Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, January 22, 1924, Image 1

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    1-1-23 Morrow Count?
President Obregon's Artillery Going to Battle
Cost of Marketing Surplus to
Borne By an Excise Tax
on Wheat
Washington, D. C. Jan. 18. Fin
al draft of a bill incorporating the
American Wheat Growers' plan for
increasing the domestic price of
wheat was completed and introduced
in both houses of congress on Wed
nesday. The measure will hereafter
be known as the McNary-Haugen
bill, Senator McNary of Oregon and
Representative Haugen of Iowa,
chairman of the house committee on
agriculture, being its joint sponsors.
The bill provides for the establish
ment of an export commission with
power to market the exportable por
tion of farm commodities, wheat,
livestock, cotton, ect. The corpor
ation would have the power to deal
through present trade establishment
or to do actual marketing, and it ia
not the thought back of those draft
ing the bill to destroy or injure ex
isting marketing agents except
where unavoidable.
The federal establishment would
be empowered to determine a "fair
exchange value" for wheat or other
products, basing the price so that
the commodity value would equal in
purchasing power the value of the
price paid to farmers during the pre
war years of 1905 to 1914. In cases
where the world price for the com
modity is less than the determined
"fair exchange value" the export
corporation would be empowered to
deduct a sum from the sales price
of the total domestic production of
the commodity and apply the fuod
bo secured as a premium to the por
tion soid for export. In the case of
wheat, for example, a total of ap
proximately 800,000,000 bushels is
produced, of which less than 200,
000,000 bushels is exported. So
very cents per bushel collected as
aa excise tax would be applied at
the rate of four cents a bushel as
iionnty to the export price.
The total cost of this bounty un
d,r the operation of the export cor
poration will be paid from the. ex
cise tax collected on the production,
o that no portion of the expense will
fall upon the government to be paid
by general taxation.
Under present conditions the
American manufacturer and ail la
bor employed, by him, enjoy the bene
fits of a protective tariff. Agricul
ture, whenever connected with the
production of a product of which we
have an exportable surplus, is forced
to compete with the peasant classes
of Europe in the mareting of their
product and receive the same price
as the European peasant receives
less the cost of transportation to Eu
Under the tariff protection con
templated by the authors of this plan
agriculture would be placed In the
same position and enjoy , the same
benefits of the protective tariff en
joyed by the manufacturing indus
tries, for the bounty on the export
able portion of agriculture products
Artillery of the federal Mexican army entraining for the successful attack on the revolutionists at Puebla.
Service Commission Orders
10 to 40 Per Gent
would result in comparable increase
in domestic prices, thus bringing the
total price level of the commodity
to a point determined by the com
mission to be fair
The bill Is an evolution of the plan
f George M. Peek and H. S. John
so of the Mollne Plow Co., Secre
tary of Agriculture Henry C. Wal
leae, and other leading ecanomteu of
Iks United State. It U being ac
tively supported by organisations of
H export commission league in the
nf Washington. Idaho, Iton-
taaa and Mississippi Valley states.
A meeting was held Saturday at
Paadlelon at which formation of the
reon export commission league
was formed under the leadership of
laadlng Umatilla county farmers and
Wtness men. They propose to im
nadiately carry the organization
l portions of the state of Oregon
Price Stability Favored
.ama in 19. A favorable rt.
port to congress of the Norria-Sin-clair
bill to stabilize the price of
grain was forecast here today by
United States Senator John B. Ken-
drick, democrat, Wyoming, in an ad
dress before the annual convention
of the National Live Stock associa
tion. Agricultural districts in the
northwest, Mr. Kendrick asserted,
were painted as bad as the condi
tions in Russia by witnesses who ap
peared before the senate aicuitur
al committee which is holding hear
ings on the Norris-Sinclair measure.
"A bill is certain to be brought in
by the interstate commerce commit
tee looking to the repeal of section
I5-A of the Esch-Cummins act and
also to abrogate the excess Pullman
fafe," Senator Kendrick declared.
"There will be opposition to that
bill, of course, but I think it will
go through just the same.
"I want the livestock and agricul
tural interests to know this that
any relief thatis to come to them
must come from within. Congress
is anxious to help in every possible
way, but the real help will com?
from the master minds of the indus
try, not from the outside. You must
work out your own problems, just as
every other Industry but the agri
cultural interests has already
worked out its own problems.
