PR0PHS3I01TAL CA.3B3DS C. E. WOODSON. A TTORNE Y-A T-LA W Office In Palace Hotel Heppner, Oregon Sam E. VanVactor. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OfHce on went and of May Street Heppuer Oregon. S. E. Notson ATTORNEY AT LAW Oflicelu Court IIouho, Heppnor, Oregon, F. H. ROBINSON, L A W Y E R lone, - Oregon W. H. D03YNS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW lono, Oregon. IV. L. SMITH, ABSTRACTER. of . abstract book Only complete eet iu Morrow ooiiLty. Ukipnhu, Oi:koon CORRESPONDENTS' PAGE. A News Budget From Writers From all Over the County. vvww IONE. J. E. Cronan who at Portland for some on Saturday's train. has been down time, came In F. II. Wilson went down to Port land Wednesday morning. Frank is full of business these days. A. Carlson went down to Portland luesduy of last work on a business and pleasure trip combined. Uert Mason returned from Portland Monday of last week, where lie epent a week ot pleasure and business. Cap. KichardBon and wife have pono out to tho John Williams ranch to assist John with the Spring work. T. J. Mahonev was down from Ileppner last Saturday looking after the bank iu Mr. Cronan 's absence. Herb Olden was in from his ranch last week with a load of hen berries and remained over riiyht to attend lod''e. Prof, Kaufman went up to Lexing ton Tuesday nijilft of last week. lie and Rev. Rcade came back to lone Wednesday morning. has inn the roof of his mouth, the nails on the end of his toes? What does he raise from a slip of his tongue? Who plays on the drum of his ears? And who can tell of the cut and stvle of the coat his stomach wears? Can the crock of his elbows be sent to jail, and if o what did it do? How does he sharpen his shoulder blades? I'll be hanged if I know, do you? J. P. WILLIAMS Notary Public Of lice with S. K. Van Ynotor OR. M. A. LEACH IBXTIST Permanently located iu Heppner. Office iu the new Fair building. Gas ad ministered. OSTEOPATH Y AND AIKCILVNO-TIIEllArY Dr. Martha S. Arledge, D. 0. Dr. J. P. Conder. ALT- D- Treatment of till discuses 5)i) pir cent, of coses successfully t.eated without operation IN. E. WINNARD, VI. D. Graduate of : Lenox C liei?e, 18S5. Chicago Homeopathic Med Collect 1S90.- Rusk Medical College, 1892, F. E. Boyden, M. D. PlIYSJCIAN it Sl'KUKON & Son's Oflice in rear of Patterson Lrun Store. HF.ITNKR OREGON Rev. I.owrencn Wright, who been holding revival meetings in for some time departed for Eu on iuesnav ot last week. J. Ii. Howard and his wife, who have been visiting about lone for tho past week, left for their homo at Portland on last Monday. LEXINGTON. Bill Sntherland is in our city for a few days. Mrs. Bresheara and daughter at tended mass at Ileppner on Sunday. Mr?. Eflio Akers and baby returned to Tcpuenish, Wash, after a vit-it with relatives and friends. Tho local Odd Fellows entertainer 1 hair !r,tr,d Master 'at a call meeting on Friday nij,'ht and refreshments wero served. Mrs. S. I. Strallon came up to lone Monday of la--t week, and after spen ding the week here, returned to her homo at Lyle, Wash. , last Monday. C. E. Carlson and wife went up to Heppner Monday night of last week, returning Tuesday morning. They wero accompanied by Mrs. Sam E.iteb. Mr. Jim Baker, who has been visit ing with friends and relatives in and about lone for tho past week, return ed to his home at Portland Wednesday morning. We understand that Mrs. John Wilt of lone will have a fine stock of Easter bonnets ou har.d in plenty of time for the ladies to make a selec tion some time in the near future. Joe Cronan went up to Heppner last Friday evening and was operated on for appendicitis. He was getting along nicely when we last heard of m, and hope he will be with us again soon. Mrs. Anna Pickets, vvbo has made Lexinjjtm her home for the past six months went up to Parkers Mill to live with her daughter. George Zink, who accompanied his father on a visit to relatives, returned line norae on Friday niilii. He expects cue i his father homo on Saturday. T. M. Scott returned from a few days journey to Seattle. Mr. Scott -itys he his disposed of his land here and will shortly leave for that place. The ladies Home Mission Society wish to thank the people for their cenernus palronnae at their handker chief bazaar aud supper given on Feb 14th, Mrs. Amv Standish and hnsbaud, after visiting a few days with Mrs, Standish's brother and his family Mr. and Mrs. Will