portland,
is visiting ber relatives in this eiy.
" House for sale or rent with one acre
ground. Inqnire 1st National Bank, tf
If you don't want to pay Gilliam &
Bisbee for fixing your pipes take eare
of tbem and turn tbe water off.
Star Asrerecation Will Be
Greeted By Large Crowd
Advance Sale Surprises
The tickets are soiling fast for the
big concert to-morrow nifrht. TIih
fact that this is to be one of the big
gest attractions to come to Heppner
in recent years has created widespread
interest and the people are taking ad
vantage of it. And well they might
for the word cornea along the line
where the Club hag visited that they
proved to be everything claimed! for
them and even more. Their enter
tainment is not only a delight but a
surprise, as well. Die capable
manner in which they handle difficult
selectons is bringing forth favorable
comment from people who are inclined
to be critical.
The Club is a representative body
of students from the "farmers' school"
and are being royally entertained
along the line. Last Thursday at
Portland, where the boys gave a con
ceit at the Heilig theater, the Port
land Progressive Business Men's
League gave a dinner in their honor,
at which many notable men were
present. Their concert in the lendinc
theater of Portland was well received
by a large audience and gome of the
numbers were recalled as often as
four times and each one was encored
At Hond River, a very successful
concert was given, following which
tne Alumni Association gave the boys
a lunsheon and reception.
The Dalles was visited on Sunday,
and the Superintendent of Schools
there, Mr. A. 0. Strange entertained
the Club at his home. The concert
given in that city was reported to
be very successful.
These instances are only given to
prove our statement at the beginning
that the boys are being well received
all along the line and are giving a fine
A packed house will greet tbem at
Heppner on tomorrow evening.
Blamed A Good Worker.
"I blamed mv heart for severe dis
tress in my left side for two years,'
writes W. Evans, Danville, va. ,
'but I know now it was indieestion,
as Dr. King's New Life Pills com
pletely cured me." Best for stom
ach, liver and kidney troubles, con
stipation, headache or debility. 25o.
at Slocum Drug Co.
Dates of Wool Sales.
The Oregon Wool Growers Associa
tion have fixed the offioial wool sales
dates in Oiegon for the season of 1 912
as follows:
Place First Sale Second Sale
Echo May 29
Pendleton May 80 June 13
Pilot Rock May 3i June 14
Heppner June4&5 June 17
Shaniko June 6 June 12
Baker June 8 July 8
Ontario June 10
Vale June ll
Metoliua Jane 24 , July 16
Enterprise and
Wallowa County June 26 & 29
Respectfully submitted,
John Q. Hoke, Secretary,
Oregon Wool Growers Association.
He Won't Limp Now.
No more limping for Tom Moore
of Cochran, Ga. "I had a bad sore
on my instep that nothing seemed to
help till I used Bucklen's Arnica
Salve," he writes, "but this won
derful healer soon cured me." Heals
old running sores, ulcers, boils, barns,
cuts, bruises, eczema or piles. Try
it. Only 25 cents at Slocum Drug Co.
Heppner Advertised Letters.
The following letters remained
uncalled for at the pos-tollice in
Heppner, Oregnn, on Wednesday,
Feb. 21, 1912:
C E Copple, Andy HefTron, Earl
Ingles, Wm Mathews, II I Mc
Dowell, Joe Reynolds.
When calling for these please say
advertised. W. W. Smkad,
Fot a sprain yon will find Chamber
lain's Liniment excellent. It allays
the pain removes the soreness, and
soon restores the parts to a healthy
condition. 25 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by Patterson & Son.
For Sale.
Males don't have the "walking
disease." Why not raise some? Buy
a jack from J. T. Knappenbnrg, lone,
Or. Can show three crops of colts '
a tbe ranch.
Hay for Sale.
inn tnnm alfalfa. Hioh ataeka
foxtait. With feed lots, ete. Phooe 1
or write, Otis McCarty, Butter Creek. I
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Lind Office at The Dalles,
Orfgon, January 27th 1912.
Notice is hereby given that Riohard
E. Crewdson, of Parker's Mill, Ore
eon, who, on March 10th, 1905. made
Homestead, No. 14270 Serial No.
0a507, for SW1 SWJ. Sec. 13 and Si
SEJ.SEJSW, Section 11, Town
ship 5 South, Range 2fl East, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final five-year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before C. C. Patter
son, U. S. Commissioner at his office,
at Heppner, Oregon, on the 5tli day
of March, 1913.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Richard Homeland, of Parker's
Mill, Oiegnn, Arthur Ried, of Hepp
ner, Oregon, Adrian Mattesou, of
Heppner, Oregon and Eugene Matte-
son, or Heppner, ureson.
fl-f29 C. W. MOORE, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Puplic Land Sale.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at LaGrande,
Oregon, January 13th, 1913.