There must be local organiza
tions and through them general or
ganizations. These organizations
will finally solve your problems,
'Some people have talked about
the livestoc'k industry going to piec
es. Remember this: The livestock
industry is not going to pieces. It Is
going to continue. Some men who
are in the livestock business may go
to pieces. But the business is going
on just the same. It is going to be
On the packer control act, Senator
Kendrick said it took congress three
years to pass the present bill, but
that if the packers succeeded in hav
ing declared unconstitutional the
section giving the government ac
cess to their books, congress would
pass another bill in one-tenth of the
time which would provide a remedy
and would place the books before
the public.
And the packers will lose, even
If they win." the senator told the
meeting. "They may win the law-
suit, but they will lose In public opin
ion more than they gain."
La Follette Resolution Indorsed
Washington, D. C, January 19.
The general principle of the LaFol
lette resolution, directing the inter
state commerce commission to re
duce substantially freight rates on
farm products, was indorsed today
by Senator Smith of South Carolina,
democratic chairman of the senate
interstate commerce committee. The
resolution has been referred to that
committee. Chairman Smith said
consideration should be given also
to a horisontal freight rate decrease.
Students Will Also Present
ence," a Popular Play,
Next Month
(By Our High School Reporter)
"Cynthia's Strategy," a one-act
comic operetta, will be presented at
the Star Theater Thursday, Jan. 24
along with the regular show.
The girls' and ' boys' basketball
teams played lone at lone Friday.
The girls' game was an exception
ally good one. It was played fast
and skillfully. The result was a
10-2 score in Heppner's favor.
The boys' teams were quite even
ly matched, but the slippery floor
proved a handicap to the Heppner
team. Just as Doherty had the ball
in his hands before making a bes
ket the whistle blew, making th
basket of no account. This left the
score 13-14 in Ione's favor.
The next game played will be
with Lexington next Friday at the
Heppner hall. Everything is auspe-
cious for a good game. Turn out
and see it.
"Clarence" will be presented by
the high school about the middle of
February. This is one of the best
modern plays and has been success
fully put on the stage and also the
Semester exams were given Thurs
day and Friday of last week.
The group pictures for the Hehlsch
are being taken this week by Mr.
The finals in the interclass de
bate on "Resolved: That the govern
ment should establish and maintain
a minimum price for wheat" will be
held Wednesday, Jan. 23.
Three classes, the freshmen, soph
omores and juniors, are competing
for the cup offered by the P. T. A.
Mr. Finch coached the Freshmen,
M,r. Livingstone the Bophomores and
Mrs. Livingstone the juniors.
Anyone wishing to hear the de
bates will be more than welcome.
The Hehisch of 1924 is going to
be a "peach." A handsome binding
"of Cadiz blue velumet has been se
lected for the book. A high school
directory, a scandal section, and a
"Say" column are some of the new
features which are going to be used
It -will be a larger book than the
1923 issue and will be sold at a low
er price.
call fob couamr wakrahts
All General fund Warrants of
Morrow County, Oregon, regtsWrad
prior to Anguit tlst. Hit. will be
paid on presentation at the office of
the County Treasurer on or after
January 22nd, 1924, on which date
Interest on said warrants will oeasc.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Janu
ary 10th, 1J24.
38-29 County Treasurer.
It pays to advertise in the Herald.
Dr. Fred A. Farrlor and Dr. A. H.
Johnston are getting settled In. their
new offices in the Odd Fellows
building where they hare taken a
suite ot four rooms, one of which
will be used as a joint reception
room for the two offices. Dr. Far
rlor has built up a fine practice In
dentistry since coming to Heppner
and he Is more than pleased to be
more comfortably situated than here
tofore. Dr. Johnson, who succeeds
Dr. Chick here, Is ateo well situated
to take care of the practice to which
,he has succeeded.
A ; regular meeting of the execu
tive committee of the Morrow Coun
ty Farm Bureau was held last Satur
day afternoon in the offices of the
county agricultural agent when a
considerable amount of important
business pertaining to the organiza
tion was attended to.