Leach, returned to their homo on Thursday. Prof. Kaufman, of lone, lectured before the Men's Club here on Tues day night. After the lecture a bau qnet was served to the members of tho Club by the ladies of the town. friends last Wednesday evoninij. An even number of boys and girls were there and amused themselves with various games. Refreshments were served and all report a good time, tj Visitors'at R. F. Wiglesworth's Sunday were I. 0. Cox and family, W. E. Wiglesworth and family, Miss Goodall and Miss Mathews and Messrs Casper Payne, Gus Ieftwich, Chas. Long, Geo. Oooley , Harve Ooxen and Arthur Ayers. HARDMAN. Al Avers spent Saturday night in Hardman. Chance Wilson, of Monument, was in Hardman Monday evenino. Everyone is looking forward to a fine time at the coon dance Friday night. Roy AshbauRh and Archie Saling attended the coon dance in Lone Rock last Friday night. blza Sutton. Martin and Gene Lov grun. of Eight Mile, were in Hard man Saturd ry evening. Otto Leathers, who has been over on tho river the past few weeks, re turned home Wednesday. H. J. Taylor, Grand Warden o the I. O. O. F. lodge of Oregon, spent Saturday evening in Hardman. good sermons and know it helps the preacher; so all please come again and bring your neighbors. The Holt Company hns started its engine and will soon have the 800 acres plowed. It will be a great thing for Morrow county and we certainly enjoy hearing the "hum and buzz." Born Friday, the 10, to Mr. Mrs. Ed. Musyrave. a baliv Mother and baby reported doing Mrs. Frank Kramer, who has visiting with her daughter, and girl, fine. been Mrs. Gibbons, of home Sunday. Castle Rock, returned GEO. G. GAUNT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Hardman, Oregon WELLS & CLARK. SHAVING PARLOR8 Three Doors South of Postoffice. Shaving 25c Haircuttlng 36i Bathroom in Connection. A. E. Patterson 2 Dorrs North Palace Hotel TOXSORIAL ARTIST Fine Baths ..... Shaving 25c F- M-ROBINSON w. S. SMITH ROBINSON & SMITH. lone, Oregon. Real Estate These balmy Spring day3 are mak ing the farmers flv around and ge their work all done. We hope th frosts will not get the better of tl fruit as some of the trees are about budded out. We understand Wiley Wattenbur ger has sold his fine alfalfa ranch to E. M. Shutt, of Heppner. W hate to lose Wiley and hope he will better himself. We wonder if E. M will move his paper mill down to the ranch. Mr. Will Palmateer and all of hi children met in lone last Monday and proceeded to the photocrapher's where they had a family group taken. I does these old-timers good to have their children all meet together now and again. Fred Nicholson had the misfortune to lose his driving team one day last week. Fred thought they died from eating poisoned wheat but further in vestigation siiowed that they died from eating too much wheat that was not poisoned. ' It seems they ate near' ly a full sack of wheat between them, Hone Fred will have.better luck next Z'U. R. Taylor, Grand'Wardon ofjthe grand lodge I. O. O. F. of Oregon, spent Tuesday night in lone, attend ing to lodge matters. A fine banquet was held at the lone hotel tust such supper was served as only Beech can put np. Mr. Tavlor went to Heppner Wednesday night, to Morgan Thursday night and to Lexington Friday night. ALPINE. Alpine Ranch lest a horse Saturday last. Farms and City Property for Sale, to rent. Correspondance solicited. m 3 I VI i i if i J WA i .T&.1 Plant hrpciiins ami "electing has I', en our 1hi-tk.--s !o: fars. We n'.irk'.'t the rent's m Ihe and flov. iT sniK Thvy j:row gooti crocs. mci on nguisr Cciroil.r'Ich. "J D.M.Fcr:jCe The Junior and Senior classes mixed in a game nf basket ball last Satur day at the skating rink. The Jnniors Farms handed it to the Seniors proper, the score being 15 to 5 in the younesters favor. The play of the evening was made by Rlike, Junior center The ball was thrown about two-thirds the length of the skating rink and landed fairly in the basket. A good crowd were in atteminnce and were highly pleased with the game. Son e Puzzlers. Where can a man huy a cap for his knee, or a key for a lock of his hair? Can his eyes be called an academy. because there are pupils there? In the crown f his ha J what gems are set? Who tiavels tho bridge of his nose? Can he use when ehingl- Mr. W. B. Finley was a Stanfield visitor Wednesday. Kain every night, ideal spring weather during the day lately. Ralph Finley