THE HEPPNER HERALD, HEPPNER, OREGON Tuesday, October 23, 1923 PAGE SIX m-h-m-mhh-h-h-h-h- pi 2 LOCAL NEWS I 'I I ! I I I ' "2 J. G. Happold, of Wasco, is a vis itor in Heppner today. V. It. Rohin.son, lone attorney, was a visitor in llepp"V Monday. Ed ly-ill was in from Butter creek Monday on a short business trip. Dave Hynd, of Roue Lawn ranch, Hand Hollow, is a business visitor in town today. i''OH HKNT lurni.slied rooms witli j,.-ut and bath. i''or particulars up jdy at this oil ice. 2G-tf LOST Shropshire buck from my ranch above Ih ppiier. .Reward. V. Wilkinson. 2G-27-pd LOST gold miKget scarf pin, a present from a. friend now dead. $5 reward. I.eoa W. Brings. It-pd O. P. Kinehart, of Condon, was a ;;nest at Hotel Heppner Monday night. Mrs. T. J. Matlock was in town Friday from her Hinton creek ranch looking after business matters. Ed Bennett, chief clerk in the Prophet store, returned yesterday from a two-week deer hunt bringing back what was left of one buck. John Kiebs was up from Cecil Monday feeling good because the last ending of Minor & Krebs hay is fi nally all in the stack and the grass is growing like mad. livery football fan should buy a ticket lor Saturday's game at Gentry Vield when the lone team will try out ileppner. Hack your home team boys and Let 'er Buck. Mr .and Mrs. T. P. Twoblg have returned to theiir home in Golden laie artcr spending the past week with the latter's sister, Mrs. M. L. Curraij and family. Sunday brought another big rain to Morrow county and Monday dawn ed bright and clear and almost as warm an summer time. Surely it is great grass and wheat weather. The spocial term of clrculit court which was expected to convene here Monday was 8(tt forward to Thursday by Judgo Phelps who found it Im possible to be hero on the earlier date. Archbishop Goldie will be In Hepp ner next Sunday and will conduct morning and evening service at the Episcopal church. A cordial Invita tion is extended to the public to at tend ttiese services. County Judge Campbell and Com missioner Davidson, went to Salem Sunday to interview Governor1 Pierce on the Morrow county tax commis sion matter in an effort to get the tangle straightened out. Recent marriage licenses issued at the county clerk's office are: Wil liam II. Norcross, 2!!, and Miss Hazel Whllf, I II, both of Iriigon, and Hu.nel L. Anderson, 27, and Kthel Have Hand, 21), both of Ileppner. V. W. Sinead, Dr. A. D. McMurdo and Don Case loft this morning for the mountains to clean up what horned deer fornyr hunters have ovi i looked, declaring it their inten tion to stay out till they get meat. 10. Vaugluiu, former well known lliYimer resident who has been In Cal l orn la and Texas for two or three years, lias returned to eastern Ore gon and writes the Herald to have bis copy M''t to him at Willows. Mr. Vaughn H says ho will be in Ileppner soon to say hello to his old friends. Messrs. Sclbor & Shuraewakl, tail ors of Portland, who recently bought the G. Kraur.en shop here, have been renovating and paintlingl the place with good effect. They will be open for luminous today. The firm is known as the Ileppner Tailoring com pany. I r. T. G. Kenney, 1) V. S., ar lived here Monday evening from v., ill! n.iUnta mid has arranged to ep ly Mr. and Mrs. George Horseman, of Portland, came in Friday for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Horseman w(ere former residents of this coun ty. On a farm in south Georgia is posted this sign: "Trespasser's will be persekuted to the full extent of 2 mean mongrall dorgs which ain't never be.en ovarly soshibil with strangers & 1 dubbel barlet shotgun which ain't loaded with no sofy fil lers. Dam. if I ain't tired of this hel raisin' on my proputy." James Kyle, prominent citizen of Stanl'ield and one of the foremost ir rigationists in the state, is spending some time in Heppner superintending the shipment of fertilizer from sheep sheds and corrals to a fertilizer factory at