The matter of sending delegates to
the economic conference to be held
at Corvallls this wek was discussed
by members and the object of the
conference was explained by Mr
Morse. It was decided to send two
delegates. R. B. Wilcox, president
of the bureau, was urged to go as
one of the delegates, but as his pri
vate affairs would not permit his
absence at this time, R. W. Turner
wag sgledted to represent the farming
Interests and Garnett Barratf was
chosen to represent the stock Inter
ests of the county.
In (regard to continuing the pub
lication of the Farm Bureau News it
was decided to reduce the size of the
publication to a two-page sheet, one
side to b(e used by the bureau and
one side by the county agent, the
cost to be split 50-50. It was also
decided to cut out all commercial
advertising from the paper.
It was decided to hold the county
convention at Lexington this year on
Saturday, February 9. Committees
appointed to arrange for the conven
tion were:
General committeeThe execu
tive board.
Local committee Roy Campbell,
Fred Lucas, Karl Beach, all of Lex
ington. Regarding the matter of printing
and publishing, It was ordered that
the secretary be given authority In
the matter and that the work be di
vided among the different printing
establishments In the county.
Under the head of new business
President Wilcox urged the Impor
tant of establishing more locals In
the county, hlB Idea being that the
Faini Bureau should be built from
the bottom up rather than from the
top down, as seemed to be the Idea
when tle state bureau of unhappy
ijeroory was established.
Mr. Wilcox aslo spoke at some
length on the subject of the county
unit system In administering the ele
mentary schools of the county. Mr.
Wilcox, who has been extensively en
gaged in educational work in the
state, pointed out that Klamath and
Crook counties have already adopted
the county unit system in handling
their school affairs with very excel
lent results in economy and effi
The harvest labor question was
discussed and It was decided to get
In touch with the Farm Bureaus In
all of the wheat counties in the Co
lumbia river basin with the view to'
coming to an agreement s to a fair
wage scale for the coming season. A
report on this matter will be made
at the Lexington convention. It Is expected.
Salem, Ore., Jan. 19. The Oregon
Public Service Commission today is
sued an order prescribing freight
rate reductions ranging from ten to
forty per cent on grain, and grain
products, potatoes and onions, on the
lines of the principal carriers thru
out the state.
This order is the result of a gen
eral investigation Initiated by the
commission in May of last year, af
ter hundreds of notices had been sent
to commercial organizations, granges
and other farm organizations, thru
out the state.
The hearings before the commis
sion extended over a period of weeks,
the las of which ended in October.
At these hearings all the principal
farm organizations of the state were
Trie oruer or me cuuuuihbiuu yic
seribes maximum, reasonable dis
tance scales to apply jointly and lo
cally on the lines of the carriers in
volved. By reason of the generally
higher rates on these commodities In
the Willamette Valley, the reductions
made in that territory are most no
ticeable, In some Instances being as
great as forty per cent. This order
is a part of the general investiga
tion which resulted in an order of
the commission last month requiring
substantial reductions In hay rates.
An Important feature of the com
mission's order is that it eliminates
the differential existing on Draucu
lines and makes one scale or rates
apply on all lines. Heretofore as
many as three scales have been In
effect on the lines of a single rail
road company. - The order also es
tablishes joint rates, whereas ship
pers have heretofore been subjected
to the application of a combination
of local rates on shipments moving
from tli,e lines f one carrier to an
other. Corresponding reductions on each
commodity between all points witn-
in the state have been made, the or
der, in part, reading as follows:
"The rate for a distance of five
miles and under shall be four cents
per on,c hundred pounds. For each
succeeding five miles the rate shall
increase not to "xceed one half cent
per one hundred pounds . for each
five miles for hauls up to and In
cluding one hundred miles; the rate
thereafter shalf' Increase not to ex-
Pendleton Holds, Greatest Farmers'
Meeting Ever Gathered in
State Saturday
ceed one half cent per one hundred
pounds for each ten miles for hauls
up to and including four hundred
miles, and the rate thereafter shall
Increase not to exceed one half cent
for each twenty miles up to and in
cluding six hundred miles."