and Jas. Farmer attended the dance at the Stanfield ranch Friday night. Mrs. Henry Tafel and daughter visited Mrs. Chas. Schmidt in Stan field, returning Saturday. Mr. P. G. Farley, familiarly known as P. G. returned to this neighbor hood lately after a year's absence Wm Sanders, Ji , had a sick horse this week but Drs. Gibson and Wadkins broueht the valuable animal through alright. J. II. Deardorf, Carl Matson and O. V. Gibson have been trading horses amona themselves lately. They all wear a satisfied crin. too. Fred Maixner was on Hotter Creek Tuesdav getting some berry vines and shrubbery . for his homestead. Mr. Maixner will have one of tho best mproved places in this part of Morrow county when he goes to make final proof if he keeps on at his present pace. EIGHT MILE. The big ovster supper at Liberty Friday niaht was well attended. ance Jones was visiting his aunt Mrs. F. M. Akers, of Gooseberry Saturday and Sunday. I. -. ....... Kj. Hi. jonea nntsiied nis spring plowing last week and is now prepar ing to suuirnerfallow. Liias. btantou went to Heppner Friday returuina Saturday. He re ports the roads very good again. B. 0. Anderson and sister Addie, Charles Huston and famly and Miss Piper, were Heppner visitors Saturday. Two ministers of tho Nazarine faith (tram uondon) are Holding services at the Gooseberry schoolhouse this week. reie crenner was seen on our streets last week. Pete is verv much pleased with the prospects for crops in bis section. Eight Mile was treated to another little coat of white Sunday morning which looked rather winterish after the ideal spring weather we have been enjoying for some weeks, but the warm eun shine Sunday soon fixed the snow and the green pastures and wheat fields are again in full view. BLACK BUTTE. Alonzo Reid and Walter Davis are cutting some wood near Thorn creek now. Some people said that Edd Brown thought lie was a millionaire, but he looks different now. PINE CITY. W. W. Howard and family visited at Mr. Irvins Snndav. Fred Grume was out on the creek a day or two the past week. Waldo Vincent made a trip to Heppner Saturday, returning Monday. K. F. Wiglesworth and R. D. Neil were buginess visitors to Ileppner last Thursday. We are having cool frosty nights with light freezes but do not think t cold enough to kill the fruit yet. The Niel Brothers sold 1000 coarse lambs last week to the Smythe Rros. for 13.75 per head with the wool on to be delivered at Arlington the first March. Dan Smythe and brother visited the Butter creek country last week look ing at sheep with a view of buying. They were offering $2.75 for yearling ewes, or $2.25 for mixed but the people are not selling. Arthur Ayers. Victor Wiglesworth and Charley Long called on Elbeit Cox one evening last week, taking supper and spending the evening with him. Elbert proved himself a royal hot and the boys had a good time. Miss Silpha Monkurs gave a Valen tino party to a number of her young Newt Matteson caught a coyote a few days ago. That makes several coyotes he has caught this winter. Matteson's have 140 cords of wood and expect to have 200 cords for sale. Everybody wanting wood come this way. Talk about dances. There was one at the Brown boys place on Jug creek last Saturday night. Everyone said there was a big crowd at that dance. They could only run one set and every body got cold waiting for their turn to dance. They had one big time. There will be a big dance at Joseph Hogeland s place near Board creek Thursday night. Everbyody invited to attend this wonderful dance. I hope there will not be such a big crowd at this dance as there was at Brown's place. The floor manager is Lue Hogeland. He has had some experience in that line. SAND HOLLOW. O. S. Hodsdon made a business trip to Heppner last week. Miss Winnie Smith is visiting Lex ington friends this week. The Telephone Company had another meeting Saturday, Feb. 17. Mr. Rasmussen, of Lexington, came out with Bro. Cross Sunday. Miss Boblit has been on the sick lit again but is now teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finley were Sunday visitors at the Rice ranch. A nice, large flag now floats in the breeze at the Hodsdon school house. Mrs. Hodsdon entertained several friends Sunday and Berved a big tur key dinner. There was a splendid crowd; out Sunday to Rreet Mr. Cross. Am sure all gained something from the two Notice to the Public. The two leading magazines of the