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About Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1923)
PAGE SIX THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, October 30, 1923 T-t-t-ft-f-t-;-f-T-TT.TTwTTTTTi 'HTmllTH "VYJ$ "l "i "a "1" LOCAL NEWS j j j j r j j t j 11 fhurte sponl the relatives at Arlinjj- Mrs. Lena Sn voek end Uitini ton. FOR SAt.K Some very pood household furniture. For particulars call phono 714 or this office. IT-lSpd ac Society Miss Audra Groi;an. t Tilackhorse district, was a visitor in Heppner after W. N. Hatch, of Boardman, was a business visitor In Heppner Saturday. Mr. Hatch is arranging his affairs in this county with a view to moving to Portland in the near' future expecting to engage in business in that sec tion. He is well pleased with bis lioardniati investment, however, and will retain his ranch on the project. Hugh Stanfield. of Weisor, Idaho. JuoMiay atternoon the ladies of was a Hoppner visitor during the ; B(',,u'1 Chapel gave a farewell party week registered at Hotel Hoppner. 1 ,0 Mrs- G rover Young prior to her tor in the He was accompanied by Miss Kath- departure for The Dalles where Mr. week end ' orine Stanfield and Miss Mary A. i and Mrs. Young will reside. A pleas- nttendin? Johns, of rendleton. Mr. Stanfield ! lnB program was given after which .Numerous social activities added .est to lite in Heppner last week, almost every ufternoon being occupied. 'archdeacon goldie IS VISITOR HERE the teachers' institute Friday. Glenn A. Hall, of lone, made proof rm a homestead before Counts Cloik Anderson Saturday. His witnesses were Frank Everson and George Kitchie, both of lone. Sid Burnett, who ranches on the John Day river near Hitter, was in Heppner for a few days during the week helping some of his neighbors with their cattle shipments. Sam K. Van Vactor, well known r.ttorney oT The Dalles, was uero a coi pie of days during the week look ing after legsj matters at the apetial fern) of circuit court Thursda.' Miss Anna Doherty ha3 been ap pointed as clerk in the sheriff's of fice and assumed her duties there during the week. Miss Doherty has been the efflcieut clerk in the county agent's office for a couple of years where she was universally popular. Miss Catherine Doherty has taken the position in the county agent's of-1 fice. I sas the sheep business is good in Idaho grass being plentiful and hay S ;i ton. Heppner Klks bold their regular meeting Thursday evening with a big crowd of members present. Fol lowing the session Bauman, of Hepp ner and Blackwell, of Monument, put on an interesting wrestling match as a sort of preliminary to the regular winter events. The lodge is prosper ing and membership applications are coming in large numbers. One of the great departments of the Pacific International Live Stock Exposition is that devoted to boys' and girls' clubs. There will be more of them t'.iail ever this year, and the livestock they bring will in some in stances surpass that of the old breed ers, for they are doing good work. The exposition devotes much money to premiums in this department, and fosters and encourages in every way the club activities. VETERINARY DR. T. G. KEX.NEV, I). V. S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Now Permanently Located in Heppner TREATS ALL AXIMAL DISEASES Office. t Red Front LJvery Barn Phone Main 332 HOT DRINKS and LUNCHES Just the thing to win in you up w hen the frosty mornings come. Our lino Cigars, Ti ploto. r Soft Drinks, lwu'''s-, Pipes, Etc, McAtee & Aiken Candies, , is coni- . v luiiih inn weie servea. Mrs Young has been active in social and llinulp'll nl,-nl,-.r. J TT ....,.,.,, ,,,,im ui neppner auring her residence here and many were the expressions of regret over her departure. The chapel parlors were filled during the afternoon and the occasion was a very delightful one. The following program was given during the afternoon: Vocal duets by Virginia Dix and Thelma Starkey; song and recitation by Frances and aunnia Frye; recitation bv Bess Young; vocal solo by Patricia Ma honey and a reading by Mrs. Emilie Kelly which was given for the enter tainment of the little folks but was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mrs. Ralph Thompson entertained at bridge all her country home on up per Willow creek Wednesday after noon with about forty guests pres ent. The affair was a most success ful one and the games were much en joyed as were the dainty refresh ments that followed. o The bridge club held a pleasant meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. P. Mahoney. This was the first meeting of the club since the summer vacation and the usual good time was enjoyed. Mrs. A. D. McMurio was hostess to members of Womans' auxiliary of the Episcopal church last Wednesday afternoon when n. very pleasant and profitable session of that