Portland. His trucks are now hauling from the Kilkenny sheds on Hinton creek and is shipping the product in carload lots. John Caimus and famiily left Fri day morning for Klamath Falls whre ttiey expect to locate if con 'i tloes a;-( to their liking. Mr. Caimus has closed his blacksmith shop here and expects to engage in some other line of business on account of poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Caimus have made many warm friends during their residenco in Heppner, the best wishes of all of whom will go with them to their new home. C, L. Sweek and Harry Duncan re turned Sunday from Canyon City whore Mr. Sweek was called on legal business. While in Canyon the gen tlemen saw a party of hunters return from the mountains bringing with them four fine, big bucks, one of which was an eight-pointer. The John Day highway from Condon to Canyon is a fine road, Mr. Sweek says and in good shape for travel. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Calkins, of Spo kane, registered at Hotel Heppner Friday evening and made a short business and social visit here. F. A. McMenamin, former Hepp ner resident now practicing law at Portland, came out Sunday evening to be present at the special term of circuit court Monday, not knowing that the term had befm postponed un til Thursday. He will return for Thursday's session. Oscar Otto has placed on exhibi tion at Heppner a watermelon-pumpkin. It weighs 29 pounds and is a cross of first season seed this year. Watermelons and pumpkins were planted nearby and developed the cross. Streaks of the melon show all over the outside like a person after smallpox. He expects to butch er it later on and save the seed to find what it will produce next sea son. Boijrdman Mirror. Walter Beckett, well known Eight mile farmer was in town Monday. Mr. Beckett says they are having rather too much rain in his section as it is interfering with seeding work. He is about half through put ting in his crop and is running a wceder ahead of the drill to kill the weeds which are plentiful. Don Case, who has been living in Seattle for more than a year where he has a good position with the Northwestern Electrical Appliance Co., came in Saturday evening for a couple of weeks' visit with his moth er, Mrs. May Case. Don says he likes the Sound city line and feels that he is doing well for himself. His sister, Miss Velma is attending a business college in Seattle and she also is well pleased with h,er surroundings. Don will enjoy a deer hunt in the moun tains during his vacation. COXTRIBCTIOXS TO JAPANESE RELIEF Fl'XD Mrs. Emmett Cochran, chairman of the Japanese Relief committee, re ports the following recent additions to the fund: Cecil basket social and dance..?90.00 Mrs. Ada Ayers 2.00 Jeff Jones & Sons 1 sack wheat Mrs. Cochran urges that we make our roll call record still better. oooooooooooo o o o niSIXESS LOCALS o o o 0 0000000000(0 ATTENTION, LADIES! I have just received a big line of Ladies' Garments at prices that will appeal to careful buyers. Dresses $10.00 to $45.00. Coats 27.50 $to $65.00. Also a splendid line of Skirts and Sweat ers at very reasonable prices. MRS. L. G. HERREN. 23-24. HOME AT A BARGAIN We offer the former Gay Ander son home at real bargain. Phone Mr. or Mrs. Gay Andersan for particu lars, immediately. C. C. CalkinB, 301 W. Boone, Spokane, Wn. 22-24 VETERINARY DR. T. G. KEX.NKY, D. V. S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College Now Permanently Located in Heppner TREATS ALL ANIMAL DISEASES Office at Red Front Livery Barn Phone Main 332 HORSES For draft or saddle horses see Dave Pressley in town or at the T. J. Matlock ranch. Prices are right. 24-tf. LINCOLN RAMS FOR SALE T. E. Hendrick, Boardman, Oregon. 23-25-pd. NOTICE Any girl in trouble may communi cate with Ensign Lee of the Salva tion Army, at the White Shield Home, 565 Mayfield avenue, Port land, Oregon. 21-tf. FOR RENT 2 ground-floor rooms, steam-heated, suitable for store or of fice. Hotel Heppner building. 