Pacific Coast, the Pacifio Monthly and the Sunset have been consolidated under the title of "Sunset the Pacifio Monthly." It is the intention of the publishers to spare no money nor effort to make Sunset the Pacifio Monthly a credit to the West and a magazine of national value and importance. To introduce it to new readers, we will make the following special cfTer: Send 50c in stamps, and wo will put your name on our subscription list for the next four months, and will send you free a copy of the superbly illustrated Mid-Winter number, and also the famous Sunset Indian poster, securely packed in a mailing tube. It will make a beautiful ornament for your front room or den. Send your order to Fred Lockley, Northwestern Manager Funset the Pacific Monthly Portland, Oreuon. f22-ml4. ral election, while for the initia tive and referendum pamphlets, the cost was $18,425. For the election to come, it ia stated that the ballots will cost be tween $15,000 and $20,000. Pencil and sundries, last time, amounted to $000 and tally books $5000. The cost of the coming election, with the expenses of the past in mind and the growth of the state and other things taksn Into consideration it is figured wHl be at least $125,000. "I suffered habitually from con stipation. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened the bowels so that they have been regular ever since." A. E. Davis, grocer, Sulphur Springs, Tex. Do you know that more real danger lurks in a common cold than in any other of the minor ailments? The eafe way is to take Chumberlain'j Cough Remedy, a thoroughly reliable preparation, and rid yourself of the cold a3 qnickly as poFsihle. This remedy is for sale by Patterson & Son. Almost Lost His Life. S. A. Stid, of Mason. Mich., will never forget his terrible exposure to a mericlees storm. "It gave me a dreadful cold," he writes, "that caused severe pains in my chest, eo it was hard for me to breathe. A 'neighbor gave rne several doses of Dr. King's New Discovery which brought great relief. The doctor said I was on the verge of pnemuonia, but to continue with the Discovery. I did so and two bottles completely cured me." Use only this quick, safe, reliable medicine for cough3, colls, or any throat or lung trouble. Price 50c aud $1 00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed bySlocum Drug Co. Election Expensive. In counting up the cost or the pri mary and general election by the officials of the secretary of state's office it is figured out that the ex pense will be one huudredand twenty live thousand dollars. With the 1082 precincts the clerks and judges will mean a total expense of $77,i02. For the corrupt practices act pam phlets at the last election, it cost the state $1523 and $44356 for the gene- Here is a message of hope and good cheer from Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va. , who is the mother of eighteen childrsn. Mrs. Martin was cured of stomach trouble and con stipation by Chamberlain's Tablets after five years of Buffering, and row recommends these tablets to the pub lic. Sold bv Patterson & Son. ' '01 iawM NOT SOLD UNDER ANY OTHER NAME. THE SEWINS VI A G H I li 3 OF QUALITY. !-.'l ' U WARRANTED FOTt ALL TIME. If you purchase the MEW HOME you wilt have a life asset at the price you pay, and will not have an endless elm in of repairs. Quality Considered it is the Cheapest in the end to buy. If you want a 6ewiDg machine, write tot our latest catalogue before you purchase. ir 1 "i I Ho- The New HorneSeragfeliiiiel w, "ass. I'll mr mm JHVL Mil J ; SMllRPFiovr. V: PRAIRIE DOCS I Wit ttl-.,. REQUIRES NO MIXING OR PREPARATION, ALWAYS READY FOR USES WHEN yOU BUV, DEMAND T02TBES K GT TfS HOOOlAt.K SKA NO MONSy BACK IF NOT AS ClAIMM- CLARKE.VOOD WARD DRUG CO. portland.ORE. ALCOHOL'T ANcgclablePrfparaJionforAs-similaiiiiaiheFoadanifRrnita ling tite Siomau'is aalBovclsof Co-P ProraolcsDiSestionfheerTiil ncss and Rest.Cor.taiiis ncttcr Opitmi.Morplu.icnorMiatTal. Not Narcotic. By hi M For Infants and Children. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature PtyrTfmnt CkvHH-d Strjrr Apcrfori Remedy forfonsfira- t ioa , Sour Stom'ach.I) iarriiof a AVornis.CoiTATilsions.Fvnst ncssiaulLcssorSLUP. racS'rfe Sijiiarurf of NEW-YORK. Mr r sa 'i e 0 In Use For Over Thirty Years tJ'-O Guaranteed wtiTil F 4 j R f 4 BYi S t K f: t Copy of Wrapper, tM CtRTlUR COMNHT. -yrfi.. ppii. in ,1,11 i tm Li ui mtm to city t