worthy or ganliation was held. Mrs. Derrill Tabor, of South Carolina, a national ly known worker in the Episcopal church, was the guest of honor and in a pleasing talk to the members present gave an outline of the work in which she Is engaged. Mrs. Gil bert W. Phelps, of Pendleton, was an out of town guest present. The young people's society of the Methodist community church gave a Boclal party in the church parlors Friday evening honoring Stanley Peterson, one of the society's active members who left Sunday for The Dalles. A program consisting of vo cal duet by Dorothy Pattison and Mary Spaulding, violin solo by Stan ley Peterson, stunt by Irma Lovgron and .Mary case and dramatic reading by Betnioe Woodson was given. Re freshments and a god social time completed a delightful evening. FOR RENT furnished rooms with heat and bath. For particulars ap ply at this office. 26-tf THENEV r -1 UbFcl L , S SEDAN J jjj ii a i v hi ' r n lis 'T'HE mMrm pill.- h;w Vwn rmph.ic in ii approval ol the ivw Kmi l'm Poor K.lan. In all ol the country il 'vl'sii apxtiran,e mul Owning interior have brought the car in- aUnll? UilO ayt di'llulkl. Now, at id reduced pnie. it prtwmi a more compelling value than ever. Although letter lookjitg, roonuer, euater nding. it i hated at lorty dollara Irsa. $685.00 C. o. b. Detroit 1 iuagnud looking, computable, and drjwndahle Ford aeUing at thia low mu( often an agreeable aoluaun lu your cloaed car probing. That crt cmn t allaiW tkremg k Ik, ftrj H'..Hr Purckau Pi. LATOURELL AUTO CO. CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS LOST Shropshire buck from my ranch above Hoppner. Reward. F. Wilkinson. 26-27-pd MORGAN t . , , , aai a ai i i Ely and Miss relatives at kitty Mor- Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Margaret Fly visited Hermiston Sunday. Fml F:iy brought a white from Hermiston for Miss Klist gun. Those neither absent nor tardy the past week were Margaret and Edith Ely, Katie, Claude and Ellse Mor gan, Mary and Oro Holaday, I.ola. I. mis and I.oona Cray. Howard Hardest)-, Geneva, Heulah and Paul Petty John, Wayne Wltzel. u The Items this weelt were contri hiMetl .by the second and fourth grades. Mr. and Mrs. Hardest)-, Miss Zoe Farrens, Miss Eudora Ilardesty, Mr. Waiieok and Howard Hardest)- drove to Hermiston Surday. A pie social was given by the Mor gan Sunday school on Saturday There Ware a crowd of people nlnht. here. The upper room of Morgan school was dismissed Friday, so Miss Far rens could at'.end' the Institute. I A S'trpriso rarty on Mr. and Mrs. Edwards was given Sunday night be they were going to Hood River the next morning. I I.oc: 1 fishermen are making fine catches of mountain trout in Willow creek lately, the stream yielding more and larger specimens than in many years past. L. E. Van Marter brought in a dozen yesterday meas uring 14 inches in length and sev eral other good catches have been reported. Archdeacon Goldie of the eastern Oregon diocese of the Episcopal church is in Heppner this week mak ing a survey of the community pre liminary to having a regular minister placed in charge of the Heppner parish of that denomination. Archdeacon Goldie held regular services here Sunday morning and evening when good sized audiences were present. The archdeacon Is a pleasing speaker and his sermon Sun day morning on the text, "Let not your heart be troubled," was rich with optimistic and i n s p 1 r ing thought. Speaking of the plan to place a regular minister in Heppner the arch deacon makes it plain that there shall be no thought of proselyting or building up that church at the ex pense of other religious organizations already here but that the work of the Episcopal church shall be direct ed generally among families unat tached to other churches and to gen eral community betterment. Mr. Goldie visited about 60 families yes terday and is continuing the work today. It is expected that a regular min ister will be placed here to take charge of the work about January 1st. f ! II 2ta t a IB f Show Starts at 7:30 P.M. ' Ue STAR Theatre Program for JJrcek W. R. C. PRESIDENT VISITS HEPPNER Miss Myrta James, district presi dent of the Woman's Relief Corps, was a visitor in Heppner Monday when she made an official visit and inspection of the local branch of that order. A special meeting was held Monday afternoon. Miss James now resides at New port but is a native of eastern Ore gon, having been born and raised at Baker. While in the city Miss James was the guest of Mrs. Bertha Drew Gil man who Is prominent In corps work in the local, state and national organizations. RM . HI mm mm mm ma PM a mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm ikM Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 30 and 31 HARRY CAREY. CFM.EN LANDI3 and MYRTLE STEDMAN in "Crashing Thru" A remarkably good Western play the best of