24-tf REWARD Lost, during Heppner Rodeo 4-year-old iron grey gelding branded-L C on shoulder; bay geld ing about 5 years old branded 0 2 on shoulder. Liberal reward for in formation or return of horses. G. B. Swaggart, Heppner, Ore. 25-lt TO MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS I want to take this method of thanking one and all for the splendid patronage accorded me while con ducting the Hotel Heppner dining room. K. Tani. THE UNIVERSAL CAR NEW RICE S Effective Tuesday, October 2 n an office and locate permanent i, II..1IOIUII- Dr. Kenney is a graduate or Ontario Veterinary col-: lege and treats all diseases of do- j liu- lc animals. j Fred Under, Grant county cattle-; man, who has been spending a few iluvs In town, ci poets to resume ship ments of beet cattle to Portland In about two weeks. Mr. Under says ho never saw hotter feed or finer weather t this season and the cat tle are doing well. John McNituuw came over from Uourdmau where he runs a band of sheep. Mr. Mo.Nameo says tt railne.l nemo on the project Sunday but not enough to Intorfera with pheasant ..Mooting which waa good. Ev,ery man r boy who could muster a gun was In the field and the bags were good. The shiH'p show of the Pacific In ternational Lire Stock Exposition has always bn so good that It is hard to improve on, It. U promises to be as good as they make them this year. A new breed 1 .dded-Suffolk. Tho ungora and milk t5t division will be larger than usual. Chassis Roadster . , Touring Car $295 (Demountable Rims $20 Extra) (Starter $65 Extra) Truck Chassis . . . . Coupe With Starter and Demountable Rim Four-door Sedan . $230 $265 $370 $525 With Starter and Demountable Rims Fordson Tractor . . f. o. b. Detroit $685 $420 these car prices are lowest in history of the company and apply to the latest improved models. NEW MODELS Now heing displayed in our Sales Rooms. Place your order now and avoid delay in delivery. Orders received Jiled and deliveries made in rotation. show Starts at 7.-30 p.m. kV 11 am 1 1 1 kb i Star 1 heatre 0 KB a mb Hfl BB B9 fl BB BB mm a a BB BB BB BB KB B BM BB BB BB BB m KB BB BB KB BB BB BB fl BB SB Sfl Ffl BB EB TB SB 2fl EB KB KB ffl SB (fl KB IB KB mm Wednesday, Oct. 24 ALICE BRADY in "Missing Millions" Baby Peggy in "SWEETIE" Thursday, Oct. 25 AGNES AYERS in "A Daughter of Luxury" jj Snub Pollard in "California or Bust" Friday, Oct. 26 JACK HOLT in "Making a Man" Ruth Roland in "HAUNTED VALLEY,' 4th episode Pathe News Weekly Saturday, Oct. 27 CONSTANCE TALMADGE in "East Is West" THE MIRROR, reflecting the past and present. a Sunday and Monday, Oct. 28 and 29 REGINALD DENNY in "The Abysmal Brute" Comedy "SKELETONS" Next Week: Harry Carey in "CRASHING THROUGH, WHEN LAW CAME TO HADES" (A small Western town) Carlyle Blackwell in "BULLDOG DRUM MOND" Jackie Coogan in "OLIVER TWIST" Special cast in "BAVU" fifl fl fl fl Tfl BflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflBBflflflflflflflflBBBBB Latourell Auto Company siTum-a-Lum Coal Quartette Sings THfRE LI BE A HOT TMF TOWGHT-WTH OUR COAL TheS mailer Sizes of Coal are CHEAPER and for many uses BETTER Come in and we will tell you why and also why you will Building or remodeling our free ,ue good Judgment in get architectural service can save you 1 ting your supply now money. . There's a reason. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Yards at Heppner and Lexington. Phone Main 912 You Can See What You are Buying when you fill your tank from a Dayton Visible Gasoline Pump I have just installed one at my Repair Shop. Let me fill your tank next time. M. R. PELL Chase Street j Prices Have Dropped j a We are now offering new stock at lower prices MILL RUN BRAND MIDDLINGS CALF MEAL KERR'S MILK MAKER and MILK RATION ALL KINDS OF POULTRY SUPPLIES Seed Rye for Sale Brown & Lowry HEPPNER, OREGON Phone 642 fl BB BB B BB W 9 BI Bl A; BB BB Bfl fl fl BB fl Bfl mm mm