Mrs. Devlne has returned from
Genesee, Idaho, where she spent
some tim.e visiting her son, who Is
in business In that city. Mrs. Devlne
has leased the building formerly oc
cupied by the Bowers Shoe shop and
Mrs. T. J. Matlock has disposed of
her fine stock ranch on Hinton
creek to Mr. D. M. Stuart of
Portland. The place 13 one of the
finest stock ranches In the county
and Is well Improved. It Is under
stood that Mrs. Matlock takes some
residence property in Portland as a
part of the consideration which is
understood to have been between
$20,000 and $25,000. Mrs. Matlock
will probably go to Portland to re
side. Mr. Stuart will make extensive
Improvement at the ranch, and will
stock it with pure-bred cattle. He
will make his summer home there.
lira. Ivy Nolan, wife of W. E.
Nolan, ot Rhea creek, died suddenly
yesterday morning, death resulting
from an attack of apoplexy. Mrs.
K Ian was a sister of Mrs. H. J. Bld
ila, of Ion,. Brsldes her husband
she to surlvved by six children. The
family came here from Idaho about
two years ago and resided on the
Biddlo ranch. The funeral will be
held Wednesday afternoon, inter
ment being in the King cemetery
south of lone.
Everett Pattison, of Portland
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr
is hnvinff- It rpnnvated orpoaratorv to and MrB. H. A. i-auiBuu, rcu.u,..b
opening a novelty shop. I to the city Monday.
What was declared the greatest
meeting In the Interest of the agri
cultural interests Of Oregon ever
held in the state convened In the big
lodge room of the Elks' building at
Pendleton last Saturday when the
Oregon Export League was formed
by 500 farmers and business men
gathered from the five big wheat
producing counties of the state
Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Morrow
and Union.
A temporary organization was '
formed for the state and delegates
pledged themselves to form local or
ganizations in every wheat county to
work for the success of the Wallace
plan of marketing as set forth in the
McNary-Haugen bill now before congress.
The resolution adopted by the
meeting, which sets forth the object
reads: Resolved, that the Oregon
Export Commission League unani
mously endorse the plan for stabil
izing the price of wheat as embod
ied in the McNary-Haugen bill in- ; '
troduced in congress. Be it further
resolved, that a copy of this resolu
tion be sent to each of our senators
and representatives in congress.
w! ' L. Thompson, well known
Portland banker, who has been,
prominent in moves for the financial,
relief of farmers, was the principal
speaker at the meeting, pointing out
that the tariff plan for wheat was
as effective as it could be for steel
or any other commodity and that the
plan Is economically sound, provid
ed the tariff Is economically sound
and that under the plan the farmer
would be enabled to sell his wheat
at a profit.
Continuing, Mr. Thompson ex
plained how the plan will be worked
about as follows:
"After tho general amount of the
tax and premium has been deter
mined by the export commission,
government script would be placed
on sale alt poetofflces or elsewhers
throughout the country. The wheat
buyer buying direct from the pro
ducer would purchase this script,
say, at 15 cents a bushel, hen, when
he purchased wheat from farmers
at, for example, $1.50 a bushel, he
would pay $1.35 in cash and 15 cents
in script for each bushel. He would
make his own sales to exporters.,
mills and otherwise In accordance
with the $1.50 price of the wheat.
"The 15 conts a bushel paid by
the dealers for script would go di
rectly to the export corporation and
would be UBed in whatever part be
came necessary as a premium on ex
port salea to keep the domestic pric-,
es at the proper level throughout the
"Then, at the close of the mar
keting season, If it were rouna mat
only 7 cents a bushel had oeen usea
In this way, the remainder, or 8
cents a bushel, would be paid by tha
government at the close of the season
to me iarmers nuiuiug mo o..
The speaker said that the plan
will not encourage overproduction
since the tax represented in the
operation of the plan will tend to
dlscouiage the growing of an exces
sive surplus. It will not be class.
legislation since It is a method to re
move class legislation now applying
In the present tariff and It will not
((all government price fixing sinc
It, Is merely a reverse application of
the tariff principle making that
principle apply to what the farmfsr
has to sell as well as to what h has
to bur.
Temporary officers for th stata
organisation elected were: S. H.
Thompson, Pendleton, president; R.
W. Ritner, Pendleton, soorotary
treasurer; W, S. Powell of Moro, an
Jeff Jones of Heppner, vice-presidents.
Directors In addition to tha
officers include F. B. Ingles, Dufur;
A. R. Hunter, La Grando; C. B. Cox,
Heppner; II. R. Davldlilr.er, Joseph;
V. L. Thompson, Portland.
(Continued on I'aga S"iv)