the Harry Carey pictures. Also "The Knight that Failed," Seventh Round of "Fighting Blood," in which Gale Galen wins the featherweight championship. Thursday, Nov. 1 Metropolitan Players See ad on front page TEACHERS' INSTITUTE WAS SUCCESSFUL- EVENT The local teachers' 'institute held here October 26 was well attended by teachers from all parts of Morrow county. This was a joint meeting of the institute and the Oregon State Teachers' association. Mr. Tucker of Lexington was elected president of the association for the coming year. Most of the day was spent in discus sing the intelligence and educational tests which are to be given through out the schools of Morrow county. Mr. Hedrick conducted a number of the tests with the teacher, and Mrs. Dix gave a demonstration with the second grade, so that the teachers might understand how to use them to the best advantage. The meeting ad journed at 3:30 after adopting the following resolutions : We,' the teachers of Morrow coun ty, in special institute assembled at Hoppner, October 26, 1923, do here by resolve, First, that the present meeting of the teachers of Morrow county called by our superintendent was well-timed and judicious; sec ond, that we thoroughly concur in the plan as outlined by our county superintendent for additional local institutes; third, that we heartily en dorse the use of intelligence tents In the schools of Morrow county and recommend the teachers of the coun ty to give them a thorough and com plete trial; fourth, wheread the O a. T. A. has proved of eisUmable value both to the schools and to th teachers of this mate, therefore earnestly urge 0o , r ri-t l nuppoit by all the teachers of Morrow coun ty. I)" it further resolved that w- i tend, a vole of thunkii to U.e Co'jnty Superintend'-M for tor uijtjrirn? of forts on Ix-half of the I'ac'.ejs arid schools of tins couii' ; the tu- Iok1 boards of the oriiy for aiiowlhtc the attendant' of ten'-hi-ris and -p-daily to the hchool boiifd if H'-pp-oer for the use of tilt? B' ii'X1 build ing; to the teachers of II, e H'-ppii'-r schools for their toutt'sy i vlaltlnn teachers; to the Inatrij'.-tors for the able manner In which tln-y have pre sented the subJ'K-ta of this Inntltut", and to Mrs. M'-milldlti" and Mm Frank Turner for their sliit;uice with the music. In conclusion bo it rwxvlved that i copy of thesn resolutions be sent for publication to Vtl' local puporn of the county. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm SB m Friday, Nov. 2 CARLYLE BLACKWELL and EVELYN GREELEY in "Bulldog Drummond " A strong mystery story, the kind that will keep you on the edge of the seat. Also fifth episode of "Haunted Valley" and the Pathe News Weekly. Saturday, Nov. 3 JACKIE COOGAN in "Oliver Twist" based on the Charles Dickens book of the same name. Jackie Coogan and Lon Chaney make a picture here that, should please everybody. Also "Wild Geese," of the "Field and Stream, Rod and Gun" series. Sunday and Monday, Nov. 4 and 5 WALLACE BEERY and ESTELLE TAYLOR in "Bavu" Deals with the treatment accorded the aristocrats of Russia by the Bolshevikl immediately after the revolution. Ex cellent entertainment. Also comedy. Next Week: Gladys Leslie and Master Joseph Depew in "Timothy's Quest," from the story by Kate Douglas Wiggln, and Baby Peggy in "Taking Orders" Colleen Moore and Antonio Moreno in "Look Your Best," and "Our Gang," Cullen Landis and Eva Novak in "Dollar Devils" "Strongheart," the famous dog, in "Brawn of the North" Fritzie Ridgeway and Rockliffe Fellows in "Trifling With Honor" lIBlBllllllSlIIIIIIIIIflRlllllllllllllllhH flBBfliNfflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflMklsiai 7 Tum-a-Lum Coal Quartette Sings j THfRfLl BE A HOT TMIr TONIGHT-WITH OUR COAL Building or remodeling our free architectural service can save you money. TheSmaller Sizes of Coal are CHEAPER and for many uses BETTER Come in and we will tell you why and also why you will .ue good judgment in get ting your supply now . There's a reason. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Yards at Heppner anil ,'lngton. Phone Main 91J You Can See What You are Buying when you fill your tank from a Dayton Visible Gasoline Pump I have just installed one at my Repair Shop. Let me fill your tank next time. M. R. FELL Chase Street (Signed) J. J. 3TUUGILL, E. A. DHOWS, 1. A. MATHER. J. A. Kelly and F. A. Mr.Mensmln were Portland attorneys doing bind ness here during the week. P. P. Hassler of th. lone Inde pendent, was a visitor here ymter Jay and as usual boosting for his home town. Prices Have Dropped Wc are now offering new stock at lower prices MILL RUN BRAN.) MIDDLINGS CALF MEAL KERR'S MILK MAKER and MILK RATION ALL KINDS OF POULTRY SUPPLIES Seed Rye for Sale Brown h. Lowry HEPPNER, OREGON Phone 642 5; mm mm BI BB BB IB BB lat . BS BI Bl BB BB BB BB KM BB BB BB BB B a B