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed bv the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under nrovisiona
of Act of Congress approved Jane 27,
1906 ( 34 Stats. , 517), we will olTer at
public sale, to the highest bidder, at
10 o'clock a. m. , on the llth day of
April 1913, at this office, the following-described
SW1 NEi, NV SEJ. Sec. 6. T.
2 S.. R. 29 E. , W. M. Serial No.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the time designated for sale.
F. C. BRAMWELL, Register.
j25-f22 Colon R. Eherhard, Receiver.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator of the
Estate of William Royse, deceased,
has filed his final account as such
administrator, and that the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Mor
row County has appointed Monday,
the 4th day of March, 1913, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoou of
said day as the time and the County
Court Room in the Court House at
Heppner, Oregon, as the place of
hearing said final account and settling
the same. Objections to said fiual
account should be filed on or before
that date.
j25-f22 Administrator.
Notice To Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County Executor of the
estate of Khorta Ann Summer, de
ceased; that all persons having
claims against said estate should
present the same to me, duly verified
according to law, at Lexington, Ore
gon, within six mouths from the
date of first publication of this no
tice, which date is Feb. 15, 1912.
Damki, D. Si mmkk;
Administrator's Sale
Real Property.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, by virtue of an order
of sale, made and entered by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Morrow, in the
Matter of the Estate Cynthia A.
Hengo, deceased, on February 5,
1912, authorizing and directing the
sale of the property hereinafter de
scribed, 1 will, on and after Friday,
the 15th dav of March, 1912, oner lor
sale and sell at private sale, at the
office of S. E. Notson, In Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, for cash In
hand $50.00 and the balance in install
ments running not to exceed three
years, an tne ionowing aescrioeu
real property, to-wn:
Lot 1, Block 12 of the Town of Lex
ington, Oregon, and that part of
Lot 10, Block 12, of the Town of Lex
ington, Oregon, It lug between the
allev running through said Block 12
and the center of the channel of Wil
low Creek.
Said sale will be made subject to
confirmation by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow
Signed It. L. I'.enge,
Administrator of the Estate of
Cvnthia A. Benge, deceased.
To Raiiik Howkn
E. Evkhitt:
You and each of you are hereby
notified and will take notice that
Henry Ncherzinger has madeapplica
tion to me as County Surveyor of
Morrow County, Oregon, to survey,
locate and permanently establish the
following corners and boundaries,
The sec. cor. between Sees. 31 and
32 in Tp. 3 S. K. 2t! K. V. M., the S.K.
cor. and theN.W. cor. and the south
line of theS.E. of the N.W. of
said Sec. 32 and the N. E. Cor. and
the S. E. Cor. and the East line of
the west one half of the S. W. of
said Sec. 32.
And In pursuance of said above ap
plication and notice of thesaid Henry
Kclierslnger I will proceed to make
the survey above applied for on the
12th day of March, 1912, commencing
at the S. W. corner of said Section
32. at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M.,and
voti nnd each of you as owners of
nrliolnimr lands and of lands affected
hv said survey and as interested
parties hereto are hereby notified to
appear at ald time aud place as
above wt forth.
Dated this 15th day of February,
1). V.8. REID,
County Surveyor.
first National
SEeppner. Oregon
Capital $ 1 00,000 Surplus and
Profits $20,000
We are using our best efforts
to meet the banking needs
of this section. We are al
ways pleased to meet those
who may have need of a bank
Call or write us.
Office hours 9
The House
Auction Sale
At the C. N. Shinn place, 5 miles west of
I will sell four head of work horses and two colts;
two cows; and all of my farming inplements and
household furniture:
Saturday, March 9, 1912
All sales to be for
Owing to times being close,
O. K. Restaurant
will from now on serve meals at
12 r cents
The usual up-to-date service will be maintained.
For Trade.
Will eiohsnce good Imported Stal
lion or Jack for land or stock. For
further information address, box 66
Pendleton, Oregon. ao21
Book I
a. m. to 3 p. m.
of Welcome
cash in hand.
Something Cheap.
A good gentle work team for sale,
will weigh between 2600 and 27 0O
pounds. Well broke and in good con
dition. Inqnire at Times office. tf